Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dishonor, Disrespect, Destroy Diplomacy is not an acceptable solution in regards to North Korea by the rest of the world, DailyPUMA proposes another Option.

DailyPUMA believes in backwards engineering solutions to grave political situations such as the present Nuclear Weapons proliferation by North Korea versus most of the rest of the world.

Backwards Engineering requires we start at the result we desire, and work our ways backwards to either achieve that result, or prevent a result we do not want.

  • Backwards Engineering Scenario Number One. North Korea is decimated by weapons of mass destruction to ensure they have no ability to return fire, probably not a desirable option since it means the death of millions and makes the U.S. look like the bully who blinked first. The world condemns the U.S. for the use of Nuclear Weapons that kill millions of people all because of one apparently deranged or motivated world leader.
  • Backwards Engineering Scenario Number Two. The U.S. keeps waiting and waiting and suddenly the U.S. is faced with the actual launch of a North Korea nuclear weapon, except that along with the actual nuclear weapon duds are launched at the same that must also be tracked and attacked just to make sure. The U.S. scores a remarkable 80% destruction of dozens of missiles, but the dilution caused by the fake missiles launched at the same time allow the nuclear weapon to make it through and destroy either Japan, Hawaii, Guam, or the U.S Western Coastline. This of course results in a massive annihilation of North Korea and condemnation of the U.S. for not coming up with a peaceful solution.
  • Backwards Engineering Scenario Number Three. North Korea agrees to dismantle their entire Nuclear Weapon's research program and the key North Korean people in the nuclear program agree to come to live in the U.S. as "friendly" captives where they can live out their lives in an amenable fashion while being monitored in a non-aggressive manner. In exchange for dismantling their nuclear weapon's program, North Korea would be granted MNNA status, Major Non Nato Ally, with NATO.
(Updated August 12, 2017, 10:32am, DailyPUMA apologizes for leaving out the final sentence in Backward's Engineering Scenario Number three, it has now been added.) end of update.

Of the three Scenarios above, clearly number three would be the most appealing to probably a very high majority of level headed people. While Scenario number one or Scenario number two appear to be the world's destiny (which is unacceptable to DailyPUMA), Scenario number three cannot be achieved by Dishonoring, Disrespecting or Destroying Kim Jong-Un's reputation or that of the country he leads, North Korea.

If Dishonoring, Disrespecting, or Destroying North Korea are not ideal solutions, then what is left? DailyPUMA believes the answer is to convert North Korea's petulant Nuclear Weapon's Launch threats and rantings into some form of acknowledgement that can be seen as honorable and crediting of the North Korea regime. Otherwise, the Dishonoring, Disrespecting and Destroying scenarios presently in play by the rest of the world towards North Korea, were they to work for now, could simply delay an inevitable Nuclear Weapons Launch at a later date as those who were under Kim Jong-Un's spell vow to make the U.S. pay sometime in the future. 

The key here is come up with a North Korea solution for now that does not simply kick the Nuclear Weapons can down the road for a future North Korean leader or rogue group within North Korea to follow through with their prior leader's goals. The other key goal is to not make Kim Jong-un into a martyr since most rogue groups thrive on having a martyr to inspire their vengeance.

All this leads to the same conclusion, Kim Jong-un and North Korea MUST be credited for their Nuclear Weapon's research and development accomplishments BEFORE they actually launch or detonate a nuclear weapon in a method that kills people either in North Korea or any other country. This type of diplomacy, crediting the squeaky wheel leader when the squeaky wheel leader has already behaved in a manner that some would find reprehensible, rather than "Sanctioning" that leader's country economy, is a method that needs to be seriously considered.

So far, no one has thanked or respected Kim Jong Un's nuclear weapon's research and development, and the longer the world goes without speaking well of Kim Jong Un, perhaps the nuclear option looks more feasible to him.

It may actually be easier to not have to deal with stock piling and storing nuclear weapon, it may actually become more cost effective to actually use their darn nuclear weapons for a country like North Korea that is struggling economically. So the rest of the world should be warned that once built, the maintenance and upkeep of North Korea's Nuclear weapons could prove economically bothersome to Kim Jong-Un and his advisors.

North Korea and Kim Jong-Un should be approached with a "rewards" package. Since economic sanctioning has already been initiated DailyPUMA believes that diplomacy has already started down the wrong road, the road of Dishonor, Disrespect, and the Destruction of North Korea that could also boomerang and adversely affect the rest of the world.

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Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Russia, China, North Korea Nuclear Weapon Collusion the Press won't discuss.

There are similarities to Donald Trump's desperate desire to be president (Trump apparently owes Russian Oligarchs 3 billion dollars), and Kim Jong-un's desperate need to successfully develop a nuclear weapon that can reach the U.S. 

Kim Jong-un most likely owes Russia and China tens of billions of dollars, maybe even hundreds of billions of dollars, and apparently so does Donald Trump.

Enough pieces for a Russia, China, North Korea Nuclear Weapon collaboration fit together that the possibility of collusion among the three nations must be considered.

Questions that have not been answered about Russia, China and North Korea working together include…

  • Russia and China do not feel overly concerned about an errant North Korea missile launch. Isn't North Korea close enough to both Russia and China that either or both countries would frown upon North Korea's continued development of a nuclear weapon, unless Russia and China were somehow assisting in the development and launching of a North Korean nuclear weapon.

