California has become the Bi-Polar State of the Union. Most of the Celebrities, ALL of the Unions, the Media, and our youth overwhelmingly hate Trump and the Wall, and they don't particularly like older people as well. Even Hillary Clinton has abandoned people of her own generation so she can vicariously live through the youth oriented "Resist" Movement.
The Hypocrisy of Rich, Older Famous people being for Gaslighting of Seniors speaks for itself. It's the ultimate Narcissistic Adventure. Similar to the dreaded Vampire, the Older Rich and Successful get to stay young, not by sucking the blood of the youth, but by Gaslighting Seniors who are not famous. The Gaslighter's reward is they get to hobnob with the younger crowd while feeling young again by helping to assist in the transfer of funds from the old to the young every time a Senior or Baby Boomer is Gaslighted by the System.
Hillary Clinton has always been the one having to crash someone else's party, usually a Man's Party. I believe that for a few decades Hillary Clinton was damned no matter what she did. If she tried to fit into a Man's world, she was criticized for being cruel to woman, if she backed off and was more humane, she was deemed a woman who was not strong enough to do a man's job in Government.
When the time FINALLY came to break the mold and be her own person, she chose to abandon her Moderate, Aging Base in favor of the younger, Resist, crowd.
Now Governor Gaslight in California will Propose "No Wall, Healthcare for All". This is also code for, "we will increase Gaslighting of Seniors and Baby Boomers so we can provide enough healthcare for Wall Busters. Gaslighting is a method in which people who have concerns about how they are being treated by another or an institution are just not listened to. They are made to feel like what they think they think, is just an illusion. Gaslighting gains a foothold wherever Police Investigation and Enforcement against Gaslighting practices are abandoned.
Our Veterans were and have been gaslighted for decades. As more and more programs come online to help Veterans, someone else has to take their place in the Gaslighting realm of our society, that's just how Government Math works.
It is easier for Liberal Majority California to call Conservatives Racists and glom on to the young vote, than it is to stare Gaslighting, which can affect anyone, in the face and actually use Law Enforcement dollars to Fight back against Gaslighting. But since Gaslighting Techniques are used by the Government more than anyone will ever admit to, Law Enforcement has to look the other way since they receive no financial support from the Government to Combat Gaslighting of Seniors and Baby Boomers.
To those of you who revere Baby Boomers, Baby Boomer parents, and parents of Baby Boomers, the next time a Baby Boomer or Senior you know who you thought was happy and healthy, has an episode that requires hospitalization, and they suddenly pass, you may discover they were Gaslighted out of existence by a super minority of ER and Hospital Nurses strategically placed who are probably following someone else's orders regarding using accepted, legalized, Gaslighting protocol to accelerate the Demise of the Elderly.
- Gaslighting a Senior creates significant financial gain for the State of California, and even the Federal Goverment so why spend even a dollar Investigating and enforcing EMTALA laws designed to stop Gaslighting in the ER when
- both the State and Federal government can instead fine Hospitals,
- reduce Medicare Payouts to the Hospitals as a penalty for Gaslighting,
- while also removing a senior from Social Security,
- and also removing that Senior from the Medicare system.
- The ONLY way, the ONLY way, to prevent Gaslighting of Seniors and Baby Boomers is by having the Police Investigate allegations of EMTALA violations that occur in the ER and our Hospitals. Police backed EMTALA violation Investigations are NEVER done.
I witnessed first hand the Gaslighting of my own Mother and myself in the ER by an ER Nurse. The Gaslighting actions were so dark and it was done so seamlessly it took me almost 10 months to learn what I witnessed was Extreme Gaslighting by an ER Nurse in a life or death situation regarding my Mother that was instead treated as if nothing more than sleep was required for my Mother's well being. That's how treacherous and easily lethal Gaslighting is. Just don't acknowledge a life threatening situation exists, which means the medical record won't show it either, and then send the patient home to die.
Think about that for a moment, I tell the Nurse I have been my Mother's caregiver for the past 10 years and my Mother has been showing signs of pneumonia for the past several days at home, and that my Mother she has just now started wheezing while in her ER bed, and the Nurse REFUSES to do any testing that would reveal the pneumonia and instead states that all Mom needs is rest, at home. And this went on for an hour until things got really bad and a fraudulent HIPAA violation was used to then call a Code Gray on me for doing what, for documenting the refusal of the ER Nurse to treat or acknowledge my Mother's wheezing, and then things got even worse.
Is it Fair to Call our new California Governor, Governor Gaslight so soon into his term? Of course not. Is it fair to have never once been approached by anyone in government or anyone who purports to be a difference maker about all that I have experienced, learned, researched and and shared over the past 10 years of writing this blog. Probably not. But I understand, to a degree. Writing over a thousand blog articles does not guarantee anyone anything. However, the evidence that California has become the Bi-Polar State is already in and it is daunting.
Is it Fair to Call our new California Governor, Governor Gaslight so soon into his term? Of course not. Is it fair to have never once been approached by anyone in government or anyone who purports to be a difference maker about all that I have experienced, learned, researched and and shared over the past 10 years of writing this blog. Probably not. But I understand, to a degree. Writing over a thousand blog articles does not guarantee anyone anything. However, the evidence that California has become the Bi-Polar State is already in and it is daunting.
- California Teachers are ready to strike for a pay raise AND MUCH, MUCH smaller classroom sizes.
- California Zoning laws do not limit the number of people living in a home,
- California has become a State that demands no borders yet is unable to actually manage the result of no borders,
- too many people hidden in unseen places who require more services,
- who get sick more often because of the higher density living quarters,
- requiring the shifting of services from life time Baby Boomer and Senior Citizen Taxpayers over to expanding populations from lack of a wall which is being masked by those who have lived here for decades and are now moving out of California,
- all while calling "Wall wanting Conservative policies" racist
- As California cannot accommodate a growing morass of California Bi-Polar budget conflicts that internally sound fiscally conservative in nature while publicly posturing that Trump is the problem.