Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chase Bank's Parallel Foreclosure Policy when home owners ask for a home loan modification, an evil way to do business when better alternatives exist.

I have now read numerous articles about Chase Bank. I don't want to over exaggerate and say I have read hundreds of articles, but I also don't want to under exaggerate and say it's only been a few dozen either.

Home Loan Modifications is a very very hot topic. One of the biggest talking points the democrats offered prior to the 2008 elections was helping people save their homes. The democratic gains in congress and the winning of the white house was in part due to their promise to help homeowners who were struggling with too much debt and not enough job opportunities.

Most homeowners would be happy if they could either pay down their debts, or simply tread water. To that end, just what has changed since the 2008 presidential election? Americans assumed that home loan modification programs would not only be implemented, but also be fast tracked. There has been no fast tracking that I am aware of for the purpose of saving people's homes, and understanding why might help lead to a solution.

Lets quickly recap what has caused banks such as Chase Bank to thwart the american homeowner's desire to simply be able to afford their home without becoming a deadbeat.

News stories began appearing about people who were giving up on their home loans and just staying in their homes for free until they were forcibly evicted. Stories floated around on the internet about people living for free for over a year and still not being evicted.

Other stories came out that if one asked for the "note" to be produced by the bank that the homeowner had signed when they originally accepted a loan from the bank, a delay of several months to over a year could result. In some instances the note could not be found and this caused additional delays as well.

While stopping home mortgage payments or asking for the note sounds like a way to get back at "the system", it's also an antagonistic maneuver that I believed would result in banks such as Chase Bank responding with new and more aggressive tactics.
Enter Parallel Foreclosures. Apparently the banks won't renegotiate a lower interest rate on a home loan unless the homeowner falls behind in their payments. However, the moment the homeowner falls behind with their payments, banks such as Chase Bank begin a process called Parallel Foreclosures.
Even as Chase Bank is allegedly re-negotiating the homeowner's mortgage loan, another Chase Bank division is busy filing foreclosures papers on the homeowners home!
So, just as I initially suspected, the banks have decided anybody who is looking for a home loan modification might just be stalling, and to combat that stalling, banks such as Chase Bank begin the process of foreclosing on the homeowner's home as soon as possible.

There are so many obvious reasons why this is the wrong path by the bank to be taking that I will be devoting a chapter in my upcoming book, The Cat Who Ate Chase Bank, to the parallel foreclosure issue. However, for the here and now, I would like to offer a solution.
If a homeowner has experienced a significant depreciation in the value of their home in the past couple of years, the affected homeowner should AUTOMATICALLY be eligible for a home loan modification without it triggering a parallel foreclosure by banks such as Chase Bank.
As the percentage of a home's depreciation increases, the lower the interest rate the home owner can be offered for their home loan modification.

The usefulness of this idea is boundless. If the banks choose to claim that a customer's home has not lost much value, then the banks should make a home equity line available on the home in line with the minimal loss in value that they think the house has depreciated.
If the bank agrees that the home has devalued significantly, then the homeowner benefits by getting a super nice interest rate on their home loan in exchange for the loss of home equity. The homeowner and the banks are protected no matter which route is taken!
If the bank believes a home has not lost that much home equity value but is also worried about a homeowner taking the home equity line and skipping town, just limit the amount the homeowner can take out every month to a relatively small percentage of the entire equity line. Just limit equity line withdrawals at around 3 to 4 percent of the total they are eligible to borrow.

Since the homeowner's loan is being modified based on home depreciation and home depreciation only, the homeowner cannot be suspected of trying to scam the system so there is no need to file parallel foreclosure papers for the home loan remodification.
Home Depreciation Loan Modifications become a win win for EVERYBODY! Lower banking costs are required to process the Home Depreciation Loan Modification, and surreptitious behavior by the banks involving parallel foreclosures can be greatly mitigated.
Homeowners either get a more generous home equity line to borrow from if the banks want to claim there has not been as large a depreciation in the home as the homeowner is claiming, OR if the banks are claiming a higher depreciation than the homeowner believes is accurate, the homeowner gets an even more attractive home loan modification on their existing home loan!

I believe this idea I am presenting is a direct result of all the contemplating I have done for my book, the Cat Who Ate Chase Bank. I think this idea could be fast tracked and end the acrimonious situation that presently exists between banks such as Chase Bank and home owners wanting to renegotiate their home mortgages.

What do you think?

