Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Daily PUMA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily PUMA. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The AGE of Political Correctness, Revisited.

If I call you short, when you are tall, have I offended you? If I call you smart, when you are dumb, have I offended you? If I think you are Chinese, but you are Japanese, have I offended you?

If I think you are from the South, but you are really from the Mid West, are you offended? If I think you are Iranian, but you are Italian, have I offended you? If I use the name of an animal to describe you in a derogatory manner, is it possible I am being derogatory not to you, but to the animal?

What if someone calls you a TWIT!!!
How Times have "changed".

When James Crowley temporarily arrested Henry Louis Gate's inside the Gates motel, Mr. Gate's behavior reminded me of Fred Sanford from the classic hit TV Show Sanford and Son. Who of the four should be offended by my comparisions? If I think James Crowley acted like Barney Fife (actually I don't, but I aim to be politically correct since I equated Henry Louis Gates with Fred Sanford of Sanford and Son), who should be offended, Crowley or Fife?

If Henry Louis Gates is Fred Sanford, and we equate James Crowley to Barney Fife, would that make Barack Obama, Andy Griffith? Dare I even equate Joe Biden with Gomer Pyle? Shazaam!

The two ladies (otherwise known as Aunt Bea and Betty Lou from the Andy Griffith show) who originally reported Fred Sanford's suspicious activities on the Gates Motel Porch that resulted in Barney Fife showing up to arrest Fred, were BOTH IGNORED and SHUNNED from the White House brew ha ha by Andy Griffith.

If I call our two heroines Aunt Bee and Betty Lou, would not that be considered a COMPLEMENT, or is it an insult to change our two leading ladies race when describing them in a television series context? I don't know anymore.

On the other hand, if this and the prior dailypuma article about these two lady heroines embarrasses the white house into meeting with them, then maybe it is not such a bad thing. Maybe if our two heroines weren't left out of the limelight, it might create more opportunities for females to be spotlighted alongside the Barney Fife's and Fred Sanford's of the word. I would like to see more news coverage that showcases women as community leaders.

Has the age of Political correctness reached such enlightenment that saying anybody is like anybody else can no longer be seen as an insult? If I say you smell like a pig, why is that an insult, and to whom is it an insult anyways?

Unfortunately for pigs, many humans find their smell rather delicious when cooked. Are we actually insulting an animal for the way they smell when they are alive even though many humans LOVE the way the way pigs taste when cooked? Now THAT is an insult, to the PIG!

Why do we associate practically every animal on the planet with an insult? You are a rat, dumb as an ox, he gets my goat, sly as a fox, He's a donkey's behind, you are an eager beaver, playing possum (probably not really an insult), a wolf in sheeps clothing, quiet as a mouse, and on and on.

When I made a conscious attempt to quit using animals as insults, I find myself occasionally tongue tied, aka, cat got your tongue?

Thank God a cat has never grabbed my tongue, I think that would hurt. (Oh my god, I think I'm channeling Andy Rooney. Oops, was that that an insult? Is asking if that was an insult, an insult?)

Once I made the attempt to not use animal names as insults, I found using different types of people to describe a person, in an insulting fashion, made no sense either.

So just what is left? How about never insulting anyone ever again! Dare I try? Is avoiding insulting people when writing political commentary like holding one's breath, we know it will only last for so long?

But wait, what about Obots!


Now there is a name I can use in a variety of insult worthy situations. You got an Obotomy! He's Obotnoxious, Oh the Obotony is boring beyond comprehension. Obotnomics.

The Obotymoon is over.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

YOPLAIT YOGURT New Plastic Container Can't be Stacked when Empty, How Can We Save the Planet When we can't even Stack our Recyclables?

The original Yoplait Yogurt Container pictured above was narrower, taller, and upwardly tapered. The upwards tapering towards the opening did not allowed for the empty containers to conveniently be stacked inside of each other for a more concentrated disposal/recycling of the plastic containers.

As you can see from the picture above, the newer Yoplait design has no tapering but the result is still the same, ONE CANNOT STACK the empty containers inside each other.

Is empty plastic container stackability a big deal? The Image above showcases how Yoplait yogurt empty cannisters would be bundled together, but not stacked, for purposes of recycling or as garbage waste. Would it not be better if these nine empty containers were put inside of one another so they took up a lot less space?

