Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why does the Republican Party refuse to highlight the damage the liberal media and higher democratic officials did to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign?

(Edit note - April 07, 3:22 pm pst, 2012. After posting this article on March 22, 2012, Obama has now aggressively reached out to women!  Obama Attacks GOP on women's rights )

The Republicans could win the 2012 presidency by reminding the american people of the media and talk show host abuse that Hillary Clinton was exposed to in 2008. 

However, It appears that the republicans would rather lose the 2012 presidential election than remind the world how the 2008 democrats, the male dominated news media, and the corrupt higher echelon of the democratic party ridiculed both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
In case republicans have not noticed, democratic women voters fervently believe that democratic spokesholes like Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and on down the line are somehow more pro women than republican spokesholes are.
In 2008 Hillary Clinton was treated so shabbily by her own democratic party that the media had to resort to pretending that none of it  happened. Keith Olbermann looked right into the camera and actually said...
"I never told senator Clinton to get out of the campaign, I never even suggested it....go back and read your talking points carefully, again".

Here is a partial list of the political atrocities Hillary Clinton had to face in the 2008 democratic election.

Political Favoritism: The democratic higher ups froze delegates from the Hillary Clinton strongholds of Florida and Michigan because both states moved up their primary dates. Meanwhile, Illinois, the state that gave Barack Obama his biggest margin of delegate victory in the entire country, was allowed to move up its primary date from the end of March 2008 to the beginning of February 2008 with no sanctions! North Carolina, another Obama stronghold, was given an extra 28 delegates FOR NOT moving up their primary date.

Move On Dot Org's caucus caper. This will go down for me as one of the all time "Who let the children out" moments in politics. Move on Dot org was founded by George Soros specifically to protect democrats from the kind of ridiculous impeachment attacks that Bill Clinton was put through. 

ACORN probably also had a hand in 2008 as well, especially in the caucus contests.  Check out this image of how the precincts that bordered Illinois all went for Obama, lending some statistical credence to the allegation that Obama supporters were bussed into Iowa to vote in the caucus contests.

Credit Card Gate:  Nancy Pelosi received a VISA IPO and in return appeared to table the credit card reform bill act of 2008. At the same time, Barack Obama was accepting prepaid credit card donations with false names and addresses, and was the only candidate to do so. After Barack Obama was elected in 2008, Obama took credit for the passage of a weakened credit card reform bill act that should have been passed a year earlier. One key element to the weakening of the credit card reform bill act was the deletion of a consumer's right to opt out of a change in terms.  Apparently Barack Obama's admiration of Jamie Dimon of Chase Bank, who is a fellow Chicagoan, lobbied to take have the opt out right removed from the credit card reform bill.

Republicans may have some women bashing spokespeople, but the democrats have more! The list of supposedly "nice democratic men" who used their position of influence to both ridicule Hillary Clinton and hype Barack Obama is A LOT LONGER than the list of backwards thinking republican men who have recently bashed women over reproductive issues. How about people like Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jon Stewart, Jay Leno, David Letterman, all of whom were pandering to their younger viewers back in 2008.  

Then there was Al Gore and Edward Kennedy who did not back Hillary Clinton nor remain neutral either.  Kennedy went as far as to deny Hillary Clinton a chance to work on a health care reform committee were Hillary Clinton to stay in Congress after Obama was declared the democratic nominee. Each one of these men used their bully pulpit to make jokes about Hillary Clinton while trying to look cool in their support of Barack Obama.

Even the women ganged up against Hillary Clinton in 2008. The irony for me in the number of highly influential women who went against Hillary Clinton is not that they should have automatically supported Hillary Clinton, it's that they could have remained neutral until the 2008 democratic nomination race was decided by democratic voters.

Here is the short list of prominent women who caved in to George Soros, Barack Obama, and the billionaire elite who were afraid of having a women as president. Arianna Huffington, Maria Shriver, Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow, Taylor Marsh even Elizabeth Edwards, rather than simply support the democratic party nominee as decided by the democratic voters, went out of their way to support Barack Obama BEFORE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS HAD VOTED.  

