Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Progressive News Prejudice against Hispanics in plain view as Biden begins to build Trump's Border Wall.

This might come as a shock to Progressive News Media, but not every Hispanic in America supports Undocumented Migration, nor is every Hispanic in America against a Border Wall. In what appears to be such as an obtuse move it may actually help Joe Biden's popularity, Anti Border groups are condemning Joe Biden for building Trump's Border Wall as the mainstream media keeps pumping up the prejudiced meme that all Hispanics are anti-border wall. 

CBS comically addresses the Border issue Latino's want more aggressive action on Immigration,

but then spends most of the article quoting anti-wall naysayers before FINALLY admitting that...

Another recent poll commissioned by the center-right Latino group LIBRE Institute also found that Latino voters broadly back legal immigration pathways and legalizing "Dreamers" — 87% and 82%, respectively. But the same survey found that 65% of 1,000 Latinos surveyed indicated that more needed to be done to control illegal immigration along the southern border. The Immigration Hub-commissioned poll also found 63% of Latino voters support increased border security." end quote.

Fascinating way to tip toe around the issue of an actual Border Wall by calling it "border security", and, that a "center-right" Latino (should it not be Hispanic?) group did the polling.

Maybe it is time to ask Hispanic Americans if they would either support a Border Wall, or support some type of earned amnesty after a Border Wall is first built. If such a Border wall poll were conducted, the numbers supporting a Border Wall among Hispanic Americans would probably higher than the Progressive Media would want to report, so it is doubtful Progressive media would do such a poll, and if a Conservative site does such a poll, the mainstream media can then raise doubt about the polls accuracy.

Over 99,000 Americans die each year because of preventable medical error in the U.S. As more and more Undocumented are let into the U.S., the available medical care most likely becomes more and more diluted for all.

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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Voter ID Warning by California Attorney General Rob Bonta against Huntington Beach has one Ugly Conclusion.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta wants the world to believe it is a violation of human rights to require a human show Government issued ID when voting. What is perplexing about Mr. Bonta's position is these same humans require Government issued ID to qualifying for any and all available Government Programs.

Is Rob Bonta advocating people not have Government ID so they also cannot have access to, or qualify for, Government Programs? 

Or, is the real issue, and quite an ugly conclusion, that anyone who does not have a Government issued ID but has a physical address can qualify to vote, whether or not they are an actual California / U.S. Citizen?

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Terry Francona, Manager of the Cleveland Guardians, gives Cleveland Sportswriters the "It's me, not you" speech for temporariy retiring after the 2023 season.

The couple of times I have heard Terry Francona talk about allegedly retiring, I hear something different than what the Cleveland Media and the Fans are hearing. 

The Cleveland Media and Cleveland fans are hearing, "Terry Francona is retiring, we have to give Mr. Francona the biggest, best send off ever". 

What I hear when Terry Francona speaks about retiring is something entirely different. I hear Terry is so frustrated at his current health situation that if his surgery or surgeries go well, and if he feels good, and if he is bored sitting at home, he's coming back in 2025 to manage an MLB baseball team.

Terry knows it would be unfair to ask for a full year off, so he won't, but if Mr. Francona were given the option to come back to Manage the Guardians in 2025, Mr. Francona would most likely accept that option.

If the Guardians make a Terry Francona tribute statue, they should consider putting it on wheels so it can follow Terry to his next managing gig.

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Belgian Judge misinterpts Video of Cyclist hitting little girl, awards damages to "The Watch where I'm Going" cyclist.

As a self proclaimed video forensics expert (who has earned his stripes), I can explain how the judge got their defamation ruling incorrect in the video below.


The key is as much in the audio as in the video. The cyclist, coming up from behind, failed to slow down in a safe manner. He seems to be saying "watch out, watch out, watch out" as he approaches. 

Apparently the Judge has ruled in favor of the "Watch where I'm going" Defamation lawsuit filed by the cyclist over being "defamed" by the showing of the video when all he alleges doing is watching out for the welfare of the young child by speeding up from behind and then using his outstretched knee to create a safe space between himself and the child.