The Yoplait container design means it might take as many as 5 recycling trucks to transport unstackable yoplait yogurt containers that if stackable, could fit in maybe as little as one recycling trash truck. (I am taking an educated guess). On top of that, the non stackable Yoplait yogurt containers will require many many more plastic bags and paper bags to contain them for recycling purposes.

But there is more to this story, which is why efficient recycling is such a difficult task to successfully achieve. Even though the new containers are vastly inferior from a stackability point of view, when the new yoplait containers are being shipped to the stores, Yoplait is actually more efficiently shipping original yogurt product per each shipped box because there is less air in between the yogurt containers.

Did Yoplait Yogurt sell out the environment so they could increase their product shipping weight efficiency? The previously tapered plastic container design, when filled with yogurt and sealed in a shipping box, could not stack as densely as this new design. Yet neither design allows for stackability AFTER the yogurt product is CONSUMED.

Could this be one of those corporate mumbo jumbo, "one hand does what it wants to so it creates better results on paper" even though that corporate hand is actually cutting off three fingers on the other corporate hand that represents another part of the companies less "important" responsibilities involving recycling?

The picture directly above showcases a Yoplait plastic container that is stackable. Ironically, this is a LARGE CONTAINER of Yoplait Yogurt, and in combination with its stackability, may be VASTLY more environmentally friendly than any of the other Yoplait designs.

Once empty, the large yoplait container can be reused in a variety of ways, including as a "seeder" to grow seedlings into small plants for your victory garden. Or, to be used as a small water container so one can use water more efficiently by filling the container and then walking over to the intended watering target, rather than walking an always on water hose that just spews the water every which way.

Is plastic stackability a key component to making recycling more effective and efficient? Manufacturers that use plastics for their smaller products ideally should allow for their product to be recycled by either first being so soft that they can be smashed into a much smaller size, or by being stackable so they can be stored in a more dense state.

Apparently plastic recycling is not considered a good idea and is not really as feasible as we would like to think. What is considered a good idea is plastic "refillability". Can a plastic item be refilled several times before it is discarded, recycled, or reused? If the plastic product can only be used once, before it is discarded, then that apparently is a very inefficient use of that plastic product.

Plastic Recycling only truly occurs when an item can be regenerated into exactly what it already was. Many times what we believe to be recycling is actually a ONE TIME RE-USE of the product into a farther down the recyclability chain container.

Since plastic is rarely if ever used to make the identical plastic component again, the continued demand for new plastic production may never actually go down.

A Yoplait Yogurt container might never comes back again as a Yoplait Yogurt container, nor will it come back as anything else that is as recyclable as it was when it was the Yoplait Yogurt container. If the Yoplait container doesn't end up in a landfill, it could end up being melted into a NON-RECYCLABLE plastic product such as a plastic parking bumper in a parking lot, a plastic wheel barrow, or a big plastic garbage dumpster, used for, ahem, recycling.

But getting back to plastic stackability, besides the issue of recycling our plastics, I believer there is an advantage to making our plastic products stackable so they just don't occupy as much space inside of a big heavy truck that is supposedly taking the plastic for recycling?

What does this have to do with DailyPUMA? In a way it has a lot to do with Daily PUMA. There are huge discussions going on about global warming, carbon credits, and so on. Yet if we can't figure out how to best use plastics, how can we figure out more complex issues?

Which leads me to health care coverage. If our economy relies on indenturing the non rich into overproduction so that enough wealth can be created to pay for health care, we will continue to overuse our share of the worlds resources even as more and more countries reach out wanting theirs. If we cannot create a maintaining economy that provides enough opportunity for everybody, we can't realistically provide health care coverage for all, either.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Friday, July 24, 2009


(Important Update - June 13, 2023, 1:34 am),  Please leave a message or email me at alex@alexlogic.com if you have an updated Hillary Clinton Forum link or place for Hillary Clinton supporters to reconnect.  end of June 13, 2023 update.

(Important Update - July 14, 2013). Please check out Debt Suspension Rights for innovative observations and solutions to the epidemic of credit card defaults and misrepresentations of Reverse Mortgages.

Edit update (April 14, 2013), I think Heart of the Village is the new Hillary's Village, please check it out and correct me if I am wrong. They have actually been up for quite a while but I just recently realized I should update this older article.  (End of April 14, 2013 update)


I don't know what happened to Hillary's Village. Any information that you wish to share with the rest of Daily PUMA readers, or for other Hillary's Village posters, please do so here in the comment section, (over sixty comments now).

