Is it possible that both Jamie Dimon and Barack Obama are so dirty that one cannot be taken down via investigation without the other going down as well? Is there too much fear in doing the right thing and really getting to the bottom of the democratic campaign donation fraud of 2008 because it might have involved both Jamie Dimon and Barack Obama?
How can Barack Obama stand idly by Now while Jamie Dimon ruins the lives of americans that actually pay their chase credit card bills on time! One answer is, Barack Obama is so beholden to Jamie Dimon, he has no choice.
Could Jamie Dimon, by helping Barack Obama and or ACORN last year during the 2008 election, be the reason Barack Obama is perfectly fine with letting a MILLION CHASE BANK CREDIT CARD HOLDERS FACE DEFAULT for doing nothing more than ALWAYS PAYING THEIR LOW INTEREST CREDIT CARD BILL ON TIME, EACH AND EVERY MONTH!
How can Barack Obama look anybody in the eye and demand they take responsibility for their own "hood" when he lets Jamie Dimon hoodwink the american people and people who do the right thing every month and pay their bills?
The New York Times has stated that Jamie Dimon is Barack Obama's favorite Wall Street Banker, WHY?
JAMIE DIMON uses QUESTIONABLE second quarter Chase Bank "PROFIT STATEMENTS" to help sell several hundred thousand expiring stock options just FIVE DAYS LATER!
Can Barack Obama stand up to Jamie Dimon, or we can rightfully assume that Barack Obama is beholden to Jamie Dimon on matters that if disclosed to the public, could mean the end of Barack Obama's presidency?
You can't have it both ways Barack Obama, you can't be chummy with a banker like Jamie Dimon while claiming you believe in change. Jamie Dimon is as old school as they come, how about you, Barack Obama?
If Barack Obama is being investigated but there is too much fear to do anything about it, lets not forget, Barack Obama could probably write such an amazing resignation speech he probably will still have an opportunity to run again, preferably AFTER Hillary Clinton gets a second chance to make a first impression.