Would like to see the 2023 House Republicans reconvene the January 6th hearings and put into the record all the evidence that was purposely left out by the unselect committee.
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Would like to see the 2023 House Republicans reconvene the January 6th hearings and put into the record all the evidence that was purposely left out by the unselect committee.
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Quoting Forbes magazine...Thompson allowed two of her (Kari Lake) claims to stand: that officials did not follow the proper chain of custody requirements for hundreds of thousands of ballots in Maricopa County and that officials intentionally caused ballot printers to malfunction in order to skew the election results. end Forbes article quote.
The "intentionally caused ballot printers to malfunction in order to skew election results" ruling is somewhat perplexing. The fact that Secretary of State Katie Hobbs had jurisdiction over Katie Hobbs the Gubernatorial candidate seems to have been ignored by the Judge. Why does it matter if the mistakes were "intentional" or not?
It seems to DailyPUMA that it is quite possible to make an intentional error look like an accident, and therefore proving the errors were intentional seems like too high of a bar to have created.
There were misprinted ballots that wreaked havoc and ballot vote delays that apparently would have affected Kari Lake voters moreso than Katie Hobbs voters due to the location where the ballot counting mishap locations were occurring.
Did anyone take responsibility for the misprinted ballot errors?
As for not following the proper chain of custody regarding the ballots, how can such a claim be proven when no one has impartial standing to ensure that chain of custody is not broken?
But getting back to the ballots that were printed in the wrong size causing the ballot machines to reject them, this is such a big deal I can't fathom the judge eventually ruling the discrepancy did not influence a contest that was won by only a .67% margin, especially when one of the Gubernatorial candidates was actually in charge of the ballot and could personally benefit from such a mishap.
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I have the pleasure of viewing One America News Network, Real America's Voice, and NewsMax II on free TV. I cringe whenever I see the male pundits on OANN and Real America's Voice both chortling about Abortion and that a woman does not have a right to choose her destiny.
When the Supreme Court Trump helped select struck down Roe B. Wade Trump was concerned he would be "blamed" by a coalition of "woke" voters who normally don't vote or are willing to look at the bigger picture before voting, or even deciding to vote.
Trump's future resurgence in popularity will happen when Order 42 is finally ended by an insane Biden administration that just has to go oppo on everything Trump stood for. However, Texas seems to be the burr in Trump's butt that continues to plague Trump's resurgence.
First, it was Texas's Abortion bounty law in 2021 which kicked into high gear in 2022 as Roe B. Wade was being dismantled and given back to the States. While OANN and RAV attempted to convince their base that Texas's bounty law and the brief Abortion time span other States were coming up with were topics that should be avoided, they were NOT being avoided in the real world. Trump was blamed for the Red Puddle wave when it was actually Texas and other ultra Conservative states coming up with Abortion restrictions that would have outraged all Men, if Men could get pregnant.
"Don't even bring up abortion when you talk to others", became the rallying cry at both OANN and Real America News Network. "Bring up gas prices, the economy, inflation, higher and higher taxes, higher and higher interest rates, all the money being sent to Ukraine, just don't bring up the issue of abortion."
I warned about Abortion being the deathknell of the alleged Republican Red Wave on several LinkedIn comments I made throughout the summer, unfortunately Technofascist LinkedIn censors have canceled my 13 year LinkedIn membership without even letting me give my side of the story, but that is an article for another day.
Texas's second burr in Trump's butt is Order 42. Instead of Texas letting Order 42 lapse, which would have instantly given Trump the Political center stage again, Texas stepped in and filed a lawsuit that has extended Order 42. As long as Order 42 is enforced, Trump doesn't get credit for the millions who have NOT entered the U.S. even as the deceitful Biden Administration and mainstream media angles all sorts of ways they can blame Trump for the Undocumented Border problem.
Meanwhile, the pundits at OANN and RAV have doubled down on the issue of Abortion restrictions and not funding Ukraine. OANN and RAV continue to be the debt that keeps on taking from Trump's political future. Wow.
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Lost among all the controversy over 2020 ballot counting was the Post Office refusing to honor their subpoena's to appear in court regarding strange goings on related to ballot deliveries made by the Post Office. There was the apartment address that did not exist where dozens of ballots were dropped off. There was someone driving around with dozens of ballots that didn't belong to them. Discarded ballots, duplicate ballots, and so on.
