Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hillary Clinton is asked if she will run again for President, I'm kind of wishing it were Barack Obama being asked.

Another one of those questionable questions asked of Hillary Clinton, this time by CNN, that can only be answered one way.
"Will you run for president in 2012 or 2016"? Of course she won't run again, ever, she loves her current job. What else is she supposed to say?
The training Hillary Clinton is getting now would make her the ideal presidential candidate in the future.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Creepy, One Dollar a Share Deal proffered by the Barack Obama administration during the bailout talks.


Lets not forget how Chase Bank was able to "buy" WAMU for what turned out to be a dollar or two a share even though WAMU had huge assets at the time. The shareholders at the time of the WAMU Chase merger lost all of their stock value when the merger happened.

The WAMU Chase merger had to do with the Bush administration. It's almost as if the Barack Obama administration wanted to have their own dollar a share company the way the Bush administration did. It's as if they were thinking, "If the Bush administration can orchestrate a huge take over of a company and destroy shareholder equity overnight, we can too"...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Will you Join DailyPUMA in Boycotting Michael Moore's new movie?

I'd like anyone who reads DailyPUMA and considers themselves to be a Hillary Clinton supporter to consider boycotting Michael Moore's new movie, which I won't even name.

Just as it was a "difficult" decision for Michael Moore, (who "loved" Hillary Clinton prior to stabbing her in the proverbial back) to denounce Hillary Clinton, it is also a tough decision for me to to boycott Moore's new movie.

In a future article, I WILL break down every one of Moore's reasons for "changing" from a pro Hillary Clinton stance to an anti Hillary Clinton stance in 2008, and then refute ALL of the points he used to come to his decision.

Please consider boycotting Mr. Moore's movie. If you can see it free, legally, by all means do so.

If you review and publicize Moore's new movie, you probably help him profit. If we can focus instead on how Michael Moore betrayed Hillary Clinton in 2008, and could possibly have been a tipping point at a crucial time in the 2008 democratic race, we can show that there are consequences to trying to swing a political race for what might have been ulterior motives, and most definitely was based on very flawed "logic".

If there were no ulterior motives, maybe, just maybe, Moore could have consulted with others who could have easily debunked EVERY ONE OF HIS REASONS for not only not supporting Hillary Clinton, but for actually being part of the reason Hillary Clinton did not get the nomination.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am just so fed up with the non vetting that Barack Obama, his relationship with Jamie Dimon of Chase bank, and the FAKE AND FRAUDULENT tens of millions of dollars that Barack Obama gladly accepted in his 2008 presidential run, that I feel it necessary to add on one new observation.

After the ACORN videos depicting a pimp running for congress and his prostitute wife and their brood of underage salvadorian prostitutes who can be used as a tax deduction made the news from coast to coast, I read that ACORN would have re-education classes, and that they would all happen very quickly in all of their offices all over the country.

Ever go into a Trader Joe's or a Costco and ask if they have any more of something? Usually the answer is, "No, we put it all out on the store floor". In other words, there is no huge stock waiting to hit the floor.

So one must ask, if ACORN is already located all over the country, can there be an EVEN BIGGER "INVENTORY" of ACORN HIGHER UPS that can now "retrain" all of their workers in such a short period of time?

So, where are all the ACORN educators coming from that the can hit each and every ACORN office within a weeks time? And my follow up question is.
If ACORN can retrain all of their workers so quickly, does it not become rather obvious that they HELPED BARACK OBAMA IN 2008 CHEAT IN THE CAUCUS CONTESTS and their mobilizing efforts WERE EASILY MANAGEABLE based on ACORN'S claim that they now will retrain ALL OF THEIR OFFICE STAFFS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY in about a weeks time!
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jon Stewart Tap Dances around his own ACORN responsibility while blaming the media and defusing ACORN'S involvement in 2008 demo caucus contests.

Many of you have seen the video below. However, what I find disturbing is what Jon Stewart said at the beginning...I've transcribed it...
Of course that's just the right wing lunatic fringe in this country "race baiting" with coded insinuations and incessant attacks, of community organizations such as ACORN...

Ever since Barack Obama emerged on the national stage the conservatives have been obsessed with the group, alleging that their thugs, are committing voter fraud, well those accusations didn't really pan out, but that won't stop their paranoia, as evidenced by this hidden camera investigation of an unlikely duo looking for tax help....

"Those investigations didn't really pan out"..... Just what does that mean Mr. Stewart? Clearly there were no "real" investigations of ACORN in 2008, as you point out in the rest of YOUR OWN video, so, why are you even babbling about last year and trying to gloss over it as if ACORN did nothing wrong in support of Barack Obama, especially in the democratic caucus contests.