Alessandro Machi also collects not so nice stories about Chase bank at the following blogs, The Cat Who Ate Chase Bank, Daily-Protest, Bloggers Against Chase Bank, and Robots Against Chase.

Article update - (Thursday, Nov. 26, 2009) Parallel Foreclosures can eventually lead to law enforcement being used to forcibly move people out of their homes even without a judge having ever been involved!
Banks using Police Officers with guns without a judge to make sure everything has been handled fairly and ethically, we can do better than that, no ???

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Clinical Trial Shenanigans I just cannot comprehend regarding age range and placebos.

Click on Image to Enlarge
From what I have learned in the past couple of years, it seems like many times the hospital doctors are actually pretty accurate when it comes to diagnosing advanced cancer cases and how much longer someone is expected to live.

While there will always be cases in which the doctors prognosis is wrong, they seem to know pretty accurately most of the time. Yet when I look at clinical trial studies, the studies seem to require that perhaps as many as half of the patients actually receive only a placebo.

Do we really really need placebo'd patients in later stages of a disease progression clinical trial study when hospital doctors already seem to know how long someone is going to live based on past examples?

If placebos are required, does it really have to include nearly half of the people involved in the clinical trial regarding cases of an advanced disease?

If you were hopeful of having your terminally diagnosed life saved by an experimental treatment that just might work, would you want to be among the half that got the placebo instead? Probably not. Even if the percentage of those given a placebo was much smaller, would you still find it acceptable if you got the placebo when you really wanted the treatment?

If you were age 76, and the clinical trial age range cut off was 75, wouldn't you wonder why you couldn't be part of the study anyways if you had already been diagnosed as terminal?

If Doctors in hospitals have gotten pretty good at diagnosing later stages of cancer, and that cancer patient is willing to try a clinical trial that has already been approved by the FDA, why can't the regimentation of the trial be made available to those who want to fight for their own life even if they don't live in the state where the clinical trial is going on?

If a clinical trial was being done in Texas, but you lived in Ohio, wouldn't you want the choice to be part of the clinical trial by having a hospital in Ohio follow the protocol of the clinical trial being done in Texas? Especially if flying to Texas might weaken your health and already alter the result?

If the answer is, the longer people live, the more they receive in social security benefits and the more they cost "the health care system", then just make that sentiment public knowledge and be done with it.

Isn't it time to allow older men and women who have been terminally diagnosed to be part of a clinical trial even if they can't travel to the place the trial is being done, don't want the placebo, or are "too old" under the current system as it is currently structured?

Is that really asking for too much?

(Edit note, just two nights ago (Nov. 17, 2009), I heard a report, I think it was on ABC nightly news about the mammogram controversy, and the story claimed it was difficult to find people to participate in clinical trials! Perhaps the idea of getting a placebo discourages people from getting involved.)

Why is it OK for Chase Bank to Outsource American Jobs to the Philippines when the jobs are for handling American Customers?

Why aren't Americans being hired by Chase Bank to service American customers? Why is it acceptable to outsource Chase Bank jobs to the Philippines when the jobs are specifically to handle american clients?


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lets Get Ready to Rumble! Not! Bill Clinton and George Bush do the right thing and cancel their Los Angeles and New York "Cage Match Debates".

Apparently an overzealous promoter kept amping up the PR regarding two panel discussions that was to feature Bill Clinton and George Bush. Instead of the two former presidents meeting to discuss issues based on their presidential experience, the promoter of the event chose to publicize there appearance as a "debate" between two former presidents.

If this is true, than the promoter is an idiot in my opinion. It makes me wonder how they rose to such a position of importance that they could be trusted to promote such an important event.

I wonder if the promoter was envisioning a G. Gordon Liddy vs Timothy Leary series of debates between Bush and Clinton. If so, how could anyone be that misguided, and disrespectful of our two former presidents?

One could argue that their appearance fee was "too low" at 150,000 dollars each. But I don't think that was it at all. I just think they realize how easily the press capitulates to stupid PR angles and decided not to be a part of it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

DailyPUMA is ONE YEAR OLD, and in case you wondered what the mission statement was, here it is.

DailyPUMA is now one years old, Yippee!

In just the past couple of weeks it has dawned on me that it has become very, very important to keep reminding readers that...

1. ...there is unfinished business from 2008 involving Barack Obama and his people CHEATING in the caucus contests.