One important job for any judge to consider when deciding standing is, was anyone acting illegally, or without good judgment. If the Judge had considered if anyone was acting illegally, or without good judgement, the cyclist's defamation lawsuit would have had no merit for the following reasons...

1.  Cyclist was traveling too fast when coming around a blind turn. What if someone had slipped and fallen across the pathway, his speed would have been too great to control his bicycle in a safe manner.

2.    Upon taking the blnd turn and seeing a common obstacle in the roadway known as people walking in the roadway, Cyclist kept pedaling, actually picking up speed as he approached the obstacle known as people in the road.

3.   Without having enough time to assess the situation as to why there was an obstacle in the roadway, Cyclist used the equivalent of a car horn, his voice, to yell "watch out, watch out, watch out", or as can be referred to as the "Watch where I'm going" Defense.

4.   After violating the safety of the above three conditions, the cyclist zoomed by the obstacle in the road known as a young child, unexpectedly nudging the victim to the ground as a way to ensure no contact was made with his accelerating bicycle and the previously stationary child now falling towards the ground after contact.

5.   The verdict should have been, cyclist failed to maintain a safe speed and control of his bicycle while assessing and navigating roadway pedestrians, and therefore has no right to any form of empathy, right to sue, or compensation.

The Victims should be counter suing....

1.   The child was put in a no win situation when the cyclist yelled out "watch out, watch out, watch out" from behind her where she could not see him approach. 

A.   If she had gone to her right, she would have possibly suffered life long injuries if the front of the bicycle had hit her from behind.                                                 

B.  If she had stayed where she was, she gets knocked to the ground without advance notice of any kind, 

C.  If she had gone to her left, she would have avoided any contact. The child basically had a 1 in 3 chance to avoid contact with someone who she could not see because they were behind her.

2.   The child will forever have a memory of standing still, and suddenly being hit to the ground by a stranger she never saw coming, just a violent hit to the child's upper body that knocked her to the ground.

3.  The Father will forever have a memory of helplessly watching his child be struck, in front of his eyes, as he stood by and filmed it, most likely producing PTSD type memory of the event.

4.  Getting therapy for his PTSD by raising public awareness of the incident, the Father was further damaged and harmed by the defamation lawsuit and the judge now further victimizing the Father by proclaiming his guilty and culpable when  he did not initiate the series of reckless acts that led to the defamation lawsuit.

What should happen,

The judge should recognize there were extenuating circumstances and give the cyclist a choice, be found guilty of reckless handling of a bicycle that resulted in harm to a child and the child's parents, and the public who has viewed the video...


The Judge should offer the cyclist a choice, either publicly apologize and agree to do a public service announcement cautioning the public that speeding by human obstacles can be dangerous and should be avoided, 
a $10,000 restitution fine and payment to the Family he sued for all legals fees on both sides, for bringing the defamation lawsuit to court.


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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Ken Burns and Steve Schmidt appear to Gaslight 2020 Election Controversy and Republican Party.

When Poll Watcher's have no standing, the vote counting process becomes compromised. 

When Civil servants are told by their Bosses who also work for the Government to ignore their subpoenas to appear for a deposition, as did the U.S. Postal Union regarding some strange mail in ballot related incidences, the vote counting process becomes compromised. 

When Vote Tabulating Uploaders are given private kiosks to do their Vote Tabulation Uploading while also having the power to unilaterally interpret provisional ballots, the vote counting process becomes compromised. 

When no one will first show HOW votes could be compromised, then show how that compromised vote counting process is prevented from happening, the vote counting process becomes compromised. 

When cameras were legislatively ordered to monitor ballot drop off boxes were either never installed, were not turned on, or were on but not recording, the vote counting process becomes compromised.


When Ken Burns and Steve Schmidt wax on about how to "change' The Republican Party for the good of the U.S., without analyzing the above scenarios, they become gaslighting truth changers, not truth seekers, in my opinion.