You know, last year Mr. Stewart, 2008, the year you knew it was hip and cool to back Barack Obama, to spur your own ratings to record levels by supporting Barack Obama, even though you KNEW he had not been vetted!

Later in the ACORN video clip link provided below Jon Stewart further distances himself from news journalism by saying he himself is not a journalist. How convenient. Last year it was ok to be the toast of the political world with your hip political show, but now this year, you are not one of them.

Reminds me of Huffington Post's shenanigans as well. HP is panicked at what they see as bankcentric policymaking by Barack Obama, yet it was HP that helped Barack Obama defeat Hillary Clinton by constantly bashing Hillary Clinton on a DAILY BASIS while constantly praising Barack Obama.

We need the bubblehead awards, for the tv and media personalities who most easily shift positions from year to year, always trying to stay with the in and hip crowd. I know who the first two nominees would be.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

No, Barack Obama, the extent to which ACORN helped you steal the 2008 nomination from Hillary Clinton IS NOT OK.

As more and more ACORN violations and their drive to game the system at any cost come to light, when does Barack Obama consider apologizing to the american people for the dishonesty he incorporated in winning the 2008 democratic nomination?

The best thing Barack Obama could do is write the speech of a lifetime to explain his overexuberance in allowing excessive cheating and fraudulent campaign donations to steal the nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008, resign, and run as Hillary Clinton's VP in 2012.

Barack Obama is so raw in his experience that he has sold out whatever vision he may have had to scalawags like ACORN, and the me first banking community headed by Jamie Dimon of Chase Bank.

There is not much point in continuing down the path that Barack "Dorian Gray" Obama has selected for himself. As long as Barack Obama controls his own destiny, he can reshape his political future even if it means stepping down now.

The longer Barack Obama waits, the more damage will be done to this country as charges of racism will be made should he be "forced" to resign later on even though it was all his own doing.

My only fear in a Barack Obama resignation is the republicans thinking that somehow they have now earned another shot at running things. Maybe a trade could be done, Barack steps down, and 10 democratic politicians agree to resign as well so republicans can gain some footing in congress, but the last thing I want to see is republicans traipsing back into power after doing nothing to help the american people survive against the banking industry that took taxpayer bailout money and then did little to help people stay in their homes.

In many instances banks allowed their automated computerized systems the autonomy to throw people out of their homes, even when those people were making their payments or were denied a way to make their payments to catch up, and since no republicans stepped up to the plate to save these americans, they don't deserve a shot at running things their way, no matter how unethically Barack Obama ran his campaign in 2008.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Those Zany Democrats, closing GM & Chrysler Dealerships that only contributed to Republican Politicians...

(Edit update - Oct. 9, 2009). Apparently most dealerships give money to the republicans anyways, so no matter which dealerships got closed, the number of dealerships that gave to republican politicians was going to be a lot higher.

(Edit update - Nov.10, 2009)
It would be nice to know who first trotted out this smear to see if they did it trick everybody else, or if it was an honest mistake. However, should we be alarmed that dealerships in general give more money to the republicans rather than the democrats? If that is true, why are they doing that?


Just where does Barack Obama keep his FAT SUIT, the one where he stuffs all the stuff into that he said he was going to change. Click here to rat out Steve Rattner over which GM and Chrysler dealerships were CLOSED, and WHY!

My apologies to rats everywhere. Incredible find from The Burning Platform.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Friday, September 4, 2009


This is getting confusing. The Republicans are trying to gain a stronghold in the 2010 election cycle by calling Barack Obama a socialist, meanwhile the Socialist movement rips Barack Obama on many fronts and wants nothing to do with him!

However, I still think that the people that used to like Barack Obama also don't see the republicans doing anything to deserve huge gains in next years election, and these swing voters don't want socialism either.

This is getting really weird.

Here is the rather powerful one paragraph critique of Barack Obama's Jekyll and Hyde economic vision.


What is interesting about this second article is that all the actions taken, that the article condemns, were taken under the George Bush Administration. However, the article explains how it was the Wall Street Veterans that Barack Obama happily embraced that have allowed the power of the banks to grow by leaps and bounds AFTER Barack Obama became president.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Saturday, August 29, 2009



A Sea of Red in this picture foreshadows the financial consumer terrorism democrat Tim Johnson from SOUTH DAKOTA might bring if appointed head of the Senate Banking Committee. South Dakota is only one of two states that allows banks to rape their customers with unlimited interest rate charges.

