Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Monday, February 13, 2017

Reason Number 8 Why we Need a Clinton Media Channel, Meet the Press makes Solid Points about the Progressive left leading the Democrats to Doom.

Meet the Press, February 12, 2017 program. One of the final segments of the show basically support the need for a Clinton Media Channel by stating that the Progressive portion of the Democrat party is leading the charge against Trump. Here are portions of the transcript to ponder.

Welcome back, my next guest is part of a rare and dying breed, a centrist and a moderate. A moderate Democrat. Jim Webb was secretary of navy under Republican President Ronald Reagan. He voted for George W. Bush over Al Gore. But by 2006 he had switched parties to become a Democrat and he won a U.S. Senate seat in Virginia. Jim Webb takes a somewhat more optimistic view of the potential for a Trump presidency. And he joins me now, Senator Webb, welcome back to the show.
Well, nice to be here.
So let's put some context to your words when you wrote an op-ed right before, literally the day before the inauguration in the Wall Street Journal. And it was mostly on foreign policy where you were saying, "There's something about his election is a jolt the system needed or a shock that it needed." What --explain.
Well, you know, in so many words here. I didn't say that the system needed a President Trump. But I've been saying for a long time that the system that we're operating under needs some sort of a, you would call it, jolt. You know, I think both parties have sort of gotten calcified.
And let's remember that if Hillary Clinton had won you would be seeing the same sort of activities that you're seeing now. They would just be focused on different things. There would be people out there saying she belonged in jail. There would be people talking about corruption. Turnstile government, et cetera, et cetera.
So what we're seeing playing out right now, first of all, as the governor mentioned this is a new administration, you know, getting its wheels under it. But at the same time, this is an attempt by President Trump to pull different types of people into the system from the old turnstile government. There's a lot of Republicans that are mad at him who are sitting out there in the think tanks thinking that they were going to come into a Republican administration.
And also he's got a payback I think that he feels strongly about in terms of the people who actually put him over, these voters that were alienated, were not voting. And these issues, controversial issues, that he's putting out in a wrong kind of forum I think are issues of credibility. On the Democrats, first of all, they're looking at 2018. And they don't have a message. They don't have a--
Speak to them as they, by the way.
--well, you know.
You don't say we. Is there a reason?
I'm not in the system right now as, you know, I'm over here with you right now--
Fair enough. Okay.
--bit of my life as a writer and a journalist. And it's a good place to be about making these observations.
Then welcome back. And finish the observation.
Well, you know, there is a campaign going on on the Hill, in the media, in the academia to personally discredit not only Donald Trump but the people who are around him. And, you know, the end result of this really is try and to slow down the process, by the way. You and I were talking a minute ago about the confirmation process, it's slow it down so that by 18 when the Democrats are very vulnerable particularly in the Senate they will not be a record of accomplishment that they can run against.
And at the same time the Democratic Party over the past five or six years has moved very far to the left. You know, when you can't have a Jefferson/Jackson dinner which was the primary, you know, celebratory event of the Democratic Party for years because Jefferson and Jackson were slaveholders, they were also great American in their day, something just different has happened to the Democratic Party.
You think that they're too focused on identity politics?
Well, I think that the message that has been shaped by the Democratic Party has been shaped toward identity politics. And they've lost the key part of their base, the people in, you know, my family history goes back to the Roosevelt Democrats, the people who believed that regardless of any of these identity segments you need to have a voice in a quarters of power for those who have no voice. And we've lost that with the Democratic Party. I'm not saying the Republicans have it. But--
I was just going to say the center's been hollowed out. You can make an argument that the political center in both parties, because right now if you espouse that you were running for reelection, any Democrat were espousing what you just espoused which is, you know what, look, essentially you're saying, hey, start working with him a little bit, accept the fact that he's President, you'd get primaried. And you'd probably lose.
Well, true. Well, I don't know about--
I understand you, but I'm saying Democratic incumbent.
Generally, you know.
Fair enough.
That is a danger to people who would say those sorts of things. But the Democrats have not done the kind of self-reflection that they should have starting 2010. And I was talking about this in the '10 elections. You've lost white working people. You've lost flyover land.
And you saw in this election what happens when people get frustrated enough that they say, "I'm not going take this aristocracy." You know, Bernie, good friend of mine. Bernie can talk about aristocracies all he wants. You know, the fact that you've made money doesn't make you a member of that philosophy. Look at Franklin Roosevelt. But there is an aristocracy now that pervades American politics. It's got to be broken somehow in both parties. And I think that's what the Trump message was that echoed so strongly in these flyover communities.
Let me ask you on the election, you stayed away from saying who you supported in the election. I know that Tim Kaine is somebody you have a lot of respect for. I can't imagine you didn't vote for him.
I voted for Tim Kaine for Senator.
For Senator. At the end of the day, are you comfortable with your vote, with whoever you voted for?
I'm comfortable for my vote and my vote is private to me. But at the same time, you know, I will say that I did not endorse Hillary Clinton. I had a lot of the concerns that, you know, people in my group that I've grown up with have. And the Democratic Party's got to do some real, hard looks at whether or not they are going to expand and get back working people who used to be the core of their party.
Are you done with politics?
I'm over here with you right now.
All right. I will leave it there. Senator Jim Webb apparently coming back to the journalism world. We'd welcome you back--
Thank you.
I am somewhat amazed that Mr. Webb did not understand that Hillary Clinton is a Moderate Liberal who was forced to run as a progressive because of Bernie Sanders. She could have picked Warren as her VP, instead she went with Kaine, who Webb likes, yet Webb still wouldn't vote for Clinton. This is just another man who was afraid to support a female president. But the points Chuck Todd made about a hollowed out center are correct in DailyPUMA's opinion, and point to the Clintons needing to protect their 90's achievements and then move forward from there.
Later on, the following was heard….
And governor (Republican Pat McCrory), I want you to have the last word on this, it's something we discussed in break which is your party pulled you to the right. All right? There's plenty of evidence that says that in some of these things that hit you and cost you your reelection were not things that were priorities for you. But it was priorities for your base. You couldn't-- you felt like you couldn't fight your base. What's your advice to the Democrats?
I think Elizabeth Warren's doing the same thing to the Democratic Party. I think some of the left-wing protesters, the coordination of a lot of left-wing groups are pulling the entire party to the left. And I agree with the senator that there is a purging.
I mean, look at even the Nordstrom's issue with Trump's daughter where those sales are going down because there was pressure on them not to buy that product. The pressure right now on people even attaching themselves to the president and impacting their business is so strong that it's a heck of a campaign. Whether that's a long-term strategy, I don't think it is. It's not a good one.
DailyPUMA agrees that right now what is fueling the Democrats is Progressive Outrage. Moderate Democrats who strongly backed Hillary Clinton quietly delude themselves that the Progressive outrage is over Hillary Clinton losing because of James Comey letter and fake news stories.

