Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Did Donald Trump personally cause Bankruptcy Laws to be excruciatingly tightened because of his own Bankruptcy back in the early 90's?

Donald Trump walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets when he was actually in debt by almost a billion dollars. Because Trump controlled around 3.5 billion dollars worth of assets back in the early 90's when he could not pay his debts, the banks felt it was better to just give him a portion of the assets he controlled but had already default on, versus dealing with Donald Trump in court.

I suppose it would be like owning four cars that are nowhere near being paid off, the car owner defaults on all of the payments but the bank lets the car owner keep one car free and clear while re-possessing the other three. lol, have you ever heard of a regular consumer being treated that well?

Ironically the rest of us lucked out because Bill Clinton became president in 1992 and Trump's bankruptcy shenanigans in which he walked away with 900 million dollars of wealth would be put on the backburner until after President Clinton left office. Bill Clinton was busy creating wealth for the country and didn't have time to focus on making life more miserable for consumers, again.

But George Bush jr., he was quite ok with making Bankruptcy so onerous that there are probably millions of americans out there right now damned no matter what path they take going forward. And for that, we have Donald Trump to thank.
Trump, author of the autobiographical books "Trump: The Art of the Deal" and "Trump: Surviving at the Top," said in a series of interviews that he fared as well as he did largely because his bankers trusted and respected him. "They love me because I'm good and I'm honest," he said. 
"I've developed a great respect for bankers," he added. Many Trump creditors gave a different explanation for the outcome. Mainly, they were guided by their fear of what might happen if their conflict with Trump escalated into a bitter bankruptcy proceeding, they said. "I did it because it was the only practical solution," said one banker, who declined to be identified.
I finally understand the meaning of "Blowhard" because of Donald Trump. One blows out their version of reality so loud and hard that they have time to step away, put on different attire, and then applaud themselves at all future times and places by referring back to the still resonating wind bag of approval they themselves falsely proliferated years earlier. I guess its what a blowhard does when they don't have the "Back to the Future" News Prediction Book in their hands.

It makes one wonder, did Donald Trump try and at least give his perspective to the George Bush team so that the new bankruptcy laws would not shift the pendulum too far from in favor of the businessman and consumer to way too far in favor of the banks. I am betting Mr. Trump just sort of let it all roll off his teflon business suit and probably just hired a few more lawyers instead.

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Republican Party, FBI Director James Comey, and Donald Trump probably caused the execution of Iranian Nuclear Scientist, decide to blame Hillary Clinton and her emails.

Did anyone think that Donald Trump recruiting hackers from around the world to find old Hillary Clinton emails would lead to anything good? Will Donald Trump take responsibility for repeatedly publicizing an issue that can only hurt people?

As long as the Republicans can blame Hillary Clinton for their own idiocy in constantly fanning the flames about emails that are FOUR to SEVEN YEARS OLD, they will be happy, happier still when people die and they can blame Hillary Clinton and emails nobody knew about until the Republicans brayed about them over and over and over again.

Well, when one is afflicted with Clinton Derangement Syndrome, then any death that can somehow be linked to the Clintons is a good thing. 

The choice is clear, Republican rat fucker politicians, James Comey, and Donald Trump can all shut the fuck up about the emails and lets move on, or, Republican rat fucker politicians, James Comey, and Donald Trump can refuse to shut the fuck up about the emails and continue to intrigue hackers all over the world as to how much death and disruption 4 to 7 year old emails can cause today, with the fall back plan of then blaming Hillary Clinton for the mess the Republicans keep regurgitating.

The Spin now being claimed is he was tried in 2011 and was just now executed. With the Republicans crying bloody murder over the 400 million dollars recently released to Iran, there was no way Iran was going to release the scientist. So either way, its the Republicans constant public blathering about private matters that is killing people.

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Donald Trump had almost a billion of dollars of debt forgiven in the early 90's.

Not only did Donald Trump have almost a billion dollar of debt forgiven in the early 90's, he was allowed to escape having to pay any interest on a significant portion of the debt as well. Read about it in the Washington Post…Trump went Broke, but Stayed on Top. 

Donald Trump has a way of talking nicely about bankers who out of fear of losing everything, gave Trump a huge break just so they could get something back in return.