2.....Barack Obama accepting money that he KNEW was fraudulently donated to him via the use of fake names,

3.....Identifying the democrats that went out of their way to support Barack Obama and diss Hillary Clinton when they just could have easily as waited on the sidelines and let the democratic voters decide at the ballot box,

4.....Exposing the intertwined relationship that Barack Obama has with Wall Street Bankers at the expense of middle, "bitter: america,

5.....Spotlighting lazy, conceited, men in suits who profit from making fun of woman or diminishing them in the media,

6.....Spotlight women who are doing things and women who are being ridiculed and ignored when they should be congratulated for doing the right thing.

7.....Be a conduit that connects PUMA blogs in a fast and efficient manner so that we can get the most information in the fastest possible time so we can keep in touch more easily with more PUMA blogs.

8......Exposing the republican conservative frauds and their blogs who simply hate all things democrat while pretending to be supporters of PUMA

9......Reveal and expose the conservative younger blogs that are nothing more than retreads of their older predecessors and simply hate on Hillary Clinton every chance they get.

10......Hope to be around when the wrongdoers publicly admit they acted unethically in the 2008 democratic race and want to apologize to Hillary Clinton.

11.....Would like to see Barack Obama resign one day with an incredibly eloquent speech that actually allows him to keep his political career going as a changed, humbled man.

12....Hillary Clinton has grown by leaps and bounds as a person and a politician and would make the finest next president of anybody out there from either party.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Response to Cannonfire's Blogging will end topic.

I've blogged a counter argument in the past on how to stop the copyrighters from overstepping their bounds.

Big obnoxious warnings need to be placed on each and every copyrighted piece of material that is being sold that warns the buyer they can only consume the product, they can never show it to anybody else nor edit it nor comment about it on a blog, yada, yada, yada. This will instantly create a backlash from consumers who are offended at such a heightened level of arrogance from the studios. Eventually, a compromise may be reached where bloggers and internet users can buy super low priced "releases" that free them to discuss or show clips of copyrighted content.

In turn, if bloggers actually create sales for the content providers by discussing the content on their own blog, the bloggers would get reimbursed as well. Until we reach that compromise, Other inconsistencies abound as well. Studios regularly use illegally created actor demo reels to help determine who they may hire in the future. These actor demo reels don't have releases, yet the studios view this contraband material to help determine who they will hire AND what they will pay them.

It becomes inconsistent for studios to sue consumers for putting content on youtube when the studios actually gauge the number of viewers the content receives and then make educated decisions based on viewer response. The studios are double dipping, suing consumers for the very same illegal practices they engage in themselves. On top of that, the studios actually use YouTube popularity to determine what new hot talent they might hire, yet who did the studios pay for this worldwide research? Nobody.

However, I do have empathy for the studios because a LOT of people are stealing content. The studios and the consumer need a third party that will fairly assess and address both sides needs, fairly. This is exactly what killed the automobile industry in this country. Greedy executives and greedy labor union leaders at the bargaining table forgetting that the consumer, aka their customers, is what mattered most.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I want to apologize for Robert Reich's latest blog article, it is so stupid his blog is being removed from the right two columns.

All I can say is "Gasp", Robert Reich is wrong as wrong can be. His blog article... How Obama Can Convince Congress to Enact a Larger Stimulus, and Why He Must. Is just outrageously wrong.
I have a suggestion Mr. Reich,
A credit card interest rate incentive program would create an impactful, instant and worthwhile stimulus package. It would create 15-25 billion dollars a month going to YOUR NEIGHBOR, YOUR PLUMBER, YOUR LANDSCAPER, YOUR LOCAL BUILDER, BEFORE the money goes back to the bank to pay down a debt, AND, it would involve NO TAXPAYER MONEY!

I am about the only one I know who is advocating the no interest rate credit card pay down program. I have virtually a 100% pay on time credit card history so I'm not advocating something that has penalized me the way it has penalized others who are paying horrendous credit card interest rates and treading water as a result.

We are being robbed of neighborhood money so that it can stay on Wall Street and be handed back and forth between Wall Street and the politicians they elect. Robert Reich, you are a sell out.

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » GOLDMAN SACHS - THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » GOLDMAN SACHS - THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL

Monday, November 2, 2009

27% Say Hillary Would Be Better President Than Obama

27% Say Hillary Clinton Would Be Better President Than Obama. Click here to read rest of Rasmussen Report Article.

Posted using

The headline could also have said, "76% think Hillary Clinton would either do an equal or better job than Barack Obama". Since I have shared the story from elsewhere, I will leave the headline as they wrote it.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the article....."Just 14% of U.S. voters say Hillary Clinton would be doing a worse job as president than Barack Obama if she had won last year’s Democratic presidential nomination.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 27% of voters think Clinton would be doing a better job as president while 49% say she would be performing about the same."