Sadly, the Progressives are just wildly angry and thus and will fight for anyone BUT Hillary Clinton in 2020. This in turn will offend millions of Clinton supporters who may rather vote for Trump for a second term rather than vote for Sanders or Biden or Michelle Obama. The present situation just cries out for Reason Number 8, Why we need a Clinton Media Channel.
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Friday, February 10, 2017

Reason Number 7 Why we need a Clinton Media Channel, ZERO Shares for One Week Old Clinton Foundation Press Release written by Bill Clinton, Millions of Supermarket checkout line views for latest Globe News Clinton Hate Headline.

Zero Shares for a Clinton Foundation Press Release one week after it was written and released by Bill Clinton, Zero Shares?  
                  Click Image to Enlarge

The RSS feed for Bill Clinton's Foundation article is listed in two different columns on Daily PUMA with an average audience of 350 to 400 visits every day. So not even Clinton loyalists feel it important to share it on their facebook page. Wow.

Meanwhile, Back at Globe Magazine, MILLIONS saw the following headline in their local supermarket checkout line.

Click Image to Enlarge
DailyPUMA was probably the only one to flip the Globe Ragazines around and show the backside of this fake news story at their local supermarket. Zero Shares for a Bill Clinton press release, millions of views at the local supermarket line regarding fake news about Hillary Clinton.

DailyPUMA warned about the corrosive effect the National Enquirer and Globe Magazine would have during the 2016 election yet the Clinton campaign did nothing to combat it.

Trump would never tolerate this type of treatment without having his own response outlet, and he became president.  

Perhaps the Clinton's are just too tired and defeated to fight back because of their own health issues. Perhaps they never learned how to truly delegate authority. Maybe they are too focused on making money rather than preserving their legacy via a Clinton Media Channel?

If you feel personally hurt about what happened to Hillary Clinton, why doesn't Hillary Clinton feel it back by at the very least defending the Clinton record of the 90's since that is what was twisted upside down and backwards by the Progressives to shut her up during the campaign. Rather than the Clintons be thanked for programs from the 90's that worked, the progressives rewrote history during the Sanders campaign and the Progressive media backed them  up. Clintons popularity, which had been at an all time high prior to Bernie Sanders, slowly sank over a several month period of time.

The Progressive backlash about the 90's probably influenced Hillary Clinton not to go to Wisconsin, spend more time in Michigan, and avoid certain  unions from other blue collar states that she lost support from because of the distorted and incorrect view of NAFTA. The unions who should have been supporting the Clintons would have supported Hillary Clinton her if NAFTA had been properly vetted by a Clinton Media  Channel, which unfortunately continues to not exist while the Clinton's slowly drift into the distance.

But hey, at least Donald Trump forgave Hillary Clinton for being a nasty and horrible woman, at least she has that to fall back on. (that was snark for those who don't get it.)

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Reason Number 6 why we need a Clinton Media Channel, Exposing the Trump Trap.