Did you know that nowadays ANY restructuring of an existing debt by you or I is deemed a Default by the banking industry. We probably have Donald Trump to thank for that.

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Does Donald Trump have a Bimbo Eruption Problem?

Wright tweeted a picture of the Cleveland Cavaliers Championship Celebration that featured thousands of fans,  knowingly and falsely attributing the Cavaliers Championship Celebration photo taken in Cleveland as instead coming from a Donald Trump Rally in Jacksonville, Florida. Then Donald Trump commented about the image, apparently not knowing it had been faked, to tell his supporters that maybe the polls are wrong that show Trump Trailing Hillary Clinton.

Is there a bevy of Russian bimbos out there who support Donald Trump? Will they come to the surface or have they been paid off by the Trump Machine? Has Donald Trump been using his own Private Jet to ferry himself and his sons to parts unknown for behavior not suitable for the media to find out about? 

How does Donald Trump keep finding Russian women to either marry, or that are willing to lie in writing and with pictures on Twitter? Tatiana Wright knowingly posted false information about a photo on her twitter account that painted a Donald Trump rally in a favorable light, yet later on proudly admitted in writing that she publicly lied so Donald would benefit. 

Some might see Tatiana's defiance as somewhat terroristic in nature seeing as how she was not born in the U.S. 

Other's might see Tatiana's actions as salacious in nature, a Russian woman living in the U.S. who is willing to lie for her man, then defiantly say she would do it again and that she is not sorry. Some might wonder if Donald Trump's public display of approval of Tatiana's actions has some deeper meaning between the two.

Of course normal americans, the kind who will vote for Hillary Clinton, would simply see Tatiana as an american citizen who probably never learned that it is not ok to knowingly lie when writing or posting photos.

Just how big is the loyal group of Russian women who seem defiantly loyal to Donald Trump?

Why aren't Russian immigrants on Donald Trumps No Enter list?

How many of Donald Trump's wives are Russian? How does that happen?

Why aren't American women good enough for Donald Trump to marry? 

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Crazy? Russian Immigrant willing to post lies on Twitter that benefit Donald Trump.

So as long as the immigrants are in favor of Donald Trump, Donald Trump seems to have no problem with them no matter how unethical their behavior is. 

Cue Tatiana Wright, a Russian Immigrant who falsely tweeted a picture of the Cleveland Cavaliers Championship parade as belonging to a Donald Trump rally in Jacksonville, Florida. Click on each Image to Enlarge. Click here to go to story.

The Donald seems to have his share of Russian Fans, Supporters and Wives with Russian names. You just can't make this stuff up.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Donald Trump's Fake Steakgate, or, How Trump learned to sacrifice the success of others for his own personal gain.

In case you missed it, Donald Trump made a mockery of the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination race back in March of 2016 when he attempted to debunk Mitt Romney's claim that Trump had had a lot failed businesses.

Somewhere hidden away in a sanitarium is a Donald Trump doppleganger, aka the one who did not get away. Meanwhile the Donald Trump who did escape has proudly learned to sacrifice the success of others for his own personal gain.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Donald Trump doubles down on saying the election is rigged so he wins no matter what the outcome.

Isn't it evident that before the 2016 Presidential election cycle is complete Donald Trump will have pretty much said everything, about everything?

When Donald Trump says the 2016 election is rigged, not only does he fire up his base, but he creates a no lose scenario. If Donald Trump wins the 2016 presidential election, Trump can claim he won DESPITE the alleged election fraud. If Donald Trump loses the 2016 presidential election, he can of course state it was because of the alleged election fraud.

During the 2004 Kerry vs Bush presidential contest, I watched the live accumulating vote totals for both presidential candidates on CBS. Kerry would continually make very steady popular vote gains and it would look like he was going to pass Bush's popular vote total, then suddenly Bush's vote total would jump a million votes or more ahead. Kerry would then steadily chase down the vote total difference, only for George Bush to suddenly jump a million votes ahead, this quixotic vote total chase happened all night long. 

I found the steady popular vote gain, then suddenly be down again by a lot, suspicious. So who knows, maybe Donald Trump is right. But as we know, in 2004 the winner of a potentially rigged presidential election was the Republican party, not the Democrat Party.