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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hunter Biden's Toking Gun, where will it lead?

At some point, a cost analysis of all the coke Hunter has toked in his adult life needs to be calculated. A cocaine cost calculation. If the dollar amount of all the coke Hunter has toked is in the several millions of dollars, then there would appear to be a toking gun regarding the Biden International Family Business that may have co-mingled Joe Biden's political influence with Hunter Biden's coke addiction, which could then lead to income tax evasion for Hunter Biden.

Total speculation about Hunter Biden's deceased brother, who by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's accounts seems to have been a stand up guy. Should we go there to see if maybe Hunter's brother was actually sick of what Hunter was doing and had to be permanently shut up, before Hunter goes missing as well? The medical tragedy Hunter's brother may have suffered was probably totally real, I just would like a third party verification, because Joe Biden has shown an affinity regarding lying about a lot of stuff regarding his own achievements.

More speculation, when Joe Biden brings up family tragedies and how hurt he was by them, we only know Joe's version of events, and now I am suspicious. Several of our Past Presidents or their wives have had brushes in which they accidentally caused the death of others, possibly making them compromised Presidential couples and thus preferred Presidential Candidates? To clarify, I am not speculating all the deaths were intentional, just that they make the people involved compromised going forward.

I could not find one article that listed all of the tragic accidents, but besides Laura Bush, Edward Kennedy did not get elected but was directly involved in the death of a young woman while driving her home, possibly drunk. Marilyn Monroe's death may not have been voluntary, Joe Biden was involved in a car accident that killed his wife and one child, and I think the list may go on regarding many of our Presidential Candidates and their wives.

As for Hunter Biden, how many millions of dollars has Hunter Biden spent on Cocaine and how much could Hunter Biden been able to afford based on his annual income tax filings?

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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Dagwood Bumstead explains the illogic of High Interest Rates in the 1940 film "Blondie on a Budget".

Dagwood Bumstead from the 1940 Movie "Blondie on a Budget" explains the economy, climate change, global warming, and the sin of Fed mandated high interest rates in one fell swoop sentence... "I bought a suit once a dollar a week and I wore out the two pairs of pants paying for it".

As I wrote on one of my websites over a decade ago, higher interest rates require people with high interest rate debt consume a higher amount of natural resources  (which allegedly causes climate change and global warming) paying back their debt.


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Friday, August 11, 2023

Abortion, why it is complicated.

One of the problems with discussing the abortion issue is the most adamant on both sides believe they are 100% in the right. Progressives believe it is a "my body, my choice" decision while Neo-Conservatives believe every beating heart inside a woman has the right to be born. 

Ironically, Trump thinks the Neo Conservatives have gone too far with their six week time period to get an Abortion. 

There are many micro discussions about abortion that complicate the issue. 

One MAJOR Human flaw that about 99% of the population engages in is prioritizing those who they have had sex with, are having sex with, or may have sex with in the future, over their friendships and those who maybe they respect but would never have sex with. 

Women who use abortion for healthcare (I'm not talking about have an abortion or die situation) have life and business career advantages over Women who try and not create a situation where abortion is required, and as a result engage in less sex or no sex unless they are in a serious relationship. 

Even the area of allowing abortion in the case of rape is sketchy. 

If a woman is desperate to have an abortion, and can get one by claiming she was raped, I am pretty sure a cottage industry in the legal profession will crop up where woman are accusing men they had sex with of rape in order to get an abortion. 

Then there are those who state, "ok, you can have an abortion, but before you do, you have to watch five minutes of a video of the beating heart of your child / fetus before you make your decision". That sounds fair, the child / fetus gets to make their case for living, and the woman has all the facts, not just selective facts, before deciding what to do. However, being forced to watch such a video can then create PTSD like symptoms for the rest of their lives as they unrealistically imagine they could have had the child and still had their career or other life fulfilling experiences they warmly regard.