What happens when you live in the Twilight Zone, and then you enter another Twilight Zone from the Twilight Zone you were already in?
You get the Senate possibly appointing a senator FROM SOUTH DAKOTA to head the BANKING COMMITTEE now that Ted Kennedy has passed! South Dakota is one of ONLY TWO STATES in the entire country that has no USURY LAWS on the books, and is specifically why credit card companies can charge WHATEVER INTEREST RATE THEY WANT!
Would Hillary Clinton have even allowed the discussion of Tim Johnson of South Dakota as the next head of the banking committee? Will Barack Obama allow this to happen? When do the "progressive democrats" say anything about this?

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

CHASE BANK SUPERVISORS REFUSE TO USE THE WORDS OPT OUT when adding notes to a customers account, Chase bank is above the Law, according to Chase Bank.

I was shocked to discover that the Chase Bank supervisor I talked to just moments ago
WOULD NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, include my request to opt out of their change in terms in the account notes that are kept with each and every account.
This is beyond fascism, beyond fraud. If Chase Bank account notes are ever subpoenaed, they will only show what the customer service rep said to me, NOT what I requested in return, because the customer service supervisor REFUSED TO MAKE THEM PART OF THE RECORD! This is beyond sleaze. The excuse Chase bank gives for not noting to my own account what I am requesting is all calls are recorded and the recording represents my side of the discussion! If recorded calls are NEVER TRANSCRIBED (and they are not), can you imagine the cost to transcribe all of those calls that come in every day!

It would be so prohibitive in cost to transcribe all of those customer service phone calls that it would simply line more law practices with wads of money trying to wade through a mountain of untranscribed but recorded phone calls.

Pretty soon, I will probably no longer associate with anyone who does anything with Chase Bank on any level, other than taking care of business they already have with them.
If I know you and you walk into a Chase Bank office and open up a new account, you are dead to me, forever.

For the record, today, about one half hour ago, I requested the right to OPT OUT of the change in terms that Chase Bank has initiated on my low interest rate, LIFE OF THE LOAN credit card agreement that was already in place.
The Chase Bank supevisor REFUSED to type into the history notes of my account the following, "Customer requests the right to OPT OUT of the Change in Terms on their account", request denied.
Chase Bank REFUSED to place that ONE SENTENCE in my own account history. Screw you Chase Bank. To deny me ONE SENTENCE to state what I was requesting, so that later on there would PROOF in the notes that I requested something, is deceptive, fraudulent, and the work of a company that is evil beyond words. In essence, Chase Bank would not even ACKNOWLEDGE MY REQUEST!


Barack Obama and Jamie Dimon, I pray those two are discovered as being in cahoots with each other in illegal activities and both go down at the same time via the FBI, sooner rather than later. Specifically, Jamie Dimon assisting ACORN last year in illegally collected credit card donations to Barack Obama's campaign, and this year, Barack Obama looking the other way as Chase Bank, breaks the bank in hostile actions towards its own customers.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Outrage Grows over Chase Bank and Jamie Dimon as Barack Obama does NOTHING.

The outrage against Chase bank just goes on and on and on.

If you know of a YouTube Video that is not on this page yet that exposes more Chase Bank Shenanigans, please contact this blog and share the youtube link.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Paul Krugman in the tank for Barack Obama? Krugman states that Bill Clinton did not oversee any economic recovery in the 90's!

I just put the question mark at the end of the headline because I don't have "proof", but when Krugman says things like... "Bill Clinton was able to run on "the economy, stupid'- well into an alleged economic recovery"....

Huh? So Bill Clinton did nothing in his two terms that helped the economy? I don't trust Mr. Krugman, it seems every piece is "Barack Obama's economic plan, good", no matter what the economic data is that is coming out.

Can an economy really recover when the job market is down AND the american people are being charged 15-25 billions dollars EVERY MONTH in interest on their credit card debt?

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I just became aware of an article from August 10, 2009,
My claim from August 13th still stands, The FBI is afraid to take down Jamie Dimon because it could mean charges being filed against either Barack Obama, or members who directly report to Barack Obama.

In the misguided words of George Bush, "Bring it on".

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Credit Card Changes || WXYZ.com | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More

Chase Bank recently targeted as many as 2 million of their most loyal, never late paying customers with a gargantuan increase in their monthly minimum payment requirement. The Increase in the monthly minimum payment went from 2% of the balance due to 5% of the balance due. 

The reason these customers were specifically targeted was because they had life of the loan, low interest rate credit card agreements with Chase Bank.

