Hillary Clinton could experience a public empathy boost if Robert Mueller's Investigation keeps finding evidence of how badly Russia Behaved towards the U.S. election.
Unfortunately Hillary Clinton, who in reality is a moderate, has dived so far left into progressive politics she has crystalized former moderate supporters against herself. Barack Obama's Trojan Horse gift of solid support at the 2016 Democrat Convention forced Hillary Clinton to be much less authentic than she had been in the past.
In 2008, Hillary Clinton spoke openly about saving homeowner's homes, about supporting the Rust Belt States through their economic transition into the unknown, even on being tough on illegal immigration. The heartfelt hyperbole of 2008 has disappeared. Now Hillary Clinton has been morphed into Animal Farm's Snowball character by Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton now rallys around younger ideas and people that don't actually acknowledge those who are 50 years old and older.
Even Hillary Clinton's Onward together campaign featured political candidates that were basically 45 years of age, or younger. Our country was fractured by the social message that kids should move out of their parents home or they would not be considered adult. Now Millennials in their late 20's to early 30's have spent close to 100,000 dollars in rent, to strangers, many are living paycheck to paycheck, and at least some have ironically moved back in with their parents.
Can we take a moment and acknowledge the depravity of being ridiculed for living at home in one's 20's while saving money in the process, and instead moving back in with one's parent's a decade later, tens of thousands of dollars in debt? Imagine not being able to pay rent to one's own parents because the son or daughter owes it to credit cards or student loans.
I am not knocking the experience of being on one's own, I am knocking the cultural push that does not give honor to remaining home and saving money versus coming back home a decade later, in debt.
How does this relate to Hillary Clinton? Her Progressive push simply puts fear into the RustBelt States. Not calling Barack Obama out on his failed HELOC reset plan, (he didn't have one) probably lost Hillary Clinton millions of Moderate Rust Belt Votes in 2016.
Regarding what Hillary Clinton can still control, her lack of physical fitness plays into the meme that she is self entitled and as long as she can look good and speak well in public, she does not care if she is wearing a back brace or whatever else she may be hiding. We never heard Hillary Clinton liked to hike until AFTER the 2016 election. I recall a local Los Angeles Newscaster actually incredulous and saddened that the Hiking side of Hillary Clinton was hidden throughout the 2016 presidential election campaign.
Regarding what Hillary Clinton can still control, her lack of physical fitness plays into the meme that she is self entitled and as long as she can look good and speak well in public, she does not care if she is wearing a back brace or whatever else she may be hiding. We never heard Hillary Clinton liked to hike until AFTER the 2016 election. I recall a local Los Angeles Newscaster actually incredulous and saddened that the Hiking side of Hillary Clinton was hidden throughout the 2016 presidential election campaign.
There are rumors that behind closed doors Hillary Clinton could be very mean and angry to her own workers. I now believe this is probably true because that level of intimidation has probably mitigated anyone from ever offering her kind hearted and heartfelt advice, such as, why don't you get in cardio shape and eventually run a mile or two in some type of local run? Why don't you get on an elliptical for half an hour while doing an interview? These two physical fitness suggestions are what many Americans consider to be authentic example of a presidential candidate being like they are, multi tasking workers who end up having to do multiple things at the same time.
Instead, Hillary Clinton continues down the path of covering up physical fitness issues rather than simply working out everyday and getting in great shape. DailyPUMA has said this before and will say it again, if Hillary Clinton magically emerged 3 months from now, or 6 months from now, or even 1 year from now, and wowed everyone over how she reinvented her physical fitness, they would see her as 2020 presidential candidate.
The one lesson that Hillary Clinton has apparently never learned is, we can't always control when others will deem us ready for a challenge, we can control how ready we are when a challenge appears. If offered the 2020 presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton would not be ready because of physical fitness issues that are within her control.
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