Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Note about Mountain Sage Blog.

Most definitely Mountain Sage is not a PUMA blog, actually has a link to "Stupid Pumas" on there. I just seem to recall they were pro Hillary Clinton at one point. It appears that Mountain Sage believes the only PUMA's are stupid ones.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How TV Land could affect the 2012 presidential campaign.

It became pretty obvious to Hillary Clinton supporters during the 2008 democratic nomination process that Hillary Clinton was the only major presidential candidate without a television channel.

We know that MSNBC conspired against Hillary Clinton and for Barack Obama. Fox Television was for the republican candidate while the major networks tried to give the appearance of unbiased reporting. However those same "unbiased" major networks tethered their own female talk show hosts into remaining silent about Hillary Clinton in most instances, and then there was Oprah Winfrey, gasp.

The male television talk show hosts all took more shots at Hillary Clinton than her male political counterparts. Jon Stewart will never admit that he took ratings over truth as it endeared him to his younger skewing audience, and as a result he took it to Hillary Clinton far more than Barack Obama.

Even with all the caucus cheating by Barack Obama's side, with the shady dealings of the democratic higher ups cozying up to George Soros and their back room back stabbing deals against Hillary Clinton, the reason Hillary Clinton could not get that final push to victory was because she had no real television base.

Even most female talk show hosts were afraid to show real support for Hillary Clinton because their audience also skewed younger and most of the female hosts were on channels that supported either Barack Obama or the republican candidate. Which brings me to TV Land. I would love to see a 1/2 hour cutting edge evening news / talk show, sort of like a John Stewart show, that skews towards the older demographic, say 40 years and up.
Hillary Clinton supporters are among the nicest and most caring group of voters and Clinton supporters also don't believe in uncontrolled governmental spending either, yet they have no television base.
If you could poll all the rioters after the Lakers 2010 championship victory, (rioting after a championship victory - unreal) I am absolutely certain that 98% either didn't vote, or voted for Barack Obama in 2008. Without any kind of a nightly television base, the best part of america, Hillary Clinton voters, the kind of voters that don't riot after their team wins a championship, will continue to be under represented in the political arena.

I have had a chance to study TV Land and am amazed at how strongly they promote their own original programming. TV Land also skews towards the ideal audience that presently is NOT being represented politically on television, the Hillary Clinton supporters. If TV Land would have the guts to launch a nightly 1/2 hour political talk show for the older crowd, we could begin to see some true balance in how every political demographic is being represented on television.

Until Hillary Clinton supporters get their own 1/2 hour nightly political news and talk show on television, we will continue to be ignored by the demonic party and disrespected by the repuritanical party.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oprah Winfrey's Debt Diet, has Oprah become a crafty woman who focuses on the weaknesses of her fans rather than the tyranny of her rich friends.

Click here to see the most current DailyPUMA article.

Over the past year I have started several blogs that focus on the sinister actions of Chase Bank and Jamie Dimon, along with other banking practices and maneuvers that are helping to create new foreclosures at rate of 10,000 foreclosures a day. These Financial Terrorism Warning blogs include Swarm the Banks, Wall Street Change, Parallel Foreclosure, Daily-Protest, Bloggers against Chase Bank, and Robots Against Chase

Over the past two years I've written over 1,200 articles about the corrupt democratic party leadership (and yes, I'm a registered democrat), and the corrupt banking industry, and it would not surprise me if both asses have the same head. And I did this while still being an always there for them CareGiver for both of my parents, and their pets.

One thing I've noticed about articles focusing on credit card debt, foreclosures, unfair banking practices and such, is there will always be at least one person in the comments section who blames the debtor.

Oprah Winfrey's debt diet may help self absorbed debtors who can't control their spending habits without help, but the help that Oprah Winfrey is providing comes with a huge price to those who have led honest lives and suffered a huge economic calamity and need a break from the rich banksters.

What Oprah Winfrey has done by profiling self obsessed irresponsible spend what they don't have middle class debtors is divert attention away from her rich bankster friends such as Jamie Dimon of Chase bank.

