Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Gay Wedding Cakes and Civil Unions.

The battle wages on regarding whether or not a cake maker can be forced to make a wedding cake depicting a gay couple. In this latest round, the cake maker won the right to deny service to a gay couple.

History seems to have forgotten the rapidly growing popularity of civil unions before gay marriages became legal. The irony of groups of people who did not want to be scorned or denied their right to be legally recognized as a couple because of their sexual preferences also demanding to be just like those they viewed as close minded and prejudiced seemed to be lost on everyone, yes, everyone, but me.

Paraphrasing..."I can't stand your rigid, judgemental, prejudiced ways....but I want to be just like you when it comes to marriage". It's such an oxymoronic position it defies logic.

Another oxymoronic position is the steadfast belief that a gay marriage is identical to a heterosexual marriage in which the couple can conceive children. The two are not the same. The reality of a fertile heterosexual marriage is the couple has to remain vigilant at all times regarding when and how many kids they plan on bringing into the world. Fertile heterosexual marriages actually have to alter their sexual practices routines. Do gay marriages ever alter their sexual practices out of fear of having an unplanned pregnancy?

So there is a distinct wedge between what a fertile heterosexual and a gay marriage is. The gay movement's demand that they be allowed to have the exact same term applied to their unions was from my point of view, embarrassing and sad.

What might have happened if the gay movement had stayed the course and popularized civil unions while also fighting for the right to have all the same government related benefits that a conventional marriage is given? 

I think a civil union alliance comprised of non-fertile heterosexual couples, couples with different religious beliefs, civil rights advocates,  progressive minded heterosexual couples, gay couples, bi-sexual couples would have combined to create a civil union majority in which perhaps 60% to 70% of all unions would be civil unions and only 30% to 40% would prefer to have a conventional marriage.

Pioneers do not follow a path already taken, they make their own, and when it came to forging a path for civil unions to become the dominant form of recognized coupling, the ball was dropped.

On a personal level, were I to ever marry someone of a different religion, or if we could not conceive a child, I would be quite fine with having a civil union instead, as long as all the same government rights were granted.

As it stands now, the perpetual battle between gay marriages and cake makers wages on, creating perpetual hostility and anger that is all so unnecessary.


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Sunday, October 23, 2022

I guess I should be grateful that Google hasn't shut down my blog for some made up reason, but these new article stats are almost just as bad.

When I wrote my previous article about the Los Angeles City Council hidden audio recordings, I decided to post it on various sites of mine on the web. Over the first couple of hours I had over 170 views and I ended up around 217 views over the first 24 hours. Usually when an article gets a higher hit count early on that tends to create a modest influx of hits over the next few weeks. 

However, since that first day and the 217 views,  the article about LA City Council has gotten NINE views total over the next 3 days. That is laughably low. Remember, out of the first 170 hits, I created those by posting a link on other sites of mine and they eventually created around 217 hits for the first 24 hours. In other words, Google literally provided ZERO VIEWS to my site.

Twice in the past year or two I have suddenly gotten hundreds of views for a spoof article I wrote 10 years ago about Arianna Huffington. After each visit by a few hundred visitors to the Huffington article, my daily total blog views suddenly dropped in half and stayed that way. The first time Huffington Bots arrived I was averaging around 250 to 300 views a day. Overnight my views were down to around 125. 

About a year later, the Huffington bots arrived again and now I average around 80 hits a day.

Study the stat hits below for my Los Angeles City Council article, it is basically impossible to have this kind of a stat flow for an article unless the views are being blocked by some outside, or, inside Google source. 

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Committee Engages in a Population Insurrection.

The recent discovery and publicizing of secretly made recordings over the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting committee's prejudiced and racialized comments have created such backlash that the underbelly may never be investigated.

What we apparently have in Los Angeles is a population insurrection. 

The use of population by Los Angeles City Council Politicians to demand more political power suddenly makes the drive to keep the borders porous collateral serious issue.

But the discussion will never go towards this being a Population Insurrection in which the same Politicians who demanded porous borders with Mexico are the same Politicians who verbally attacked those who wanted a Wall and portrayed those who wanted a wall as being prejudiced and racist. 

The underbelly of using ethnic population numbers to demand more political power while also enforcing a porous border is worthy of an insurrection investigation.  

Ironically, the drop in percentage of African Americans in the city of Los Angeles over the past few decades is related to the porous border with Mexico as most people being let in are generally considered to be of Hispanic origin. 

So, when the three Politicians can be heard on tape bemoaning that they only have 33% Latino representation when Latinos make up 52% of Los Angeles, the issue of a Population insurrection takes on new meaning. 

Los Angeles City Council Politicians who view their constituents as being nothing more than ethnic population numbers and percentages so they can extract more political power, while still greasing the wheels for MORE to enter California through California borders, is a far greater insurrection than what occurred on January 6th.


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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Atlantic Monthly obtusely gives over half a dozen reasons why the U.S. should build the wall without even realizing it.

This article in the Atlantic goes on and on about COVID and all the ways the U.S. is deficient when it comes to pandemic preparedness. Ironically, all the reasons the Atlantic gives can all be used to justify building Trump's Wall.

Progressive Obtuseness at its finest.

One other thing to consider, the 2017-2018 flu/pneumonia season had senior death numbers adjusted downward from 80,000 to 60,000, AFTER coroners were told in early January of 2018 to not list Senior Flu Deaths on the Senior's death certificate. Instead of death by flu or pneumonia, deaths to Seniors were to be listed as death by Natural Causes, Heart Failure, or Respiratory Failure. 

The result was an instant drop in Flu deaths spanning the final 3 weeks of January 2018 and going all the way through April of 2018. Clearly, if all Senior flu / pneumonia deaths had been properly recorded for the 2017-2018 flu/pneumonia seasons, the total would most likely have been 100,000 to 125,000. Which interestingly enough is where COVID has now nestled into on a yearly basis.



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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

How Putin can end his war with Ukraine with his pride intact, ask Donald Trump to intervene as a Peace Broker in the Russia / Ukraine conflict.

If Vladimir Putin wants to end his war in Ukraine, he should have Donald Trump broker a peace deal. If Trump can pull off a Russia / Ukraine peace accord, Putin can take satisfaction knowing he will cause massive discord in the U.S. between the Mainstream Media, the Democrat Progressives with the American People by having Trump prevent World War III.


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