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Friday, July 29, 2016

When Donald Trump Speaks, Russian and French Hackers Listen.

There was a dramatic spike in hits to DailyPUMA from both Russia and France AFTER Donald Trump made a public plea to Russian Hackers to look for the allegedly missing 30,000 emails. 

Donald Trump has an interesting connection to Russia. 2 of his 3 wives have Russian first names. Trump Escorts may  have been run out of a Trump owned location back in the 90's. And when Donald Trump asks his Russian Hacker friends to find missing emails, DailyPUMA (we don't have them by the way), is hit with 75% of all traffic suddenly coming from Russia, then the next day it's 90% of all visits from Russia and France.

It makes one wonder if there is some type of quid pro quo in place in which whenever Donald Trump goes on a rampage about terrorism, a terrorist act seems to occur in France or some other part of Europe.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton's biggest night ever, Her acceptance of the 2016 Democrat nomination night, Russia and France account for 90% of all page visits to DailyPUMA.

This spike in hits from Russia and France occurred AFTER Donald Trump asked Russia to hack into the DNC. Is it possible that some of the terrorist bombings in Europe, which all coincided right after Trump warnings of terrorism, are connected as well?

When Donald Trump talks terrorism, do terrorists listen, and act? Click on the Image Below to enlarge it and see for yourself.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Russia is completely innocent of any and all wrongdoing ever committed regarding hacking, doping, and providing escorts for Donald Trump's Trump Escorts, see the proof.

Click on Image to Enlarge and see the 75% of all hits from all countries that Russia has had to Daily PUMA in the past 24 hours. Or, maybe it's just that Hillary Clinton is liked all over the world and she is very popular in Russia and she was just nominated to be the first female president in the United States.

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Lack of context regarding emails keeps nullifying anyone who is sane from having a legitimate opinion.

Context, Context, Context. Where is it?

I can't recall the FBI releasing even one email of any prior Secretary of State prior to Hillary Clinton for everyone to compare to Hillary Clinton's emails. Were there similar emails to what Hillary Clinton sent, were there emails sent "unsecured"? Haven't allegedly hack proof government servers been hacked? Are we to believe that our government officials don't mix in erroneous info on their computer devices so that if they were hacked, it might actually derail the hackers moreso than help them.

Now it's the Democrat Convention. I can't recall one email from the Republican National Committee to compare to the Democrat National Committee's emails.

Are we to believe that not one Republican National Committee email exists that asks how to derail Donald Trump? To continue to tarnish Hillary Clinton?

Where is the context between the focus on the Democrat National Committee emails, and the Republican National Committee emails?

Ah, but this all falls into what Trump and Sanders were saying about each political party not wanting outsiders to win. Both Sanders and Trump used out bounds methods against the more mainstream candidates, so of course the party is going to be concerned.

The long list of campaign wrongs by Donald Trump are well beyond my scope, but a few to point out would be his fraudulent use of Trump Steaks, (as if they actually existed) during a press conference after he had won a very early primary. Trump made it sound like Trump Steaks actually existed and he was offering it up as proof that America can be great again and that we can make things again in this country, just like his fake Trump steaks.

Trump should have been censored and not allowed to run in the next set of primaries for that gaffe. The fact that he was let alone and allowed to use that fraudulent press conference to INCREASE his momentum dwarfs all the disdain that was directed at him. If Trump had been sanctioned for his steak fraud presser, he would not have become the Republican nominee.

Trump's attacks against Cruz's wife in which he used a picture that depicted Ms. Cruz as having just finished off a raw prarie rabbit without any utensils other than her teeth, also fell out of the bounds of decency. Trump was outraged because a picture of his wife in a negligee had been tweeted. I still can't figure out how a super hot picture of one's wife, a picture she voluntarily posed for and was probably paid to pose for, equates with showing a picture of his chief competitor's wife with what looks like blood streaks streaming down from her mouth and lips.

As for Bernie Sanders, his ongoing and repetitive insinuation that Hillary Clinton would be beholden to Wall Street was an unprovable accusation, and in light of the very off hands treatment Sander's own wife got for what looks like gross mismanagement of college funds, was an accusation he never should have made.