Donald Trump appears to be creating parallel universes from which he can bounce back and forth from in an effort to make his supporters believe he is protecting them, even when Trump Policies may likely make his billionaire friends wealthier. DailyPUMA calls it the Trump Trap, in which the public views Trump's actions as pro middle america when they first and foremost benefit Trump's billionaire buddies.

Mr. Trump probably believes that slowing down migration intake into the U.S., both legal and illegal, is protecting U.S. Citizens from migrant terrorists, drug cartels, along with donor recipients being prioritized over U.S. Citizens. 

Mr. Trump might also believe slowing down Foreign migration coming to the U.S. may also help slow down Foreign Students from first taking enrollment opportunities from U.S. Citizen Students, then enabling those same foreign students to use their education to take high paying U.S. Jobs from U.S. Citizens. But the parallel Trump Trap truth is that most of Trump's policies will create obscene wealth for the top 1%. 

The Trump Trap allows Trump to take actions that help his billionaire friends while simultaneously looking like they are actions being taken to protect American Citizens from Foreigners. The Trump Trap creates the appearance that Trump is protecting American Citizens from a Migrant Invasion and that those rabidly opposed to Trump are part of the problem as well, whereas Trump detractors see Trump's actions as a con designed to give his own billionaire club untold future riches.

Without a Clinton Media Channel to identify the Trump Trap strategy, Progressive Democrats are running the risk of creating enough backlash from their rabid early hate of any action that Trump takes. This may cause Trump to be seen as a hero by his very loyal supporters as he fights against all odds to preserve economic opportunities for americans. 

Without a Clinton Media Channel to innovate better ideas than what Trump is supporting, Democrat Moderates are blindly following the wrath of the Democrat Progressives who in turn create a backlash of stronger and stronger support of Trump from Trump supporters. Trump may only need to swing 10% of his detractors by next election to win re-election.

Is Hillary Clinton's next gambit, writing a book? 

DailyPUMA was incensed by many of the accusations thrown at the Clintons from the Sander's camp during the 2016 democrat nomination race. But one thing that I am concerned about, it seems as if Hillary Clinton is attracted to high paying gigs either on Wall Street or through book deals more so then other options open to her.

Perhaps one critical difference between the Clinton's and Trump is how they use their lawyers. DailyPUMA's theory is that while Trump uses his lawyers for economic gain and has apparently filed over 4,000 lawsuits prior to running for president, perhaps the Clintons forage for money wherever they can get it in the event they need to hire lawyers to defend themselves from generally malicious shot in the dark lawsuits.

But this would just be another reason to start a Clinton  Media channel in which the Clintons put their ideas, their experience, their intelligence and their vision out in full view so the masses can actually become passionate Clinton supporters, rather than fans who can manipulated by rapidly changing social media winds.

DailyPUMA would like to point out that everything is more interrelated and complicated then is being currently portrayed by the mainstream media, which can't seem to get beyond documenting the protestors and into the core issues regarding both migration and illegal immigration.

Below is a list of questions regarding migration and illegal immigration that the media has not been able to focus on and address because of the constant protests against Trump  they are instead following, aka the Trump Trap.
  1. Do Foreign Students take away college enrollment positions from U.S. Citizens?
  2. Do Foreign Students from wealthy families spoil U.S. colleges into charging higher tuition to all? 
  3. Does Foreign Student enrollment subsidize U.S. College Enrollment costs for U.S. Citizens?
  4. Do Foreign Students who remain in the U.S. steal jobs from U.S. Citizens, or do their innovations create even more job opportunities and more than make up for the jobs they acquire?
  5. Is the U.S. actually stealing the brightest and best minds from other countries and then further enriching itself when those minds become working, Naturalized Citizens in the U.S.?
  6. Are other countries losing their best students to U.S. colleges and gaining no benefit once those students matriculate and stay in the U.S.?
  7. Is it true that newly immigrated or illegally immigrated residents cause U.S. citizens to wait longer before receiving an organ transplant?
  8. Do U.S. citizens share state & federal funding programs with newly immigrated or illegally immigrated residents, in some instances causing U.S. citizens to be denied state and federally funded programs because funds have dried up?
  9. Is it possible that educated immigrants are a huge plus to the U.S. economy and basically offset any potential negative costs that uneducated, illegal immigrants might be creating?
  10. Was NAFTA really a disaster, or did it just need some tweaking as time went by?

A Clinton Media channel could tackle migration and illegal immigration questions and issues head on and in the process establish itself as the moderate liberal position that the MAJORITY of citizens in the U.S. clamor for.

Once the above ten scenarios are explored, the Clinton  Media Channel could then address the U.S. role in providing guns and armament to  the Middle East that could be one of the ongoing reasons that the region is so destabilized.

But then there's that book deal Hillary Clinton has to tend to. 


I am curious if Donald Trump's family or friends of Trump have benefited from Foreign Doctors and Physicians who are now Naturalized Citizens.

