Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is American Home Mortgage Servicing of Texas, Evil?


If you ask the homeowners featured in the video below if
American Home Mortgage Servicing is evil, they might just say yes. Perhaps this is just one more reason why you should probably never pose for a picture and give the rights for the image away so that it can be used by any company for their website.

Could you imagine seeing your image over the website above and having no recourse for having it removed!!!

In Texas, they appear to believe in free market policies to the extent that companies like American Home Mortgage Servicing can foreclose on your home, even when you have made ALL of your monthly payments on time!

In Texas they call it free market capitalism. I call it "Texas hold em until they suffocate the homeowner into an illegal foreclosure". And the good old boy sherriffs in Texas will even escort you out of your foreclosed home, even when you have done nothing wrong.

And don't ask the Texas Attorney General's office to get involved, they have 30,000 consumer complaints to deal with so just get yourself an attorney and leave them alone! See the full article at Denise Richardson blog and thanks to Denise for finding this gem.

Good to know that Media Matters is all over Dr. Laura and the "N word" while homeowners in Texas are having their homes ripped out from under them.

Thanks to Fox 4 and NBC 4 for broadcasting this video.

Media Matters goes insane over Dr. Laura's use of the N word.

Click on image to enlarge the racist baiting tactics of my party, the democratic party.

Wow, Dr. Laura gets it right when confronted by a race baiting caller. Media Matters is trying to create anti Dr. Laura puffery over the race baiting caller's tactics. If you click on this link and listen to the call, the race baiting caller at one point attempts to white wash all older people as being racist for not voting for Barack Obama.

You know Barack Obama, the FIRST PRESIDENT in possibly decades to freeze social security payments at the same level they were the prior year but then add a one time 250 dollar payment as a way to circumvent the reality that he actually has frozen social security at the same rate it was the prior year.

The only way Barack Obama can AVOID the label of being the first president in several decades to freeze social security benefits is if the 250 dollar "benefit" is given out annually anda social security benefit increase is resumed for the next fiscal year. According to the race baiter who called Dr. Laura's show, older people were "racist" if they did not vote for Barack Obama in 2008.

Lol, apparently our "good friends" over at Huffington Post are trying to fan the flames on this non issue as well. Can we say "Journolist, the 2010 edition? However, I will credit HP for also posting an editorial from Ofar Hutchinson that takes a more cerebral and mature approach to the situation.

In the meantime, PLEASE, I ASK ALL PUMA BLOGGERS TO CONTACT DR. LAURA'S SPONSORS AND SHOW SUPPORT FOR WHAT DR. LAURA SAID. THE LEVEL OF INSANITY OVER THIS ISSUE IS VERY DISCONCERTING to me. The call made by a race baiter to Dr. Laura is a complete non issue and the person who did call, "Jade", seemed very keen on trying to accuse Dr. Laura of racism and older folks of being racist as well.

Speaking of older folks, let us not forget Sarah Silverman's plea to get racist old folks to vote for Barack Obama in 2008.
I am appalled at the level of disrespect being meted out against older people in this country by Barack Obama supporters.

As for Dr. Laura, let us not forget that it was Dr. Laura who kept quiet during the 2008 presidential race while Oprah Winfrey spewed her narcissistic political bile at every turn, never once considering that just because a candidate was half african american did not necessarily mean they were actually ready to be president.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bill Clinton's 64th Birthday Wish, how you can help.

Daily PUMA encourages you to check out the PUMA blogs located on the right two columns of this page who will be posting articles all week long about both Bill And Hillary Clinton, including Bill Clinton's 64th birthday wishes.

Learn how you can help make Bill Clinton's 64th birthday wishes come true this August 19, 2010.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Will Bower and Fox N Friends Expose Democratic Change Commission as no change in sight in regards to Democratic Caucus Cheating and Fraud.

The documentary "We Will not be Silenced" has led to Fox n Friends reviewing the 2008 democratic caucus contest results. It will take someone who is not a bought out democrat to review and help "change" democratic caucus contests or the thousands of reported complaints that occurred in the 2008 democratic caucuses will most likely happen again in 2012 (although this time people may be more vigilant).

Will Bower nailed what is wrong with the democratic party when he used the word Fraudulence, the new word for flatulence. The same old democratic party guards, Claire McKaskell and James Clyborn want minimal changes, the caucus system works just fine they say. Fat cat democrats who benefited as a direct result of caucus cheating certainly don't appear to want "change".

