To see how the Temporary Housing for Haiti would ship, click here and go to the original article. Then you can see the step by step building process. Seems like a clever idea. Miami architect Andres Duany conceived of the idea.
Rebecca Traister...."I think of how I would love to be part of the wave of enthusiasm for this smart, charismatic man, of how he wipes the floor with Clinton as an orator; I consider that the dashing Obama, and his youthful adherents, have the chance to takeJohn McCain, while Clinton would bring every angry, resentful white guy out of his parents' basement to vote against her".
"So as much as I yearn to run wildly into the streets with the jubilant hordes of Obama supporters, if I cast my vote for him, it will be a silent one".
"But a vote for his opponent would be, perhaps, even more private. There is shame in voting for Hillary Clinton, make no mistake -- pulling a lever for someone who voted for Iraq and proposed anti-flag-burning legislation provokes its own brand of self-loathing".
"But here is the honest part: Hillary Clinton is a woman. And so am I. And my president doesn't have to look like me, any more than she has to be a person I want to have a beer with, but I can't pretend that it doesn't mean something, something really important, that we've never had one who looked like me before".
"And so as much as I protest about how I'd never vote for someone just because she's a woman, a vote for Hillary would not be a purely intellectual choice, and certainly not a politically enthusiastic one, but an emotional one, and in that, I would be conforming to every assumption about why I vote and how I vote. I don't want to be the girl that all the cool Obama-supporting progressives assume I am, if I happen to feel compelled to choose the woman in this contest, in part because she's a woman. In this, I guess, the shame is not so much about voting for Hillary, but in fulfilling a feminized -- and, relatedly, devalued -- expectation of Democratic womanhood. And in this, it would only be fair to conclude that I, the big feminist, am in my own way hiding from my own gender".
"And so I'll spend the next two days waging this internal battle. I understand that while many Super Duper Tuesday voters out there are sure and passionate in their choices -- and I wish I were among you -- I also know that there are many others, male and female, black and white, young and old, who are feeling this same tugging in their bellies and their brains. I'm not the only one who, for the first time in my life, will understand exactly how private (and perhaps profound?) the casting of a ballot can be. All I can say with assuredness is this: Whatever move I make, I bet it's going to hurt".
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The witch ain't dead, and Chris Matthews is a ding-dong "The glee with which Matthews and other angry male pundits prematurely danced on Hillary's grave made me -- for one night only -- a Clinton supporter".
"Traister has also written for Elle, the Nation, Vogue, Glamour, New York Magazine, the New York Times, Nerve, and elsewhere. She is currently at work on a book about women and the 2008 elections, tentatively titled Big Girls Don't Cry, to be published by The Free Press in fall 2010".
Wow, that was sneaky (sarcasm alert). Someone USED THE SAME NAME and posted their article to a few dozen newspapers.
The message to the conservative blogs is simple. If you wish to expose Barack Obama actions now, that were also going on during his presidential campaign run, then YOU MUST MENTION THE CONNECTION TO THE 2008 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY RACE, or you are just another "us or them" poser.
Ironically, Ellie Light has the right to write to as many newspapers as she like, and therefore is a NON-STORY! What I want to know is, how did it come to be that Ben Smith was ONE OF THE FIRST to post Ellie Light's letter? Once again, the real scam is being obfuscated by an allegation that basically shames anyone who has ever written to more than one newspaper about the same issue.
"He had no alternative," the Nevada Democrat and Senate minority leader said. "Senator Lott dug himself a hole and he didn't dig it all in one setting. He dug it over the years. And he couldn't figure out a way to get out of it." |
"If you tell ethnic jokes in the backroom, it's that much easier to say ethnic things publicly. I've always practiced how I play." |
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