Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Chase Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chase Bank. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

COME & GET IT LAWYERS! CHASE BANK HAS 2.6 BILLION DOLLARS in RESERVE for LAWSUITS, no wonder Chase Bank does not seem to care about Public Opinion.

Seems to me that Chase Bank keeps so much money in reserve (2.6 billion dollars), for fighting and settling lawsuits that they probably think they write the laws and enforce them as well.
If you are an attorney and nobody has called you complaining about Chase Bank, you might just be a crappy attorney.

HOW YOU CAN HELP! MAKE A DAILY-PROTEST.com sign and put it where others will see it. Daily-Protest.com signs can be placed in a storefront window, a bulletin board at work, or a countertop. Raise curiosity and awareness about how Chase Bank is harming a LOT of of their BEST customers by making a Daily-Protest.com sign.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


You might not know somebody who has been affected by Chase Bank's decision to raise the monthly minimum payment requirement from 2% to 5% on over a million of their most trustworthy and reliable customers, to repeat...
You might not know somebody who has been affected by Chase Bank's decision to raise the monthly minimum payment on over a million of their most trustworthy and reliable customers, simply because they are afraid or ashamed to say anything to you about it.
It is amazing to me that Chase Bank can create so much concern and anxiety over their hostile financial actions that hits to Daily-Protest.com have tripled in just the past few days.

It will be disappointing to me if more PUMA's don't get involved in the Chase Bank protests simply because this is a financial swindle being pulled off in the worst of economic times, and I believe that PUMA's are bearing the brunt of this economic swindle.
What you personally think about how other people have used credit is not the issue, what matters MORE is giving everybody a FAIR chance to pay down their debts.
ACORN may be the reason that over a million Chase Bank Customers are in danger of losing either their home or their excellent credit score.
Did Chase Bank go after a million of their best, most reliable customers in an effort to damage these customers credit rating so they will PAY HIGHER INTEREST RATES on their future debt?
It is possible that Barack Obama and the same people who manipulated the 2008 elections figure that "bitter, middle america" will not fight them over the Chase Bank 150% Increase in the Monthly Minimum Credit Card Payment Swindle that is currently going on.
It is also possible that the money Chase Bank is swindling from over one million of their most trustworthy, reliable, "BITTER" customers will go to help ACORN members get better deals on their home mortgage deals.
It would not surprise me to learn that ACORN ACOLYTES KNOW they can run away from credit card debt more easily than unmanagable mortgage debt, whereas us "bitter americans" will try with all of our might to pay ALL of our debts.

Even when companies like Chase Bank try to ruin our credit history with gargantuan increases in the monthly minimum payment that over a million Chase Bank customers MUST now shoulder, Chase bank believes we will continue to be law abiding sheep and pay the higher interest rates that comes with ruined credit.
It may be a very bad sign for "Bitter" Americans if ACORN is only fighting for home mortgage issues and AVOIDING the credit card controversies. I have googled the Chase Bank Monthly Minimum increase issue, and ACORN outrage does not show up at all! This is a very troubling sign.
While the media plays up the mortgage crisis, there may be millions of americans slowly losing their homes because of Chase Bank and unfair credit card practices and the freezing of home equity lines at drastically undervalued prices. My grave concern is that the people being affected are not ACORN people, and that may be why Chase Bank is going full steam ahead to potentially ruin well over a million american's and their families lives, you know, the "bitter americans" that Barack Obama spoke of during the 2008 democratic race.

I find it odd that a person putting up MORE collateral than the amount of the loan they are requesting will still be denied the loan unless they have substantial income! It appears to me that collateral loans are a profile that doesn't fit the typical ACORN member, therefore there are NO COLLATERAL LOAN PROGRAMS at this point in time? I don't know for sure if collateral backed loans fit ACORN members, but I bet collateral backed loans fit many Hillary Clinton supporters snugly.
To put this in perspective, Chase Bank is going to EXTRACT FROM these over one million americans who are never late on THEIR payments MORE MONEY PER MONTH than GEORGE BUSH and Barack Obama gave these same americans in stimulus and rebate checks!
Read about what may be happening to fellow PUMA's all over the country... Consumer Affairs has over 1,000 Chase Bank Complaints from just the past 6 months.