What I find interesting as well is the Rassumussen Report also finds that Republicans believe that Hillary Clinton would have done a better job than Barack Obama. I implored rich Hillary Clinton supporters to fund this exact kind of survey LAST YEAR when it would have mattered.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are PUMAs Major League Baseball World Series Fans? DailyPUMA seems to get a noticeable increase in readers after the World Series games ends.

It is claimed that during the intermission of the super bowl game that fans literally overload the water system with bathroom breaks. It can also be said that PUMA's seem to stream to DailyPUMA after the baseball world series game ends.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jerry Brown and his people DID NOTHING WRONG by recording conversations with reporters, the story is much ado about nothing.

I have never heard of a dumber, more inane story than the one the conservatives are trying to flout about Jerry Brown and the "secret" recordings his employees made when they were being interviewed by news reporters.

The same republican conservatives who complain that the media is biased against them, now complain if someone being interviewed decides to protect themselves by recording the interview.

This Jerry Brown "controversy" is completely politically motivated. If anyone thinks for a moment that it is or should be illegal to protect oneselves when being interviewed by a reporter by recording the interview, they are morons.

To be clear, reporters are neither perfect, nor will a reporter always take all the time they need to properly do a story because they have deadlines. Were a reporter to ever misreport or incorrectly quote an interviewee, who protects the person being interviewed? What if the reporter didn't make a proper recording of the interview so it is simply their word against the person they interviewed?

This is a republican smear campaign against Jerry Brown and I am sick and tired of BOTH SIDES always trying to make the other side look bad.

If everything that is said between a reporter and the person they are recording is "on the record" it becomes ridiculous to somehow imply that the actual recording of an "on the record" interview is illegal.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Baseball fans booing Pedro Martinez, and Keith Olbermann's uncontrollable, lying mouth.

Sometimes we can see the insanity of
television unfolding in front of us. I was
watching CBS News and was genuinely
struck by the piece about Barack Obama
leaving shortly after midnight to
accompany the recently fallen soldiers
fighting in Afghanistan who were being
returned to the United States for burial.
And then right after that video piece, CBS
showed Hillary Clinton confronting the very
people who either lead double or triple
lives of lies in Pakistan (or know people
who do), and she confronted them on
their turf, half way around the world
from her own home.
A short time later, I saw a stadium full of
people, perhaps some of the same people
who went along with the jokes at Hillary
Clinton's expense last year during the 2008
democratic campaign, (probably some of
the same people who don't take women
as seriously as they do men), booing and
yelling in the relatively safe confines of a
stadium as Pedro Martinez left the mound,
and suddenly a huge sea of hypocrisy
unfolded in front of my eyes.

These people who laugh at our politicians
at every opportunity, especially female
politicians, WOULD NEVER be so brave as
to tell it like it is on a foreigner's soil
the way Hillary Clinton did up above.
What Hillary Clinton did was one of
the bravest moments I think I have ever
witnessed coming from a politician,
either male or female.

And then I was reminded of Keith
Olbermann the clown. Olbermann sat
within the confines of a cozy studio
slamming Hillary Clinton and even
demanding she prematurely quit the
democratc race in 2008.

Olbermann then lied on national television
when he denied that he had suggested
Hillary Clinton be put in a room with
others until only one came out.
Olbermann wouldn't have the guts to
do what Hillary Clinton did in Pakistan,
not now, not ever.
After Olbermann secured the doubling of his own salary by taking sides in the 2008 democratic nomination process by slamming Hillary Clinton on many many occasions, Olbermann then slammed the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is a woman who ran a state government in weather cold enough to make Keith's teeth chatter even faster than many of us thought was possible.

Do we see an odd pattern here? Men, in the comfort of a stadium, or a news studio, or as late night television hosts, making fun of women who could run circles around them in what they accomplish on a day to day basis.

Isn't it ironic that the World Series baseball game was on Fox Television while at the same time on the west coast CBS was running two amazing news stories about the war in Afghanistan, yet it is Fox that bashes the present administration on an almost daily basis.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Breaking News about Apple Snow Leopard and Canon Power Shot Camera incompatibility issues!

Edit note - Jan. 12, 2010) STILL NOTHING, I AM LIVID! I believe Canon, Costco, and Apple SHOULD ALL BE FINED BY THE CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCY.