Ultimately, I do agree that men are playing too big of a role in the decision making process regarding abortion legislation. 

However, Men have been put in a submissive position in terms of if the woman has the child, he MUST pay child support if she demands it.

However if the "Sperm Donor" is willing to completely cover all the child's financial needs until age 18, he still does not gain any additional rights as to whether or not the child is aborted, or not aborted.

Perhaps the issue of Abortion will only be resolved when the day comes where a fetus can be removed from the Woman who does not want to carry the fetus to term, and safely implanted in the Male Sperm Donor who then carries the fetus to term. 

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Apparently some of the excessively high July 2023 heat wave reports may have been false.

Apparently there have been remote reports of excessive temperature readings because of climate change that were falsely reported.

I feel as if the California weather over the past year has mirrored weather from 40 years ago, with the weather producing record rains and maybe slightly colder weather during the winter.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Flash Mob of 50 to 75 descend on a Seven Eleven Store, what they do at the end is hilarious.

There's something about a flash mob of 50 to 75 taking what they want from a Seven Eleven Store, and then when they leave the store they conscientiously pick out their own bicycle out of dozens strewn in front of the store, that gives us hope for the future.


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Monday, July 3, 2023

Supreme Court June 2023 Ruling "303 Creative vs. Elenis Ruling", Proponents on both sides of the legal ruling miss the bigger picture.

News Outlets are comparing the June 2023 Supreme Court "303 Creative vs Elenis" ruling to a precedent setting court case from 30 years ago in which a Gay Couple was refused Photographic services at a Class Reunion with the most recent ruling in which a Web Designer refused to design a web page for a Gay Couple.

The problem is there are so many distinctions with meaningful differences between the two cases Daily PUMA is somewhat surprised no one is digging deeper to explain the distinctions and the differences, therefore Daily PUMA will.

In the case of not being photographed at a public event, I think the Supreme Court was right in ruling 30 years ago that the couple's rights were violated. This was a public event, publicly sanctioned, and the members who were denied their photo had standing since one of the two was directly connected to the event. For the photographer to have the right to not film them, the photographer would have needed to print a warning ON EVERY SINGLE piece of company related printing that they do not film gay couples under any circumstance. This would give the photographer standing, but most likely, would have resulted in a significant drop in overall business and most likely they would NOT have landed this particular gig.

In the case of the web designer not wanting to design a web space for a gay couple, this is electronic work, it is not work in the physical world, and that is a distinction with a difference. In what universe do we allow someone to be FORCED to do work in THEIR OWN WORK SPACE that goes against their beliefs? The answer is, we don't. 

What about the wedding cake designer who refused to design a cake for a gay couple? Again, in a person's own private work space, they have the right to refuse service of their own personal work skills if they choose to do so, to anyone. However, they should make such a notice presently visible in their work space, or, at the very least, be required to make such a posting upon their first enforcement of their rule.

When it comes to the sale of refrigerators, appliances, food, I do not think the provider of those goods can discriminate against someone who has different beliefs because this goes beyond the scope of their own work space. What about a repair shop, can they discriminate? ONLY IF they have it visibly posted on their site and also on all of their advertisements. The prevailing hope would while a small percentage would support this decision, the vast majority would be disgusted and the loss of business would allow competing businesses who do not discriminate, to thrive.

Both Progressive and Conservatives have tried to own the "303 Creative vs Elenis Ruling" for their own political gain, and lost in all of this political gain posturing is the Supreme Court has ruled correctly in all three instances. Those accusing the Supreme Court of politicizing gay rights issues based on these three cases are the ones who are politicizing the issue for their own agenda.

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Mainstream Media will NEVER Challenge the Trans and Pride Movement no matter what the Movement says or does.

Apparently this is fake news. "We're here, we're queer, we're not just shoppers", is what is actually being sung. The very first stanza either the camera person or someone near the camera microphone says "we're coming for your children", but each verse after that, it sounds like the word shoppers is being used, as in, "we're not just your shoppers". 