                     Click here to go to above website. Click on Image to Enlarge. Add three zeros to the number totals on each line when reviewing the above graphic.

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Reason Number 5 - Why we need a Clinton Media Channel. Use it or Lose it.

I am momentarily upset with the Clintons for just not getting the Internet and its role in politics and history. 

DailyPUMA had the Clinton backed site "Correct the Record" on here via an RSS feed. Today I noticed it was in what I think was Japanese or some other language that I just don't recognize.

I clicked on the RSS feed link for Correct the Record, and my computer was attacked by malware or ransom ware. I can't say for sure it was because I clicked on the site, but the site really wasn't working correctly and the little that was on there took forever to load, and then the ransomware note came up when I clicked the facebook icon located at the top of the page. 

Why I am upset?  The Clinton Campaign apparently had 1.5 billion dollars to spend, and apparently none of it is available after the election to either Correct the Record or Protect the Record???

If indeed it was Malware on the Protect the Record site that ransomed me, then I have to say that this is the type of stupidity that is just not permitted in this day and age from anyone who wants or wanted to be president, or, who simply wants history to not be altered to continually paint them in a worse and worse light.

Basically, any former Clinton URL that was not or is not being renewed is probably going to be purchased by some entity and then targeted with malware. The ultimate F.U. to the Clinton supporters hoping the Clinton's rebound in some way to re harness the power of moderate liberal reasoning and action.

This is just another REALLY BIG REASON why we need a Clinton Media Channel, the CNMC would be the vanguard to preventing these types of slip-ups from occurring while preserving the truth of what was good about the 90's.

So, Correct the Record is no longer on DailyPUMA because there is no Clinton Media Channel to Vanguard it from desecration.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reason Number 15 - Why we need a Clinton Media Channel - Humorous responses to Sean Spicer's Alternative Facts and Math.

I would love to turn to a Clinton Media Channel and see a headline like this… "Donald Trump merges The Ministry of Silly Walks with the Department of Alternative Facts", says "its going to be great". Show a short clip from the following video.

Then show pretty much any clip of Sean Spicer speaking about Alternative Facts and Alternative Math. Then show the following clip from the Netherlands.

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Monday, January 23, 2017

Reason Number 14 as to why we need a Clinton Media Channel. First it was Hand Size, now it is Crowd Size, we need a Clinton Media Channel before we get to Mushroom Cloud Size, Lies.

First it was Hand Size, now it is Crowd Size.  

DailyPUMA worries about size when we get to Mushroom Cloud Size. Will we get the reverse lie about size, "It was just an itty bitty size Mushroom Cloud", or "Mushroom's are delicious, I eat them all the time".  This is not not meant in jest, I'm seriously concerned specifically because of what Greg Sargent writes in his Washington Post Crowd Size article.

DailyPUMA is also worried that when...
Trump forces his spokespeople turned minions to spit out lies about the size of the Inauguration Day Crowd, or that nobody cares about Trump not revealing his income tax returns when the public actually does care, that these fabricated versions of what actually is the truth can be seen as a form of Trump brain washing his spokes people.  
Spicer and Conaway may only be following orders, but looking the media in the face and saying "One plus One equals whatever Donald Trump says it is", is not a good thing. 

Reason number 14 why the Clintons need to start a Clinton Media News Channel, to fight back against Trump lies about  Math, be it I.R.S, Crowd Size, or number of jobs being "saved".

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reason Number 13 why we need a Clinton Media Channel, The Day the Music Died for Moderate Democrats, February 7, 2011.

Approximately February 7, 2011 was the day that the Democratic Leadership Council died.  This has in turn led to the growth of intolerant progressivism and the Progressive revisionist view of the Clinton Accomplishments of the 90's.

The Progressive revisionist rhetoric caused Hillary Clinton to keep quiet about the 90's during the 2016 campaign which in turn led to the charge that she had no message.

If you voted for Hillary Clinton, if you seethe at the thought of Sanders running in 2020 and not Hillary Clinton, you are probably a moderate democrat, not a progressive.

Reason number 13 why a Clinton Media Channel is needed.

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Friday, January 20, 2017

DailyPUMA declares 2017 Inauguration day, Free TV day, aka Free Antenna TV Day, because...

There are so many channels that don't have any newscasts on them.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Reason Number 12 why the Clintons should create their own Media Channel, The Inaugural Boycott,

John Lewis inadvertently started an unplanned but growing boycott of the Trump Inauguration. Lewis's main reason was how the election was stolen from Hillary Clinton by the second James Comey letter AND the FBI not notifying anyone from the Democrat Party for a YEAR that they were being hacked!

However, it was Trump's Twitter response to Lewis which got the Democrat boycott going. So even tough Mr. Lewis was boycotting out of respect to Hillary Clinton and the illicit method's used to treasonously steal the presidency from her, the boycott message has been altered to Trump insulted Lewis. The problem with that meme is that Trump supporters can correctly state that "Lewis started it".