If you want the real truth, check out Caucus Cheating and Fair-Reflection for some eye opening articles that lay out 2008 democratic caucus fraud and how Barack Obama won because of it. If you want to view a preview version of We Will Not Be Silenced, or support the finishing of that documentary, click here.

Let us not forget that Illinois moved its 2008 democratic primary voting date up from the end of March, 2008, to the beginning of February, 2008. The result was the overwhelming delegate victory that Barack Obama received in Illinois, along with the freezing of the Michigan votes, REVERSED who was actually leading in early February just before close to a dozen caucus contests started voting.

In my opinion this gave additional cause for caucus cheating as Barack Obama supporters could justify cheating in the caucus contests because Barack Obama was already leading anyways.

Caucuses are.... "One of the most corrupt systems and most damaging to our system of government". -Will Bower

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is really stopping Hillary Clinton from becoming President in 2012 and beyond.

There is an underlying reason why Hillary Clinton cannot become president in our lifetime, and it has to do with television.

One of the things I do to take care of mom is find television programs for her to watch so that she isn't on her feet all day long because she is a compulsive worker.

I gotta tell ya, 98% of the stuff on television is not just crap, it is crap directed towards those under the age of 35. I can't tell you the time I have wasted sifting through over a 100 channels trying to find something for mom to watch.

Thank God for TBS and TV Land.

The criteria used when I channel search is, no skanks (there goes ALL OF REALITY TV) and no guns or violence.

My Chase Bank and Bankster research over the past year has revealed to me that both the banksters and the television media have a very similar agenda. THE BANKSTERS AND NETWORK TELEVISION DON'T CARE MUCH ABOUT ANYBODY OVER THE AGE OF 40 when it comes to television programming because the commercials that sponsor those television programs have a specific agenda when it comes to whom they want buying their products and services.

Chase Bank went as far as to screw over A MILLION of their over 35 years of age customers by changing terms on a low interest, life of the loan credit card agreement already in place, and Chase Bank would not allow the older consumer to opt out of the tyrannical change in terms that raised the monthly payment by an additional 150%, either, which was actually against consumer guidelines.

While some of you may already know the banksters and television don't cater to anybody over the age of 40, do you know why that is?

The reason banksters and television programming don't care much about anybody over the age of 40 is because A, those over 40 generally have enough wealth and wisdom to only buy what they need, and B, those over 40 are less likely to have long term debt than the youth of this country.

Television programming and commercials are designed to promote and glamorize behavior that will create long term, indentured debt for the younger crowd. What Banksters and advertisers desire above all else is someone who will be in debt for a very long time. The younger the debtor is, the more profitable of a target they are because they can be indentured for a much longer period of time.

Until television programming is created on a more truly demographic scale, Hillary Clinton cannot win a presidential election because she is a candidate without a television channel to back her up. MSNBC backed up Barack Obama, even when Hillary Clinton was actually still running and Fox News backed up whomever the Republican candidate was going to be.

If there is any rich person out there who likes Hillary Clinton and believes she would be good for this country as President, get control of the TVLAND channel and create a nightly 1/2 hour news show that would cater to the Hillary Clinton crowd; you know, the nice people who care about others and are responsible to their family, and desire to pay their bills.

Not only could TVLAND channel level the playing field in terms of dismissing the idiotic antics of Keith Olbermann and his friends at MSNBC, it would also give Hillary Clinton supporters a channel as a home base and advertisers to support by SPENDING THEIR MONEY on the companies that advertise on TVLAND.

Up to the minute news about Chelsea Clinton's wedding, please check DailyPUMA and the many blogs that are writing about it, all on one page!

Look to the right of this article for two full blog columns of up to the minute stories about Mark Mevzinsky and Chelsea Clinton's wedding. DailyPUMA proudly supports the Clintons, even if the corrupt 2008 news media did not.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Media ignores racist audience reaction to Sherrod's White Farmer story.

In 2010, Shirley Sherrod is portrayed as a victim while once again, the racist reaction of the NAACP audience to her white farmer's story goes unnoticed in comparision. Just because the Sherrod White Farmer story had a "happy ending" does not dismiss the gutless, racist reaction of the NACCP members in attendance who CHEERED and APPLAUDED when Shirley Sherrod, a PAID EMPLOYEE of the government, first stated she felt the desire to deny a claim by two white farmers simply because they were white.