All of these scenarios appear related to the delivery of ballots by the Post Office. 99% of all Postal Employees can be as honest as anyone on the planet, it only takes a few Union Loyalists who hated Trump (and they had their reasons based on Post Office Budget cuts) and unwitting Postal carriers being given blank ballots falsely obtained to deliver, to harvested ballots delivered by unsuspecting postal carriers to voting centers with no knowledge they were delivering ballots not signed by the voter the ballot was addressed to.
One thing I never saw over the mainstream media gaslighting hyperbole regarding possible ballot fraud was actually showing a ballot from when it was received at a voting center all the way through the final step. I did read about people in cubicles who would batch upload the paper ballots tallies to a central voting location, and that the batch uploaders had some type of mysterious power to "determine" if a ballot had been properly filled out. There were allegations that a ballot batch uploader, who worked alone in their own cubicle, could "correct" voting errors.
During a 60 minutes interview immediately after the 2020 elections, the head of the 2020 Voting Security, Christopher Krebbs, admitted there were some voting discrepanices on the day of the election but that they did not involve outside forces from other countries manipulating the vote totals. Ok, so instead of China, Russia, Germany, or Venezuela affecting the vote, Mr. Krebbs appeared to be admitting the cubicle people could have sway over vote totals.
How much time did the mainstream media devote to investigating either the Post Office's role in how ballots were delivered or how much influence the cubicle people had when tallying vote totals? How about ZERO.
Vote tampering stories seemed to always focus on the number of paper ballots being input equaling the number of paper ballots that were submitted with little research regarding all the steps that occur before the ballot actually being tabulated.
The news stories always focus on legitimate paper ballot tallies. The conversion process of provisional ballots to legitimate paper ballots is never discussed.
There are claims that some precincts had more votes than voters, an issue that also was never really addressed.
And then there are the ballots that arrive days after the actual day of voting that are not being inspected. Trailing Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Karen Bass received 160,000 votes AFTER polls had closed while Rick Caruso received only 98,000 mail in ballots, catapulting Bass to a come from behind vote to determine the two Mayoral Candidates.
The problem with not scrutinizing where the Postal Delivered Ballots are coming from is all other vote tallies have already been counted and made public so it is KNOWN how much a candidate is trailing by BEFORE mail in ballots stream in for several days after the election.
I asked the County Registrar how many mail in ballots came in on a day by day basis after the Los Angeles Primary Mayoral Race had ended, and they had now answer because they were not tabulating daily mail in ballots received after the voting polls had officially closed.
Are we to believe that it is impossible to back date a mail in ballot? Did the Mainstream News Media ever cover the possibility of back dating mail in ballots?
Is it really so impossible to simply add a couple of boxes worth of additional ballots to a vehicle that is delivering the votes to a voting center after the final voting day to ensure the right candidate wins, and to do this day after day since mail in ballots can arrive up to a week after the last day to vote has occurred?
Why do ballots trickle in up to a week after the postmark date? Seems that with just a bit of effort one truck could be assigned to each city to pick up all ballots from the ballot boxes and bring them straight in to the voting centers.
As for those who use the actual post office to mail their ballots, why not do a straight delivery to the Voting center, why does it take up to a week for ballots to arrive at the voting center?
In Los Angeles, we may see Rick Caruso with a 75,000 vote lead at the end of election day that magically gets cut into as mail in ballots stream in for up to a week after the polls close until suddenly Karen Bass wins the Mayoral election by 10,000 votes.
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As a former life long Democrat, Democrat Politicians of today are remarkably different from the Democrat Politicians of the 1990's. Move on dot org helped destroy the Democrat Moderate base and in turn forced Hillary Clinton so far left she is a shell of who she was in her prime.
The reaction to Musk taking over Twitter is hilarious. He's barely owned it for less than a week and the amount of crying among Democrats just proves how brainwashed Dem loyalists have become.
The inability to even look at conservative news sites without pretending they are kryptonite is palpable. I could list several dozen moments during Trump's presidency where the mainstream media completely misrepresented and even would switch around Trump's words to create the polar opposite meaning.