  • Russia and China also do not feel overly concerned about a U.S. hack into a North Korea nuclear launch that "accidentally" causes a missile launch to either return to where it was launched, or end up deploying in Russia or China. It would be an understandable response for the U.S. to hack into North Korea's launch platform and perform a "Return to Sender" missile launch accident, no? For Russia and China to not be concerned about the Return to Sender possibility seems to indicate they are more involved in North Korea's nuclear proliferation process then anyone knows about and they would know how to unhack the hack.
  • Kim Jong-un's ongoing rush to fulfill his Nuclear Weapon's program. Why? Nobody has directly threatened North Korea prior to his escalation in nuclear launch capability. In a similar matter, Donald Trump, in very late October of 2016, made a passing remark as he was getting on his Private Jet and with his back to the camera, "I am going to win this election"…(a slight pause and then), "I HAVE to win this election". It seems as if Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump both have some type of personal mandate to achieve a goal, perhaps both may have huge debts with Russia, China, or both and in their own way have to do certain things to appease their debt holders.
Rather than the U.S threaten Kim Jong-un by publicly wondering if Kim Jong-un thinks he should be sleeping peacefully at night, DailyPUMA has suggested in the past that including Kim Jong-un as a NATO satellite in exchange for the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear weapon's program might be a better path to take. Plus, if Kim Jong-un refuses such an offer, then that too could be a signal that he is already in bed with Russia and China.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Is Russia already meddling in the 2020 race with the ridiculous Clinton Popularity poll and Sanders Concern Troll Articles?

There are plans a foot to quash Hillary Clinton and elevate Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris for the 2020 presidential election. 

From Hillary Clinton's Progressive media detractors who are actually Sanders Concern Troll supporters in disguise... 

         -end of Sanders Supporter Concern Troll quote.

Be it a Bernie Sanders supporter spamming 15 different Reddit forums with a pro Sanders propaganda piece that presents itself as a "which way" should the democrat party go forward thesis, to the Bloomberg Poll that claims Hillary Clinton is less popular than Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton supporters should be demanding she get back on her feet, dust herself off, and get in fucking cardio physical shape and stop talking, and be more physically active and involved in the world around her. 

The Bloomberg poll tried to make a big deal out of 20% of Clinton voters not liking her, or, also known as the Sanders Thug voters. Who cares about the 20% number, there are probably 50% of Hillary Clinton voters who won't vote for Sanders in 2020, but that data was conveniently left out of the Bloomberg poll.

Hillary Clinton has the Clinton Foundation she can access to actually do projects here in the U.S. There is a Girl Power movement afoot and it probably has some roots in watching an intelligent woman who is no longer aging gracefully but rather accepting her physically declining fate as if it is an inevitably. 

The Girl Power movement thrives as Donald Trump continues to use Hillary Clinton as a punching bag whenever he needs to deflect his attention away from his inevitable impeachment over owing Russian Oligarchs 3 billion dollars and thus being in their stead.

Hillary Clinton has to get out of victim mode, and I told you so mode, and this is why I list mode, and get it in gear. It will be interesting to see what she focuses on with her new book "What Happened" scheduled for release in the next couple of months.

In the meantime, don't be surprised if the "Clinton is Snowball" (from the book, Animal Farm) attacks probably have some connection to Russia.

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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Backwards Engineering the entire From Russia with Love, Trump Imbroglio. Is the Hunting for Digital Dirt Lawful in any way?

As more and more Russian pieces become exposed, it looks like Digital Dirt is going to hit the fan when this is all done. But DailyPUMA wonders, is Digital Dirt protected under the law? 

For instance, if it is proven that Trump, or his campaign, or friends of his campaign were indeed hunting for and paying for "digital dirt" on the DNC and Hillary Clinton, DailyPUMA wonders if it matters whether or not the digital dirt was simply exposing digital dirt that had already been created   by the DNC or Hillary Clinton, versus actually creating new or false digital dirt.

Does the exposing of truthful digital dirt mean illegality? Certainly creating fraudulent digital dirt would be illegal, but what about truthful digital dirt? Does one's right to  secrecy end when one digitizes the dirt themselves?  If so, then is it possible that at the end of a very long investigation, the wiggle room the Trump team will use to get out of their very big mess is to simply state, "We did everything we were accused of, but it was all done in search of digital dirt, dirt that already existed and that had been created by the very people now claiming they were hurt by their own digital dirt being exposed to the world".

If defining the right to use Digital Dirt is the end game, what are the parameters that need to be considered? If Person A says says to Person B in the privacy of their own residence that they think person C smells bad, drinks too much, and needs to take more showers, and person A and B never mention the conversation ever again, then it can never be uncovered by the digital dirt diggers. 

But if Person A digitally sends that same message to just one other person, perhaps even encrypted, and then Russian hackers figure out how to un encrypt that message, just what law has been broken? Sure hacking into anyone's email system  would obviously be bad, but if the digital information culled by the hackers is authentic, perhaps that does not rise to the level of actual theft of a digital document since the original digital document remains in place. Think of it as using a powerful microphone outside of a building that can pick up conversations within the building. Or think of it as rummaging through someone's garbage, which is legal. A digital document can simply be copied, leaving the original as is. If a Hacker in anyone altered existing digital content, or deleted anything, then that action is certainly illegal.