If I were to guess, I would bet that MOST of the people writing Chase Bank complaint letters to Consumer Affairs, DID NOT VOTE for Barack Obama, and that is why they are being left unprotected by our "team of rivals". Consumer Affairs has over 1,000 Chase Bank Complaints from just the past 6 months.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Princess Leia (Ear Model as Well) Wants a Tea Party War Against the Credit Card Companies, NOT a Republican vs Democrat waste of energy debate.

This YouTube personality gets it, how about you? The Credit Card Companies are destroying the economy while positioning themselves to STEAL your assets.

When Oprah Winfrey, who has attempted to build her legacy by nurturing the public's spirituality, offers four FREE KFC Chicken Grill coupons but does NOTHING to protest what the credit card companies are doing to the american people, you know we are in trouble.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Chase bank lost a round in court yesterday when the judge ruled that they could not hide change in terms up their butt in the finely embroidered toliet paper embossings and then claim it didn't stink. 

I guess when wallowing in "up your buttness business protocol" on an ongoing basis, it gets hard to tell the difference between clean air and gaseous funk.
But this should be no surprise for Chase Bank president Keith Schuck, who recently stood in front of a group of impressionable fourth graders and explained how if they saved their money at 10 percent interest in a savings account, their money would grow real fast.

The fascinated school children allegedly couldn't wait to get home and tell their parents about 10 percent interest savings at Chase Bank.

The fact that at the time Chase President Keith Schuck used 10% interest savings rate as an example to these impressionable and vulnerable school children while the actual interest rate those schoolchildren's parents could get on their savings account was .01 percent, or TEN THOUSAND TIMES LESS INTEREST THAN what Keith Schuck used as an example has not seemed to cause much concern at Chase Bank, or the media.

Should we be surprised?The lesson Mr. Keith Schuch appears to be teaching is, it is ok to lie and deceive young kids if one is rich and "successful", and is president of a bank.

Meanwhile, Chase bank's name seems to be appearing all over the country in lawsuits being filed against them! I have no idea how many, but there was even one scheduled at the court where I had business to attend to.  I wanted to talk to the attorney for the person suing Chase but they were called into the judges chambers after the case was moved to a federal court!

lol, I never did find the attorney after he disappeared into the backroom, I even waited for an hour but then had to leave.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Stimulus Package and Higher Taxes are being fueled by The Credit Card Industry!

I have always been good with simple math. In one way this has been a bad thing because it enables me to see the mathematical manipulation of peoples lives while others don't seem to notice, yet I have no standing because I am not a physics major nor do I have a PHD in math.

Imagine being the character who yells out that "soylent green is dead people",  and nobody knows what you are talking about. Imagine being the person who coined the phrase, "if you build it, they will come", and nobody was interested.  

The Credit Card problem is becoming the soylent green of our entire economy. Even economists who state that the credit card industry is causing a huge economic problem will then state that the credit card problem is on equal footing with other economic problems, without seeing that credit cards may be the UNDERLYING problem that is affecting the other economic problems as well.

What is frustrating to me is that people who don't have credit card debt feel it is a problem that is beneath them, that it only affects the reckless and self indulgent, those who ASKED FOR IT.

That sentiment cannot be farther from the truth for most americans.

We are all interconnected mathematically. You could probably count on one hand the number of businesses that DO NOT take credit cards but do take debit cards. Even if you don't have credit card debt, or pay off your debt every month (bravo by the way), the place that employees you, and the vendors that either supply or purchase products or services from your business, in all likelihood RELY ON CREDIT. Without those credit lines, you may not still have your job, and guess what you might end up relying on to get by.

Now is the time to link the credit card industries recent actions to higher taxes. The credit card companies, the FDIC, and the federal reserve continue to suck out the fragile, economic life lubricant known as credit lines and lower interest credit card rates from every small city in the United States and their local economies. The credit card companies are also shafting their most reliable, honorable, never late paying, never miss a payment type of customer.

