Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Friday, October 12, 2012

The first 2012 Presidential Debate and VP debate songified.

In case you missed it, will we all songify someday?

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Dr. Laura Fans, Dr. Laura has a job opening!

Do you know someone who would like to be one of the coveted
 “peeps” here at the Dr. Laura Program?   We have a rare 
opening for a Digital Media Assistant/Call Screener, 
and we’re accepting resumes.

The ideal candidate will be proficient in social media, 

graphic arts, and audio/video editing with expertise in 
Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator, and Final Cut Pro or Express.  

Fluency in spoken and written English is required, as the 
successful candidate will be trained to be a call screener 
for the Dr. Laura Program as well.  And, of course, we want 
someone who’s a big  fan of Dr. Laura and her program.

A more detailed job description, and how to apply can be 

found here.  The position is based in Sherman Oaks in the 
Los Angeles area.  

If you’ve got the qualifications, make sure you apply now.  
The Dr. Laura Program

Although anybody that well trained might just be an on air personality in the making themselves.I'm a bit curious, why not just train somebody who DOES NOT have those skills. I bet they could be trained in a month's time, no?

That's how jobs are created, no?  An out of work instructor is paid to teach an unskilled person new skills, who then is hired by the Dr. Laura show.  Why just go for the jugular and try get it all in one fell swoop?

Heck, why not offer a class to learn the skills needed to be a Dr. Laura call screener.  Now suddenly 20 people have new skills to put on their resume, and an instructor has a terrific reference as well.

Isn't that how jobs get created, or we must we always just go for the muffin top?

Please consider signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by by clicking here.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hillary Clinton For President: Would You Trust Her? : Politics & NWO

Hillary Clinton For President: Would You Trust Her? : Politics & NWO

She flys all over the world, can you be bothered to register to voice your opinion while never leaving your computer?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is Romney including Senior Citizens in his 47% calculation?

Assuming that about 20% of the population are seniors, is Mitt Romney including seniors in his 47% entitlement calculation? I don't think it's fair to include seniors in that 47% as being entitlement benefactors.

That would mean that either 27% fit Romney's entitlement description if Romney was mistakenly including seniors, or, if Romney was not including seniors, it could also would mean that 67% of the country is receiving some type of payout from the government.

Either way, it was interesting that Romney called the 10% independent swing vote as the key to the election. In the past I have called it a 40-40-20 scenario.  40% always vote Republican, 40% always vote democrat, and 20% who are "swingable".

Romney is now reducing that swingable vote to 10%.  Perhaps this is true because of the rise in alleged minorities who soon will outnumber caucasians in the U.S.

It is interesting that the media did not say much about all of the ethnicities that spoke at the Republican convention.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

An apology to Hillary, or is this a Concern Troll Trick?

An apology to Hillary.  I'm not buying it. This is just a trick to lure Hillary Clinton supporters. A writer from 2008 who supported Barack Obama magically now wishes Hillary Clinton were president, or would run in 2016.

Give me a break. NOBODY is that obtuse that it would take them four years to realize that Hillary Clinton was the obvious better choice.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Barack Obama says that all African Americans should vote for him.

This 100% racially driven message should have been a message to get out and vote, not get out and vote for Barack Obama.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Forum Post: No Justice When Women Fight Back | OccupyWallSt.org

Lots of frustrating links in this Occupy Wall Street Article. I found the one where several dozen striking miners were shot and killed by police resulting in a couple hundred of striking miners being tortured and now prosecuted especially egregious.

What an ironic circle of life. The article starts with african american women who are in jail because they fought back against their attackers, and ends with miners who are being abused beyond comprehension so...women can be wooed with diamonds from South Africa, yeesh.

Please consider signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by by clicking here.

Friday, August 31, 2012

New Blog from Alessandro Machi, Debt Neutrality.

If you want to really find out what is going on with the world's economy, just follow my debt neutrality blog. It appears that the entire world's economy is based on consumer debt levels, population growth, and resource depletion.

Interest rate charges are actually accelerating resource depletion. 

Follow Debt Neutrality to see the ongoing and ever increasing damage the billionaires and trillionaires of the world are wreaking by insisting that their money always get the best return and that it always goes to the front of the line for reinvestment.
The uncomplicated bankster premise of "Debt Restructure requires a default" is the mantra that will kill off as much as 80% of the population within a hundred years time.
Society's demise is being set up now by the constant chattle to keep doing what we have been doing, without real change or progress. However the economic death spiral has already begun. 

I believe we are at a tipping point for the world in which going forward as before will mean a very sudden demise, it will happen so fast no one will believe it. Read here if you want a bit more convincing.  Global warming might cause the release of stored carbon as frozen tundras melt, and as trees die as well.

That is why when I watched Paul Ryan say, "We can get GNP back up to 4%, We can do this", he looked and sounded like a child to me. GNP only has to grow to appease the rich elite who simply want their financial ponzi scheme to go on forever. We can have a sustainable economy WITH NO GROWTH, if the interest rate charges are thrown out of the equation.

Imagine you were the wealthiest person on the planet back in the 1500's. Where would your wealth be tied up? In land of course, but where else? In a militia to PROTECT your wealth. That protection could cost 50% of your wealth, assuming your military general didn't just chop your head off and take it all.

So the concept nowadays that the richest are supposed to keep getting richer and their money is somehow more valuable than all others, is not only ridiculous, it will destroy the industrialized world. 