DailyPUMA thinks it is possible that as long as Team Trump never encouraged anyone or paid anyone to create false digital dirt, but only to search for authentic digital dirt that came from the DNC or Hillary Clinton, that Team Trump has not actually committed an act of treason or significant crime. 

If damaging intel only existed on paper, and the intel was only presented at an in person meeting, then breaking into the physical facility and stealing or copying those documents WOULD be an act of treason. But copying and not altering digital dirt is just not the same thing as actually stealing or altering the original since no person is actually invading another's persons real space.

The simple rule is this, from your mind to your fingertips to your pen, pencil, or typewriter, to your own piece of paper, you own that intellectual property and any copying of that data by another without the writer's permission is breaking the law. But the moment that same data is then transmitted via email or cell phone, (not sure about fax or using a copy machine), the hacking of that intel is not treason. 

However, this all dovetails into another issue. By hiding his own income tax filings, Donald Trump may be hiding his business relationships with free speech groups such as The Globe, National Enquirer, or The New York Post. It is possible that Donald Trump or his team may have used the  hacked material they solicited for to create false or misleading news innuendo, and that should be considered treasonous and not protected by free speech rights. Using hacked material to create fake news to damage the DNC and Hillary Clinton is probably a treasonous offense, but no one is looking at the Weekly Mags that trashed Hillary Clinton with all kinds of innuendo because they presume its a free speech issue.

Free speech should end when the causation of the free speech has come from hacked material inspired by meetings with a political operative, otherwise free speech media becomes a great motivator for hacking, and also rewards hacking. Well why hack then if the hacked material cannot be used by news organizations? Hacking still gives insight into the opposition's motives, but when the hacking is used to politically benefit the initiators of the hacking by publicly exposing the hacked material, that most likely is once again crossing the treason line if the hacking was inspired by the Trump team. 

Put another way, hacked material that was inspired by political operatives to he hacked and distributed to the media is treason, hacked material for internal use only is probably not treason, hacked material by a third party who never had an interaction with anyone else probably is not treason.

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Friday, July 14, 2017

Donald Trump's Secret Medical Episode, was it Botox, Bells Palsey, a TIA (mini Stroke), or maybe a dental procedure, and is this a Medical cover up until after the Senate Votes on HealthCare today?

(Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 1:45 am update) DailyPUMA decided to do a "Solar Energy Wall" google search and was surprised to see that a Daily KOS article had suggested the idea on April 24, 2017. DailyPUMA never saw that article primarily because DailyKOS does not have RSS feeds so their articles cannot be accessed from DailyPUMA. DailyPUMA had the idea for a solar energy wall several months earlier and decided to share the idea the June 21st, 2017 article after witnessing month after month of hostilities between both parties - end of update.)

DailyPUMA, and probaby others have noticed Donald Trump cannot smile on the right side of his face. DailyPUMA would like to know what his medical condition and prognosis was and what it cost, or is that too none of our business? 

Is this a medical scare cover-up until after the Senate Healthcare Vote is taken? If the right side of Hillary Clinton's face was having difficulty smiling, and less able to smile then the left side of the face, Fox News and the Crazy Conservative Media would be DEMANDING to know what Hillary Clinton was hiding.

Donald Trump has suddenly come out in favor of a solar energy wall, something that DailyPUMA suggested on June 21st, 2017, and then repeated the Solar Energy Wall idea  on July 05, 2017

DailyPUMA's Solar Energy Wall idea went uncredited by Mr. Trump, but it's possible someone other than Trump could have read DailyPUMA and then ran with the solar energy wall idea and pitched it to Mr. Trump's team.

Progressives will make fun of the solar energy wall idea, but it is a compromise that basically will propel the U.S. forward in the Solar Energy race and maybe educate Mr. Trump on the merits of renewable energy. Rather than attempt to force Mexico to pay for a conventional brick and mortar, or steel wall, the U.S. could actually offer Mexico 10% or 15% of the energy produced by the solar energy wall as a sign of friendship and respect.

The Solar Energy wall does not have to be as efficient as a solar energy plant, it just has to produce enough energy to eventually pay for itself since a conventional wall will just be an expense. 

As for a Solar Energy wall being easier to disassemble, damage, or even steal the panels, two things to consider. Embedding GPS markers in the panels could prove a strong deterrent to stealing the solar energy wall panels, and because the wall will be easier to damage than a conventional wall, anyone attempting to scale or damage the wall will be hit with some type of financial liability as well, something less likely to happen with a more conventional wall.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bernie Sander's Supporter Trolls a Dozen Reddit Forums with the same trashy Pro Sanders Article...

Bernie Sanders supporter Trolls over a Dozen, make that 15 Reddit Forums (and climbing?) …with the same Trashy Article that Concern Trolls the Democrat Party while praising Bernie Sanders. 
Click Each Image to Enlarge to see all the Reddit Forums this Pro Sanders Article has been spammed to, the numbers seems to be growing by the hour.

Meanwhile DailyPUMA was banned from posting on the most active Hillary Clinton forum on Reddit by alleged pro Hillary Clinton Moderator, who of course has left the Pro Sanders article up on the Hillary Clinton site.

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A Trump / Putin / Russia Timeline.

