Context, Context, Context. Where is it?
I can't recall the FBI releasing even one email of any prior Secretary of State prior to Hillary Clinton for everyone to compare to Hillary Clinton's emails. Were there similar emails to what Hillary Clinton sent, were there emails sent "unsecured"? Haven't allegedly hack proof government servers been hacked? Are we to believe that our government officials don't mix in erroneous info on their computer devices so that if they were hacked, it might actually derail the hackers moreso than help them.
Now it's the Democrat Convention. I can't recall one email from the Republican National Committee to compare to the Democrat National Committee's emails.
Are we to believe that not one Republican National Committee email exists that asks how to derail Donald Trump? To continue to tarnish Hillary Clinton?
Where is the context between the focus on the Democrat National Committee emails, and the Republican National Committee emails?
Ah, but this all falls into what Trump and Sanders were saying about each political party not wanting outsiders to win. Both Sanders and Trump used out bounds methods against the more mainstream candidates, so of course the party is going to be concerned.
The long list of campaign wrongs by Donald Trump are well beyond my scope, but a few to point out would be his fraudulent use of Trump Steaks, (as if they actually existed) during a press conference after he had won a very early primary. Trump made it sound like Trump Steaks actually existed and he was offering it up as proof that America can be great again and that we can make things again in this country, just like his fake Trump steaks.
Trump should have been censored and not allowed to run in the next set of primaries for that gaffe. The fact that he was let alone and allowed to use that fraudulent press conference to INCREASE his momentum dwarfs all the disdain that was directed at him. If Trump had been sanctioned for his steak fraud presser, he would not have become the Republican nominee.
Trump's attacks against Cruz's wife in which he used a picture that depicted Ms. Cruz as having just finished off a raw prarie rabbit without any utensils other than her teeth, also fell out of the bounds of decency. Trump was outraged because a picture of his wife in a negligee had been tweeted. I still can't figure out how a super hot picture of one's wife, a picture she voluntarily posed for and was probably paid to pose for, equates with showing a picture of his chief competitor's wife with what looks like blood streaks streaming down from her mouth and lips.
As for Bernie Sanders, his ongoing and repetitive insinuation that Hillary Clinton would be beholden to Wall Street was an unprovable accusation, and in light of the very off hands treatment Sander's own wife got for what looks like gross mismanagement of college funds, was an accusation he never should have made.
And Sanders also kept touting his caucus wins as being equivalent to Hillary Clinton's primary wins, which is fraud in my opinion since it takes 90% less votes to win a caucus then if that same state had held a primary instead. And then to top it off, the Sander's people said it was unfair that independents could not vote as democrats in the primaries. This stuff is just so beguiling that neither the Republican party nor the Democrat party should be apologizing to either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Yes, the entire email issue has been trumped up.
Ah, but this all falls into what Trump and Sanders were saying about each political party not wanting outsiders to win. Both Sanders and Trump used out bounds methods against the more mainstream candidates, so of course the party is going to be concerned.
The long list of campaign wrongs by Donald Trump are well beyond my scope, but a few to point out would be his fraudulent use of Trump Steaks, (as if they actually existed) during a press conference after he had won a very early primary. Trump made it sound like Trump Steaks actually existed and he was offering it up as proof that America can be great again and that we can make things again in this country, just like his fake Trump steaks.
Trump should have been censored and not allowed to run in the next set of primaries for that gaffe. The fact that he was let alone and allowed to use that fraudulent press conference to INCREASE his momentum dwarfs all the disdain that was directed at him. If Trump had been sanctioned for his steak fraud presser, he would not have become the Republican nominee.
Trump's attacks against Cruz's wife in which he used a picture that depicted Ms. Cruz as having just finished off a raw prarie rabbit without any utensils other than her teeth, also fell out of the bounds of decency. Trump was outraged because a picture of his wife in a negligee had been tweeted. I still can't figure out how a super hot picture of one's wife, a picture she voluntarily posed for and was probably paid to pose for, equates with showing a picture of his chief competitor's wife with what looks like blood streaks streaming down from her mouth and lips.
As for Bernie Sanders, his ongoing and repetitive insinuation that Hillary Clinton would be beholden to Wall Street was an unprovable accusation, and in light of the very off hands treatment Sander's own wife got for what looks like gross mismanagement of college funds, was an accusation he never should have made.
And Sanders also kept touting his caucus wins as being equivalent to Hillary Clinton's primary wins, which is fraud in my opinion since it takes 90% less votes to win a caucus then if that same state had held a primary instead. And then to top it off, the Sander's people said it was unfair that independents could not vote as democrats in the primaries. This stuff is just so beguiling that neither the Republican party nor the Democrat party should be apologizing to either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Yes, the entire email issue has been trumped up.
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