Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Word of Caution about NewsMax and BreitBart's Big Government blog and other conservative blogs as well...

Conservative blogs can be relied on to expose ACORN and other illegal activities that have benefited Barack Obama and progressive democrats. However, I would like to caution PUMAS that NewsMax and BreitBart's Big Government blog will NEVER expose a Barack Obama misdeed as having hurt Hillary Clinton's chances in the 2008 democratic nomination even when the story absolutely calls for such disclosure.

It is up to YOU to try and discover how conservative stories that attack Barack Obama also spin away from including a pro Hillary Clinton angle. Blogs like BreitBart's Big Government blog and Newsmax won't mention how Hillary Clinton was hurt in 2008 in their anti Barack Obama articles even when such information is salient to the article.

A perfect example of this is the Ellie Light "controversy". Apparently, Newsmax and friends are trying to make a big deal out of a Barack Obama supporter writing to a couple of dozen newspapers and using the same name each time!
Wow, that was sneaky (sarcasm alert). Someone USED THE SAME NAME and posted their article to a few dozen newspapers.
This is such a laughably stupid spin on the story that it motivated me to write this article.
Show me who first promoted Ellie Light to the public (Ben Smith of Politico dot com), and now we may be getting somewhere.

There were three or four times where I tried to mention a Hillary Clinton angle on Breit Bart's Big Government blog comment section, and Breit Bart NEVER ONCE posted my responses.

I had to move Breit Bart's Big Government blog to the left side of Daily PUMA as a result. Breit Bart's Big Goverment may come up with interesting articles from time to time, but their deep rooted hatred of Hillary Clinton must never be forgotten.

Blogs like NewsMax and BreitBart's Big Government blog hate Hillary Clinton so much that if you asked them whether they would want 8 successful years under a Hillary Clinton presidency or four miserable years under a Barack Obama administration, they would chose the four miserable years under a Barack Obama administration, even if another democrat were to then be elected after the first four years! And that is demented beyond comprehension.
The message to the conservative blogs is simple. If you wish to expose Barack Obama actions now, that were also going on during his presidential campaign run, then YOU MUST MENTION THE CONNECTION TO THE 2008 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY RACE, or you are just another "us or them" poser.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to Avoid the Race Card Game by Really Trying.

When discussions about political candidates bog down because of accusations of racism, the vetting of candidates becomes an almost impossible task. I believe there are ways to reduce accusations of racism when the charges of racism relate to the vetting of any political candidate.

If we limit our judgement about a politician's racial associations to people with the same ethnicity as ourselves, we limit the use of the race card.

In the case of Barack Obama and the 2008 democratic nomination race, and then the presidential race, when caucasians started criticizing Barack Obama for his non caucasian associations, they defused their own complaints about Barack Obama by giving Barack Obama supporters an excuse to use the race card.

African Americans can criticize Barack Obama and his associations with other African Americans if they believe the associations are unacceptable. It does not matter if a caucasian does not like Louis Farrakhan, what matters is if an association with Louis Farrakhan bothers african americans.

A caucasian can criticize Barack Obama for hanging out with caucasians that are of questionable character, such as Jamie Dimon of Chase bank.

When Jessie Jackson made his infamous comment about Barrack Obama and his alleged condescending speaking style towards african americans, the private comment at a public event was "caught" by a live microphone. If Jessie Jackson had been a different ethnicity then Barack Obama, there could have been accusations of racism over those remarks.

However, because an african american, (Jessie Jackson) was talking about another african american (Barack Obama), racism was never charged and the issue died down relatively quickly.

When the Clintons were charged with being racists in early 2008, what they could have done differently to deflect these ridiculous charges was to rely on their own african american supporters to defend both of them, and to also educate the Clintons on the racism nuanced line that they may have been unknowingly crossing.

The moment the Clintons spoke about historical african american politicians and how those politicians experiences related to Barack Obama, the Clintons opened themselves up to the possibility of the race card being used even if the assertions were ridiculous.

James E. Clyburn, a South Carolina congress person, rather than defend Bill Clinton against charges of racism, told Bill to shut up. Clyburn's "shut up" comment revealed himself to be a closet Barack Obama supporter.

Commenting about political relationships outside of one's own race is one sure fire way to bring race card game into a political battle and should be avoided.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Powerful Excerpt From Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech and the subtle political rebukes that appear to be intertwined.