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Why didn't the FBI investigate every Trump visit to Russia over the past 20 years during the 2016 Presidential Race? Why did the FBI not investigate Trump's income tax returns to see if he co mingled his business interests to attack Hillary Clinton?

What if Donald Trump's business ventures included some type of quid pro quo with the National Enquirer, Globe Weekly, or the New York Post? What if his media business ventures were either mentioned in his Income Tax filings, or were not mentioned and hidden? Shouldn't the FBI have investigated these issues?  

We've all seen the almost constant tabloid journalism attacks against Hillary Clinton during and after the 2016 campaign. Some of the Tabloid cover page articles almost feel like Donald Trump composed them himself.

Lets not forget Trump has been accused of faking being another person and then doing an interview as the alternative persona, who in turn of course praised Trump. Trump should have been investigated by the FBI in 2016 as to whether or not his trips to Russia were for political reasons, and if Trump has any ties to the National Enquirer, the Globe Weekly, or the New York Post.  

Was there a quid pro quo between Republican James Comey and Republican Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential Campaign in which Comey would not investigate Trump? 

It is imperative that Trump's tax returns going back 20 years be made public, and then investigated for thoroughness and accuracy. It is also imperative that Donald Trump's visits to Russia, and possibly visits from Russian's counterparts to Trump at his various residences, also be investigated, for the first time.

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The problem with using a two year old's "mine" meme when it comes to Republican Politicians in charge of the 2017 Congress and the Presidency.

DailyPUMA has a simple question to ask. If Donald Trump is going to power through and evict 5 to 10 million people in America for not being official citizens, isn't that going to bring the cost of MediCAID down?

In California, there are over 500,000 undocumented MediCAL enrollees out of 11 million total MediCAL enrollees, or 4.5% of MediCAL enrollees in California are undocumented. If Donald Trump succeeds in reducing the ranks of undocumented in the U.S., then aren't MediCAID costs going to dip as well? Why would Trump want a cut in MediCAID when a reduction in MediCAID enrollment will achieve the same effect?

DailyPUMA thinks it may be possible to build a Solar Energy Border out of Solar Energy Panels at a cheaper overall cost then conventional brick and mortar, and that the solar energy created could actually be shared with Mexico. But once again, Trump is so fixated with a brick and mortar economy that the concept of building a wall that pays for itself and helps make the US more energy efficient while possibly reducing the flow of drugs and people into the U.S. has probably not even been considered.

DailyPUMA would like to see the U.S. offer North Korea  "Major Non-NATO Ally" status in exchange for halting their nuclear research and proliferation. Yes, "MNNA" is REAL. Offer Kim Jong Un an opportunity to speak at the NATO conferences and to interact with NATO leaders regarding economic opportunities. 

Instead, it seems like the best that Trump can do is a "This is going to hurt me more than it is you" meme as he prepares to drop a nuke on North Korea, or, waits until North Korea has attacked someone and caused major damage, and then drops a nuke on North Korea.

The problem as DailyPUMA sees it is Donald Trump takes too much of a "Mine" approach towards his causes. Regarding the Affordable Care Act, which was voted in by a MAJORITY of Americans in 2010 and then revalidated again in the 2012 Presidential Election, Trump instead has taken the position that Republicans have been trying to overturn ObamaCARE for seven years. 

Isn't trying to overturn the ACA as soon as it was voted in by a majority of the people, a form of treason? Instead of seven years of unethical and treasonous battles against the ACA, it's really been just six months, so why are the Republicans exaggerating and calling it a seven years of  struggle to overturn the ACA when the ACA had the popular vote for the first several years, and probably still does…oh wait, maybe because the ACA has the majority vote is why the Republicans feel it is ok to have a seven year struggle against its repeal. Sounds treasonous to DailyPUMA to openly or privately state someone has been trying to kill a bill from the moment it was voted in. 

When Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell openly admit to a seven  year battle to repeal ObamaCare, they are in treasonous waters in DailyPUMA's opinion.

The ACA repeal sounds like the "Mine, Mine, Mine" meme at work, and if the Republicans don't succeed, they will  simply hasten its demise.

Donald Trump has yet to create a talking point on any of his issues that has garnered over 50% of the voting public, and that is why the "Mine, Mine, Mine" mentality is not working.

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Monday, July 3, 2017

What Donald Trump really means when he says "Make America Great Again".

When Donald Trump says "Make America Great, Again", DailyPUMA believes Trump really means "Make America Simple, Again". The Climate Accords seems to expose that what Trump clamors for and demands is simplicity. Rather than keep improving solar and wind technology, which Trump apparently considers too complicated, lets just harvest all of our non renewable energies at a faster pace. The Paris Accords in Trump's mind were about reducing energy simplicity in the short term even though in the long term it would mean more efficiency, hence, more for all.

Investments become easier to make when it comes to knowing what simple energy company to invest in, but when it comes to non-renewable energy, there is no simplicity.

Trump might actually garner a majority of Americans to approve his wall if Trump championed a wall made out of solar energy panels. But that might prove too complicated and would compete with his agenda of simple, old school energy.

Donald Trump seems to adore simplicity. Be it getting two scoops of ice cream on his pie while his guests get just one, or using a Golf Cart in Sicily while six other leaders at a G-7 conference  (who then had to wait for Trump to catch up for a photo op) walked, Trump seems to like the simpler things.