News Media loyalty is the quickest way to rot one's brain. It took the repeated EMTALA violations that led to my Mother's premature demise at West Hills ER Hospital and the absolute complete indifference from the Democrat Political stranglehold for me to wake up.
I feel sorry you don't know the truth. $777.00 a day to house one Undocumented child. Over $600,000 to medically care for a premature birth to one Undocumented couple. Meanwhile our government can't even come with a Kinship Fostering program that might pay grandma or grandad 20 bucks a day to help Single Mom or over worked parents to watch their kids when they can't be home.
With each passing year government programs dilute their resources for Americans so they can accommodate the Undocumented and the drug addicts being given one way tickets to California, who are then being fed their drugs through mules hidden among the 2.5 million Undocumented coming into our country every year under Biden.
Then when Americans say America first, they are called fascists by media brainwashed Democrat followers.
Instead of spending $600,000 per apartment to house a homeless person in California, our State could buy a home for $100,000 in another State and give it to a homeless person to live in with incentives towards eventually owning the home.
I can tell who is a Democrat so easily, Democrat voters have an excellent health insurance policy and a well funded retirement pension.
Voting Democrat in 2022 is the most selfish thing one can do. My mother's death spiral image with embedded words at West Hills Hospital ER is provided below.
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Perhaps the best article you will ever read about Parenting, and it is short!
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The battle wages on regarding whether or not a cake maker can be forced to make a wedding cake depicting a gay couple. In this latest round, the cake maker won the right to deny service to a gay couple.
History seems to have forgotten the rapidly growing popularity of civil unions before gay marriages became legal. The irony of groups of people who did not want to be scorned or denied their right to be legally recognized as a couple because of their sexual preferences also demanding to be just like those they viewed as close minded and prejudiced seemed to be lost on everyone, yes, everyone, but me.
Paraphrasing..."I can't stand your rigid, judgemental, prejudiced ways....but I want to be just like you when it comes to marriage". It's such an oxymoronic position it defies logic.
Another oxymoronic position is the steadfast belief that a gay marriage is identical to a heterosexual marriage in which the couple can conceive children. The two are not the same. The reality of a fertile heterosexual marriage is the couple has to remain vigilant at all times regarding when and how many kids they plan on bringing into the world. Fertile heterosexual marriages actually have to alter their sexual practices routines. Do gay marriages ever alter their sexual practices out of fear of having an unplanned pregnancy?
So there is a distinct wedge between what a fertile heterosexual and a gay marriage is. The gay movement's demand that they be allowed to have the exact same term applied to their unions was from my point of view, embarrassing and sad.
What might have happened if the gay movement had stayed the course and popularized civil unions while also fighting for the right to have all the same government related benefits that a conventional marriage is given?
I think a civil union alliance comprised of non-fertile heterosexual couples, couples with different religious beliefs, civil rights advocates, progressive minded heterosexual couples, gay couples, bi-sexual couples would have combined to create a civil union majority in which perhaps 60% to 70% of all unions would be civil unions and only 30% to 40% would prefer to have a conventional marriage.
Pioneers do not follow a path already taken, they make their own, and when it came to forging a path for civil unions to become the dominant form of recognized coupling, the ball was dropped.
On a personal level, were I to ever marry someone of a different religion, or if we could not conceive a child, I would be quite fine with having a civil union instead, as long as all the same government rights were granted.
As it stands now, the perpetual battle between gay marriages and cake makers wages on, creating perpetual hostility and anger that is all so unnecessary.
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When I wrote my previous article about the Los Angeles City Council hidden audio recordings, I decided to post it on various sites of mine on the web. Over the first couple of hours I had over 170 views and I ended up around 217 views over the first 24 hours. Usually when an article gets a higher hit count early on that tends to create a modest influx of hits over the next few weeks.
However, since that first day and the 217 views, the article about LA City Council has gotten NINE views total over the next 3 days. That is laughably low. Remember, out of the first 170 hits, I created those by posting a link on other sites of mine and they eventually created around 217 hits for the first 24 hours. In other words, Google literally provided ZERO VIEWS to my site.