The sound byte clip seemed so perfect when I first heard and saw it it I was suspicious, but the woman with her breasts showing influenced me, she seemed so in your face that along with the caption below the thumbnail I fell for it. I was reviewing Twitter comments under the original Tweet and a Twitter commenter explained the word shoppers was being used. I reviewed the video clip and I agree...."We're here, we're Queer, we're not just your shoppers."

This level of frenzied self righteousness will continue to go unchallenged by the mainstream media, remember that the next time the mainstream media is all in on the next Trump Hunt. 


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Monday, June 12, 2023

Unless the FBI arrived to pick up classified documents with or without a search warrant, and were PHYSICALLY DENIED ACCESS to pick up the classified documents, then Trump has done nothing wrong or indictable.

Sometimes the Washington Swamp loves to convolute the law so they can force their intended target into a court of law, which now includes the former President of the United States. 

Allegedly Trump has denied, stalled, ignored and avoided dealing with repeated requests to return classified documents to the FBI and the present Government.

It appears the FBI, knowing how Trump would respond to being forced to do something, entrapped Trump for the purpose of arresting and indicting him when all they had to do was show up and take what they felt was theirs. Yes, it's really that simple.

What if the FBI had just appeared one day at Mar Lago and said they were there to retrieve all the classified documents Trump had in his possession? If Trump lets the FBI in and the FBI retrieves all the Classified Documents, then has Trump committed an indictable crime? If the answer is no, then once the FBI showed up and as long as they were allowed in to remove classified documents, then Trump did not violate any laws. 

Why didn't the FBI send a couple of agents over to review and discern which documents had to be returned, and which ones did not need to be returned? Unless Trump physically denied access to the FBI agents, Trump has not done anything worthy of any indictments.

Doesn't Trump have his own Secret Service in his presence? Seems like the Classified Documents could have been picked up by verified FBI Agents at any time with no threat to the FBI's safety, and no need to indict Trump.

As for Trump "returning" documents, how is Trump to know what he can keep, and what he must return? Isn't it logical to presume the only way the documents could safely leave Trump's possession would be to have the FBI retrieve and transport them, which in the end, is exactly what they did, but with a whole lot of Swamp Drama attached to the situation.



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Friday, June 9, 2023

When Donald Trump Speaks, he allegedly commits crimes, is that how it is supposed to work?

There is something about the perpetual attacks against Donald Trump going back to 2015 that I find perplexing.

Whenever there has been a breaking news story about something Donald Trump has "done", it seems to involve something Donald Trump allegedly said, not something Trump actually did. 

Whether it's Donald Trump pleading with Georgia to find him some votes to offset the tens of thousands most likely fraudulently collected ballot harvest votes, or stalling the Secret Service as to when they can collect Presidential papers, or refusing to answer questions about an alleged encounter that has no date attached to it, to allegedly falsifying tax returns in a way that is no different than how many others have done, the entire actions of our present regime seems like an insurrection against our prior President.

I recall when Donald Trump wanted to find out if a private citizen named Joe Biden who had not yet announced his plans to run for President, had any financial ties to Ukraine, Trump was laughably accused of "digging for dirt".

Possibly the moment we lost our democracy was when the mainstream media actually claimed that "digging for dirt" was a legal term to be taken seriously, and that Trump was in violation and thus should be impeached. 

Ever since "Digging for Dirt" gate was concocted, we have all been taken down a rabbit hole in which everything Trump says is illegal, and therefore subject to an investigation and now prosecution, when the reality is, if it is not a written order, IT DID NOT HAPPEN because the person receiving the verbal command has the right of refusal until the order is put in writing.

As Trump is repeatedly tried on a multitude of alleged violations of the law, remember this, ASKING, or TELLING, someone to do something, is NOT ordering them to do it, unless it is in writing, or a threat of being fired actually becomes a firing, I don't think Trump has broken any laws.