Simplicity can have its virtue and many times does, but usually simplicity is an offshoot of hard work and results. It seems as if Mr. Trump wants to use simple sounding ideas to get tough results even when good ideas exist that would get solid results in a much less confrontational way. Trump doesn't appear inclined to waiver from his "Make America Great Again" slogan just so he can continue his own pathway of personal simplicity and largesse for his inner circle while the outer circle grimaces in frustration.

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Friday, June 30, 2017

Cannonfire Schools Crawdad Whole. A look back to August 28, 2016.

Possibly Cannonfire's finest article about the Trump / Clinton 2016 Presidential Race. Joseph Cannon's eerily prescient prediction of what was happening and calling the Presidential race in Trump's favor back on August 28th of 2016 is rivaled by the Joker ridiculing him about his dire warning. Crawdad Ho ridicules Cannon's entire article.  

DailyPUMA recognizes a few names from the Crawdad   Swamp comments section who were huge Clinton supporters in 2008. 

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Senate Republicans proud of 300 billion dollars worth of cuts to MediCAID over the next 10 years apparently have no concern that 50 Million Americans will pay 3 TRILLION DOLLARS in interest rate charges over the next 10 years on Debt they can't pay off.

Senate Republicans seem to have forgotten that 50 Million Americans have 2.2 Trillion dollars worth of Student Loan and Credit Card Debt that will require 3 TRILLION Dollars in interest rate charge payments over the next 10 years.

Rather than wonder if SOME of that 3 trillion dollars in interest rate charge payments could be repurposed towards MediCAID, Congress seems to think "Hey, it's not our problem that you are paying your never ending interest rate charges. What is our problem is how can we keep squeezing you even harder on MediCAID."

Rather than repurpose some of the 3 trillion dollars in credit card and student loan interest rate charge payments over the next 10 years towards MediCAID, Senate Republicans would rather  CUT 300 billion dollars from MediCAID.

Literally Tens of Millions of Americans with debt will have to choose between working even MORE hours to make up the MediCAID difference, OR, working LESS hours so they can reduce their MediCAID footprint when it comes to being a Home HealthCare Provider for their loved ones due to MediCAID Cuts.

Congress, and Republicans in Congress, seem incapable of making a connection between working people who can only continue to work because MediCAID offers home health care assistance.  

Sadly, Republican politicians can't seem to see the irony of punishing human beings who continue to pay never ending interest rate charges on never ending credit card and student loan debt when Congress could be repurposing some of that 3 Trillion in interest rate charge payments from the banks, to MediCAID.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Senate 2017 HealthCare Bill Proposal Ignores the 300 billion dollars in Yearly Consumer Interest Rate Payments on Credit Card and Student Loan Debt as a Source to Help Fund Healthcare for the Poor.

It seems that both parties in Congress are content and satisfied that over 50 million Americans have either or both credit card and Student Loan Debt totaling 2.2 trillion dollars.  Each year, these 50 million Americans, most of them middle class to very poor, pay at least 300 billion dollars in Interest rate charges on their Credit Card and Student Loan Debts.

There is also a interest rate charge on old debt called Zombie debt that may total billions of dollars a year in interest payments on debt that never goes away.

DailyPUMA asks one simple question, how much of that 300 billion dollars a year in interest rate payments would Congress need to "envelop," aka balance out MediCAID and the 2017 Healthcare Bill?  The Republicans are chortling over the 300 billion dollars saved from MediCAID over the next ten years. 
There is something blatantly and obtusely insane in creating 300 billion dollars in cuts to MediCAID over a ten year time period which will cause economic peril to millions of Americans, while t those same Republican politicians are perfectly comfortable with the 300 billion dollars a year that Americans are paying on their outstanding credit card and student loan debt, debt they may never be able to pay off even as they pay three times the amount of the debt in ongoing interest rate charges.
What if 150 billion dollars of that 300 billion dollars per year in consumer interest rate payments would remove the MediCAID cuts to the elderly and disabled and allow the 2017 HealthCare Program to break even? 

How come Congress never declares its own interest paying citziens forever trapped in debt, as being in a crisis situation?  If Congress annexed 150 billion dollars of the 300 billion in interest rate payments made by consumers to their credit card and student loans, that would be the equivalent of 750 dollars per each of the 22 million insured who apparently will lose their insurance.

Now, instead of an 800 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthy, what if that were reduced to 300 billion dollars over the next several years. That extra 500 billion dollars could be apportioned towards MediCAID over the next several years. Perhaps that increases the 22 million uninsured to $1,250 to $1,500 dollars a year in monies generated by the consumer themselves. What if the government matched that amount. Now we are up to $2,500 to $3,000 dollars per year of premium coverage above and beyond whatever premiums are then charged for Healthcare. 

Isn't apportioning half of the 300 billion dollars in yearly interest rate charges that consumers pay to the Banks better spent going towards resolving the health care crisis  than further impoverishing more and more Americans?

Keep in mind that MediCAID expansion can actually cut healthcare costs since home health care, a key component of MediCAID. is always cheaper than any other type of health care. 

So when does the 2017 Congress declare Healthcare Coverage enough of an emergency and priority that they raid half of the 300 billion dollars a year in Consumer Interest Rate Payments and then match it? Can Americans trust Congress to watch out for them when all Credit card and Student Interest Rate Charges, no matter how high, are deemed  untouchable and more important than the souls who make the payments on that debt?