See what a mess gets created when democrats rely on MSNBC and CNN and other media to shape the Inaugural Boycott meme?

Hillary Clinton does not get the credit for the democrat boycott of the Trump Inauguration as a sign of respect, but she may get blamed for any inappropriate protesting that may occur. Snowball anyone?

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Reason Number 11 why the Clintons need their own Media Channel.

Via Cannonfire, the New York Times is reporting that the White House Media may be moved. If ever there was a vacuum for counteridiocy news, this is the time. 

The Clintons, in DailyPUMA's opinion, and if they are up to the challenge, do owe their supporters a more transparent method of reporting their endeavors. aka, the Clinton Media Channel.

DailyPUMA craves for an intelligent review of NAFTA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, the Super Predator comment, Why its ok to have personal beliefs that differ from public positions, Why the Clinton's laid low during Barack Obama's second term in office, Explanations about how some legislation was veto proof during Bill Clinton's terms in office and the best move was to get the bill modified rather than simply veto it and have it approved anyway, and so on.

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Barack Obama picks up dropped ball and begins to dribble it!

Good for Barack Obama. Faced with the mounting evidence of just how truly deplorable Don's Deplorables really are, the Department of Justice internal Investigation arm will be investigating itself and James Jesus Comey over Comey's role in getting Donald Trump elected by sending out a second, needless letter about emails to nowhere.

Hopefully Donald Trump's income taxes will be vetted as well since Donald Trump may have funded his entire presidential campaign with Income Tax Evasion money.

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Yes, Barack Obama dropped the Ball by not Vetting Donald Trump's Income Tax Filings.

Back in 1992 during the final week of the Clinton / Bush race, Lawrence Walsh filed charges against members of the Bush Administration regarding Iran/Contra. This apparently was a politically motivated move to help quell Bush's momentum. Most think Bill Clinton would have won anyways, but the timing made Bill Clinton's victory probably larger than it would have been.

So, is it tit for tat now? 

Did Comey do to Hillary Clinton in 2016 what Lawrence Walsh did to George Bush in 1992? Perhaps it is tit for tat, but the elephant in the room is still Barack Obama. Obama basically did not vet Donald Trump and the reason that is unacceptable is specifically because Trump was a private citizen who could easier hide illegal or unacceptable behavior versus what a politician can hide or be adversely judged upon.

The difference in effectiveness between the Trump Foundation and the Clinton Foundation is of Trumponian measures, yet the Clintons took far more heat than Trump did for his apparently ineffective Foundation versus the Five Star rating the Clinton Foundation received.

DailyPUMA believes that Donald Trump should have been vetted, at the very least, over his IRS filings.

Even if others were "doing it", (Donald Trump's excuse for 20 straight years of filing deductions that may not have actually been legal), the "others" Trump speaks of were not funding their own presidential campaign with what could be income tax evasion money.

Barack Obama is a stickler for rules and regulations, yet he let Trump walk without first vetting him. The investigation did not have to be a ploy to target Trump, it just needed to clear him of income tax evasion shenanigans that a private billionaire citizen could get away with, but not a political candidate for president.

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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Reason number 10 why the Clinton's need their own Media Channel.

Please go to the comments section of the article found on Nate Silver's Polling Website, 538. The Anti-Clintonites not only come out to post their vitrol, but they suspiciously use the same three word phrase under multiple names.

DailyPUMA wrote the "Comey turned the election" comments.  Clinton Supporters never really show up to fight in the comments section because they didn't hear the truth, they don't hear the truth because there is no Clinton Media  Channel, but there should be.

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Change Dot Org Five Million Signature Petition asking Electoral College Electors to Change their Vote from Trump, a Fail being spun as a Victory by the Petition Creator.

DailyPUMA contacted Daniel Brezenoff, the creator of the almost 5 million signature petition on Change dot org (a petition that was asking the Electoral College Electors to change their vote away from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton), asking that he encourage his petition signers demand that James Comey answer certain questions at a press conference before the Electoral College Electors voted.

DailyPUMA even created an article and a Change dot org petition with the 14 questions Mr. Comey must answer before Electoral College Electors Vote, and sent Mr. Brezenoff the links. Mr. Brezenoff, a Bernie  Sanders supporter during the primaries, only responded to my original request to submit my idea to him. After that, DailyPUMA never heard back nor was DailyPUMa's Facebook friend request acknowledged.

For those of you who think Mr. Brezenoff is a Hillary Clinton supporter, DailyPUMA's own opinion is that he is a Sanders Supporter who wants to hold on to his almost 5 million petition signers so he can at a future date enlist them to vote for Sanders in 2020. His Petition may be just another instance in which what appears to be a grand gesture on Hillary Clinton's behalf is really not that at all. DailyPUMA just can't believe the Clintons are that obtuse when it comes to political media and how the media is not their friend and never really has been.