I think the best compromise that can be reached is the richest of the rich get the lowest automatic return on savings held in a bank, not the highest, and the rest of us with the smallest savings get the highest rate of return. This would free the elite to truly put their money into NEW technologies and possibly even more green friendly energy projects, or they can just have a good time and spend their money.
If you don't believe that the rich elite and their pampered money are destroying the industrialized world, you should really study the crap/fake/gambling casino style of investments that wall street trots out for the rich elite, knowing that if they fail, the government will bail them out, not us.

Please consider signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Republicans consider Audit the Fed as part of their platform, Obama removes Glass Stegall from the Democrat Platform. Obama is a banker posing as a populist.

We know that Romney is basically a banker. However, most Obama voters don't view Obama as a Banker President. Isn't it more dangerous to have a banker president who many people think is a populist, versus a president who we know is a banker?

The obvious answer is I'd rather have a president who we know is a banker rather than one who has managed to avoid the label of banker president. However, the republicans seem more ready to go to war at this point in time, and that makes it a tougher call once again.

Obama the banker president has really carved out a nice niche for himself. 
  1. A meek and ultimately failed effort to get Elizabeth Warren the stewardship position of the Consumer Protection Financial Agency.
  2. Arrogantly Declares that Parallel Foreclosures, a violation of the constitution and the Federal Hobbs Act, extortion under the color of right, are legal.
  3. Prevents retirees and those close to retirement age access to their built up home equity if they don't qualify based on income, even if the equity from their home would allow them to either live out their lives comfortably and without endangering the bank's loan, or even as a financial bridge until they find work.
  4. Removal of Glass / Steagall advocacy from the 2012 democrat  platform
  5. Turning a blind eye towards offering any real incentives to help consumers pay down consumer debt.
  6. Investigation of Goldman Sachs turns up no wrong doing!

Repeat after me, Barack Obama is a Banker President, Barack Obama is a Banker President posing as a populist, and the closest he seems capable of helping Main Street is to cram down more debt to small businesses in the hopes they will magically pay off that debt while hiring more people who will in turn take on more debt to help the economy.


Please consider signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by by clicking here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Vanessa Bryant, living the dream of being a nightmare.

So here is Vanessa Bryant's quote, (Kobe Bryant is Vanessa Bryant's husband).
"I certainly would not want to be married to somebody that can’t win championships. If you’re sacrificing time away from my family and myself for the benefit of winning championships, then winning a championship should happen every single year."
Ah yes, once again it's time to trot out the infamous Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves magical saying..."If the pleasure remains, does it remain a pleasure?"  The somewhat obvious answer is, no.  

I think every man on the planet should thank Kobe Bryant for keeping Vanessa Bryant, occupied and sparing the rest of us from having to interact with her. If only she were the only one who thought that way.

You can read the full New York Magazine article by clicking here. And Kobe, your wife was not even the lead interview of the article she appeared in, I suggest you dump her since she finished second.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Apparently, no intelligent people were harmed in the making of this running of the bulls video.

Or, should we call this, The Ramming of the Bulls? 

As you watch the video, ask yourself these questions, Why is the rope so long, who controls the rope, and why do they do such a poor job of controlling the rope?

As much as I enjoyed rooting for the bulls, every now and then someone got it that did not deserve it. It makes one wonder, could I ever end up in a situation where I never really wanted to be in but went because friends were going, and suddenly there is this massive bull about to gore me.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Romney picks VP on the same day that 44,000 union workers come to Philly for a Protest Rally, gasp, talk about a bad "P.R." move.

I wonder about the timing of Romney's announcement of Paul Ryan for Vice President. I find it insensitive that Romney picked his running mate the same day that 44,000 union workers showed up in Philly for a national union rally.

I'm not happy that over the past few decades state unions have sold their vote to the politicians that gave them the best pension deals. However, I am still curious, did Romney know about the union rally in Philly?  

If Romney didn't know about the Union Rally, then it solidifies the message that he is out touch with main street. If Romney did know about the rally and chose to hog television coverage by announcing his V.P. on the same day, then that would make Romney kind of a bad guy in my eyes.

Romney's timing of his VP pick completely blunted news coverage of that union rally, and that is just further evidence of what some americans are afraid of, Romney is not for the middle class.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Friday, August 10, 2012

President Obama: You're no Bill Clinton

Cal Thomas of the Chicago Tribune hits a home run with this piece. Here is just one morsel.

In 2008, candidate Obama praised Ronald Reagan above Bill Clinton when he told the Reno Gazette-Journal's editorial board that under Reagan the Republican Party was "the party of ideas" and that Reagan had "changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way Bill Clinton did not."

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Click here to see originating source.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Is Mitt Romney part of the 99% of Millionaires that pay within a certain range of taxes, or part of the 1% that pay virtually nothing?

Mitt Romney is right that once he releases his income tax results, no matter what he paid, the Obama camp will attempt to skewer him. 

A discussion needs to take place between the media and other millionaires as to what percent they are paying on their income taxes, so that a standard can be in place PRIOR to Romney releasing additional income tax information.

I just want to know that Romney is within a range, a widenormal percentage range, of what 99% of millionaires pay. None of us knows what that widenormal percentage range is. Is it 5%, 8%, 12%, 15%? 

I won't be too thrilled if Romney's percentage of income tax payment is not within the percentage range of what 99% of other millionaires pay every year. And Romney can add in the percent he pays in charitable deductions as well if he likes, as long as that is factored in for other millionaires.

Have I missed something?

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

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