A very strong rebuke of Ron Paul's world political view can be found in the excerpt below from Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech. A more subtle rebuke of George Bush, John McCain and Hillary Clinton's position that we don't negotiate with rogue nations can be found as well.

However, earlier in the speech, Barack Obama also acknowledges that speech making is never enough (which kind of reminds me of the Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign quote about Barack Obama's political experience amounting to a speech he wrote...)

------------------excerpt from Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech--------------------

...."The same principle applies to those who violate international laws by brutalizing their own people. When there is genocide in Darfur, systematic rape in Congo, repression in Burma -- there must be consequences. Yes, there will be engagement; yes, there will be diplomacy -- but there must be consequences when those things fail. And the closer we stand together, the less likely we will be faced with the choice between armed intervention and complicity in oppression.

This brings me to a second point -- the nature of the peace that we seek. For peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict. Only a just peace based on the inherent rights and dignity of every individual can truly be lasting.

It was this insight that drove drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after the Second World War. In the wake of devastation, they recognized that if human rights are not protected, peace is a hollow promise.

And yet too often, these words are ignored.

For some countries, the failure to uphold human rights is excused by the false suggestion that these are somehow Western principles, foreign to local cultures or stages of a nation's development. And within America, there has long been a tension between those who describe themselves as realists or idealists -- a tension that suggests a stark choice between the narrow pursuit of interests or an endless campaign to impose our values around the world.

So even as we respect the unique culture and traditions of different countries, America will always be a voice for those aspirations that are universal. We will bear witness to the quiet dignity of reformers like Aung Sang Suu Kyi; to the bravery of Zimbabweans who cast their ballots in the face of beatings; to the hundreds of thousands who have marched silently through the streets of Iran. It is telling that the leaders of these governments fear the aspirations of their own people more than the power of any other nation. And it is the responsibility of all free people and free nations to make clear that these movements -- these movements of hope and history -- they have us on their side.I reject these choices. I believe that peace is unstable where citizens are denied the right to speak freely or worship as they please; choose their own leaders or assemble without fear. Pent-up grievances fester, and the suppression of tribal and religious identity can lead to violence. We also know that the opposite is true. Only when Europe became free did it finally find peace. America has never fought a war against a democracy, and our closest friends are governments that protect the rights of their citizens. No matter how callously defined, neither America's interests -- nor the world's -- are served by the denial of human aspirations.

Let me also say this: The promotion of human rights cannot be about exhortation alone. At times, it must be coupled with painstaking diplomacy. I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation. But I also know that sanctions without outreach -- condemnation without discussion -- can carry forward only a crippling status quo. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the choice of an open door...."


Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hillary Clinton was supposed to quit the 2008 democratic race, but Sarah Palin is called a quitter, Disingenuous games the Obama supporters play.

Hillary Clinton, according to Keith Olbermann and many many Barack Obama supporters, was supposed to quit the 2008 democratic race well before the end even though the race was too close to call.

Apparently, it was ok for delegates to switch from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, but under no circumstances were delegates ever supposed to switch back, even when Hillary Clinton won over 54% of the vote over the final 10 weeks of the democratic race.

Barack Obamomentum knew only one direction, and to imply delegates, even those who were actually in districts that voted for Hillary Clinton, might decide to actually vote for Hillary Clinton, was tantamount to racism.

Sarah Palin was coming under increased surveillance, attack, and scrutiny by the media. When she saw that she was not going to be able to lose the media by jumping on her snowmobile and getting the media to go left when they should have gone right, Palin resigned.

Palin is now called a quitter by some Barack Obama supporters for her refusing to be skewered by the media while trying to govern Alaska.

In both situations, the Barack Obama crowd used the quit card to once again demean and diminish female candidates. Isn't it ironic that Hillary Clinton was supposed to quit the 2008 democratic race, yet Sarah Palin was not supposed to quit her governorship even though the media was making it difficult for her to just do her job?

Whatever either female candidate chose to do at critical moments in their career, it appears Barack Obama supporters were simply going to demand both candidates do the opposite of what they did, or be skewered in the media.

Friday, November 6, 2009

DailyPUMA is ONE YEAR OLD, and in case you wondered what the mission statement was, here it is.

DailyPUMA is now one years old, Yippee!

In just the past couple of weeks it has dawned on me that it has become very, very important to keep reminding readers that...