In 2010, if you were an african american congress person walking by a tea party protest near the capitol steps in Washington D.C., allegations of somebody in the crowd making a racist taunt made the news for days.

I am sick and tired of the media double standard of racism in this country.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

LeBron James dons his best Tiger Woods impression, and Corporate Giants like Nike and ESPN continue to enable him.

To a large degree it would be nobodies business what LeBron James does in his social life, if LeBron james had not already claimed he wanted to be a billionaire businessman. I think the businessman aspect of LeBron James is what has riled up Cleveland so much.

LeBron James painted an aire of wanting to bring a championship to his hometown of Cleveland, a town that has gone over 50 years without any national championship (I think the Cleveland Crushers won one one year, I forget what sport that was). LeBron James also fancied himself a "business man" who was in contact with Warren Buffet. But these have both turned out to be lies.

Apparently what LeBron James really wants is to be the next Tiger Woods, with one big difference, LeBron James won't marry the girlfriend and mother of his kids, therefore he has "Tiger Proofed" himself against outraged women who would come down hard on him for having it both ways....um really?

Is that really the plan?

Sure looks like it, and once again the corporate world is enabling a guy who did not practice good business sense this past offseason by not honoring his word of bringing a championship to Cleveland. It actually looks like Lebron James and his two friends, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, planned on getting together as teammates a few years ago, a form of secret collusion that actually harms the future of the teams they played for since they were not "in on it".

Boys will be boys, but do we want to continue to support the corporations that continue to coddle these manboys every step of the way? The Tiger Woods story happened less than a year ago, and now we have the next Tiger Woods on our hands, already.

Friday, July 23, 2010

PoliticusUSA, the new Progressive hunting ground takes a huge shot at Sarah Palin.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Sarah Palin was vilified in an all too familar way in PoliticusUSA's review of Palin's CSU Stanislaus speech. The nastiness reminded me of the way that Hillary Clinton was vilified in 2008 by a large group of supposedly democrat friendly media outlets.

I am interested in hearing different perspectives in the comments section, better still after you have listened to the Sarah Palin Speech. State whether you are neutral, positive or negative Palin, then review the reviewer of the Sarah Palin speech in the comments section of PoliticusUSA and Daily PUMa know if you think they were right on or simply another OBOT outlet.

Or, is this just the way Obots work, adding word tags to their articles that demean Palin knowing that when people search for critical reviews of Sarah Palin, articles like this one will be on page one of google. I am reluctant to listen to the speech because I have many many things going on right now so your opinion matters to me, along with what your view of Palin is at the time of your review.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Fox Television cannot be trusted in regards to the economy.

Fox business television ran this dopey piece called "Is America addicted to unemployment benefits".

My internet research over the past two years has revealed to me that NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, has identified interest rate charges on existing consumer debt as being the MAIN CAUSE OF ECONOMIC MALAISE IN THE WORLD, except for me.

Even the alleged maverick economic gadfly blog sites that come off as not being part of the establishment won't question the role of interest rate charges on existing debt as being the leading cause of the worldwide economic downturn.

I would ask this one question. If I was worth 10 billion dollars, and 9 billion was heavily invested, what rate of return would I get? I would imagine that a multi-billionaire would be promised at the very least a 10% return on their investments by the banking community, and there in lies the problem.

All the "rich money" that presently exists in the world can no longer be given the royal treatment when it comes to the rate of return the "rich money" generates.

Part of the reason for a depreciating return on huge investment capital is the internet. The internet has squeezed competition to the point where many businesses have reduced real products and customer service and instead are hoping to sell some type of monthly mass produced subscriber based goods or services, or a renewable software/hardware product that will please their investors and the companies bottom line, (Apple anyone?).

The problem is although internet efficiency can be created and is helpful up to a point, a threshold is reached in which the newly created efficiency results in the loss of jobs and people begin losing their own personal wealth. Enter 2010. People are losing their homes, jobs are being lost, and the worldwide situation is actually not getting better, and why is that? Because the banksters continue to squeeze interest rate charges on existing consumer debt at a time when employment opportunities and economic growth are being squeezed because of the internet.

Just look at the Fox video above. No mention of interest rate charges on existing debt as being the underpinning of our economic collapse, instead Fox just takes another opportunity to take a potshot at Barack Obama. Who runs Fox? Rupert Murdoch, the epitome of the kind of billionaire investor who is driving millions of people into economic collapse just so he can make sure the present financial investment system stays intact.

