Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, March 29, 2018

It may be easier to fix the Republican Party then steer the Careening Out of Control Democrat Party.

It's such a shame that the Republican Party really is the party of no compassion. It is the fatal flaw that makes the Republican party look old and intractable and makes the label of racism, stick. 

The Democrats have created an image of the party of the Doo Gooders who want everyone to have a chance, even if it means those who have paid their taxes the longest find themselves suddenly steamrollered by the newest members of the Party, newly arrived immigrants both legal and illegal.

The condescending media mocks the Rustbelt States and  older americans who have been here for several decades or longer as being "bitter and clinging" religious zealots (Is Obama every going to apologize for that truly racist comment?) even though it is because their vote is being swallowed up and spit out by the newly arriving, both legal and otherwise. Those who have lived in this country for a few decades and have been paying their taxes are fearful of change that could wipe out their own history and legacy, are now being called racist for being fearful of change that wipes them off the map.

The same bitter clingers being called racist are the same people who would welcome with open arms anyone who came to the U.S. legally as long as they knew they themselves were not being marginalized. I watched my own 91 year old mother marginalized by the Medicare system and simply denied the proper ER service. 3 days later what was a cold turning into much worse and caused her death at home in my arms. The ER simply labeled my mother's wheezing as "emphysema" without even taking a chest x-ray, making any further care that much harder for here to get. The doctor literally took my claims of her wheezing not being a normal thing and that here words were broken when she spoke as a sign of emphysema even though I had been my mother's caregiver for the past 8 years.

It is sad that Republicans are so obtuse they don't see how close they are to taking back the mantle of being the party of caring. Right now the Democrat party, having lost chunks of their Rustbelt State support have chosen to label their former party supporters as racist for not blindly supporting immigration even as former democrats see themselves being marginalized by the system.

There is talk of an infrastructure bill and many immediately think of roadways and bridges in disrepair. Home healthcare is the NEW infrastructure need that would help drive down overall healthcare costs while also promoting a compassionate component to all of our lives. Republican politicians just don't get the concept of compassion.  Democrat politicians who tend to support Home Healthcare have made Home Healthcare less of a priority than immigration and gun  control, probably because Democrat politicians are salivating over all the new votes they will receive from the newly arrived and the illegally arrived who Democrats want to immediately give the right to vote. 

If Democrats were truly sincere, they would demand that DACA and extended family, and others here illegally would have to wait to vote for 10 years and they would have to pay for their own health insurance. Ask a democrat if they would be ok with allowing immigrants in if those immigrants cannot vote for 10 years and would have to pay for their own health insurance. One would be called racist for making such conditions. Isn't that special.

Home healthcare produces more acts of love and kindness  between the old and the young and even among family members, and that surely may be a way to reduce gun violence. The more love and compassion produced at the family level that is then seen by others when seniors are seen on a walk with someone much younger holding their hand, the more positive vibes that get spun out into the local community. 

If only either party were to embrace Home Healthcare as a number one priority in this country, they would have my vote, and possibly the vote of tens of millions of voters struggling to figure out how to take care of themselves or their aging parents.

It may be easier to fix the Republican Party by adding caring Democrats to it than it will be to get the vote whore hungry Democrat party to see that Home Healthcare is their number one priority. Sadly, Hillary Clinton seems to have no desire to become cardio fit and a Home Healthcare Advocate and has been politically set adrift in a world where all she can do is support Progressive causes that continue to harm the Rustbelt States, just so Democrats can add more new voters to their voter rolls so they can "take back" America from those who have lived here for decades and paid their taxes for decades. 

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