1. ...there is unfinished business from 2008 involving Barack Obama and his people CHEATING in the caucus contests.

2.....Barack Obama accepting money that he KNEW was fraudulently donated to him via the use of fake names,

3.....Identifying the democrats that went out of their way to support Barack Obama and diss Hillary Clinton when they just could have easily as waited on the sidelines and let the democratic voters decide at the ballot box,

4.....Exposing the intertwined relationship that Barack Obama has with Wall Street Bankers at the expense of middle, "bitter: america,

5.....Spotlighting lazy, conceited, men in suits who profit from making fun of woman or diminishing them in the media,

6.....Spotlight women who are doing things and women who are being ridiculed and ignored when they should be congratulated for doing the right thing.

7.....Be a conduit that connects PUMA blogs in a fast and efficient manner so that we can get the most information in the fastest possible time so we can keep in touch more easily with more PUMA blogs.

8......Exposing the republican conservative frauds and their blogs who simply hate all things democrat while pretending to be supporters of PUMA

9......Reveal and expose the conservative younger blogs that are nothing more than retreads of their older predecessors and simply hate on Hillary Clinton every chance they get.

10......Hope to be around when the wrongdoers publicly admit they acted unethically in the 2008 democratic race and want to apologize to Hillary Clinton.

11.....Would like to see Barack Obama resign one day with an incredibly eloquent speech that actually allows him to keep his political career going as a changed, humbled man.

12....Hillary Clinton has grown by leaps and bounds as a person and a politician and would make the finest next president of anybody out there from either party.

Monday, November 2, 2009

27% Say Hillary Would Be Better President Than Obama

27% Say Hillary Clinton Would Be Better President Than Obama. Click here to read rest of Rasmussen Report Article.

Posted using

The headline could also have said, "76% think Hillary Clinton would either do an equal or better job than Barack Obama". Since I have shared the story from elsewhere, I will leave the headline as they wrote it.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the article....."Just 14% of U.S. voters say Hillary Clinton would be doing a worse job as president than Barack Obama if she had won last year’s Democratic presidential nomination.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 27% of voters think Clinton would be doing a better job as president while 49% say she would be performing about the same."


What I find interesting as well is the Rassumussen Report also finds that Republicans believe that Hillary Clinton would have done a better job than Barack Obama. I implored rich Hillary Clinton supporters to fund this exact kind of survey LAST YEAR when it would have mattered.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Baseball fans booing Pedro Martinez, and Keith Olbermann's uncontrollable, lying mouth.

Sometimes we can see the insanity of
television unfolding in front of us. I was
watching CBS News and was genuinely
struck by the piece about Barack Obama
leaving shortly after midnight to
accompany the recently fallen soldiers
fighting in Afghanistan who were being
returned to the United States for burial.
And then right after that video piece, CBS
showed Hillary Clinton confronting the very
people who either lead double or triple
lives of lies in Pakistan (or know people
who do), and she confronted them on
their turf, half way around the world
from her own home.
A short time later, I saw a stadium full of
people, perhaps some of the same people
who went along with the jokes at Hillary
Clinton's expense last year during the 2008
democratic campaign, (probably some of
the same people who don't take women
as seriously as they do men), booing and
yelling in the relatively safe confines of a
stadium as Pedro Martinez left the mound,
and suddenly a huge sea of hypocrisy
unfolded in front of my eyes.

These people who laugh at our politicians
at every opportunity, especially female
politicians, WOULD NEVER be so brave as
to tell it like it is on a foreigner's soil
the way Hillary Clinton did up above.
What Hillary Clinton did was one of
the bravest moments I think I have ever
witnessed coming from a politician,
either male or female.

And then I was reminded of Keith
Olbermann the clown. Olbermann sat
within the confines of a cozy studio
slamming Hillary Clinton and even
demanding she prematurely quit the
democratc race in 2008.

Olbermann then lied on national television
when he denied that he had suggested
Hillary Clinton be put in a room with
others until only one came out.
Olbermann wouldn't have the guts to
do what Hillary Clinton did in Pakistan,
not now, not ever.
After Olbermann secured the doubling of his own salary by taking sides in the 2008 democratic nomination process by slamming Hillary Clinton on many many occasions, Olbermann then slammed the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is a woman who ran a state government in weather cold enough to make Keith's teeth chatter even faster than many of us thought was possible.