If the Clinton's don't get involved in political media, the democrats will probably lose in 2020 to Trump or any other Republican presidential candidate as the democrat party splinters between Biden, then an independent pretending to be a democrat named Sanders, a prominent african american candidate, and Hillary Clinton supporters who won't forgive or forget.

DailyPUMA begged Mr. Brezenoff to message his almost 5 million petition signers and demand that James Comey answer questions before the Electoral College Electors voted, but he was either not interested in that idea or did not read it on his facebook page where the message was left a week or more prior to the electors voting. DailyPUMA thinks the Electoral College Petition movement was a failure simply because Comey is THE reason that Hillary Clinton lost the election and Mr. Brezenoff never conveyed that message to  his followers.

However, Mr. Brezenoff is still claiming victory? Hillary Clinton actually lost by a BIGGER Electoral College margin because of Brezenoff's petition, yet Mr. Brezenoff is trying to champion his petition as a win. DailyPUMA stayed quiet but hopeful that the Brezenoff Petition was a penetrable brick wall that would consider outside ideas through private channels. That brick wall proved not to be made of glass, that is for sure.

DailyPUMA believes the loss of votes for Clinton because of Comey’s "second email letter about nothing" 10 days prior to the election, when the final 10 to 20% of voters were making up their minds is UNPRECEDENTED.

Clinton not only got ZERO percent of the final 10 to 20% of the voters casting their votes, she actually went backwards, the catalyst being Comey’s second letter and then The FBI twitter account suddenly activating with tweets praising Trump’s father and other tweets slamming the Clintons, triangulated with Trump calling illegally calling Clinton a criminal on a daily basis to top off the deceit.

Letting Comey off the hook from answering any questions about what he did and why he did it, then allowed the republicans to simply view the Electoral College petition and the Russia Hacking protests as sour grapes.

DailyPUMA just don’t understand how the populist political petitions are the ones that don’t follow the logical events needed to make their petition successful. The Electoral College petition might have actually been successful if the almost five million members had pressured James Comey to hold a press conference where the press actually asked hard hitting questions. Comey most likely would have muffed his answers and that might have actually created a torrent of media focus on why Comey manipulated the presidential race to Trump.

DailyPUMA's own petition, demanding that James Comey answer specific questions before the Electoral College Electors voted, may have only gotten 480 signatures, but in DailyPUMA's heart it was the correct next step BEFORE the Electoral College Petition would have a chance to succeed.

Instead Comey has been let off the hook and in turn the Electoral College Electors STOOD strong, posting an even bigger Electoral College differential between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump versus if the Electoral College petition had never existed.

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Friday, December 30, 2016

Poland Amps up Volunteer Servicemen in the wake of Trump Putin Love Fest.

With Mr. Trump's apparent retreat from NATO, Poland is now restocking their volunteer military forces.

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

If only Hillary Clinton had said Gullibles in a Basket instead of Deplorables in a Basket.

Gullibles in a Basket, it has a nice ring to it. Deplorables in a basket, makes it sound like the voter is beyond redemption. Even "Don the Deplorable" or "Deplorable Don" would have been fine. Just sayin.

However, the second James Comey email letter that turned into a media frenzy did prolific damage to a Hillary Clinton presidency. If 10%-20% of the voters had not yet decided who to vote for at the time that Comey wrote that second letter about emails, then it's OBVIOUS that the second Comey letter had a monstrous impact because Clinton's numbers went down over the final 10 days of the campaign.

If all four candidates had turned into rocks over the final 10 days, most of the final 10% to 20% of the voters would have still picked somebody. I would estimate if all four candidates had done nothing that Trump picks up 37%, Clinton picks up 37%, Anderson picks up 16% and Stein picks up 10% of the remaining 10% to 20% of the voters. But that's not what happened, Clinton actually LOST support after the second Comey letter when she had actually be on an upward curve.

The final percentages after the Comey letter may have been Trump picked up 65%, Johnson 20% and Stein 15%, with Clinton actually LOSING votes over the final 10 days. 

Hillary Clinton would have won the battle ground states and won the popular vote by 5 to 8 million, easily, if not for that second James Comey email Letter about nothing.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Another Example of why the Clinton's need their own Media Channel, even the fiercest headline compliment about Hillary Clinton is accidentally made to sound like an insult.

A DailyKOS headline that was posted on a DailyPUMA RSS reddit feed stated "North Carolina Christian pastor writes piercing open letter to Hillary Clinton". I was hesitant to read the article since the headline made it sound like an attack on Hillary Clinton. Instead, the article was the complete opposite, a glowing attribute about Hillary Clinton that in many ways mirrored what DailyPUMA stated a few months ago about how the men could never stand up to what Hillary Clinton did during the 2016 campaign.