Chase Bank may have recently relabeled low interest rate credit card loans as a toxic asset! To dump these "toxic asset" credit card loans, Chase Bank accelerated the monthly minimum due on these accounts by a whopping 150%!

If you were paying 400 dollars a month, your new monthly minimum would have increased to 1,000 dollars a month!

If you could not afford the increase in the monthly minimum payment hike, you would forfeit your super low interest rate of 1.99, 2.99, 3.99, 4.99 or 5.99. Your new interest rate could be as much as 29.99%!

How dare you, the customer, methodically pay off a low interest rate, life of the loan credit card agreement, in a steady and reliable manner, never being late with your payments, you Toxic Asset, you!(sarcasm alert).

If you were one of as many as 2 million Chase Bank customers/victims who saw your monthly minimum payment increase from 2% to 5% you can go to any of my free credit card blogs and get information on how to possibly re-lower your monthly minimum payment from 5% back down to 2%. 

In the video at the top of this article, the Chase Bank customer was also a recent hospital patient.

Could Barack Obama's favorite Wall Street Banker, Chase Bank's Jamie Dimon, possibly be implementing data profiling tactics on recent hospital patients?  That is not what I call health care reform.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

DailyPUMA Slightly shifts some blogs from the inner right column to the outer right column.

In case you are used to looking at one column for a specific blog, I noticed that the inner right column was "descending" topics at a much faster rate than the outer column over the first several hours. This was due in part to my adding some new blogs in the past couple of weeks to the inner column.

If I shifted your blog to the outer right column it was entirely to help ensure that your blog wasn't descending too fast by being in the inner right column.


Two blogs were recently dropped for their "handling" of the Hillary Clinton Congo incident. Their criticism of Hillary Clinton's response to the what would Bill Clinton think question revealed them to be PUMA's that are not for Hillary Clinton. I am not against criticizing Hillary Clinton, but when it is so obviously either another media attempt to "put her in her place", or a republican led assault, then why go along if you really are a PUMA?

The Media treatment of Hillary Clinton is basically one of the primal tenets that caused PUMA's to be born, no?

I will also issue this request, If ANYONE can come up with what Hillary Clinton should have said when she was asked "What Bill Clinton thought about China and the World Bank's involvement in Congo" question, that would not have resulted in Hillary Clinton being skewered by the media or her political opponents, please, put it in the comments section.

I don't believe an answer exists that would have allowed Hillary Clinton to get away unscathed from that question. It is what used to be known as a "wife beating" question.
In the earlier days of our court system, lawyers would ask an opposing defendant, plaintiff or witness "if they STILL beat their wives".

No matter how one answers the question, they are made to look as if they beat their wife at one time or another. That is the type of situation that Hillary Clinton was put in, in Congo.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


You need to just give up and roll over, that appears to be the Barack Obama way. How dare you try and save money by purchasing from a thrift store, you obviously need to be red flagged and condemned.

Remember, there are no death panels in the Barack Obama administration, but there appear to be reassessment panels that decide if you are worthy of respect or not. Yes, we have another decider in the white house, a decider of health care who blew off his own dying mother in Hawaii so he could travel to Bali to finish writing his tribute book to his deadbeat, sperm donor father.

Oh, wait, someone may protest, you can't blame Barack Obama because credit card companies are punishing people for trying to live within their means. Yes, we can, and yes, we should.

As long as Barack Obama pridefully views Jamie Dimon of Chase Bank as his favorite Wall Street Banker, Barack Obama can take responsibility for all of the evil and UNNECESSARY TACTICS the Credit Card Companies are spewing onto the american consumer.

I am not against the credit card companies using SOME data profiling to determine cost risk analysis. For instance, people who run up credit card bills in bars and strip joints are more likely to default on their credit card account. However, to apply that same measuring cup to someone who is buying from a thrift store is insulting, and discriminatory. As a consumer aptly pointed out, buying from a thrift store enables them to balance their overall budget.

Barack Obama seems intent on fixing the pain others have allegedly cost even as he stands idly by while his wall street credit card buddies create their own brand of pain. One area that credit card companies refused to explore, and one that is so necessary at this point in time, is credit card debt reductioning. Credit card companies are shutting down credit to people ovenight.

If someone pays down their credit card bill 150 dollars, let them respend 50 bucks of it for small purchases. This is such an obvious, obvious solution to the current credit card debt problems that is purposely being ignored by the banks, why, I don't know.