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Republican Party Greatly Benefited in 2016 from Religion, Professional Sports, Supermarket Tabloids, & James Comey, aka the October Surprise of 2016, even though all four are supposed to be "Separated" from playing Political Favorites.

A Prequel to the October Surprise of 2016. Special 9/11/2016 Globe Edition seen by tens of millions of Supermarket Customers as they wait in the check out Line. Doesn't The Front Page look like Donald Trump and his inner circle created it? Perhaps Trump won't release his Income Taxes because it will show business relationships with both the Globe and the National Enquirer.

October 3rd, 2016 Globe begins the October Surprise against Hillary Clinton.

Click Here to Watch CBN's Oct. 14, 2016 Eviseration of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. They actually accused Hillary Clinton of wanting to remove 300 million guns from gun owners!  Separation of Church and State-1???

Oct. 24, 2016, Globe makes false claim that Hillary Clinton has been "Destroyed" even though Hillary Clinton was holding a steady lead over Donald Trump.
Click Here to Watch CBN's Goading of "Christians" to vote or face the consequences? It's important to note that Graham basically states that the character of the president does not matter, what matters most is which political party will select the next Supreme Court Justice.  Oct. 28, 2016 Separation of Church and State-2???

And then there was Sheldon Andelson AND Chicago Cubs owner Joe Rickets and the Super Pac Future 45 delivering over 25 million dollars for Attack ads against Hillary Clinton around Oct 30, 2016, just two day after Comey's second letter to Congress. The attack ads, in DailyPUMA's opinion, bordered on insanity, but were probably very effective.

The Second Comey Letter came out on Oct. 28, 2016, a couple of days before Sheldon Andelson actually committed his 25 million dollar Future 45 Pac Donation that created anti Clinton commercials for the final week of the campaign. Without the Comey Letter, it's possible that Andelson does not make his donation.

Don't Sports Franchises have special rights so they are Impervious to Congressional Oversight? Isn't there supposed to be a Separation of Sports and State as well? The Cubs went to the World Series, played seven games, and won the Series, giving Chicago a huge influx of Revenue. The Cubs were already in the World Series when Andelson actually committed his 20 million dollars. If the  Cubs had not made the World Series, it is very possible that Rickets and Andelson tamp down their donations by tens of millions of dollars. 

Should not this level of political tampering by a sports business entity that has no congressional oversight, worthy of an FBI investigation?

While Congress goes after Russian interference, what about the role of Religion, Professional Sports Owners, Tabloid Journalism, and James Comey in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Without Comey's second letter to Congress 10 days before the 2016 Presidential Election, there may not have been a deluge of fake stories and Andelson's 25 million dollar donation to a lost cause.

Lets us not forget that James Comey, as head of the FBI, could not find one thing to investigate Donald Trump over during the entire 2016 Presidential Campaign while twice publicly defiling Hillary Clinton over emails to nowhere at a point in the campaign in which without Comey's second letter, possibly Andelson does not make his massive last second donation that triggered 25 million dollars in Clinton attack ads.

(This article to be updated in the near future with more October Surprises, because there were a LOT of them).

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Republicans could make the Democrat Party instantly Implode in 2017 by doing this one thing.

All Donald Trump has to do to implode the Democrat Party is to give them a choice…."You can either have Sanctuary Cities and a significant cut in MediCAID, or no Sanctuary Cities and a slight raise in MediCAID going forward".

KaBoom goes the Democrat Party.

So why doesn't Trump not offer such a delicious method of watching the Democrat Party go up in infighting flames? Either he's too obtuse to see this scenario, OR, the Republican party is trying to forestall the inevitable fight between Democrat Moderates and Democrat Progressives that is likely to happen either in 2018 or 2020. The longer the Republicans can stall the inevitable Democrat "in party Fighting", the longer it will take the Democrat Party to recover.

Why is DailyPUMA giving such a morsel to the Republican Party? Because suppression of a discovered weakness simply makes the inevitable discovery at a much later date that much more devastating. Better to focus on the scab now then try to pretend there is no scab.

As for the Wall, the Wall, if ever constructed, should be a see through wall. Whether that means Plexiglass, Shatter proof glass, Acryllic, or some type of metal webbing that can be seen through, being able to see through the wall could lower the cost of border security by 50% or more. If we can't see through the wall, then there will be less time to react to an intrusion.

Why not make the wall out of Solar Energy Panels? Would that not pay for the wall over time?

Trump could offer to make a Solar Energy Wall and give 2 million illegal immigrant exceptions for the Democrat Party to use as they see fit. 

Trump keeps trying to hammer his view of everything as if the entire country is with him, and that delusion is one that neither party is embracing. Trump's apparent lack of give and take when negotiating seems to increase on a daily basis, and his lack of desire for creative negotiating saddens DailyPUMA.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Trump seems incapable of Gratitude, otherwise he would be Grateful the Media has given him a pass on his Navy Destroyer being T-Boned by a Slow Moving Frigate.

DailyPUMA has already witnessed Trump on a Navy Destroyer talking about how he was going to make the U.S. military great again. How new Navy Destroyer's would be built at billions of dollars per Destroyer. DailyPUMA doesn't like it when its own Navy Destroyer's are destroyed by Slow Moving Frigates, do you?