You can post anonymously if you don't have a google account. (update, Jan. 22, 2013)  I apologize, I have had to disable the anonymous function because of too many ad based posts in general.


HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Goldman Sachs Sacks of Gold, How can you OBOTS explain this Glenn Beck Video?

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it.
Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

MUCKETY dot com, a way to TRACK RELATIONSHIPS of our ESTEEMED POWER BROKERS and the Companies they do Business with.

I just stumbled upon this site called Muckety dot com and thought it could be an interesting way for us PUMA's to discover business relationships that may help explain public behavior and policy that affect all of us.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


You might not know somebody who has been affected by Chase Bank's decision to raise the monthly minimum payment requirement from 2% to 5% on over a million of their most trustworthy and reliable customers, to repeat...
You might not know somebody who has been affected by Chase Bank's decision to raise the monthly minimum payment on over a million of their most trustworthy and reliable customers, simply because they are afraid or ashamed to say anything to you about it.
It is amazing to me that Chase Bank can create so much concern and anxiety over their hostile financial actions that hits to Daily-Protest.com have tripled in just the past few days.

It will be disappointing to me if more PUMA's don't get involved in the Chase Bank protests simply because this is a financial swindle being pulled off in the worst of economic times, and I believe that PUMA's are bearing the brunt of this economic swindle.
What you personally think about how other people have used credit is not the issue, what matters MORE is giving everybody a FAIR chance to pay down their debts.
ACORN may be the reason that over a million Chase Bank Customers are in danger of losing either their home or their excellent credit score.
Did Chase Bank go after a million of their best, most reliable customers in an effort to damage these customers credit rating so they will PAY HIGHER INTEREST RATES on their future debt?
It is possible that Barack Obama and the same people who manipulated the 2008 elections figure that "bitter, middle america" will not fight them over the Chase Bank 150% Increase in the Monthly Minimum Credit Card Payment Swindle that is currently going on.
It is also possible that the money Chase Bank is swindling from over one million of their most trustworthy, reliable, "BITTER" customers will go to help ACORN members get better deals on their home mortgage deals.
It would not surprise me to learn that ACORN ACOLYTES KNOW they can run away from credit card debt more easily than unmanagable mortgage debt, whereas us "bitter americans" will try with all of our might to pay ALL of our debts.

Even when companies like Chase Bank try to ruin our credit history with gargantuan increases in the monthly minimum payment that over a million Chase Bank customers MUST now shoulder, Chase bank believes we will continue to be law abiding sheep and pay the higher interest rates that comes with ruined credit.
It may be a very bad sign for "Bitter" Americans if ACORN is only fighting for home mortgage issues and AVOIDING the credit card controversies. I have googled the Chase Bank Monthly Minimum increase issue, and ACORN outrage does not show up at all! This is a very troubling sign.
While the media plays up the mortgage crisis, there may be millions of americans slowly losing their homes because of Chase Bank and unfair credit card practices and the freezing of home equity lines at drastically undervalued prices. My grave concern is that the people being affected are not ACORN people, and that may be why Chase Bank is going full steam ahead to potentially ruin well over a million american's and their families lives, you know, the "bitter americans" that Barack Obama spoke of during the 2008 democratic race.

I find it odd that a person putting up MORE collateral than the amount of the loan they are requesting will still be denied the loan unless they have substantial income! It appears to me that collateral loans are a profile that doesn't fit the typical ACORN member, therefore there are NO COLLATERAL LOAN PROGRAMS at this point in time? I don't know for sure if collateral backed loans fit ACORN members, but I bet collateral backed loans fit many Hillary Clinton supporters snugly.
To put this in perspective, Chase Bank is going to EXTRACT FROM these over one million americans who are never late on THEIR payments MORE MONEY PER MONTH than GEORGE BUSH and Barack Obama gave these same americans in stimulus and rebate checks!
Read about what may be happening to fellow PUMA's all over the country... Consumer Affairs has over 1,000 Chase Bank Complaints from just the past 6 months.

If I were to guess, I would bet that MOST of the people writing Chase Bank complaint letters to Consumer Affairs, DID NOT VOTE for Barack Obama, and that is why they are being left unprotected by our "team of rivals". Consumer Affairs has over 1,000 Chase Bank Complaints from just the past 6 months.

Friday, June 26, 2009

DailyPUMA thoughts about blogs and their comments sections.