Do we see an odd pattern here? Men, in the comfort of a stadium, or a news studio, or as late night television hosts, making fun of women who could run circles around them in what they accomplish on a day to day basis.

Isn't it ironic that the World Series baseball game was on Fox Television while at the same time on the west coast CBS was running two amazing news stories about the war in Afghanistan, yet it is Fox that bashes the present administration on an almost daily basis.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Hypocrisy, Part II, of Maria Shriver hosting the "Women's Conference" in Long Beach is astounding.

A readers comment from the first Maria Shriver hypocrisy article deserves a response because it attempts to make a logical point.
"What part of women not being a monolithic entity don't you get?"
What the writer/responder is getting at is that women should not automatically support other women simply because they are a woman. This is a valid point, and I actually addressed it in the first article, but I'll do it again here in more depth.

Who out there believes that Barack Obama's past behavior at crucial times in his life was properly vetted by the media? I'm not even talking about Pastor Wright. I'm talking about his college days.

I'm talking about the time he spent writing his book in Bali when his mother was in the final year or two of her life dying from cancer.

I'm talking about Barack Obama's desire to question each and every signature of his political opponent's petitions that were being used to qualify for various political races. This "by the book" behavior by Barack Obama repeated itself all the way to Florida and Michigan, yet Barack Obama remained above the fray to actually produce his own documentation about his own past.

Why did Barack Obama spend time in Bali in the early to mid 90's writing a book about his sperm donor father rather than being with his dying mother? Maybe there is a good answer, but it appears nobody in the media seems to think it important to ask Barack Obama.
Not only did Maria Shriver not support Hillary Clinton, she chose to be a roadblock to Hillary Clinton getting the nomination when she just as easily could have stepped back and WAITED to support whichever fine candidate became the democratic nominee based on the vote OF THE PEOPLE!
The let the people decide aspect of the 2008 race was never addressed by the media. The media, celebs and marginal democratic political figures that agreed to manipulate the democratic nomination process BEFORE democratic voters had all voted amounts to a scandal in my opinion. Keith Olbermann was so incensed that Hillary Clinton chose to stay in a race that was too close to call that he advocated "taking her into a room" until one person came out, (presumably not Hillary Clinton).

Maria Shriver actually had to "make a difference" in toppling a WORTHY FEMALE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, then puts on her own women empowering conference. Wouldn't you feel betrayed if you found out that the Barack Obama administration helped Shriver put on the women empowerment convention as payback?

"Hey Maria, support Barack Obama now against Hillary Clinton, then we'll help you put on your own women empowerment conference", if that actually happened, would that be the kind of behavior we should accept from those who first kidnapped, and then re-politized women's issues for their own gain?

Hey, lets get prominent women from all over the country such as Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi, Maria Shriver, and others, to go against Hillary Clinton and support Barack Obama, even though all three could have just remained neutral UNTIL THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS DECIDED who they wanted. Instead, these three prominent women who backed the defeat of Hillary Clinton expect to get rewarded for their role in stopping the first female president.

Um, no thanks. I am here to make sure you DON'T get your rewards for going against the very thing you claim to be for now, now that you will selfishly profit from the very thing you prevented form happening a year earlier.

This type of arrogant, the past is the past behavior is something that needs to be uncircled from the drain before we are awash in the next wave of bulls--t from those who think we have a short memory. I think it is self serving to be a prominent woman who believes in choice, but then shills for women empowerment that she herself helped thwart the previous year.

Electing Barack Obama did not empower women the way a Hillary Clinton presidency would have, nor has real, simple change occurred.

There are dozens of Barack Obama "supporters" that were nothing more than PR shills who may have been promised some type of reward for helping to stop Hillary Clinton. I view these sellouts as vampires who sucked the blood out of our country and have actually helped prevent a rebound from the 8 previous years of the United States being more focused on outside military maneuvers versus healing from within.

By giving Barack Obama a free pass on his past, the several dozens of democratic celebs and politicians who went out of their way, not just to support Barack Obama without a proper vetting, but to diss Hillary Clinton as well, were saying "it's ok Barack Obama, you get a pass on your past just because you're african american". I find that offensive, condescending, and racist.

And what makes these supporters behavior so suspicious to me is that they absolutely could not stay neutral until the american people first decided which democratic candidate they preferred. You want Barack Obama, let the people vote him in, AND THEN back him. Instead, we had CONSTANT shilling by the media, always announcing a new "backer" whenever Hillary Clinton won a primary race.