Yet NONE of these women will take even an ounce of responsibility for the home foreclosure debacle that Barack Obama has done very little to stop, something Hillary Clinton vowed to solve as soon as she became president.

The allegedly liberal media was all in for Barack Obama in 2008. As a lifelong democrat, it was only by accident (literally) that I ended up watching MSNBC for 10 straight days while recuperating from an injury. I want from being completely ambivalent about which democratic candidate won the 2008 nomination, to being stunned at the level of badgering that Hillary Clinton was getting from the media, both television and newspaper. 

In my opinion, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, and Tim Russert did more to destroy the fabric of middle america than any other trio of personalities working for one station has ever achieved.

On top of what Hillary Clinton went through in 2008, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, who David Letterman repeatedly referred to as "O'Bachman" have also been repeatedly ostracized by a male dominated media in both news and late night television. 

The republicans nonchalance to the liberal female presidential bashing facts listed above will most likely result in defeat to Barack Obama in 2012.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGv6XBxk1IA These are two links to Moore's youtube Larry King youtube video, unfortunately they are not embedding properly here.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Obama can only muster 56% primary popular vote in 2012 Oklahoma democratic primary, wow that is low!

Running primarily against himself, Barack Obama was only able to muster 56%, (NOT 57% as EVERYBODY is reporting), of the 2012 Oklahoma democratic primary popular vote.

Dennis Kucinich could have run against Obama for the democratic presidential nomination this time around and probably made a race of it! Kucinich would have made an excellent protest candidate and would have allowed democratic voters the opportunity to voice a protest vote against the foreclosure evil doer Barack Obama.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why can't 2012 Republicans just turn the other cheek?

There seem to be a lot of inconsistencies in the 2012 Republican presidential playbook.

Homosexuality is wrong, most republicans chortle. Yet statistics show that homosexual sex is less likely to produce homosexual offspring or offspring of any kind, so it would seem that turning the other cheek would actually be the logical course of action to take.

A person's emotional spirituality is determined by their sex organ, most republicans believe. I find it an insult to God that many republicans believe that what makes a person a person is buried within their sex organ, and not within their mind or "heart".

Abortion is murder, but plundering any and all resources that mankind can plunder is what God "wants". Really?  What about waste not want not? If you really care about abortionites, then why don't republicans support programs that allow people to work knowing that the broader community will caretake for that child while they are at work?

Oh wait, Republicans do support using insurance dollars to payoff the owner of the 911 twin towers even though insurance policies do not cover acts of war. So Republicans are for the sharing of communal resources to reimburse business owners, but not families?

Furthermore, why do Republican MALES want to make the rules regarding abortion? They already voted when they donated their sperm to the cause. Unless the sperm donor wants to raise a child they donated their sperm to help create, and it was a consensual union, it's none of their business.

Why do Republicans think it's "their money" when it comes to contraception, but don't want to hear the same type of talk from conscientious objectors objecting over their own tax dollars going towards funding wars fought over petroleum?

And finally, let who cast the first sperm NOT speak on the issue of abortion. Any male that has ever put a women into a position of having to decide whether to they should keep a child out of wedlock, should shut up, unless they were willing to caretake for the child themselves or were going to personally fund that child's well being up until adulthood and perhaps even beyond.

The bible advocates an "eye for an eye", yet I don't recall the Bush administration advocating splitting the war time budget in half, with half going towards the development of alternative energies so that those who hate us would eventually not even know who we are because we would not have to force ourselves into their country for their oil.
Why do republicans alienate women in 2012 when simply reminding women of what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2008 could swing enough voters to their side to win the 2012 presidential election?

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

PBS dot org Clinton, American Experience documentary starts strongly, then becomes insufferably stupid and pointless.

How can a documentary that started out so great, end up so badly?

I've deleted my link to this stupid PBS presidents documentary about Bill Clinton because the Lewinsky scandal portion of the documentary was completely botched by the idiot documentarians. 