And Sanders also kept touting his caucus wins as being equivalent to Hillary Clinton's primary wins, which is fraud in my opinion since it takes 90% less votes to win a caucus then if that same state had held a primary instead. And then to top it off, the Sander's people said it was unfair that independents could not vote as democrats in the primaries. This stuff is just so beguiling that neither the Republican party nor the Democrat party should be apologizing to either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Yes, the entire email issue has been trumped up.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Did Wiki Leaks leak info to Sanders people well ahead of everyone else?

I smell a double leak from Wiki Leaks. 

I smell a pre-leak to Sander's people several months before the leaks were leaked to everyone else. 

Is it ethical for a leaker to pre-leak hacked emails to some, while hiding the leaked documents from others? 

Is it ethical for the receivers of the leaked email documents to use the information while promising to stay quiet about the leaks?

When did the Sanders people know about the leaked emails?  

Are there no ethics among leakers?

Didn't Bernie Sander's people smear Hillary Clinton personally with conjecture while the Clinton campaign basically took it on the chin and kept going? I think so.

If at some point DNC people saw the Sander's group overstating caucus wins as being as significant as primary wins, then I have no problem with them trying to level the playing field.

Did you know that Hillary Clinton won 28 primaries and Bernie Sanders only won 12 primaries? You probably did not know Hillary Clinton won 70% of all democrat primaries because the Sander's people kept mixing in all those tainted caucus results to make it look like Sanders won almost as many contests as Hillary Clinton.

Please, lets not make out the Sander's people as victims when they implied Hillary Clinton would not be a reasonable president based on wall street donations.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Chris Christie and Donald Trump play the Buffoon Card at the Republican Convention.

Chris Christie is the governor of New Jersey who apparently purposely delayed traffic on the primary bridge leading into and out of New Jersey. 

We will never know if Chris Christie's Bridge Gate actions led to any deaths, loss of job prospects, perhaps a business owner going out of business because inventory never arrived or arrived too late for a public event. We'll never know if Chris Christie's ogreish actions created car engine  overheating malfunctions such as ruining a car engine that could have been avoided if the car had not been idling for several hours because of Christie's churlish actions. Shouldn't this level of economic and health related callousness mean Chris Christie be locked up?

Now that it is evident that both Donald and Melania Trump lied about plagiarizing parts of Michelle Obama's speech, we can call him Lyin Donald and Lyin Melania. 

Not to be outdone, can't Donald's sons be called Lion Kings for shooting Lions in canned hunts in which the Lion has been drugged so it cannot defend itself. The Lion's head is usually then illegally sent back to the U.S. as a trophy.

Is this how we make America Great Again?

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Friday, July 8, 2016

A question for all of the Sanders Supporters, the Trump Supporters, and those with Clinton Derangement Syndrome about the alleged email fracas.

It's the summer of 2017 and your favorite political candidate has become president. The president's SOS is on an important political trip to Europe concerning European Union chaos. The Media takes photos of the SOS holding a blackberry and talking into it, and the photos go instantly viral.

What happens next, and why?

Please feel free to post a link on your favorite political site back to this topic, I am sincerely curious.

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

The FBI's Misogynistic treatment of Hillary Clinton.

The FIB, er FBI seems comfortable letting out all kinds of classified secrets in publicly rebuking Hillary Clinton.

Actually naming the amount of classified documents sent on an unsecured server, are you fucking kidding me. It's as if Mr. Comey keeps sending out hints to hackers worldwide for them to keep looking until they find this exact number of classified emails etc. etc.

Why give any hints out regarding how many allegedly classified emails were sent on an unsecure server? FBI director James Comey needs to shut the fuck up. 

Apparently Mr. Comey answers to nobody, that is what I find galling. Once again Hillary Clinton is put in the position of, if she doesn't answer questions over the past year, she is hiding something, if she does answer questions and isn't 100% accurate, she is then of course willfully lying? Nobody in the media should have asked her anything until the investigation was done, because it's an investigation.

If Hillary Clinton had admitted to possibly sending out classified emails on a non secure server, she would be guilty of the same idiocy that James Comey has shown in detailing top secret information and trumpeting it to the world in specific numbers.

Mr. Comey needs to be put on the hot seat for blurting out information that should never have been blurted out, but there is nobody out there to do it.

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