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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Are we to believe we cannot convert "excess" Carbon Dioxide into anything useful?

More sky is melting rhetoric from Juan Cole. Cole shows charts that reveal CO2 is allegedly at record levels. Then Cole begins discussing what CO2 levels were 200 years ago, and also what CO2 levels were millions of years ago. Cole never explains how he knows what CO2 levels were 200 years ago, nor how CO2 levels were known from millions of years ago, but we should just believe him anyways. 


Even if Cole is correct, Cole's article avoids discussing if there are any ways to convert excessive CO2 to something else. Are we to believe that over the next 10 years all of civilization cannot figure out how to tame and safely convert CO2?

Are any billionaires offering a reward for the first CO2 "invention" that allows "excessive" CO2 to be converted to something more environmentally safer?

If the end of the world is upon us because of excessive CO2 already in the upper atmosphere, and not one reward is being offered by a billionaire to incentivize a way to reduce CO2 that is already in the atmosphere, then, I can't come up with a then, can you?


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Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Republican flaw regarding how they view, Abortion, Gun Rights, Global Warming, Caregiving, and Popular Vote.

Having been a former life long Democrat for several decades, I can see why I now usually loath present Democrat Progressive policies, when the Policies don't work, we are lied to and told they do work. However, it appears that Republican Politicians have an inability to innovate better options and solutions to Societal and Environmental Issues Democrat Politician seem to be bungling.

While Democrat Politicians want their first place trophy for attempting to bring feel good solutions that do not work, they manage to so offend Republican Politicians who know the Progressive ideas are not working that the Republican Politicians walk away without offering a better solution other than to fall back on the "Constitution" or the country is a "Republic, not a Democracy".

I cannot do all the topics stated in the title, Abortion, Gun Rights, Global Warming, Caregiving, and Popular Vote, justice in one article. Instead all I can ask anyone who reads this article is to question why each Political Party seems reluctant to outdo each other with great ideas, and instead are comfortable simply jousting against each other at every turn.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

MSNBC Durham Investigation Rebuke misses the there there there while mocking the there there.

While MSNBC attempts to discredit the four year Durham investigation regarding the conspiracy to connect Donald Trump with Russia, MSNBC creates a new there there without realizing it.

Quoting from the MSNBC biased editorial masked as news analysis...

"All of the substantiated claims that he (Durham) makes were likewise previously acknowledged in a 2019 report from the department’s inspector general that found that despite some serious concerning mistakes, the Russia investigation was justified."
end quote.

51 Former Government Intelligence Officials signed a letter less than 2 weeks before the 2020 Presidential Election claiming the Hunter Biden lap top was a ruse and most likely Russian disinformation. This last minute fraudulent claim of fraud concocted by the Biden Presidential Campaign helped put Joe Biden over the top in 2020, yet MSNBC not only ignores this reality, but attempts to gaslight the Durham Investigation by claiming a report released a year before the 51 signature fraud somehow negates everything in the Durham investigation that has been ongoing for the past 4 years.

How does a 2019 Inspector general report negate facts and stories that emerged a year later, also known as Hunter Biden Laptop Gate just before the 2020 Presidential Election? 

The Gaslighting of the Truth never seems to end with MSNBC.

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Friday, May 12, 2023

What we can all learn from the Jordan Neely, Daniel Penny Subway Choke Hold Tragedy.

I am not against what Daniel Penny initially did to ensure that Jordan Neely's verbal threats in an enclosed area were met with resistance. Unfortunately the news failed to mention if and when the train reached a stop during the 15 minute choke hold.

Was the Train in an actual Train Depot waiting for the Police to arrive? Was the train in between stops and there was no way off the train? Was the Train Moving? 

My suggestion is in this type of situation, and assuming the train was not moving and the other passengers had a safe way to leave the specific train where the stranglehold was going on, the specific train should have been Immediately evacuated and Mr. Penny and the other people detaining Jordan Neely should have then left so Mr. Neely would be all alone inside the train cab, presumably still alive.

