I now have a new year's resolution, Get Well Hillary Clinton.
Please consider signing the Debt Neutrality Petition by by clicking here.
"However, one curious event will happen on Dec. 21, (2012): The sun will align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy for the first time in nearly 26,000 years. However, scholars insist that not only is there no way the Mayans would have known that, but that this cosmic coincidence will have no negative effects on the earth.
Dear Mr. Trump,
I am sorry that Move On Dot Org is so bat shit crazy. I think your 5 million dollar offer to Barack Obama in exchange for him offering truthful information about his college days was entirely appropriate.
We were all screwed when Move On dot org, an organization that exists because of how badly Bill Clinton was treated in the late 90's, went out of its way to sabotage Hillary Clinton's presidential chances in 2008. Yet Move On dot org continues to claim that republicans hate women.
When it comes to the Clintons and you, Insanity rules the day at Move on Dot org. You hang in there, Mr. Trump.
However, I'm not happy about internet photos of your sons with their guns and their trophy animals.
- Alessandro Machi
But it also means that if republicans don't use the bible to dictate their political beliefs, they then can't come up with straw hat arguments simply to preserve what they think the bible says about Gay Marriage or some other controversial social issue.
That is the tricky part, to actually have a conviction without it being solely rooted in religion.
The uncomplicated bankster premise of "Debt Restructure requires a default" is the mantra that will kill off as much as 80% of the population within a hundred years time.
If you don't believe that the rich elite and their pampered money are destroying the industrialized world, you should really study the crap/fake/gambling casino style of investments that wall street trots out for the rich elite, knowing that if they fail, the government will bail them out, not us.
Ah yes, once again it's time to trot out the infamous Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves magical saying..."If the pleasure remains, does it remain a pleasure?" The somewhat obvious answer is, no."I certainly would not want to be married to somebody that can’t win championships. If you’re sacrificing time away from my family and myself for the benefit of winning championships, then winning a championship should happen every single year."
In 2008, candidate Obama praised Ronald Reagan above Bill Clinton when he told the Reno Gazette-Journal's editorial board that under Reagan the Republican Party was "the party of ideas" and that Reagan had "changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way Bill Clinton did not."
91 year old Fortunata Machi was refused service for a Wheezing Chest by the E.R. even as her Caregiver Son Alessandro Machi begged th...