Twice in the past year or two I have suddenly gotten hundreds of views for a spoof article I wrote 10 years ago about Arianna Huffington. After each visit by a few hundred visitors to the Huffington article, my daily total blog views suddenly dropped in half and stayed that way. The first time Huffington Bots arrived I was averaging around 250 to 300 views a day. Overnight my views were down to around 125.
About a year later, the Huffington bots arrived again and now I average around 80 hits a day.
Study the stat hits below for my Los Angeles City Council article, it is basically impossible to have this kind of a stat flow for an article unless the views are being blocked by some outside, or, inside Google source.
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The recent discovery and publicizing of secretly made recordings over the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting committee's prejudiced and racialized comments have created such backlash that the underbelly may never be investigated.
What we apparently have in Los Angeles is a population insurrection.
The use of population by Los Angeles City Council Politicians to demand more political power suddenly makes the drive to keep the borders porous collateral serious issue.
But the discussion will never go towards this being a Population Insurrection in which the same Politicians who demanded porous borders with Mexico are the same Politicians who verbally attacked those who wanted a Wall and portrayed those who wanted a wall as being prejudiced and racist.
The underbelly of using ethnic population numbers to demand more political power while also enforcing a porous border is worthy of an insurrection investigation.
Ironically, the drop in percentage of African Americans in the city of Los Angeles over the past few decades is related to the porous border with Mexico as most people being let in are generally considered to be of Hispanic origin.
So, when the three Politicians can be heard on tape bemoaning that they only have 33% Latino representation when Latinos make up 52% of Los Angeles, the issue of a Population insurrection takes on new meaning.
Los Angeles City Council Politicians who view their constituents as being nothing more than ethnic population numbers and percentages so they can extract more political power, while still greasing the wheels for MORE to enter California through California borders, is a far greater insurrection than what occurred on January 6th.
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This article in the Atlantic goes on and on about COVID and all the ways the U.S. is deficient when it comes to pandemic preparedness. Ironically, all the reasons the Atlantic gives can all be used to justify building Trump's Wall.
Progressive Obtuseness at its finest.
One other thing to consider, the 2017-2018 flu/pneumonia season had senior death numbers adjusted downward from 80,000 to 60,000, AFTER coroners were told in early January of 2018 to not list Senior Flu Deaths on the Senior's death certificate. Instead of death by flu or pneumonia, deaths to Seniors were to be listed as death by Natural Causes, Heart Failure, or Respiratory Failure.
The result was an instant drop in Flu deaths spanning the final 3 weeks of January 2018 and going all the way through April of 2018. Clearly, if all Senior flu / pneumonia deaths had been properly recorded for the 2017-2018 flu/pneumonia seasons, the total would most likely have been 100,000 to 125,000. Which interestingly enough is where COVID has now nestled into on a yearly basis.
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If Vladimir Putin wants to end his war in Ukraine, he should have Donald Trump broker a peace deal. If Trump can pull off a Russia / Ukraine peace accord, Putin can take satisfaction knowing he will cause massive discord in the U.S. between the Mainstream Media, the Democrat Progressives with the American People by having Trump prevent World War III.
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Kuehl was able to win no bid contracts for a friend that was supposed to assist those who were assaulted on the LA rail system, through a phone hot line service.
However, while Kuehl was creating the questionable business model of bidding just below the no bid contract threshold, Kuehl was also preventing L.A. Sheriff's division from policing the L.A. rail system.
But it's even worse than that, much much worse. Kuehl and her friends on the LA County Supervisor's board, plotted, threatened, and avowed to remove Head Sheriff Alex Villanueva without any type of public vote or initiative.
Respecting women in politics requires calling a woman out when she likely broke the law and used her political position of power to do so. Sheila Kuehl's role in finding no bid contract awards totaling approximately $800,000 for her best friend's non-profit hot line for rail system assault victims resulted in a cost per legitimate phone call that may have run into the thousands of dollars per phone call.
Shiela Kuehl believes she did nothing wrong, illegal, or to personally enrich her friend at the taxpayer's expense and safety. Kuehl allegedly participated in a scheme to...
The criminality and insider dealing appears palpable and should include the four Board of Supervisors who approved of a plan to have Mr. Villanueva removed from office without a public vote in what remarkably looks as a way to keep Kuehl's Friend's Metro Rail phone hotline gig eligible to continue to win no bid contracts.