This doc was a hatchet job to mess up any chance of a Hillary Clinton presidency in 2012. The doc completely glossed over the RIDICULOUSNESS of arguing that a consensual relationship can be used to prove a non-consensual relationship in another case. 

The pattern of behavior argument is crap. 
Asking someone if they had sexual relations with someone else DOES NOT PROVE non-consensuality in a separate case! 
If the question asked had been "Did you have nonconsensual relations with Monica Lewinsky", Bill Clinton says "no, I did not", and that should have been the end of it. 

Monica Lewinsky is also asked, "did you have nonconsensual relations with the president", she says "no". They can then ask, "are you in fear of your life if you answer yes". Monica says "no I am not". And that should have been the end of it. 

If a person is accused of robbing a Wells Fargo bank, establishing  that that person has been to other Wells Fargo banks before does NOT establish a pattern of behavior for bank robbery, especially if the other wells fargo banks actually invited that person into their facility. It's utter crap. Lets not forget, Monica Lewinsky HIT ON HIM FIRST. 

The documentary goes from a nicely evolving documentary to one that was all about how people "felt". 

This piece of crap documentary was produced by "Barack" Goodman, are you eff'n kidding me?

They're laughing at us and the Clintons, the assholes. Isn't it interesting  how the vast right wing conspiracy went to the trouble to create a four hour documentary that spends close to an hour doting on Monica Lewinsky while ridiculing the notion of a vast right wing conspiracy?

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fox Television's "Raising Hope" wishes Hillary Clinton had been president.

For us PUMA's, this is as close as we can get to hearing about Hillary Clinton on any television show. Since this show is on Fox TV, there were several digs at Bill Clinton that thankfully I was able to avoid while picking these two delightful pieces.

And on to the show!

Now imagine if every night there was just ONE, just ONE cable news channel that was liberal moderate, or moderate liberal, Hillary's Channel. 

Hillary's channel would be at least as popular as Fox News and expose MSNBC for the progressive regurgitation it became once they chose Barack Obama and George Soro's money over the larger popularity of Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Please like my Bill Clinton comment so it becomes viewable.

Please click this article link and if you agree with my comment, please like it so it becomes more visible, there are some really stupid comments ahead of it because they got there before me. 

My comment is in the comments section under the second main commenter, but you have to click to see more comments, then it's right there (Alessandro Machi).

Thank you. So far only four likes out of over a hundred hits, plus one spam comment. Pumas appear to be declawed today.
CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE AND READ MY COMMENT and if you want to like the comment, click on the link above, find the comment by looking for Mike Kempel's comment, then click to see more comments, and then you can like my comment. It's easy, really.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The "Pelosi Provision", designed to stop political insider trading of the kind that Nancy Pelosi was involved in in 2008.

Although NewsMax is completely in the tank for all things conservative and republican, I like the Pelosi Provision, designed to forbid politicians from partaking in insider trading of IPO's.

If you ever saw the video of Nancy Pelosi inviting 60 minutes to come to a press conference, followed by Pelosi just openly say she did not participate in a visa credit card insider trading while credit card legislation was being tabled in her house, by her, and deny all of this in front of a room full of cameras, it's really an amazing moment in television and shows how screwed up the democratic party is.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, January 16, 2012

CALLING BULLSHIT ON WELLS FARGO HOME FORECLOSURE PRACTICES. John G. Stumpf, CEO Wells Fargo: Rescind Rachel Kendall's Foreclosure Auction

(Important Update - July 14, 2013). Please check out Debt Suspension Rights for innovative observations and solutions to the epidemic of credit card defaults and misrepresentations of Reverse Mortgages.

Please sign the following petition at change dot org.  Please sign it or I'm going to kick your fucking ass. You don't have to use your real address or city, make one up. (I would use a fake address and zip code if someone were threatening to kick my ass).

I trust HSI trust and they say this family was robbed by Wells Fargo. Incidentally, HSI Trust will be on Nightline tonight (Monday, Jan. 16, 2012). ABC has documented how HSI Trust saves homes from the clutches of the banks.

