Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Monday, February 28, 2022

Lew Rockwell's defense of Russian Invasion of Ukraine misses 2 key points.

Lew Rockwell's column attempt's to explain why Russia is right and the rest of the world is wrong. However, what is missing from Rockwell's analysis is Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Even if Ukraine became a NATO ally, as long as Ukraine never has nuclear weapons Russia does not have to feel "surrounded". 
Also not sure how Putin's Russia, the country with the largest amount of land and the largest exporter of Oil and Petroleum has to feel "threatened" and surrounded by NATO when Russia could kick everyone's butt economically by having a superior budget surplus, and sharing more wealth with its populace because of its booming petroleum and gas export trade.

Instead, Putin's Russia has chosen to not help its own people even with a Budget Surplus by instead waging an unnecessary war. Defending Russia's actions because Russia is AFWAID of doze dastardly Westerners is highly ridiculous when Putin is riding high with his Petroleum and Gas Exports. 

Only a coward would feel sorry for Putin when he could could be doing so much more for his own people. Putin even raised taxes during his booming Gas and Petroleum empire. Putin is an Arse hat for not doing Russia better than the U.S. is doing Capitalism. 

The fact that Putin can't see his winning hand when it is already in his hands without going to war somewhat proves Dictators will always be flawed as they crush dissenting viewpoints because of an inflated sense of self importance.

Putin's Russia already has an export windfall that only an Angry Dictator would be too obtuse to see.

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