District Attorney Gascon immediately denounced the criminal investigation as being specious. Gascon's public comments can be viewed as obstruction of an ongoing investigation that appears to place Ms. Kuehl center stage to the worst kind of cronyism that most likely endangered the public while also enriching one of Ms. Kuehl's friend.
Karen Bass, what do you say about the matter?
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Imagine Obstructing a sitting President from doing a deep dive into the possible illegal activities of his Political Rival's son as being illegal and therefore worthy of that President's Impeachment. Some might consider that an insurrection, no?
Imagine ripping up a copy of the President's State of the Union Address, in full view of cameras, many would consider that an act of sedition.
Now imagine the successful obstruction of additional evidence, that was LEGALLY OBTAINED weeks before the 2020 Election, helps bring about the defeat of the standing President, some might consider that a second insurrection, no?
Now imagine the former President being deeper dived than the person he was accused of digging for dirt, by that same person? Seems like a third cause of action for an insurrection against those who obstructed Donald Trump over the past several years.
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When Legislation gets passed that basically says you will consume what we want you to consume, it is imperative that the Government not be engaging in the game of attrition called Jenga.
What is ultimately cruel about the game of Jenga is there is a physical limitation as to how many sections of a pieced together standing structure that can be removed before the entire structure, collapses.
Jenga, meet Gavin Newsom, Gavin Newsom, meet Jenga.
Before ANY EV edicts can be legislated, comparative analysis needs to be done in which the use of rare earth resources are quantitatively compared between different types of uses.
For instance, if the identical amount of lithium and other rare earth resources required for each 50,000 dollar EV car could also be used to create 500,000 dollars worth of I-watches, or 1 million dollar's worth of HD televisions, or 10 million dollars worth of memory cards, then it suddenly becomes both misguided and possibly illegal to demand that EV's suddenly become a mandated top priority.
So, where is the rare earth equivalency list that Mr. Newsom apparently forgot to consult when coming up with his EV mandate. And, where is the gasoline mandate that cars using gasoline become less of an alleged climate change issue when a new gas consuming car gets at least a certain amount of miles per gallon?
So many questions, too little mind.
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A home that used to sell for 1 million dollars may soon sell for $800,000.
The Fed using existing and plentiful Homeowner Equity to back new mortgages while giving these Equity Rich homeowners some residual income every month is a win for all homeowners.
Instead of rewarding Homeowners with significant home equity, the FED just stole 8 trillion dollars of Homeowner Equity that had accrued over the past few years, equity that could have been used to both back new mortgages and provide homeowners who have ample equity a way to create a modest amount of annual residual income.
It appears The FED has narcissism issues in which they refuse to consider Equity Rich Homeowners and their trillions in equity as a way to both back new mortgages and as an economy stabilizing option.
Further injurious to existing Homeowners, Home Sellers, and Home Buyers. The lower home prices, while not benefiting Homeowners, Home Sellers, or Home Buyers will benefit both the FED and Hedge Funds that do not require FED money to buy a home and have been set up to purchase homes and convert them into rentals.
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My LinkedIn account has been doxxed. Turns out I was "warned" back in May of 2022 about content related to 2000 Mules that I had posted, and to not do it again. If only I had been warned! Linkedin's finest had first removed my content, then warned me. So when I went to see what LinkedIn had removed, it was no longer visible.
I opened up a complaint with LinkedIn. My request was, "Can I see, see what you deemed offensive so I don't post something like it again". I went back and forth a few times with a LinkedIn representative who danced around the issue of my being able to see what had already been removed. Instead, the LinkedIn representative justified the blatant mistake the technology side of LinkedIn had made by claiming the content was so dangerous it could not exist in any form. But what was "it" that had been removed? I had no idea, and apparently neither did the rep since they were unable to show or tell me what LinkedIn had removed.
Fast forward 3
months and suddenly my account has been "restricted". After a four day
wait a customer service rep contacted me and presented three items
related to 2000 Mules from 75 to 90 days earlier and that I must promise
to never post fake news again before I would be reinstated.