DailyPUMA previously made the suggestion to invite Kim Jong Un as an honorary member of NATO (This would be like having a ongoing Visitors Pass but no ability to vote or visit the sub committees) in which Jong Un would be allowed to speak at each get together, and in exchange for this inclusion, he would dismantle his nuclear program. 

So what has transpired since DailyPUMA made the North Korea as an honorary member of NATO? A severely damaged battleship that was worth billions of dollars, at least 7 dead personnel, a dead student named Otto Warmbier who was sent back to the U.S. from North Korea in a coma from which he died a week later without gaining conscience, and, no real progress, unless we consider Dennis Rodman visiting Kim Jong Un, Progress.

DailyPUMA has given the solution, one that gives Kim Jong Un an out after the jettisoning of most of his economic fuel in a nuclear research rage to gain the West's attention, just as Lieutenant Commander Spock jettisoned the fuel in the space shuttle so that it too would send out a distress flare.

So what is it is Mr. Trump, eventual annihilation of a lot of people either on the West Coast, Japan, or in North Korea, or coming up with an intellectual solution, such as awarding Kim Jong Un Honorary NATO Status?

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Hillary Clinton apparently doesn't feel her followers pain as Trump once again falsely assails her on Twitter

Hillary Clinton appears more focused on giving speeches, DailyPUMA presumes for a fee, or writing a book, DailyPUMA presumes for a really big fee, rather than feeling the pain her followers felt everytime Trump made a false and lying accusation about Hillary Clinton during and after the campaign. 

Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to get that at some point, one has to fight back against Trump's Bullying and inaccurate tweets. There may be some honor in taking a blow or two from a bully, but when the bully keeps coming back, a new approach must be tried. Otherwise we can just assume Hillary Clinton is going to spend the next couple of years collecting speaking fees and book writing fees, and feeling sorry for herself, when she could be using the Clinton Foundation to work on projects in the Red and Rust belt States, the people she basically ignored during the 2016 campaign, (most likely due to medically related issues she had to overcome while still campaigning), an also doing cardio, which would then allow Hillary Clinton to invalidate the tiresome Trump Bullying Tweets towards her.

DailyPUMA believes Hillary Clinton ran a heroic campaign in 2016, but it would not have been necessary if she had physically prepared from 2013 to 2016. DailyPUMA believes that Bill Clinton erroneously advised Hillary Clinton to lay low from 2013 to mid 2015 and just be a happy and adoring grandmother to Chelsea Clinton's child. However, Mr. Clinton obviously did not encourage Hillary Clinton to get in cardio shape, and to consider Clinton Foundation Red State and Rust Belt State projects to work on. Hillary Clinton seems to be holding on the misguided belief that words alone can make one victorious. As people age, they either cause people to look away as their physical fitness deteriorate, or they can be inspired if the elder person is physically fit.

If Hillary Clinton were working on Red State and Rust Belt State Clinton Foundation projects, and if she were cardio fit, she could begin to belittle Donald Trump every time he writes another stupid twitter feed. Instead Hillary Clinton takes what she delusionally believes is the high road, which is to ignore Trump. At some point, a bully needs to be bullied back by someone who can convincingly do it. Right now, in her present state, Hillary Clinton cannot do that.

DailyPUMA is concerned that if Hillary Clinton does get cardio fit within the next year, her health will deteriorate to the point where Donald Trump will be able to say, "and you wanted "that" to be president for four years".

220 days after the 2016 Election, Trump goes after Hillary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton apparently does not feel the pain her supporters feel every time Don Two Scoops Trump verbally assaults her. This disconnect is something Bill Clinton apparently understood better because when Bill Clinton said "I feel your pain", he understood what he was talking about. 

If Hillary Clinton truly felt the pain of her supporters, she would get in tip top cardio shape and begin using the Clinton Foundation to work on Foundation projects in the Red States and the Rust Belt states. Then in time, she could begin giving it back to Trump in a way that would make her supporters proud.

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Republican Elitist Financial Hammer already strikes, Credit Scores are dropping even though consumers haven't done anything wrong.

Ok, the sample size is small. But two people close to DailyPUMA saw their credit scores mysteriously drop over the past couple of weeks. One credit score went from 811 to 761, literally overnight, with absolutely no change or delinquencies of any kind being added to their report!  

The other person had one of their credit card limits cut from $1,750 to $500 dollars even though they had actually paid off the card several months earlier and had never been late on their credit card payments and no new delinquencies of any kind had accrued. The credit card had been sitting at zero balance for a few months! In turn, their credit score dropped because of the credit line reduction, not as much as the first example, but it still dropped around 15 points.

What could be the cause of falling credit scores? Perhaps Rising Fed Interest rates and the coming reduction in MediCaid that will adversely affect 10's of millions of Americans may be the reason. But hey, the Fed will benefit, so that apparently makes it ok with Donald "two scoops for me" Trump. 

While Trump talks about bringing back jobs to America even though the jobless rate has been decreasing for several consecutive years, his plan to hack up MediCAID will mean literally tens of millions of Americans will have to make the difficult choice of what to do about a parent, child,  relative who is aged, disabled or impoverished, that is currently being helped by the MediCAID system presently in place.