Oprah Winfrey is another example. So is Warren Buffet. Until these billionaire clowns see that they are cause, not the solution, of the world's economic struggles, times will continue to get worse.

Solutions abound. Offer a descending scale of interest rate dividends on savings accounts, also known as a inverse interest rate dividend. Savings of 1,000 dollars to 50,000 dollars would get the highest interest rate dividend, and then the interest rate dividend scale would slide downwards, not upwards, as the savings amount increased. Of course we would have to watch the billionaires who would simply put 50,000 dollars in each and every bank in the country!

Combine the inverse interest rate dividend concept with the cessation of all interest rate charges on EXISTING CONSUMER DEBT for anybody who agrees to pay down their debt, not add to it, and things will begin changing in a very short time.

These two acts alone would almost immediately begin redistributing wealth (not necessarily a bad thing when done correctly) among those who are either generating income or have assets with which to pay down existing debt.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Mel Gibson tapes.

I've only heard a portion of one or two of the Mel Gibson tapes. It appears something was done to the tapes that is not "natural". "Not natural" could be something as simple as calling Gibson from a sound studio with the intent of recording the dialogue, the unfairness of that being entrapment AND more importantly, mismatched audio quality between the two people speaking. If she is going to record the conversation, both sides of the call should be of similar quality, otherwise I believe that can be considered manipulation.

It is also possible that some editing or re manipulation of the audio or the pacing of the audio was done as well (see above, hee hee hee).

However, one thing I would advise people who have gotten all caught up in this "thing" is to take a moment and reflect on how did these two people find each other, court each other, and woo each other during the beginning stages of their relationship?

I have a feeling that Mel Gibson is no different now than he was at the beginning of the relationship. The difference being back then both sides were interested in a relationship and now perhaps one or both sides is not interested in continuing.

Obviously if Gibson actually punched her he is a fool, a big time fool. One aspect to being verbally aggressive is to do it as a way of venting anger that could otherwise go physical. If Mel did both verbal abuse and then physical abuse, then he is a big time dunce.

If Gibson's anger stems from the belief that he realizes he has been played, then that needs to be considered, but once again, would not condone the physical abuse at all.

I don't like all the focus being on these tapes and none being on the beginning of the relationship, the two aspects need to be analyzed in conjunction with one another before judgements are ultimately passed.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Note about Mountain Sage Blog.

Most definitely Mountain Sage is not a PUMA blog, actually has a link to "Stupid Pumas" on there. I just seem to recall they were pro Hillary Clinton at one point. It appears that Mountain Sage believes the only PUMA's are stupid ones.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How TV Land could affect the 2012 presidential campaign.

It became pretty obvious to Hillary Clinton supporters during the 2008 democratic nomination process that Hillary Clinton was the only major presidential candidate without a television channel.

We know that MSNBC conspired against Hillary Clinton and for Barack Obama. Fox Television was for the republican candidate while the major networks tried to give the appearance of unbiased reporting. However those same "unbiased" major networks tethered their own female talk show hosts into remaining silent about Hillary Clinton in most instances, and then there was Oprah Winfrey, gasp.

The male television talk show hosts all took more shots at Hillary Clinton than her male political counterparts. Jon Stewart will never admit that he took ratings over truth as it endeared him to his younger skewing audience, and as a result he took it to Hillary Clinton far more than Barack Obama.

Even with all the caucus cheating by Barack Obama's side, with the shady dealings of the democratic higher ups cozying up to George Soros and their back room back stabbing deals against Hillary Clinton, the reason Hillary Clinton could not get that final push to victory was because she had no real television base.

Even most female talk show hosts were afraid to show real support for Hillary Clinton because their audience also skewed younger and most of the female hosts were on channels that supported either Barack Obama or the republican candidate. Which brings me to TV Land. I would love to see a 1/2 hour cutting edge evening news / talk show, sort of like a John Stewart show, that skews towards the older demographic, say 40 years and up.
Hillary Clinton supporters are among the nicest and most caring group of voters and Clinton supporters also don't believe in uncontrolled governmental spending either, yet they have no television base.
If you could poll all the rioters after the Lakers 2010 championship victory, (rioting after a championship victory - unreal) I am absolutely certain that 98% either didn't vote, or voted for Barack Obama in 2008. Without any kind of a nightly television base, the best part of america, Hillary Clinton voters, the kind of voters that don't riot after their team wins a championship, will continue to be under represented in the political arena.