I replied to Linkedin's claim about my prior 3 violations that I had no idea about my prior violations and that it was unfair to suddenly say I had three violations when I never got the prior ones. And here is where Techno Fascism again rears its bass ackwards bullying. Having first wiped clean my first two violations in such a manner that I could never see them, LinkedIn deemed those first two violations my warnings, warnings with no way to view what the content was that had been removed!
So when LinkedIn Techno Fascist software found a third violation, I was deemed me to be non compliant and I would have to admit to violating their agreement terms and that I would not do it again. Of course, I cannot do that. I cannot agree to self libel and self slander my own reputation when I was never given an opportunity to see the first or second posts they did not approve of.
Imagine a stop sign has been knocked down in your local community and is no longer visible in any way shape or form, but a camera continues to monitor who does not stop. Would it be fair to assess several dozen did not stop tickets all at once when there was no sign present? Of course not. The person would need to be warned that although there is no stop sign, one must stop anyways. And that is all I ever asked for. Let me see what it is you deem a violation or I may end up doing it again and again because I have no idea what it was that was deemed a violation.
For the naysayers who are thinking, you must have known and are playing coy, I can 100% say I absolutely did not know which post of mine had been removed for a variety of reasons. I post numerous things every day, and the original warnings did not state a time or date stamp, but even if they had, I still would not know what post I had made without actually seeing it.
LinkedIn also has a method where one can see what post might have been reported as objectionable, and a member can ask for a second opinion. But in these specific instances there was no way to view the posts because they had been permanently removed prior to my getting a warning, and therefore having no way to review the removed content.
Fortunately for me, I managed to stumble across my May 2022 LinkedIn complaint where I made it abundantly clear that I would like to learn what content I had posted that was considered a violation. I have now submitted that trouble ticket and am hopeful that the representative handling my case will see that I made a very legitimate effort to see what it was I had posted that was deemed a violation so I could learn and not do it again.
But, because this is techno fascism, the next issue I may be up against is the customer service representative not having the option to remove my second and third violations until I admit I did wrong, when I obviously had no idea since I was not allowed to see either my first or second violation.
The timing of this doxxing by LinkedIn may have had unfortunate consequences for me as I was working on multiple projects at the same time. And yet, I refuse to bow down to techno fascism, and you should to. Don't just assume you have no rights, make sure you always file a complaint when something happens that makes no sense, and hopefully a real live human will have the authority to over ride the latest brand of techno fascism that reminds me a lot of how truly authoritarian Governments around the world control their people.
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As of Sunday, August 14, 2022, Morning time, Ann Heche's heart is still beating. However, the mainstream media's complete abeyance to the Medical Industry's narrative that Ann Heche is dead, is appalling.
The actual admittance that Ms. Heche is only being kept on life support to see if harvesting her organs is possible should be sending the alarm to Conservatives everywhere that all life is sacred, even a lesbian's life. But based on recent events, the life of a lesbian, be it Ann Heche or Brittney Griner, is not sacred to the vast majority of conservatives.
I oscillate between my frustration with holier than thou conservatives and the brain dead viewpoint of our completely complicit media that will accept Ann Heche is dead even though her heart is beating, and find both despicable.
The fact that a West Hills, CA Hospital facility is involved in Ann Heche rather sudden demise should be sending alarm bells out far and wide. After witnessing my Mother's brutal treatment at the West Hills, ER back in 2018,
I have kept my eye on that location and without having any contacts embedded there, and even with HIPAA being a huge roadblock for doing research, I can still cobble together a few disturbing incidences that should have had reporters looking for clues to ensure Ms. Heche is getting fair and ethical treatment.
A few months ago I was contacted by a person who could not understand why she had been yelled at by Medical personnel at West Hills ER while her husband lay dying in his ER bed, UNTREATED for SEVEN HOURS, until he did die!
What I learned from my Mother's death DIRECTLY RELATED to her medical mistreatment at West Hills Hospital ER, in front of my eyes as her full time live-in Caregiver, was the sleaziest way imaginable to get around EMTALA rules while increasing profits.
More recently, Kourtney Kardashian's husband, Travis Barker was apparently RUSHED AWAY FROM WEST Hills to Cedar Sinai to receive the proper care, WITHIN HOURS!