Here is what the headline title URL originally looked like….. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/12/26/1614654/-NC-pastor-writes-stunning-op-ed-to-Hillary-You-shouldered-expectations-no-male-has-endured

Somebody replaced the word stunning in the headline with piercing, and then shortened the headline as well, thereby making the headline sound like an attack against Hillary Clinton when it was the opposite.  

Very strange, and just another example of why we need to See Clinton Media gain traction. The U.S. needs liberal moderates to stand up and be counted, or we will continue to get ultra right and left candidates like Trump or Sanders who are able to sue the conservative and progressive media to trash a superior moderate liberal candidate like Hillary Clinton.

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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Breaking News, Ivanka Trump Airplane Incident may have been staged so she would have an excuse to never fly on a commercial airplane again.

Oh wait, my mistake. If that had been Chelsea Clinton on the plane with her child, and a Trump supporter had antagonized her, the crazy conservative meanstream media would have accused the Clintons of staging the event so that Chelsea could ride private airplanes from now on at taxpayers expense.

Just because Donald Trump has possibly hired more lawyers, or initiated more lawsuits than Jesus, does not in anyway make it suspicious that the person who allegedly verbally assaulted Ivanka Trump was an Attorney in New York.

And of course, no one will background check the story to see if there would be probable cause for a quid pro quo in which each side got something in return for the alleged airline verbal assault. 

I do find it odd that both parties had their kids right there when the alleged verbal assault occurred. Normally affluent, well educated, responsible parents try to avoid confrontation when their own children are involved, or nearby.

So if we don't see Ivanka Trump on commercial flights in the future, but we do see her on private flights paid in full by taxpayers, we won't think this entire incident created a convenient solution at taxpayers expense going forward.

to Ivanka's credit, she actually did look like a deer in the headlights during the airplane incident, which leads me to think it was either real, or staged without her knowledge. I could envision Mr. Trump staging the event without Ivanka's knowledge so that going forward taxpayers would pay for her private planes.

This article is just the tip of the icicle garbage of the kind of fake media news that the Clintons deal with on a daily basis from the conservative meanstream media and why the Clintons really need to create their own news network.

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Friday, December 23, 2016

How the Clintons can re-energize Democrats by Creating a Moderate Liberal Media Brand.

Four Years Ago DailyPUMA begged the Clintons to become involved in media. The Clinton Brand of Moderate Liberal  Politics has an audience, but the Moderate Liberal Media Brand has to be built before anyone will come.

It was rather ironic to see Chelsea Clinton on network television on a few occasions a few years back when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have actually started a small programming base and had Chelsea Clinton over see it, even buying time on free TV if necessary. 

Even one hour of Moderate Liberal Media News programming a day, repeated two or three times throughout the day, would have helped beat back the Conservative Meanstream Media Machine that went into overdrive the moment that James Comey re-energized them with his second press conference about emails about nothing.

Moderate Liberal Programming would also beat back the rancid brand of progressive cable television that does not actually connect with middle america, but instead connects with younger millennials and turns them against the Liberal Moderates.

Progressive Media forced the Clinton's to back pedal on Bill Clinton's record of the 90's. Issues such as NAFTA,  Don't Ask Don't Tell, Welfare Reform, comments such as Super Predator, could have all been easily and properly defended and then exalted if the Clintons had built a Moderate Liberal Brand Media.

Even Joe Biden has gotten in on the assault against the Clinton's, claiming Hillary Clinton didn't really have a message. This statement by Biden is complete garbage. First, Hillary Clinton had to tread lightly and not be an Obama basher or risk becoming a complete outcast of the democrat party. Secondly, the Progressive Media assaulted the Clintons over NAFTA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Welfare Reform, and the Super Predator comment, leaving the Clintons with very little to hang their hat on in reference to the 90's. 

Sure Bill Clinton was the only president in the past 80 years to lower his annual budget deficit each and every year he was in office. Sure Bill Clinton was the only president in the past 80 years who left office more popular then when he went in, but those two points were never brought to light because there was no Moderate Liberal Media Brand to make those points on behalf of the Clintons.

The Clintons can still be players in the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton can still be a viable presidential candidate in four years, but only if Hillary and Bill Clinton build a moderate liberal media base that actually produces moderate liberal news progamming on a regular basis, and Hillary Clinton gets in tip top physical shape as well. 

It would not even hurt if at some point Hillary Clinton slugs a republican male disrespecter in the chops, as there is a list of disrespecters a mile long for her to choose from.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Judge Jean Pirro MUST Apologize to Hillary Clinton for Pirro's ineptly constructed timeline editorial regarding what Hillary Clinton said about rigged elections during the third debate versus her decision to join the recount.

Is Judge Jeanine Pirro really a judge, because her comments in the video commentary link at the the end of this article are below the bare minimum of common sense and integrity. Every case she has ever presided over needs to be rechecked if she continues to stand by the gross miscarriage of truthfulness regarding Hillary Clinton's rigged election comments that Pirro brontificates about in her video. 