I have had a chance to study TV Land and am amazed at how strongly they promote their own original programming. TV Land also skews towards the ideal audience that presently is NOT being represented politically on television, the Hillary Clinton supporters. If TV Land would have the guts to launch a nightly 1/2 hour political talk show for the older crowd, we could begin to see some true balance in how every political demographic is being represented on television.

Until Hillary Clinton supporters get their own 1/2 hour nightly political news and talk show on television, we will continue to be ignored by the demonic party and disrespected by the repuritanical party.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oprah Winfrey's Debt Diet, has Oprah become a crafty woman who focuses on the weaknesses of her fans rather than the tyranny of her rich friends.

Click here to see the most current DailyPUMA article.

Over the past year I have started several blogs that focus on the sinister actions of Chase Bank and Jamie Dimon, along with other banking practices and maneuvers that are helping to create new foreclosures at rate of 10,000 foreclosures a day. These Financial Terrorism Warning blogs include Swarm the Banks, Wall Street Change, Parallel Foreclosure, Daily-Protest, Bloggers against Chase Bank, and Robots Against Chase

Over the past two years I've written over 1,200 articles about the corrupt democratic party leadership (and yes, I'm a registered democrat), and the corrupt banking industry, and it would not surprise me if both asses have the same head. And I did this while still being an always there for them CareGiver for both of my parents, and their pets.

One thing I've noticed about articles focusing on credit card debt, foreclosures, unfair banking practices and such, is there will always be at least one person in the comments section who blames the debtor.

Oprah Winfrey's debt diet may help self absorbed debtors who can't control their spending habits without help, but the help that Oprah Winfrey is providing comes with a huge price to those who have led honest lives and suffered a huge economic calamity and need a break from the rich banksters.

What Oprah Winfrey has done by profiling self obsessed irresponsible spend what they don't have middle class debtors is divert attention away from her rich bankster friends such as Jamie Dimon of Chase bank.

But it's even worse than that, Oprah Winfrey has now given ammunition to those who respond to financial crisis articles and blame all of the debtors for their woes.

The depth of Oprah Winfrey's self absorbed affair with the well to do, celebrities, and anyone famous, while pretending to feel the pain of her "average american" audience, has become an embarrassment.

What saddens me about Oprah Winfrey's debt diet is that it comes off as intellectually progressive. If you follow Oprah's debt diet advice, you might eventually get out of Debt, but what you won't get is Oprah actually taking on the rich banking elite in this country for making the debt battle much much harder to get out of. Oh wait, that would require Oprah actually standing up to a rich scumbag whom Oprah would rather just fawn over and perhaps keep as her own financial resource.
Hey Oprah, how about you get the banksters to also follow your advice. Maybe you could suggest they not screw over honest americans who are losing their homes and the built up home equity they accrued over the years.
Maybe you could actually have Jamie Dimon on your show, along with other banking elitists, and challenge them to not grab every last nickel, including the ones they don't earn, but just get through deceit and questionable late fee and penalty practices, or changing terms on a million customers and denying them the full benefit of their already offered low interest rate loans, as Jamie Dimon did in 2009.
How bad are banking practices, in 2008, Bank of America paid out less money in interest than they collected in penalties and fees! Jamie Dimon acquired WAMU for 2 cents on the dollar, but refuses to lower the principal on any of his homeowner mortgage accounts. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Dimon, all from Chicago, can it get any sleazier?
In the future, when you see those snarky replies in the comments section about people who are in debt, you can thank Oprah Winfrey for shining a light on the minority of debtors who fit the wasteful profile that the snarksters refer to.

And don't be surprised if Oprah dines aboard Jamie Dimon's private jet while looking down at all the little people she helped save.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Friday, May 28, 2010

PUMA anniversary coming up? Anybody know when PUMA ground zero actually was?

I'm curious as to when ground zero was for PUMA's? Was it around May 30th of 2008, or did it happen prior to that date? I did some google research but was not able to find anything definitive.

If anybody wants to give their opinion please do so in the comments section. There are about three or four versions of PUMA ground zero out there. When contributing an answer, please consider the possibility that there may be other versions out there as well that could be just as valid.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How will Arizona know where to deport people?

I'm not really for or against the Arizona immigration bill. I am most definitely offended by California and Los Angeles politicians getting involved in an arizona boycott when California failed to balance their own budget. California has not even come close to balancing their own budget and California politicians should clean up their own act before judging others.