Under staffing an ER causes scenarios to emerge in which if the initial
medical readings are made to look better than they actually are,
this then means the patient has to wait their turn, no matter how long that wait would
be, before seeing if their baseline readings were stable or had gotten
worse or better. That long wait time can cause patients to either give
up and leave, be transferred, or die. But since the last recorded medical levels
were not dire, the ER has no liability! So the ER profits by
under staffing and then by not doing follow up in a timely manner! This also allows the ER to hunt for out of network patients while their in network patients sit and wait!
Now, Ann Heche, within days of being in the care of a West Hills, Facility, not only allegedly has the worst outcome possible, but there seems to be no desire or will to give Heche's body a chance to fully recover from the various trauma's she received before thinking of her as an organ donor candidate.
This is what I find galling, based on the Ann Heche's situation, if a medical mistake was made, it can be covered up by simply explaining what the medical mistake caused to happen, without admitting to making any kind of a medical mistake.
When Conservatism is not blind to the type of person being afflicted or who may be in need of rescue or at the very least, a second opinion, Conservatism cements itself into never being a majority viewpoint among all Americans because of their own prejudices.
When Conservatism does not fight for Ann Heche's right to have a few weeks to see if maybe some miracle will happen, because she is a lesbian, the public should realize there is no side fighting for what is right. What both political parties fight for apparently is always based on what will directly benefit their own cause and the people they approve of.
There is another issue in play here. Should not an organ donor be allowed to state on their organ donor card how many days they wish to be kept alive to see if they are showing signs of recovery BEFORE their organs are harvested?
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The thing about guns...
I ever wanted to try, do, accomplish, learn, achieve, or master, first
required I start at the bottom. Be it my first watermelon planting
consisting of dropping an entire packet of watermelon seeds into one
large outdoor planter and then later on learning why that was not a good idea, to my first bicycle that I rode with only the the left handle bar intact, thus giving me less of a chance to stop before crashing into brick garage wall, my first job; selling
custom imprinted Christmas Cards door to door at a way too young age, my
first...and only, tennis racquet, my first car, a red white and blue baseball glove that Dad bought for me as a surprise but probably was not the best choice for a glove, In every instance I was
using either a hand me down or a very crappy version of the real
thing. EVERY...TIME.
So why when it comes to guns suddenly it is any
gun at age 18? Everyone one of those who says, "It's criminals
that use guns illicitly, not me", why compare oneself to a criminal,
that's a pretty low bar comparison in my opinion.
The path to responsible gun ownership can include not allowing anyone out there to buy a gun at age 18.
as any veteran of war who slogged through mud and rain in a foreign
land, lost a body part, came back to the U.S. with PTSD that may never
go away, hearing loss and loss of health; most likely did not go to all
that trouble so someone new to the gun game could buy a gun relatively
easily and effortlessly and kill others who were unarmed, not up close, hot eye to eye, but
by using a scope, soft pull, once per second firing privilege.
one's hat on, "When guns are taken away from citizens is the first step
to Government aggression towards its citizens", is ABSOLUTELY a valid
argument to make. The over two dozen mass murders of people by the tens
of thousands to well over a million around the world by their own
government or a coup government proves that. But that is a far cry from
the first time user of a gun who has been given approval to buy or
purchase ANY gun.
First time purchasers of a gun should be limited to
something that can't be used from a far distance with a scope, nor can
rapid fire kill people they never knew or ever looked in the eye. Even
the amount of ammo should be limited on a first time purchase.
I also question why someone who owns very little property of value is entitled to a gun at a young age. I also question why it is legal to take guns off of one's property.
So what is the underbelly to today's escalating use of fire arms to kill people they never met, or to mete out revenge against a specific place they had a bad experience with? I think Artificial Intelligence the developing of stronger and stronger drugs, having no complete Border Wall, social media, and a corrupt mainstream media are five significant issues driving more and more public gun use.
I will update this specific post in the near future to explain why Artificial Intelligence, stronger drugs, and no complete Border wall, social media, and a corrupt mainstream media are working hand in hand to escalate drug violence.
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91 year old Fortunata Machi was refused service for a Wheezing Chest by the E.R. even as her Caregiver Son Alessandro Machi begged th...