(Edit note - Dec. 02 - 2009) My canon camera contact redirected my latest email asking for a progress report on the Snow Leopard / Canon Camera incompatibility issue and the email as re-directed to someone else at Canon. Usually a bad sign.

I re-contacted my Costco connection and am asking them to consider suspending carrying Canon cameras in ALL Costco Stores until SOMETHING is promised. It just doesn't look good to be selling NEW Cannon Cameras in a costco KNOWING that they WILL NOT WORK with Apple Snow Leopard. I would like to think that Apple has the resources to send a rep or two to Canon to help them get their software to work with the new platform. Is that really asking for too much? IT HAS NOT BEEN OVER THREE MONTHS THAT THIS PROBLEM HAS EXISTED.


While the subject of APPLE's Snow Leopard operating system is somewhat off topic for a PUMA blog, it actually is on topic for me because I have been shut down from finishing my two books and also from uploading new photos to my blogs, simply because I upgraded to Apple's (MAC) Snow Leopard.

While many applaud APPLE new product releases for being either on time or before a deadline, it appears in this instance APPLE has left Canon cameras unprepared for the Snow Leopard operating system.

Apparently, these type of computer incompatibility issues are not a rare occurrence in the computer world in general, but I still consider it a form of consumer fraud, or at the very least, stealing from the consumer when a new product release does not work with an existing product.

I paid for several upgrades to my computer operating system, and my reward is unresolved compatibility issues between my canon camera and Apple Snow Leopard operating system.

Yes, we need a consumer protection financial agency that could either assess, or threaten to assess, a DAILY FINE until these two huge companies newer products work with products that have already been made and purchased by consumers. A daily fine right now might prove to be the motivation both companies need to get their updates done faster.


Having said that, I would like to complement Canon and Costco for responding to my concerns about my Canon PowerShot camera not working with Snow Leopard. They both were pleasant to communicate with and took my situation seriously.
This is the breaking news...yes, this is MY NEWS, I did not get this from some other new source, I got it by working for it and investigating on my own time with my own resources.

Canon is UNOFFICIALLY anticipating a Mid November 2009 to Late November 2009 FREE SOFTWARE UPDATE that will allow their Canon Power Shot cameras to upload onto the Mac Snow Leopard platform so that your Canon Image Browser program will still work.
This tentative mid November to late November 2009 release date is not guaranteed, it is merely meant as a guideline to what is a hoped for release date.

Right now, there is a way to upload your canon camera images directly to i-Photo if you have a Canon PowerShot camera, but for me, this is a huge problem. I like to add text on top of my photos, and I like this process to be SIMPLE. The Canon Image Browser software allows for the easy creation of titles, so I would like to keep my workflow the way I have been using it for the past 18 months.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that by the end of November 2009 our Canon Power Shot cameras will work for the first time with our Snow Leopard operating systems.

One final note, it does appear that some of the newer, perhaps more expensive/professional canon cameras will work with Canon Image Browser on Snow Leopard, but apparently those of us who bought the more consumerish canon cameras are still in a waiting pattern.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Hypocrisy, Part II, of Maria Shriver hosting the "Women's Conference" in Long Beach is astounding.

A readers comment from the first Maria Shriver hypocrisy article deserves a response because it attempts to make a logical point.
"What part of women not being a monolithic entity don't you get?"
What the writer/responder is getting at is that women should not automatically support other women simply because they are a woman. This is a valid point, and I actually addressed it in the first article, but I'll do it again here in more depth.

Who out there believes that Barack Obama's past behavior at crucial times in his life was properly vetted by the media? I'm not even talking about Pastor Wright. I'm talking about his college days.

I'm talking about the time he spent writing his book in Bali when his mother was in the final year or two of her life dying from cancer.

I'm talking about Barack Obama's desire to question each and every signature of his political opponent's petitions that were being used to qualify for various political races. This "by the book" behavior by Barack Obama repeated itself all the way to Florida and Michigan, yet Barack Obama remained above the fray to actually produce his own documentation about his own past.

Why did Barack Obama spend time in Bali in the early to mid 90's writing a book about his sperm donor father rather than being with his dying mother? Maybe there is a good answer, but it appears nobody in the media seems to think it important to ask Barack Obama.
Not only did Maria Shriver not support Hillary Clinton, she chose to be a roadblock to Hillary Clinton getting the nomination when she just as easily could have stepped back and WAITED to support whichever fine candidate became the democratic nominee based on the vote OF THE PEOPLE!
The let the people decide aspect of the 2008 race was never addressed by the media. The media, celebs and marginal democratic political figures that agreed to manipulate the democratic nomination process BEFORE democratic voters had all voted amounts to a scandal in my opinion. Keith Olbermann was so incensed that Hillary Clinton chose to stay in a race that was too close to call that he advocated "taking her into a room" until one person came out, (presumably not Hillary Clinton).