Why should a controversial topic title be paraded on dailypuma if the blog owner won't allow responses to appear in a timely fashion?

I just tried to respond to a blog that is not necessarily a PUMA blog but had been listed on dailypuma anyways. My response did not appear right away. This bothered me because the title of the blog article that popped up on DailyPUMA was definitely controversial as it referred to Michael Jackson and basically said good riddance.

It seems somewhat inconsistent for DailyPUMA to provide updating of new blog articles when comments posted to those articles may take a day or two to show up, no? Just saying.

My focus is specifically about posting a controversial topic with a controversial headline that gets blasted by DailyPUMA to anyone reading DailyPUMA, yet does not allow comments to appear in a timely fashion, I think that kind of ruins the purpose of DailyPUMA, no?

However, I also understand that maybe the blog writer wants everyone to read their article without the additional distraction of comments that may or may not add to the content, and I also understand that blogs that appear on DailyPUMA don't necessarily give a hoot about what DailyPUMA thinks, and that is how it should be.

(this next part reminds me like I walked into an Andy Rooney Sixty Minutes commentary)

Wordpress passwords bug me because they require visitors to keep a password that is different for each and every wordpress blog! I believe if it were easier to leave comments without having to sift through endless email lists to find my password, more comments would be left. If the comments are stupid or off topic, just delete them, who cares if they are up for a few hours before they get deleted? My guess is that people are concerned that some idiot may post something really inappropriate or of a personal nature and they want to protect themselves, so maybe I have answered my own question.

(Back to your regular internet reading voice).

I think it can help with readership if as soon as someone posts a comment, it appears quickly in the blog article comments section so others who visit will feel like they are part of an interactive community, which is what blogs are supposed to be.

One comment option I wish software designers would add is a timing feature where if a comment is not approved within a specified amount of time set by the blog owner, the comment automatically appears although the blog owner could still delete the comment if necessary.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

15 blogging gadgets and widgets you may want to consider for your blog, but sometimes there is a "GOTCHA" to consider.

I found this article about adding some interesting gadgets and widgets to a blog site. If you have your own link to more interesting gadgets and widgets, please share it in the comments section.

We can never have too many gadgets or widgets.

Wait a minute, yes we can.

I found this proviso under the terms and conditions for the PDF converter which I did not like, so I won't use this particular gadget and I cancelled my registration as well...

6. License of Your Content to Provider. By uploading your content to the Web Site for processing into PDF format, you are granting Provider a royalty-free license for the uploaded content to be processed into PDF format and for that uploaded content to be present on the Web Site server(s) after it has been processed into and exists in PDF format for retrieval by users.

I assume this means that any content that I upload for purposes of converting to a PDF file allows the hosting site royalty free use of the content !!!  Are you kidding me?  Um, (since I attempt to not swear in articles I write, all I'll say is, grrrrrr.)

I don't mean to be nasty but come on, if I write an article and I one day might want to include it in a book, I don't want a third party software company having equal access rights to my original content, ESPECIALLY when their terms of use also include warnings about NOT STEALING THEIR SOFTWARE!

I think what they meant was they have the right to process the original content without being sued by the author, but their wording implies a much broader access to the content.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pavement Art Anybody?

I've seen this before and every time I see it, I like it just as much as the prior time I saw it.

When you click on the link you will need to search on the right column, near the bottom, where it says Highest Rated Posts and click on the Pavement Art link.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Desperate Plea to all Bloggers, PLEASE do not do what this blogger did.

The above article is not a puma article. This is just advice in general for all bloggers. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not ask "where's the anger?", yet not allow any way for readers to leave a comment!  Most of you know already know this. I just find this type of title completely contradictory.

Thankfully, this writer at least left a contact email address. Asking "where is the anger" while not allowing people to respond, is pretty much a self fulfilling prophecy and an unintentionally preposterous supposition.

I wonder if the AP will ever allow comments in response to articles written by their own reporters. 

I probably should not have made the title so dramatic sounding as many people probably won't appreciate the frustration it brings out in me when I see a source that makes a plea but doesn't allow public interaction.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Interesting Internet Research Blog called Truth Laid Bear.

Truth Laid Bear might be an additional research tool for you all to consider. I've set up the link above to go to stories related to Hillary Clinton that appear on all blogs.

You can simply type in your own search words to do a different search.