The homeowners most at risk are the ones that need a lower interest rate on their home or they may default. The banks just salivate for this situation. You may not be in this situation, but what about your friends or family members that are too embarrassed to say anything?

The banks are parallel foreclosing on homes even as the homeowner is dutifully following the government program that was set up to lower interest rates for homeowners who are paying too high of an interest rate.

SIGN THE FUCKING PETITION.  It doesn't cost you anything and it can help raise awareness about the banks and tell them to fucking stop parallel foreclosure on homeowners.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did Hillary Clinton receive 10% of the 2012 New Hampshire primary write in vote?

According to Still4Hill, there was a 10% write in vote in the 2012 New Hampshire democratic primary.  Besides 12 democratic candidates that were on the ballot, another 10% STILL voted for some one else not on the democratic ballot, are you kidding me?

Remember, Hillary Clinton said she WOULD NOT run, DID NOT campaign, and never appeared in New Hampshire.  Wow.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Taylor Marsh was the alleged hub for Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008, until when may I ask?

Add Taylor Marsh to the list of women that either want to be against Hillary Clinton, or in Marsh's case, use Hillary Clinton for their own benefit and gain. If you go to the link, notice that Marsh refers to herself as a former beauty queen while using a clayed over version of Hillary Clinton for her book cover, how big of a narcissist can Marsh become?

Nancy Pelosi, Maria Shriver, Arianna Huffington, Oprah Winfrey, Donna Brazile, and now we can add Taylor Marsh to the list.  

None of these women will come out and apologize for helping to ruin the middle class by going for Barack Obama in 2008 rather than simply waiting until the democratic voters had decided who they wanted.

These well known women continue to wallow in their own self delusions that they had nothing to do with millions of people losing their homes since 2008 because of Obama's obedience to Wall Street their own support of Obama over Hillary Clinton well before democratic voters had voted in 2008. 

Of course, for every woman who went against Hillary Clinton, there were five geeky media men doing the same thing.

However, Taylor Marsh just shot to the top of the hypocrisy chart with her "book" that features a clayed over Hillary Clinton on the cover. Remember Marsh's PUMA attacks?
Taylor Marsh Attacks PUMAs 1st Article.  Marsh writes..."Don’t the photos above smell a little of say… hypocrisy?"
...and yet, Marsh's image of Hillary Clinton on her own book about Hillary Clinton is the harshest of all. Oh wait, she's not a PUMA, just claiming to be the "hub" for Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008. With a hub like that, who needs hubba bubba?
Taylor Marsh Attacks PUMAs, 2ND article. Marsh writes..."As one of the most ardent HRC supporters, which continues forward, though I now back Obama, all this hand wringing by former HRC supporters now turned anti Obama zealots, people who can't move on with grace, has now succeeded in nothing, except getting them a very bad name..."
Now that Taylor Marsh no longer supports Obama, THREE YEARS LATER, it must be the prudent thing to do. Those who figured out Obama from the get go, well, you were all "zealous idiots", according to Marsh. Interesting how every step of the way, Marsh seems to profit from her position. First switching to Obama in 2008, then switching away to promote her book, about Hillary Clinton.

Taylor Marsh Attacks PUMAs 3rd time, "CNN Exhumes Puma for Tea Party Story. Are you kidding me? (Marsh Attacks, Mars Attacks, get it?)

I'm sure there's more "Marsh Attacks PUMAs stories", I'm just not going to take the time to find them for that piece of work. Notice the pattern, the well known people who pretend to support Hillary Clinton first arrive at Huffington Post's door, then the book deal comes.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Media Sexism Doomed Hillary Clinton's 2008 Bid.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Ironic that Paul Bedard quotes two different media sexism studies that claim it is sexist to refer to a politician by their first name, yet "Paul" only uses Hillary Clinton's first name in the headline article! 

I suppose it's possible that "Paul" did not have control over the headline, which then makes the use of Hillary Clinton's first name only, proof that media sexism is still alive and well, no?