While it is easier to come to such a conclusion after the fact and from a distance, this was not an airplane where the passengers had no where to go. Maybe it is time for Subway services to make passengers aware of evacuation options when a situation is occurring involving a physical confrontation, and it is safe to leave the actual train cab.

I hope the New York Subway system begins to offer evacuation instructions when it is safe to do so since not doing anything might have created a problem, while doing something with no end in sight created a tragic outcome.


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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

How can the E. Jean Carroll trial go on without an actual allegation date attached to it?

Every Detective Show I have ever watched asks one simple question, "Where were you on the night of", or "the afternoon of", etc. This allows the alleged suspect an opportunity to prove where they were at that specific date and time.

The E. Jean Carroll lawsuit against Donald Trump apparently has no specific time or day attached to it. How can anyone mount a defense if no specific date or time is attached to the accusation?

Appearing as a defendant under such loose guidelines would basically allow the plaintiff's attorney to ask any question about anything that might relate to proving that at some point in time Mr. Trump was at the location in question.

It's just such a silly premise under which to have a trial that it may be setting a dangerous precedent. Remember, these are two adults, so it is not as if this was a child who can't remember the exact time and date of an incident. 

I wonder if a dangerous precedent has been set in which in the future, an allegation without an actual date attached to it will still be allowed to go forward. 

I suppose there are cases where someone states..."On or about", but even in that scenario, the on or about I would presume is related to a specific date. If "On or about" is allowed to be used to describe something that happened during a specific year, or decade, it seems like that would both weaken the ability to mount a defense while placing the defendant in peril of having to answer all kinds of questions in an effort to pinpoint a time the defendant may have been at that location as if that would somehow prove something happened. 

There seems to be a nefarious purpose to this lawsuit in which every American can now be accused and tried without attaching a specific moment in time to when the allegation actually occurred. 

Carny was once explained to me as playing a game where the entry fee costs more than the most valuable prize a contestant can win in return. This E. Jean Carroll lawsuit sounds like a carny trial, and we are all the worse for it no matter what the verdict is.

If an appeal has to be filed by the defense, How about the Defendant was unable to mount a defense against an accusation that had no date attached to it? 

Meanwhile, CNN makes no mention of the ginormous elephant in the room, the lack of a specific time and date attached to accusation. And the assertion that E. Jean Carroll no longer had a social life because of this alleged encounter, was this only brought up in the closing statement, because E. Jean Carroll co-founded a dating site called "Greatboyfriends.com" 

Did the defense protest the statement made by plaintiff's attorney that E. Jean Carroll went decades without dates or being married and having children because of the Trump encounter, because this was easily refuted and I hope Trump's lawyer challenged the claim.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

How Reporters screw up basic common sense comments regarding January 6th.

Before anyone can claim no "Credible Evidence" regarding the 2020 Presidential Election and possible vote tampering existed, one would presume that investigations would have been done. There were no credible investigations regarding the 2020 Elections by the mainstream media, not before, during, or after. 

There was no follow up investigations from the mainstream media regarding the many complaints that were cited, depositioned, and then basically ignored by the Judicial system that began claiming no one had 'standing". 

Postal employees ignored their subpoenas to appear for questioning.

Basic questions about how much "power" the vote uploaders had to change a vote, or to reupload the same ballots over and over, or why ballots existed with no folds, which if they were provisional in nature should have still been connected to an actual voter but may not have been, were all issues worthy of investigating.

This article link literally has no understanding of how Ted Cruz is using the phrase "credible evidence"   

Christopher Krebbs admitted during a 60 minutes interview that were problems on the ground, but dismissed them without mentioning what they were.  What type of investigative journalism is this?

This constant MSM gaslighting about the 2020 Elections when no real investigations went on just creates more and more suspicion that there probably was something going on that needs to remain covered up or the news would be earth shattering.



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Friday, April 14, 2023

Delusion and Hostility regarding Kyle Rittenhouse proves how damaging the Mainstream Media has become, or has always been.