I have also not read the Arizona immigration bill yet so i don't have an opinion for that reason. How will Arizona or the United States know where to send anybody who is either not properly identified, or just refuses to divulge where they are "from"?

I suppose if any american refuses to identify themselves when a police officer asks for Identification we might find ourselves in jail, so I guess the same thing would apply in Arizona. It seems to me that one way to defuse the law is for tens of thousands of "illegal" immigrants to turn themselves in, but not divulge what country they are from.

Possibly one stumbling block to this idea is that Arizona sheriff that keeps suspected illegal immigrants in those tents in 115 degree temperatures and perhaps even higher. Probably a violation of international prison guidelines.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crucial Help for Homeowners Could Never See the Light of Day

Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota), who in my opinion should be wearing a cape to work every day, introduced an amendment to the Financial Reform Bill that would create an Office of Homeowner Advocate to assist homeowners who have been denied a loan modification through HAMP.

The Franken Homeowner Advocate Amendment, according to the press release, would be funded from existing sources and its focus would be to assist homeowners who believe their mortgage servicer is breaking the rules.

Article by Richard Zombeck.
Posted using ShareThis

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Canceling Agendas make me wonder about the pro-lifers versus the anti-war crowd.

It seems to me that as a general rule, the pro-life crowd tends to be pro-war, and the pro-choice crowd seems to be anti-war. Besides the obvious irony of pro-lifers being pro war, and pro-abortion/choice being against war, don't these two issues war and abortion, cancel each other out from a taxpayer point of view?

Do large enough voting blocks of people truly believe that their tax dollars should not go abortions, but should go to war? Do large enough voting blocks of people truly believe that their tax dollars should go to pro-choice, but not to war?

Isn't it pretty obvious that these two sides viewpoints cancel each other out and that even if we followed their wishes and only applied their taxes to what they wanted, the net result would somewhat similar?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Illegal Immigration idea???

To earn citizenship, all entering immigrants would work for two years on BOTH U.S borders as border patrol guards. This would allow the U.S. border patrol to drop back and flank them. If the U.S. Border Patrol finds people crossing the border and getting past the first line of defense, the ones trying to earn their citizenship, then those on the border would be relieved of duty and sent back to their country.

If those on the border do their job, then in two years time they become U.S. citizens AND, they actually have a wad of money (their earnings would be put into a bank account) waiting for them when they finish, minus the necessary deductions.

Before the argument is used that we are all immigrants, lets not, because that belittles the efforts made of the tens of millions of immigrants who went through the front door when they came to this country and subjected themselves to public scrutiny BEFORE ENTERING THE COUNTRY.

The U.S. has become notorious for making its own "legal" citizens WAIT, AND WAIT, AND WAIT when trying to accomplish even the most menial of tasks or requirements. Part of being a U.S. citizen is to wait.

So, if people trying to enter the country had to wait, it would SLOW DOWN the amount of people entering the country while also giving those SERIOUS about being a U.S. citizen a legitimate way to get in. Plus, anyone who spent two years on the border would have earned the respect of any other U.S. citizen, especially the other 300 million who never did patrol the border.

I also envision huge colleges placed on the border. Those who work the border by day can also take courses on a variety of subjects in the late afternoon. I would love the classes to be free even for those coming from Mexico who just want an education.

This could be in incredible public works program that benefits everybody involved. Then all the liberals in our country could put up or shut up and actually volunteer to teach classes for a semester.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Raise my taxes! Protesters call for action to prevent state budget cuts - Metro-east news - bnd.com

It is pointless to call Rush Limbaugh a racist if the democrats are involved in such idiotic protests such as the one above. If Rush Limbaugh is a racist for pointing out the Raise My Taxes protest on his radio show, then thank God that Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

Idiot democratic party demogogues, die! If you look at the article, take a moment to click on the word "RECOMMENDED" to help buzz the article up.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can Sarah Palin still run for Governor of California?

I would love to see a poll as to how viable Sarah Palin would be for governor of California. Would Sarah Palin have to be a write in? Could Sarah Palin run as an independent? How long does she have to be a California resident before she would be eligible?

A California governship would complement Sarah Palin's resume nicely if first she ran the biggest state in the land, Alaska, than the most populous, California. I would love to see what Sarah could do in California, and it would be a great pre-test to determine if she could run the country.

More importantly, Palin Governing California would either confirm or rebuke the East Coast and West coast media snark bias that Palin deals with on an almost daily basis.

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