An apology to Hillary. I'm not buying it. This is just a trick to lure Hillary Clinton supporters. A writer from 2008 who supported Barack Obama magically now wishes Hillary Clinton were president, or would run in 2016.
Give me a break. NOBODY is that obtuse that it would take them four years to realize that Hillary Clinton was the obvious better choice.
Jim Acosta and the Collapse of the 'Mainstream Media'
4 minutes ago
Actually, yes... they are THAT obtuse. I know some of them who really believed Obama would heal our relationship with the Muslim world, simply because of who he is. These folks are shocked.... SHOCKED, I tell you.... to find out it's not working.
Much has changed in recent years. Hillary Clinton has changed and developed. Why should this not apply to the writer is well?
Considering the democrat convention just happened, what was there to lose to bring up the topic now versus a month or two ago?
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