I like the way TLB lays out the search results like a newspaper. However, when I typed in various variations of "PUMA" or Hillary Clinton PUMA, I don't think I got that much. If anyone would like to share the optimal way to use this sites search box, please post in the comments section.

It seems like one might discover an interesting blog previously unknown. I don't understand how joining the site benefits one. You might want to try typing in your own name and see what comes up. Feedback in the comments section of this article about truth laid bear is appreciated.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To PUMA Bloggers, please comment here if you think your new blog articles take longer than 30 minutes to update on Daily PUMA.

Daily PUMA does not directly control when your articles update. Sometimes DailyPUMA can delete and then re add a blog and the blog will update, but it is not a sure thing that that will work.

There are a few blogs that don't seem to update as quickly as other blogs. Maybe we can figure out if it is the same blog service that is having the delay by getting a tally on which blogs don't update relatively quickly.

If you feel your blog is not updating quickly enough on DailyPUMA, please leave a comment along with the name of your blog and how long you think it takes for the updating to actually occur.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wow, 60 Different PUMA Blogs posted new articles in the past 24 hours.

This seems like some kind of record to me, 60 new articles from 60 different PUMA blogs within the past 24 hours. Impressive.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Laughing at Republicans, it's good for the soul from time to time.

I would like to suggest that even though PUMA's may not like Barack Obama, PUMA's don't necessarily need to embrace every Republican rant against Barack Obama, either.

When Barack Obama told the Republicans that "I won" not you, that should have been a PUMA moment to smile at the whiny Republicans who don't seem to understand they lost the election and have yet to accept their fate. The same snotty, snide and sneaky Barack Obama tactics that helped spawn the PUMA movement are now coming home to roost towards the Republicans.

If the Republicans hadn't been so smugly pleased when Hillary Clinton was betrayed by her own party, perhaps they'd be dealing with someone who might not rub them the wrong way as much, Hillary Clinton. (especially if they had outed the ridiculousness of the caucus contest results.)

While Rush Limbaugh said he hopes Barack Obama fails, I would like to be better than Rush and point out the errors that both democrats and republicans will inevitably make, and avoid automatically siding with anybody who opposes Barack Obama.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Supreme Court Will NOT Review Barack Obama's citizenship. Are background checks for becoming president less restrictive than a blue collar job?

In striking down a review of Barack Obama's citizenship, has the supreme court basically stated that the background check criteria for becoming president is lower than applying for and getting a blue collar job?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Open Mike Wednesday! Give a Shout Out to a PUMA Blogger or Cause.

Publicize an upcoming PUMA meeting or Event in the comments section.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Would a Well Known PUMA premiere an article on Huffington Post?

This is specifically why I started DailyPUMA, to help create a large enough audience so news and ideas that appear on any PUMA blog will have access to larger audiences. Seeing Will Bower's release of his voting reform article on Huffington Post holds back the PUMA movement, unless Will Bower mentions PUMA in his article.

Will Bower has chosen to premiere his primary voting idea on Huffington Post and not on a PUMA blog probably because Huffington Post's audience is a lot bigger. (note - Will Bower has responded that the reason the article is posted on Huffington Post is because an earlier article last year about the same topic also appeared on Huffington Post). What a shame that a PUMA founder would not find aid and comfort in a PUMA blog and instead go to the dark side, all the while not mentioning his PUMA roots. I can understand the need to want a bigger audience for PUMA ideas, and that is the goal of DailyPUMA.

Might somebody like to ask Will Bower if he is still a PUMA or not on his HuffPO article? I would do it but I've been banned from that site. Will Bower, are you a PUMA?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Leave your feedback in the comments section.

Let me know what you think about DailyPUMA.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You walk into a Bar, See a Big Screen TV, and....

You walk into a Bar, See a Big Screen TV, and...on the big screen TV is DailyPUMA! It's a PUMA social meeting. But rather than compete with the music and clusters of different discussions going on at the same time, a moderator with a microphone asks people to choose a headline on Daily PUMA. The moderator clicks on the headline, and reads the article out loud to the PUMA's who are gathered.

Far Fetched? Ahead of it's time? Think about it. Think about how hard it is too conduct political meetings in public settings as the meeting quickly disengages into 8 different discussions among 20 people. Now think about how easy it would be too conduct a meeting using the DailyPUMA as your focus point.

(Updated Friday, July 7, 2017, 2:15pm) Ok, so it was a dumb idea.)

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