Credit card companies are ALSO sucking out the very economic life force that helps local, state, and federal governments meet their tax goals. So now there are two equal anti-economic forces working against the working class. 

As local credit dries up, and interest rates rise (even as the federal reserve drops interest rates to the banks) governments receive less in consumption taxes and property taxes as people make less purchases, home values drop and people are foreclosed on.

It is NOT ENOUGH to just be against higher taxes. If you are against higher taxes but not against higher credit card interest rates, you have not figured it out yet.

Now is not the time to be either a democrat or a republican. Now is the time to find alternative ideas to the same old stuff that got us in this economic mess. Incentive based Credit Card Programs are the only way to stop the downward spiral of the world's economy.

Instead, we are being force fed a "This is going to hurt me, more than it is you" chant by the banks as they continue to raise interest rates and lower credit card limits. Creative, incentive based credit card programs have not been tried, and that is the real crime that is going on and on and on.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why does Barack Obama have to "Lean on" Credit Card Companies at all, and when will he enlist an outside the White House "team of rivals"?

Barack Obama is supposedly set to lean on Credit Card Companies for their recent hostile and aggressive tactics against the consumer. Here is what I don't get. Barack Obama campaigned last year that he would bring in line the Credit Card companies. Barack Obama seems to have a good relationship with these credit card companies.

Why would the credit card companies disrespect Barack Obama and force his hand? Is it so Barack Obama can swoop in at his April 23, 2009 White House meeting and look like he is saving us? Barack Obama should be less concerned about looking good and instead "punish" the credit card companies for making him, aka Barack Obama, look bad to his constituents.

Barack Obama should hire a team of outside the white house rivals to really shake things up. Yes, Ralph Nader should be part of that team, along with others who are known for fighting for the consumer. If not now at the White House meeting scheduled for April 23, 2009 with the credit card industry, then when?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm STILL WAITING, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Bill O'Reilly, Fox Television, STILL WAITING for ONE of YOU to CONDEMN the BANKING INDUSTRY.

In a strange twist of fate, I am kind of relieved that I can count on Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox News, heretofore named the "Republican Guard", to continue to say nothing, and do nothing when it comes to the oppressive stance banks are taking against their BEST and most reliable CUSTOMERS.

The easiest path to success for the Republican Guard would be to take on the credit card banking industry and fight for the consumer. However, if the Republican Guard only did this because it was the popular thing to do, it would mean we would be electing ultra frauds to congress in 2010.

Instead, these Republican Guard opportunists just gleefully rub their hands together and think teabag protests are going to sweep them back into power. The Republican Guard looks forward to the next series of congressional elections where they believe they can make huge inroads against the 2008 democratic landslide. News alert you manipulative, conservative opportunists. At best, you will pick up two seats in 2010, at worst, you will LOSE EVEN MORE GROUND. 

The Republican Guard has no soul. A successful political movement has to attempt to understand, to actually feel someone's pain before they will be trusted. The Republican Guard's reluctance to condemn what the banking credit card industry is presently doing to their best customers carries more weight than all the tea from all of those teabag party protests. (learn more at Daily-Protest.com)

Republican Guard, we're on to you and your manipulation. If you can't stand up for people being financially oppressed and being denied basic opt out rights when changes in terms are made by the banks, I'll fight you day and night to make sure you don't get your grubby hands anywhere near congress, you out of touch, publicity grabbing, opportunistic, heartless twits.

This is no longer a Republican versus Democrat issue, this is now the banking industry against the heart and soul of their most trustworthy customers, the ones that make their payments on time every month. Meanwhile, Newt, Rush, O'Reilly and Fox and Friends want to turn back the hands of time to 1994 and the contract with amnesia.

The Republican Guard wants to create a taxpayer revolt againt the democrats and the bailout bill while they themselves conveniently ignore the grand theft the banking industry is conducting against honorable and responsible americans. The Republican Guard really must think we are dense.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Challenge to Fox Television and Rush Limbaugh, STOP Encouraging Anti Obama April 15 Tea Party Protests and Encourage Protests against Chase Bank.