You all know that Hillary Clinton actually won more delegates than Barack Obama from the primary races, EVEN WHEN FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN ARE NOT COUNTED.

If many celebs and politicians were willing to voraciously promote Barack Obama without a proper vetting, then they LOWERED THE BAR for all future non caucasian presidents. If these unwitting condescending celebrity and political supporters of Barack Obama now portend to promote women's issues, or blue collar issues, they should be publicly outed for stopping the first women from becoming president even as they now attempt to profit from the perception that they are for women's issues.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SHOWDOWN IN CHICAGO, a United Front Against the Banks, Almost, but not Really.

Click here for the most recent DailyPUMA article.

When Barack Obama "won" the 2008 democratic primary and the 2008 election, groups as diverse as bankers in suits and the everyday younger tecknogeek dressed up for the celebration.

Showdown in Chicago reminds me of the numerous situation comedy skits where the main character has inadvertently set up two dinner dates at the exact same time and place and tries to prevent each "date" from seeing each other. The main character keeps excusing themselves from one dinner table to go to the other dinner table so they can spend time with their "co-dates".

Usually there are a set of eye glasses involved that have to be put on for one of the dates, but then taken off before approaching the second date. Many many bathroom visits provide the impetus for the double dipping dater to flit from one dining table to the other. Eventually, the main character gets confused and leaves the glassed on for the wrong date and is found out by both dates. Hilarity ensues (oh how ironic the word Hilarity really is.) as both dates find out that they have been two timed.

The main character in our sit com is none other than....Barack Obama! Yep, Bankers are descending upon Chicago from all over the country the final weekend of October 2009 while dozens and dozens of community activist groups, the kind that most likely overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama not only in the 2008 presidential election, but also in the democratic primaries as well, will also descend upon Chicago to protest the bankers. Poor Barack Obama, what is he to do?

Can Barack Obama successfully flit from his date with the bankers to his date with the community activists at the very same time without being noticed?
Does anyone get the serious irony going on here? Maria Shriver starts up a womans group to promote women's run for public office a year after choosing Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. Then Michael Moore releases his movie a year after absolutely spitting on anything and everything HIllary Clinton, the very people who would have supported his movie as strongly as any other group out there.

Now we have activist groups who helped Barack Obama win against Hillary Clinton coming from all over the country to Chicago to protest the bankers, the very same bankers that are Barack Obama's best friends, sit in his inner circle, and are among the people he most admires and is constantly talking on the phone to, and whom may have colluded in some mysterious way to allow tens of millions of dollars in fake credit card campaign donations to freely flow in to Barack Obama's 2008 campaign!

Die Fledermaus anyone? (no I'm not that cultured, but I did videotape several operas years ago after first sleeping at a Holiday Inn). " 'Ha ha Ha', let us get this farce on the road" a famous line from Die Fledermaus as everybody awaits to dance at the ball, each wearing a mask to hide their true identity.

Everybody showing up at the Barack Obama Bankers Ball in Chicago, be they the jilted lovers, or estranged wife, or future mate, will have a ball as they wait to dance with the main man, Barack Obama.

All you community activist ACORN type protestors, if only you had just voted for Hillary Clinton, I am pretty certain she would not have been in the pocket of the bankers to the extent that Barack Obama appears to be. So, knock yourself out this coming weekend in Chicago, protest the banks that are Barack Obama's biggest supporters even as you swoon for a glimpse of the exalted one himself.

Wow, German farcical opera actually coming to life in 2009 in Chicago. All of this could have been avoided if the yoots (aka youths) could have just learned to respect their elders rather than ridicule them for not knowing how an Ipod works.How will you know that the protestors are fervently Barack Obama supporters who still believe in him? You won't see any "Hillary Clinton we are Sorry" signs anywhere when they probably should be considering carving that message into their own flesh.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Latest Ridiculous Headline Spin from the Conservative Side, "White House boasts: We 'control' news media."


There is NO STORY here other than the disingenuousness of some conservative headlines. What is so laughably ironic about this World Net Daily news release is that it does EXACTLY what the youtube video itself says it tried to avoid during the 2008 campaign, News Groups creating their own headlines and excerpts from provided content.

"We control the media" is being taken out of context.
Controlling the message that the media receives is exactly what was being talked about in the youtube video.
WATCH the youtube video, don't just repeat the utterly nonsensical headline that is the latest conservative salvo against the Barack Obama administration.