But it's even worse than that, Oprah Winfrey has now given ammunition to those who respond to financial crisis articles and blame all of the debtors for their woes.

The depth of Oprah Winfrey's self absorbed affair with the well to do, celebrities, and anyone famous, while pretending to feel the pain of her "average american" audience, has become an embarrassment.

What saddens me about Oprah Winfrey's debt diet is that it comes off as intellectually progressive. If you follow Oprah's debt diet advice, you might eventually get out of Debt, but what you won't get is Oprah actually taking on the rich banking elite in this country for making the debt battle much much harder to get out of. Oh wait, that would require Oprah actually standing up to a rich scumbag whom Oprah would rather just fawn over and perhaps keep as her own financial resource.
Hey Oprah, how about you get the banksters to also follow your advice. Maybe you could suggest they not screw over honest americans who are losing their homes and the built up home equity they accrued over the years.
Maybe you could actually have Jamie Dimon on your show, along with other banking elitists, and challenge them to not grab every last nickel, including the ones they don't earn, but just get through deceit and questionable late fee and penalty practices, or changing terms on a million customers and denying them the full benefit of their already offered low interest rate loans, as Jamie Dimon did in 2009.
How bad are banking practices, in 2008, Bank of America paid out less money in interest than they collected in penalties and fees! Jamie Dimon acquired WAMU for 2 cents on the dollar, but refuses to lower the principal on any of his homeowner mortgage accounts. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Dimon, all from Chicago, can it get any sleazier?
In the future, when you see those snarky replies in the comments section about people who are in debt, you can thank Oprah Winfrey for shining a light on the minority of debtors who fit the wasteful profile that the snarksters refer to.

And don't be surprised if Oprah dines aboard Jamie Dimon's private jet while looking down at all the little people she helped save.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Friday, May 28, 2010

PUMA anniversary coming up? Anybody know when PUMA ground zero actually was?

I'm curious as to when ground zero was for PUMA's? Was it around May 30th of 2008, or did it happen prior to that date? I did some google research but was not able to find anything definitive.

If anybody wants to give their opinion please do so in the comments section. There are about three or four versions of PUMA ground zero out there. When contributing an answer, please consider the possibility that there may be other versions out there as well that could be just as valid.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How will Arizona know where to deport people?

I'm not really for or against the Arizona immigration bill. I am most definitely offended by California and Los Angeles politicians getting involved in an arizona boycott when California failed to balance their own budget. California has not even come close to balancing their own budget and California politicians should clean up their own act before judging others.

I have also not read the Arizona immigration bill yet so i don't have an opinion for that reason. How will Arizona or the United States know where to send anybody who is either not properly identified, or just refuses to divulge where they are "from"?

I suppose if any american refuses to identify themselves when a police officer asks for Identification we might find ourselves in jail, so I guess the same thing would apply in Arizona. It seems to me that one way to defuse the law is for tens of thousands of "illegal" immigrants to turn themselves in, but not divulge what country they are from.

Possibly one stumbling block to this idea is that Arizona sheriff that keeps suspected illegal immigrants in those tents in 115 degree temperatures and perhaps even higher. Probably a violation of international prison guidelines.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crucial Help for Homeowners Could Never See the Light of Day

Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota), who in my opinion should be wearing a cape to work every day, introduced an amendment to the Financial Reform Bill that would create an Office of Homeowner Advocate to assist homeowners who have been denied a loan modification through HAMP.

The Franken Homeowner Advocate Amendment, according to the press release, would be funded from existing sources and its focus would be to assist homeowners who believe their mortgage servicer is breaking the rules.

Article by Richard Zombeck.
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Canceling Agendas make me wonder about the pro-lifers versus the anti-war crowd.

It seems to me that as a general rule, the pro-life crowd tends to be pro-war, and the pro-choice crowd seems to be anti-war. Besides the obvious irony of pro-lifers being pro war, and pro-abortion/choice being against war, don't these two issues war and abortion, cancel each other out from a taxpayer point of view?