Can you see Fox News ever taking on the credit card industry with promos encouraging people to protest against the banks? If the idea of Fox News taking on the Credit Card Industry makes you laugh, then perhaps you should be offended that Fox News Television is instead egging people on to protest on April 15th about their government, their president, the bailout and taxes, even as Fox News says and does nothing about the banks.

Well Newt, will we ever hear you utter a negative word about what Chase Bank and soon to follow Citibank and are doing to the same americans that you want to convince should put all of their energy on blaming government and none on corporations?

Banks are actually doing more damage to blue collar america with their 250% monthly minimum payment increase on pre-existing low interest credit card agreements. The banks are "rushing" to get back to financial stability by financial suffocating trustworthy americans who have never been late on their low interest credit card payments just so they can put up slightly better numbers on Wall Street.


Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, would Rush Limbaugh ever go on the air and castigate the credit card companies for their recent actions in raising the rates on low interest accounts that were supposed to be fixed for the life of the loan? Maybe Rush should spend a bit more time fighting for the blue collar worker rather than getting his followers in a lather over political issues. This is about people Rush. When have you ever fought for People that are being directly attacked by Credit Card Companies.

Learn more about Chase and their evil, evil ways at Daily-Protest.com

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Arianna Huffington's new nickname for Barack Obama, The BankCentric Kid, and She's Right, for a Change, ahem.

For the past several weeks, I have had an uneasy feeling about all of those "meetings" Barack Obama has had with Wall Street Bankers and the financial "stall warts" that really don't relate to US.


I've never quite felt comfortable with Barack Obama's ability to connect with the everyday person during last year's election because Obama also relied on the corporate elite banker to win the white house. These two groups couldn't be more polar opposite and don't relate to each other.

I do believe Barack Obama deserves a year before he is judged. However, I keep seeing the same type of pattern emerging that makes me wonder if it is going to be pointless to wait a year before judging.

Passing a heavy handed bailout package that has no support at all from the other major political party is what I call a forfeit victory. The other side didn't have enough players to compete effectively, so the game is called without being played and is called a forfeit victory.


In sports, the winning side must be very careful if they choose to celebrate a forfeit victory. In some baseball competitions, a team can get a forfeit victory by being ahead by either 10 or 15 runs. The winner is wise to not openly gloat about their "mercy rule" victory in front of the losing team and instead may wait until later, just as Barack Obama did after the bailout bill passed and celebrated at the white house. However...

If the other side did not have enough players to compete at the start of the game, this too can be called a forfeit victory. I can pretty much guarantee that NOBODY celebrates a forfeit win when the other side can't even field enough players at the start of the game.

When it came to the passage of the bailout bills, one could call that a forfeit victory as well as the Republicans could not even field enough congress people to prevent a "mercy rule" victory.

Barack Obama celebrated his bailout bill mercy rule victories at a white house party replete with 100 dollar a pound wagyu steaks imported from Japan. Welcome to Barack Obama's world, where celebrating a slam dunk victory when the other side could not even field enough players, is a way of life. Not much different than when Barack Obama had his opponents disqualified for technical reasons in past political races. The patterns seem to remain the same and point to someone who thinks he is growing even as he performs the same old tricks he always has.

While Media Matters disputed the 150-170 million dollar estimated expenditures for Barack Obama's Inauguration, was it really necessary to spend that much money while people were actually freezing to death in their homes across the country? What if Barack Obama had budgeted 150 million for the Inauguration, then practiced his budget cutting skills and cut his own inauguration budget to 75 million, and then used some of the saved money to pay the heating bills of people who instead froze to death?

Wouldn't that have sent a clear and loud message that Barack Obama was really going to "change" things? Wouldn't he have instantly mobilized and even won over some of his critics if he could have kept his inauguration budget to one dollar lower than the last inauguration?

