Click here to go to CNN article. Article is from May 22, 2009 but still interesting nonetheless.
The obvious solution is to NOT USE the Target Credit card and pay it off, or pay down the debt and then LOWER the Target card's credit line to a very low amount, say, 250 dollars, max. In both instances, the goal is to reduce Target's ability to rip off the consumer with ridiculously high interest rate charges.
Caucuses are.... "One of the most corrupt systems and most damaging to our system of government". -Will Bower
Hillary Clinton supporters are among the nicest and most caring group of voters and Clinton supporters also don't believe in uncontrolled governmental spending either, yet they have no television base.
Hey Oprah, how about you get the banksters to also follow your advice. Maybe you could suggest they not screw over honest americans who are losing their homes and the built up home equity they accrued over the years.
Maybe you could actually have Jamie Dimon on your show, along with other banking elitists, and challenge them to not grab every last nickel, including the ones they don't earn, but just get through deceit and questionable late fee and penalty practices, or changing terms on a million customers and denying them the full benefit of their already offered low interest rate loans, as Jamie Dimon did in 2009.
How bad are banking practices, in 2008, Bank of America paid out less money in interest than they collected in penalties and fees! Jamie Dimon acquired WAMU for 2 cents on the dollar, but refuses to lower the principal on any of his homeowner mortgage accounts. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Dimon, all from Chicago, can it get any sleazier?
91 year old Fortunata Machi was refused service for a Wheezing Chest by the E.R. even as her Caregiver Son Alessandro Machi begged th...