Secondly, no mention by "Paul" about the PUMA movement and PUMA protests which focused on sexism and unfairness regarding how the media handled the 2008 democratic nomination race.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Urgent, Please LIKE my comments on MOVE On dot org, it's a reminder on how they screwed over HIllary Clinton in 2008.

Click here for most current DailyPUMA article.

Move on dot org has chosen to feature a speech by Hillary Clinton in their daily attempt to raise money for their causes. But this is the same move on dot org that FEVERISHLY supported Barack Obama very early in the 2008 democratic race.

Hear Hillary Clinton explain the truth about Move on dot org, then listen to Tim Russert imply she flip flopped about Move On dot org when all she did was accurately explain how Move On dot org screwed her over after she had praised them a year earlier.

Look at how the headline is spun as well! Then the headline writer further spins the issue. This is what Hillary Clinton was dealing with on a daily basis from the supposedly democratic leaning media.

It's like living the nightmare over again, fuck you Tim Russert, fuck you headline manipulator.

Please like my comment that I left (aka Alessandro Machi).  

"Why is MoveOn profiteering off of Hillary Clinton when you totally screwed her over in 2008 by supporting Obama so early in the race, well before it was decided which democratic candidate voters wanted."
...and then there is this one,
I seem to recall MoveOn "under appreciating" Hillary Clinton in 2008 when they put their full support behind Barack Obama very early in the democratic nomination race. 
Morosely ironic considering that MoveOn was started to protect democrats against Republican attack specifically because of what happened to Bill Clinton when he was president.  
Actually using a group that was started because of Bill Clinton, to push his own wife out of a chance to be president. wow.
The more likes these comments get, the higher they rise on the page. These two comments only need a few to be at the top. As you can see, each comment TRUTHFULLY chastises Move On Dot org for trying to profiteer off of Hillary Clinton after they railroaded Obama ahead of her with their support and MONEY in 2008.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kipling: Run, Hillary, run | savannahnow.com

May I add, HIllary Clinton, run as a republican if you have to.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rod Blagojevich verdict, what went unsaid and was swept under the rug.

Click here to view the most current DailyPUMA article.

Did Rod Blagojevich actually ever receive any of the money he purportedly demanded be given to him in exchange for political favors, state funds and political positions?

I keep reading Rod Blagojevich was caught demanding money in exchange for favors, but I don't recall reading that Blagojevich actually received bribery money, deposited it, and then actually spent it.

So why did the feds not keep their wire taps going until Rod actually got money, deposited it, and then spent it?  Perhaps the feds were afraid they would record Rod talking about things that he shouldn't be talking about, that would then have become part of the public record, so they cut their investigation short for that reason? 

Lets just say for one moment a governor fancied themselves a maverick who was going to lure and then expose those who would buy their way into power. Would they not pretty much do what Rod Blagojevich did?

The maverick governor would make a bunch of demented, outrageous demands, then see who folds and actually agrees to their crazy demands. Once the received money was deposited the maverick governor could then hold a press conference and announce their discoveries, and have the PROOF to back it up via the deposited monies.

I'm not implying that Mr. Blagojevich was trying to be a maverick  governor, or that he was actually trying to expose others who would buy their way into power. But by not having any money actually change hands the feds got what they wanted, and that may actually hurt attempts in the future for Joe Citizen to try and expose fraudulent political behavior. 

Only when money has actually changed hands could a non enforcement person then make a claim of fraud against a politician. 

It seems to me that because of the Blagojevich verdict we the people can never prove political corruption via bribery because we could never "fake bribe" a politician without being arrested before we could finish our own investigation. 

However, our own government can now get bribery and extortion convictions without money even changing hands, and to me, this is a new, unacceptable precedent that ties the hands of Joe Citizen, or even Joe Governor, in their potential quest to find unethical politicians. 

We will all be forced now to go to the government to weed out illegal political behavior, so who outside or inside of the government gets to vet the government? It appears the answer is nobody that is either a private citizen, or who was elected, and I find that alarming.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

If you use the word socialism to label things you don't like, you are socially retarded, you stupid, stupid, crusty republican.