Now Arianna Huffington, who IS HILLARY CLINTON'S BIGGEST NEMESIS on the planet, is calling Barack Obama and his administration a bankcentric driven team, and she doesn't like it one bit. Neither does George Soros. Barack Obama's team of rivals seems to be in the habit of looking for the next forfeit in which they can unanimously declare a victory and then celebrate with 100 dollar wagyu steaks. It appears they don't even buy their victory steaks from a US company. Wow.

The latest evidence of Barack Obama's next forfeit victory was his recent statement that little cracks of light are shining through the economic gloom as Wall Street indicators begin to brighten...even as the credit card companies are wreaking havoc on millions of customers who have stellar credit and payment histories!

When the credit card companies begin to steal frequent flyer miles from their most loyal and trustworthy customers, and when the credit card companies begin to increase monthly minimum payments by 150% on their customers who practice smart borrowing habits, can one really state that the economic gloomy clouds are lifting?

Perhaps the better question is, for whom are the gloomy economic clouds lifitng? Certainly not for the almost 2 million Chase bank customers who suddenly have to come up with as much as 500 dollars a month for a credit card bill they have never been late paying in the past or they will lose their super-low interest rate loan.

It seems to me if you believe in the everyday person Mr. President, and feel their pain, (ahem), you would want to harness those people's expectations and enthusiasm and guide them into creating their own success. Instead, I get the sense that the everyday person is really there to feed Barack Obama's world, and not the other way around.

Did you know that you You may be a Toxic Asset and not even know it! The reality that any american who accepted a low interest "until the loan was paid off" credit card offer from Chase Bank and other banks may now been labeled a toxic asset! These customers with low interest loan rates are being isolated for eradication by the credit card companies and is ANOTHER example of a Barack Obama team of rivals forfeit victory. The destruction of these smart consumers now know as toxic assets will generate more profit for the credit card companies as their credit rating gets slashed, thereby ensuring they pay higher interest rates on their debts, which creates more value on Wall Street. Is this the way banks are to operate so Barack Obama can then state that the economic clouds are lifting?

The amount of trustworthy credit card customers who were offered life of the loan, low interest credit card rates is relatively small, perhaps just a couple of million of customers who still have these great rates intact. Yet the bankers can't wait to destroy these customer's credit rating by raising their monthly minimum payment from 2% to 5%, a 150% increase above and beyond what they are already paying, with no opt out clause for the consumer!

If Barack Obama believes that labeling credit card customers with stellar payment histories "toxic assets" as one key to fixing the economy, then that is not the type of economy that needs fixing.

To Arianna Huffington, just what was in it for you to elect the "BankCentric Kid" in the first place since you now condemn his BankCentric approach?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


(Edit Note-Please see the more current Tea Party Article as well. TEA PARTY PROTEST DO's and DONT's.

If you live in LA, you are invited to a Studio City Tea Party Protest in front of the Washington Mutual Bank/CHASE BANK in Studio City.

Time: 1:30 - 4:30pm


Date: April 11, 2009 (Saturday)

Where: Studio City
(on the corner of Laurel Canyon Avenue and Ventura Blvd)

Address: Washington Mutual Bank (Now CHASE BANK) 12051 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604.




My Daily-Protests started last Monday, but this is the kick off of the nationwide TEA PARTY protests that will be running through April 15th. I plan on continuing after April 15th because there are specific, illegal things being done by the Credit Card companies that need to be immediately stopped, reversed, and apologies set forth by the executive boards of everyone of the major credit card companies. If you are interested in joining any of the protests, the goal of Daily-Protest.com is to donate one hour a day to protesting at a Chase Bank in your area.

You can learn more at Daily-Protest.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

George Soros Admits Banks are now Sucking the Lifeblood out of the Economy and their Local Communities.

From the blog Not Your Sweetie comes an interesting recap on what George Soros thinks about Banks and the economy. LINK - George Soros and Zombie Banks.

Full Original Reuters Article can be found HERE.

Good Catch by Not Your Sweetie as it directly relates to why I am protesting against Chase Bank and what they just did to tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of their best customers.

Daily-Protesting.com is convinced that protesting in front of Chase Bank is better than just accepting Chase's oppressive and destructive "solutions" to being "more profitable" at the expense of their best customers.

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