MediCAID appears to be a multi faceted issue that the one dimensional Trump and the Republican politicians appear unable to deal with. When Americans WITH JOBS can no longer work because they must now become an unpaid caregiver, or will continue to work but now have the added burden of paying out of their own pocket for PRIVATE healthcare for their own loved own, the Donald "two scoops for me" Trump income tax reduction will look ridiculously pale in comparison for those tens of millions of Americans who have a conscience about how their aged and disabled parents, children or relatives are being treated.

Donald "two scoops" Trump may just not have the vision to see what he is about to do to millions of WORKING Americans whom he has clumped in with some illegals who may be receiving some type of MediCAID. If Donald "two scoops" Trump can't split the MediCAID baby, apparently he will just throw it out with tax cuts that won't actually match the level of home healthcare savings that MediCAID presently achieves.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Comey claims that Trump was not under Investigation during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, how is that even possible?

Apparently James Comey confirmed that Donald Trump was not under investigation during the 2016 presidential campaign. Would not James Comey have needed to do some type of pre-investigation to ensure that Donald Trump did not need to be investigated?

The list is pretty long of possible pre-investigations involving Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, Bribery, Fraud, Income Tax Evasion, Income Tax Evasion for the purpose of using evaded funds to run for president. Donald Trump claiming products were either made by Trump when they were not, or made in other countries while implying they were Made in America. None of these issues were at least pre-investigated by the FBI? 

The press conference after Trump won the Michigan Primary featured an insane attempt to claim that several non-existent Trump products were made by Trump, and presently viable products, when that was a falsehood. That was not worth the FBI investigating? Are you effin kidding me?

The Democrats have massively screwed up by giving James Comey a pass on what happened DURING the 2016 presidential campaign and instead focusing on Comey now. Wow.

If the Democrats succeed in anything against Trump that occurred AFTER Trump took office, it will just make Trump look like a martyr to his Gullibles. If however, Comey is found to have basically screwed over Hillary Clinton and the democrat party during the 2016 presidential campaign (Comey is a Republican), then that gives more cause going forward that the Democrats were not treated fairly.

As it stands right now, jumping ahead to attack Trump right now gets Comey off the hook and also distracts from upcoming legislation that includes silencers for assault rifles and on a State level a healthcare bill that will decrease home healthcare funding by a Billion Dollars in the State of Ohio.

Home Healthcare is the one leg of healthcare that actually reduces overall healthcare costs AND allows millions of americans to choose to either continue working rather than quitting to do home healthcare themselves, or actually being paid a very modest amount to become a home healthcare giver. Either scenario produces a win for EVERYBODY, including the Taxpayers!

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Beware, Republicans and Trump using Comey Circus to sneak by horrible Healthcare Reform.

Apparently Republican Senators are preparing to stealthfully vote on a crazy health care plan that is so inane it does not understand that MediCAID expansion regarding home healthcare would actually REDUCE overall healthcare costs.

Is Donald Trump purposely engaging the media and enflaming democrats over the James Comey matter so that less attention is paid to his healthcare plan that is stealthily working its way through the Senate behind closed doors? It sure looks like it. 

Republicans plan on sneaking through a Senate vote on HealthCare Reform before July 4th, 2017 so they can then somehow equate jettisoning 23 million poor people from affordable healthcare as a victory for America, Apple Pie, and fireworks. Republican politicians truly believe the poor can work themselves out of poverty and if they can't, they probably are here illegally. The insanity of this position is that literally tens of millions of americans are held in place because they provide some type of healthcare for a parent or child, they are tethered.

The same party that demands abortion be eliminated plans on aborting tens of millions of impoverished people who are tethered to another person in need of home healthcare.

Issues more important than James Comey, Russia, and Russia's involvement in the 2016 election process include how come there was no investigation of Trump or Sanders in 2016 prior to the presidential election when both had checkered behavior worthy of FBI investigation. 

Obviously the 2017 Republican healthcare act being stealthfully readied for a pre July 4th, 2017 vote is a far bigger issue than anything about Comey. Comey is a LOSER in every way. Every way. The loser could not come up with even one issue to investigate either Trump or Sanders during the 2016 presidential campaign? What a jackass!

The fact that James Comey had no Trump or Sanders investigations in the works during the 2016 presidential campaign are reason enough to not give a gob about the fool.  

The present situation reminds DailyPUMA of the Judge Judy TV show. One of the gripes Judge Judy has is when people show up who are lovers, family, or co renters, and they are trying to blame each other so that both parties can profit.
Example, one party sleeps with the other, they break up, then suddenly the spurned lover wants back rent. Judge Judy laughs at those types of cases and throws them out of her court. This is a similar scenario, we have a former republican FBI head who is airing his dirty laundry in public and Democrats being fooled into thinking something is going to come of it.

What is happening is attention is being shifted away the Healthcare Reform of 2017 until it is too late. I don't know who is in on this scam but once again, it reminds me of the screen pass in football in which the opposition so blindly rushes the quarterback they fail to see the opposing offensive lineman has let them pass so they can run downfield to block as the gentle pass is floated over the rabid, hard charging democrats and into the arms of a running back, who goes for a really long gain as a result.

It's really a shame that Democrat politicians seem to have less knowledge about sports than their Republican counterparts, because their present rabid state of affairs is going to cause an insane Healthcare Act to be enacted that will adversely affect millions of Americans.

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