The socialism label has gotten old. Is that what happens when we age, we simply call everything we either don't like, "socialism"?  Socialism is way better than wall street cronyism, that's for sure. Socialism is way better than political favoritism. Socialism is way better than militarism.

When we get rid of political cronyism, political favoritism, and militarism, then we can revisit socialism, but not until then, you stupid, stupid, crusty republican.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pelosi on 60 minutes insider trading piece was a national disgrace. Impeach Pelosi, please, now, please.

Nancy Pelosi lies on Sixty Minutes when claiming there was no quid pro quo between her Visa IPO stock purchase and the tabling of credit card legislation in 2008! 

So while Barack Obama was accepting anonymous pre-paid credit cards in 2008, Visa was simultaneously luring Nancy Pelosi with a VISA IPO offering as credit card legislation was being tabled in the house, her house of representatives. And people claim that the Occupy Movement has no foundation from which to protest upon? 


Pelosi is the reason that Hillary Clinton did not receive her deserved 2008 democratic nomination. Pelosi put her IPO Visa grab above her duty as a U.S. congress person, and it appears those anonymous pre-paid credit card donations helped Barack Obama "win" the democratic nomination. Wow.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Republican Nomination Syndrome about to hit again?

First it was John McCain and his 1% approval rating back in October of 2007, McCain then went on win the 2008 republican nomination. 

Could Newt Gingrich be next?  Newt was assailed by the media, had something like one or two dozen of his "top advisors" quit on him during the summer because he was not preparing himself for the first republican debate, (lol, like it really mattered, there have been around a dozen with more to come), and Newt too was well under 5% in popularity at some point during the summer.

But Newt didn't quit and is now considered one of the top three republican candidates.

The republican party is rife with contradictions at this point. The 44% republican evangelical base condemned Mit Romney for being a mormon, yet according to David Letterman, Romney was the only male republican candidate who has only been married one time, and to one woman.

In my opinion the Republicans should beg Hillary Clinton to run as a Republican, her moderate, well thought out, inclusive style of politics is exactly what this country needs right now.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

MSNBC tribute to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Mother, Hillary Rodham..

Team Hillary is compiling a nice list of Hillary Clinton videos on youtube, including this one from MSNBC about the recent passing of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hillary Clinton's mother. Simply double click on the image to go to Team Hillary's youtube website.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Louisa Rodas Update, Nov. 3, 2011

The "person" who shot Louisa Rodas, daughter of Betty Jean Kling, sure seems like a complete loser. Kind of amazing that he actually got up in court and admitted to what he did. I am guessing that perhaps in exchange for admitting to what he did he benefits in some way when it comes to sentencing.  

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily PUMA announces the addition of 2 New Blogs, Occupy News and Bank Protests, to it's family of blogs.

Never funded, not even with one dollar, (lol, not necessarily my choice) Daily PUMA blog founder Alessandro Machi is pleased to announce two new blog additions, Occupy News and Bank Protests.

If you want to find out the latest Occupy News before anyone else, just check out Occupy News. 

I'm serious. 

If you want to find out the latest news about the Occupy Movement, I am pretty certain one of the Occupy blogs listed on my site will have written about it and the only way to quickly find it is via Occupy News. 

To those of you who have contacted me over the years because your blog was not updating or there was some other issue that needed to be resolved, I found that those experiences actually helped me put together Occupy News in a way that works.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Florida once again moves up its 2012 Primary Race.

Well, it seems that Florida just can't help itself...
Movin' Up. Florida's Presidential Preference Primary Date Selection Committee announced on Friday (9/30) that the state will hold their primary on Jan. 31, 2012, ahead of the scheduled dates for the four early states: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.  
The move is in violation of RNC rules and could result in the state losing half its delegates for the convention, which interestingly will be held in Tampa. The move is evocative of what Florida and Michigan did in 2008.........read more by clicking here.

Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.

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