Wouldn't you want your messages to not be filtered by sources, (such as World Net Daily) into a completely different meaning from what you intended? That is all the youtube video is talking about.

The reason I am so offended by this tactic is it means we can't trust the conservatives if they are this desperate to make a mountain out of a molehill. Additionally, it takes attention away from the REAL damage and control that the Barack Obama team actually did do in 2008.

If the conservatives want to investigate the fraudulent credit card donations that Barack Obama received in 2008, the fake vote stuffing that occurred in the 2008 democratic caucus contests that benefited Barack Obama and hurt Hillary Clinton, fine, go for it.

When conservatives make sensationalistic headlines where none exist, it just makes me wish we had a THIRD PARTY to choose from.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hillary Clinton is asked if she will run again for President, I'm kind of wishing it were Barack Obama being asked.

Another one of those questionable questions asked of Hillary Clinton, this time by CNN, that can only be answered one way.
"Will you run for president in 2012 or 2016"? Of course she won't run again, ever, she loves her current job. What else is she supposed to say?
The training Hillary Clinton is getting now would make her the ideal presidential candidate in the future.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A REQUEST/DEMAND regarding NOT publicizing Michael Moore's Movie on your blog unless you also mention Moore's betrayal of Hillary Clinton last year.

(Edit update Oct. 6th, 2009). It dawned on me a few days ago that it is easier to just leave a comment in the comments section reminding us all of Michael Moore's "past". Daily PUMA is however beguiled that a couple allegedly pro Hillary blogs don't put a dailypuma link on their blogs yet do put links to blogs that have shown very tepid "support" for Hillary Clinton.


DailyPUMA is asking/requesting/demanding/notifying that any PUMA doing an article about Michael Moore's new movie that does not also devote some time in the same article to Michael Moore's betrayal of Hillary Clinton last year, will have their blog removed from Daily PUMA for 60 days. And it will be up to you to ask to be re-added, and of course, you will be, as long as you ask after 60 days. (Edit note, change in plans, your blog will probably be moved to the far left column of DailyPUMA)

If you are a PUMA and jump on the Michael Moore bandwagon while pretending he was not one of the reasons Hillary Clinton did not get the nomination last year, you are an idiot. If you don't care that Michael Moore helped prevent Hillary Clinton from getting the democratic nomination in 2008, then you're not really a PUMA anyways.
If PUMA's don't mobilize now and boycott Michael Moore over his supremely idiotic reasons for not just staying on the sidelines last year, but his actually actively campaigning against Hillary Clinton in 2008, being a PUMA will simply have little meaning.

PUMA's won't have any real political influence if they don't exercise it when it needs to be exercised.

If PUMA's discuss Michael Moore's new movie without mentioning his betrayal of Hillary Clinton last year, then PUMA's have become posers who cry victimhood about Hillary Clinton while doing nothing to stop the several idiots that stole the nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008.


Daily PUMA has already removed one blog, (Edit note, change in plans, blogs that clearly show they are PUMA-lite or less will probably just be moved to the left column) but I'm sure the blog owner does not care since they haven't had the courtesy to ever put up a Daily PUMA link anyways.

Just in case some of you are chuckling because Daily PUMA only gets a few hundred hits a day...The real reality is that Daily PUMA gives out 10 to 20 times more hits than it receives.

That means up to 4,000 hits a day get "shared" among DailyPUMA blogs because of DailyPUMA, perhaps that means 100,000 hits a month are being doled out by Daily PUMA to other PUMA blogs, one million hits a year that come FROM DailyPUMA to other PUMA blogs.

It would be nice to be listed on all the blogs DailyPUMA supports but that is up to the blog owners. Just beware that the few blogs that don't carry a DailyPUMA blog are helping to suffocate your own PUMA blog.

As the library of DailyPUMA articles grows, DailyPUMA receives a significant amount of non PUMA's to its sites every day. As a result, all of these first time readers get exposed to all the other PUMA blogs.

Let's not forget why PUMA's were founded. They were founded because of the blatant mistreatment Hillary Clinton received from the media and the many who had no business taking a position, and who may have taken a position against Hillary Clinton specifically to gain financially or politically from the ill gotten financial endless pit Barack Obama attached himself to.

Do the right thing, don't let Michael Moore get away unscathed.

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