Do large enough voting blocks of people truly believe that their tax dollars should not go abortions, but should go to war? Do large enough voting blocks of people truly believe that their tax dollars should go to pro-choice, but not to war?

Isn't it pretty obvious that these two sides viewpoints cancel each other out and that even if we followed their wishes and only applied their taxes to what they wanted, the net result would somewhat similar?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Illegal Immigration idea???

To earn citizenship, all entering immigrants would work for two years on BOTH U.S borders as border patrol guards. This would allow the U.S. border patrol to drop back and flank them. If the U.S. Border Patrol finds people crossing the border and getting past the first line of defense, the ones trying to earn their citizenship, then those on the border would be relieved of duty and sent back to their country.

If those on the border do their job, then in two years time they become U.S. citizens AND, they actually have a wad of money (their earnings would be put into a bank account) waiting for them when they finish, minus the necessary deductions.

Before the argument is used that we are all immigrants, lets not, because that belittles the efforts made of the tens of millions of immigrants who went through the front door when they came to this country and subjected themselves to public scrutiny BEFORE ENTERING THE COUNTRY.

The U.S. has become notorious for making its own "legal" citizens WAIT, AND WAIT, AND WAIT when trying to accomplish even the most menial of tasks or requirements. Part of being a U.S. citizen is to wait.

So, if people trying to enter the country had to wait, it would SLOW DOWN the amount of people entering the country while also giving those SERIOUS about being a U.S. citizen a legitimate way to get in. Plus, anyone who spent two years on the border would have earned the respect of any other U.S. citizen, especially the other 300 million who never did patrol the border.

I also envision huge colleges placed on the border. Those who work the border by day can also take courses on a variety of subjects in the late afternoon. I would love the classes to be free even for those coming from Mexico who just want an education.

This could be in incredible public works program that benefits everybody involved. Then all the liberals in our country could put up or shut up and actually volunteer to teach classes for a semester.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Raise my taxes! Protesters call for action to prevent state budget cuts - Metro-east news - bnd.com

It is pointless to call Rush Limbaugh a racist if the democrats are involved in such idiotic protests such as the one above. If Rush Limbaugh is a racist for pointing out the Raise My Taxes protest on his radio show, then thank God that Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

Idiot democratic party demogogues, die! If you look at the article, take a moment to click on the word "RECOMMENDED" to help buzz the article up.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can Sarah Palin still run for Governor of California?

I would love to see a poll as to how viable Sarah Palin would be for governor of California. Would Sarah Palin have to be a write in? Could Sarah Palin run as an independent? How long does she have to be a California resident before she would be eligible?

A California governship would complement Sarah Palin's resume nicely if first she ran the biggest state in the land, Alaska, than the most populous, California. I would love to see what Sarah could do in California, and it would be a great pre-test to determine if she could run the country.

More importantly, Palin Governing California would either confirm or rebuke the East Coast and West coast media snark bias that Palin deals with on an almost daily basis.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zogby Poll, The Clintons, and Barack Obama,

When Hillary Clinton was being railroaded by the media and George Soros's money to get out of the 2008 democratic race, I made internet pleas for a Rich Hillary Clinton supporter to pay for a poll about who would handle the economy better between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

That poll never happened, but this poll did happen 20 months later (aka a month ago). This is more typical Hillary Clinton bashing and manipulation. Rather than do a poll when it mattered back in 2008, the poll is done 18 months later. The distinction between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the public's eyes in 2010 has weakened because Hillary Clinton works on Barack Obama's "team".

What is so evil about this poll is it does not address the 10,000 homes being foreclosed upon everyday in the United States. Does anyone not believe that Hillary Clinton would have done SOMETHING that WORKS this far into a Hillary Clinton administration versus a Barack Obama administration.

So the question I have is, WHO paid for this Zogby poll? Why didn't this poll come out 22 months ago, when it would have mattered?

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