Again, this gets into an area of incentivizing credit card debt paydowns. Even as companies like Chase Bank unfairly put the screws to their own credit card customers by NOT offering credit card paydown incentives, they do continue to offer new customer incentives to lure them into the same traps they have in place for existing customers.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Thursday, August 13, 2009





Is it possible that both Jamie Dimon and Barack Obama are so dirty that one cannot be taken down via investigation without the other going down as well? Is there too much fear in doing the right thing and really getting to the bottom of the democratic campaign donation fraud of 2008 because it might have involved both Jamie Dimon and Barack Obama?

How can Barack Obama stand idly by Now while Jamie Dimon ruins the lives of americans that actually pay their chase credit card bills on time! One answer is, Barack Obama is so beholden to Jamie Dimon, he has no choice.
Could Jamie Dimon, by helping Barack Obama and or ACORN last year during the 2008 election, be the reason Barack Obama is perfectly fine with letting a MILLION CHASE BANK CREDIT CARD HOLDERS FACE DEFAULT for doing nothing more than ALWAYS PAYING THEIR LOW INTEREST CREDIT CARD BILL ON TIME, EACH AND EVERY MONTH!

How can Barack Obama look anybody in the eye and demand they take responsibility for their own "hood" when he lets Jamie Dimon hoodwink the american people and people who do the right thing every month and pay their bills?

Can Barack Obama stand up to Jamie Dimon, or we can rightfully assume that Barack Obama is beholden to Jamie Dimon on matters that if disclosed to the public, could mean the end of Barack Obama's presidency?

You can't have it both ways Barack Obama, you can't be chummy with a banker like Jamie Dimon while claiming you believe in change. Jamie Dimon is as old school as they come, how about you, Barack Obama?

If Barack Obama is being investigated but there is too much fear to do anything about it, lets not forget, Barack Obama could probably write such an amazing resignation speech he probably will still have an opportunity to run again, preferably AFTER Hillary Clinton gets a second chance to make a first impression.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Apparently, used car dealers and car repair places are watching some of their best customers disappear right in front of their eyes as cash for clunkers gobbles up their pride and joy, oldish cars that still work and need to be maintained. Used Cars that can be repaired, reused, and resold.

Will the used car industry get a bailout?

One thing that remains obvious to me is, Consumer credit card debt MUST BE DRIVEN DOWN by offering incentives to those who have debt and are trying to pay their credit card debt down. If frugal people who were getting by on their older cars now have purchased newer cars, haven't they just taken on more debt?

I think the most obvious incentive to help our economy is to waive any future interest rate charges on existing credit card debt, not waive the debt, just waive future interest rate charges, penalties and fees for those who are trying to pay down their credit card debt.

I don't have a suggestion for the used car industry other than sorry you were in the way of the Barack Obama "throw em under the bus" Express. Lets just hope that Michelle didn't look around one day and say, "there's so many yucky cars on the road, do something about it, honey".

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Barack Obama's Poll Numbers Just Don't Matter.

Years ago I heard a funny answer to the question, How old is old? The answer, 15 years older than your current age. Since that answer will always remain 15 years ahead of whatever age one has become, 15 years from now you may give the same answer you gave 15 years ago.
When it comes to Barack Obama's poll numbers, I have some bad news for republicans. Whatever Barack Obama's poll numbers are, YOUR NUMBERS WILL CONTINUE TO BE AT LEAST 15 POINTS LOWER!
The mere fact that Republicans think they gain a point for every point Barack Obama loses, just points to how selfish they really are. In my book you EARN WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS LOST, you don't just stand by and expect to get something for nothing, unless you are a do nothing republican.

Until someone actually does something to alleviate the monthly pressure of ridiculous interest rate charges on stupid, worthless 1 trillion dollars worth of consumer credit card debt, I just won't vote for either party.
Could you imagine what 15-25 billion dollars THAT ARE PRESENTLY BEING CHARGED PER MONTH on OLD consumer credit card debt could do for local economies all over the country if the old credit card interest was waived? And none of the waived interest rate charges would be coming from the government or your tax dollars!
It seems so ironic to me that on one side people are judgmental of those with credit card debt, and on the other side people may just give up completely on their debts and default instead. Nobody in power seems to want to champion the most obvious solution of all, just waive all interest rate charges, penalities, and fees on credit card debt that is older than 2-3 years so people can actually see their debt go down on a one dollar borrowed to one dollar paid basis.

Incentives to help people pay down their debts would help local economies grow again, and would actually not cost the taxpayer one cent. EVERYBODY WOULD GAIN, including the banks.

I would suggest that rather than watching Barack Obama's poll numbers, be more concerned that Republicans never met a banker they did not like, just like Barack Obama.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

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