Maria Shriver actually had to "make a difference" in toppling a WORTHY FEMALE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, then puts on her own women empowering conference. Wouldn't you feel betrayed if you found out that the Barack Obama administration helped Shriver put on the women empowerment convention as payback?

"Hey Maria, support Barack Obama now against Hillary Clinton, then we'll help you put on your own women empowerment conference", if that actually happened, would that be the kind of behavior we should accept from those who first kidnapped, and then re-politized women's issues for their own gain?

Hey, lets get prominent women from all over the country such as Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi, Maria Shriver, and others, to go against Hillary Clinton and support Barack Obama, even though all three could have just remained neutral UNTIL THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS DECIDED who they wanted. Instead, these three prominent women who backed the defeat of Hillary Clinton expect to get rewarded for their role in stopping the first female president.

Um, no thanks. I am here to make sure you DON'T get your rewards for going against the very thing you claim to be for now, now that you will selfishly profit from the very thing you prevented form happening a year earlier.

This type of arrogant, the past is the past behavior is something that needs to be uncircled from the drain before we are awash in the next wave of bulls--t from those who think we have a short memory. I think it is self serving to be a prominent woman who believes in choice, but then shills for women empowerment that she herself helped thwart the previous year.

Electing Barack Obama did not empower women the way a Hillary Clinton presidency would have, nor has real, simple change occurred.

There are dozens of Barack Obama "supporters" that were nothing more than PR shills who may have been promised some type of reward for helping to stop Hillary Clinton. I view these sellouts as vampires who sucked the blood out of our country and have actually helped prevent a rebound from the 8 previous years of the United States being more focused on outside military maneuvers versus healing from within.

By giving Barack Obama a free pass on his past, the several dozens of democratic celebs and politicians who went out of their way, not just to support Barack Obama without a proper vetting, but to diss Hillary Clinton as well, were saying "it's ok Barack Obama, you get a pass on your past just because you're african american". I find that offensive, condescending, and racist.

And what makes these supporters behavior so suspicious to me is that they absolutely could not stay neutral until the american people first decided which democratic candidate they preferred. You want Barack Obama, let the people vote him in, AND THEN back him. Instead, we had CONSTANT shilling by the media, always announcing a new "backer" whenever Hillary Clinton won a primary race.

You all know that Hillary Clinton actually won more delegates than Barack Obama from the primary races, EVEN WHEN FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN ARE NOT COUNTED.

If many celebs and politicians were willing to voraciously promote Barack Obama without a proper vetting, then they LOWERED THE BAR for all future non caucasian presidents. If these unwitting condescending celebrity and political supporters of Barack Obama now portend to promote women's issues, or blue collar issues, they should be publicly outed for stopping the first women from becoming president even as they now attempt to profit from the perception that they are for women's issues.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Hypocrisy of Maria Shriver hosting the "Women's Conference" in Long Beach is astounding.

(Edit update - you can view different sessions from the Women's conference from your home
as podcasts. I presume they are free).

My question is this. If this event is really important to Maria Shriver, and I think this event was held last year as well, why completely stab in the back a fine candidate like Hillary Clinton in 2008 when you purport to be about elevating women?

If Maria Shriver was not sure that Hillary Clinton was her type of candidate, why not just remain neutral? Why actually campaign against Hillary Clinton the way Maria Shriver did? Why? Why help defeat Hillary Clinton and then put on a women's conference that same year and then the following year and so on? I can think of a few women who instead of remaining neutral during the 2008 democratic campaign, actively campaigned for Barack Obama and against Hillary Clinton while claiming to be for women.

There is no forgive and forget in this instance. Maria Shriver purports to be for women while absolutely devaluing a completely credible presidential candidate who was female, and the candidate that Maria Shriver chose over Hillary Clinton WAS AN IMPROPERLY VETTED MALE!
Definitely check out the women's conference. The women's conference appears to be an excellent gathering of women go getters, but it also might not hurt to remind them how disingenuous Maria Shriver's position has become.
Maria Shriver actively being against Hillary Clinton but being for the empowerment of women equals Rush Limbaugh unfairly slamming a talented football player like Donovan McNabe specifically because McNabe is african american, and then afterwards trying to become part owner in a football team.

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