When Hillary Clinton made her comments in the third debate about U.S. elections not being rigged, DailyPUMA reminds its readers that those comments were TEN DAYS BEFORE FBI Director James Comey RIGGED the ELECTION in Trump's favor with his second email press conference / letter about nothing! 

FBI Director James Comey incited and rejuvenated despondent Republicans into actions ranging from 25 million dollar last minute PAC attack ads to fake news after his second email press conference about emails, a  press conference that is NOW being described as  pointless  based on the reasoning cited in the subpoena.

When does "Judge" Jeanine Pirro apologize to Hillary Clinton for not understanding the concept of time, that Comey's rigging of the election so Trump would win happened 10-12 days after Hillary Clinton spoke about unrigged elections in the third debate. That Comey's rigging of the election with his second unjustified email press conference put the entire conservative meanstream media on high alert and to do whatever it took to give Trump a victory.

There are few things more dangerous than giving an arrogant, intellectually compromised person, judicial power. Possibly one of the most important tasks a judge is supposed to master is the proper timeline of events. Lets see if Pirro stands by her ill timed commentary that doesn't relate events in the timeline in which they actually happened.

If you are a judge, you should be cringing watching "Judge" Pirro equate a comment made by Hillary Clinton 10 days prior to the actual rigging of the 2016 presidential election in which Clinton stated that our elections are not rigged, with the subsequent rigging of the election by James Comey's second email press conference letter. And if you are wondering how James Comey's election changing second press conference equates to a recount, the answer is the meanstream media went all out once Comey's second press conference happened.

The level of anger, hostility and insanity against Clinton by the meanstream media grew from the moment of Comey's second press conference about emails every day until election day. If nothing fishy really happened regarding how votes were cast and counted, then why were Trump's lawyers, 2 and 3 deep at every voting location, basically preventing the recount from occurring?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

DailyPUMA's most prescient Article Ever ran on Oct. 27, 2016, Just one day before James Comey's second Email Press Conference / Letter.

DailyPUMA would like to believe that after 7 years of Blogging on DailyPUMA that somebody at Hillary Clinton's headquarters was reading the articles for ideas to present to the Campaign. The ideas in this Oct. 27, 2016 DailyPUMA article proved scarily accurate as to how Hillary Clinton could lose the election, or win the election.

However, Hillary Clinton still would have won the 2016 presidential election if not for James Comey's second letter / press conference sent out on Oct. 28, 2016 followed by Comey not holding a press conference to answer specific questions about his actions.

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Monday, December 19, 2016

The Rudolph Giuliani, James Comey, Sheldon Andelson Triangle. How Rudolph Guiliani may have illegally interacted with James Comey, leading to James Comey's Second Press Conference and Sheldon Andelson's 25 million dollar attack ads against Hillary Clinton.

After Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton aboard Bill Clinton's plane regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails, Loretta Lynch recused herself and let James Comey decide how to handle the email situation. Even though Lynch recused herself, the meanstream media continued to pile on that politicial favoritism was at work. I Ironically, the favoritism was by James Comey via his second email press conference / letter.

When Rudolph Giuliani was trying to get Sheldon Andelson to pony up the 25 million dollars in television attack ads against Hillary Clinton that Andelson had committed to in late September, but was no longer sure would be worthwhile anymore as Trump's popularity was slipping and Hillary Clinton's was rising after the third debate in mid October, did Giuliani put pressure on Comey to hold a second press conference, knowing it would serve as a form of enticement to Andelson?

Forget about Putin for a moment. If Giuliani was able to entice James Comey to perform a second email press conference regarding the dead on arrival Clinton emails, Giuliani would then be able to convince Sheldon Adelson to actually commit the 25 million dollars in anti Clinton ads over the final 10 days of the 2016 presidential campaign that Andelson had promised but was having second thoughts about. 

Why was Giuliani allowed to flit about talking to whomever he wanted whenever he wanted within the FBI when one Clinton interaction with Loretta Lynch basically raised a conservative uproar that continued even after Lynch recused herself.

Why is it the Democrats are so afraid to call any hearings when the Republicans will call a hearing at the drop of a pin?  Did Rudolph Giuliani use his FBI insider influence to let Comey know that a second email press conference would encourage other last minute Clinton attack ads? Was Comey being coerced by Rudolph Giuliani in the exact same manner that Bill Clinton was accused of when he met with Loretta Lynch? 

James Comey's second press conference fueled Sheldon Andelson's 25 million dollar commitment to proceed, which was then followed by last minute NRA  attack ads, which then led to faked media news over the final few days including PizzaGate and false allegation that The Clinton Home was being searched by the New York Police Department.

Did the final 10 days of media attacks against Hillary Clinton, all triggered by the second James Comey email press conference, make a difference in the outcome of the election? Yes, Comey's second email press conference basically gained Trump 2 to 4 million votes while subtracting 2 to 4 million votes for Hillary Clinton. And we can safely assume that the midwest battle ground states would have gone to Hillary Clinton.

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