An insane Facebook message was sent to me about Kyle Rittenhouse. I cannot reproduce it because I was blocked.

My response below.

Why are you lying? Rittenhouse was there to protect businesses from being burned down. It was THREE CONVICTED FELONS who attacked him. One was a SERIAL child molestor. BLM should be supporting Rittenhouse because there were no fires the night Rittenhouse was out there. People lose their lives when their businesses are burned down. You're probably another live off of taxpayer funded job self who spits on them when someone tries to protect the very businesses that FUND YOUR JOB. Wow.

The reply below from what appears to be a brainwashed MSM liberal.

You are a fucking moron worshipping a cold blooded MURDERER.
VIGILANTES are not the law
Go polish your guns, TRUMP HUMPER. And be sure to send him all your money !
Below is the image of the comments followed by a final commentary...

At this point I was blocked from responding. How can the mainstream media have done such a horrible job telling the truth about Kyle Rittenhouse? 

News Reporter Brittney Hopper was recently fired / quit from KCBS because she tried to use honest phrasing while reporting the news. The result of what the news crews have unleashed is revealed by the comments up above by a highly misinformed person. By the way, I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Donald Trump in 2020.

I apologize for the grammatical errors I made in my Facebook post, those narrow margins and small typing areas really are not conducive to writing with minimal to  zero grammatical errors.



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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

California leads the U.S. in Renewable Energy, but it's not all good news.

The irony of renewable energy is renewables absolutely have to have battery back-up before it can ever lead the way for supplying energy to all. Renewables by themselves require many built in safety checks to ensure the renewable energy source is not volatile, but stable. Battery storage back-up will always be needed whenever renewable energy is mentioned.
So, while California can tout they are number one in the U.S. in renewable energy sources, it is because there is also hydro, nuclear, natural gas, geothermal, and biomass that steadies out the unsteadiness of Solar and Wind energy.
What does this all mean? Effective Battery Creation that does not use child labor is required. Once the child labor issue is resolved, then hopefully battery storage can be used to preserve and steady out solar and wind energy. 
Until battery storage is safe, ethical, cost effective and available, there is no such thing as "we're number one" when it comes to renewables because the renewables are unsteady and absolutely require several other forms of steadier energy sources to be up and running for solar and wind to be relied upon.

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

DeSantis knocks it out of the Park with his description of Russia with Putin in charge, or was it John McCain's quote?

Quick update: Monday Mar 27, 2023: About a week ago The View mentioned that DeSantis's "gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons" comment was actually first said by John McCain around 2014. If this is true, then shame on DeSantis for plagiarizing someone else's comment, that's what Joe Biden did back in the 90's when he plagiarized several speeches from British Politicians. 
end of Monday, Mar 27, 2023 update:

After calling the Russia-Ukraine war a 'territorial dispute,' DeSantis says Putin is a 'war criminal' and 'basically a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons'

Desantis's quote about Putin is pretty accurate specifically because of when Putin decided to go to war. After two consecutive budget surpluses, the second surplus bigger than the first, and with Europe and India lapping up all the petro and natural gas products Russia can export, Putin decided to start a war of destruction.

An imbalanced leader of the largest territorial country on the planet, twice as large as the next largest country, sees no value in having a highly successful economy that was running surging budget surpluses with no end in sight.

If Putin had not gone to war, Russia would probably be heading towards its fourth consecutive budget surplus. Instead, 20,000 to 80,000 Russian families have lost a son and there is no end in sight for this war. 

Viewing Russian Soldiers in Syria and Turkey helping with the Earthquake recovery while other Russian Soldiers are launching missiles doing the same type of physical damage as the earthquake, is surreal, and brings home De'Santis's point. Putin has turned Russia into a Gas Station with Nuclear weapons.




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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

2017 Los Angeles County has over 800,000 Permanent Vote by Mail voters and an ever increasing percentage of Mail In Voters.

DailyPUMA was surprised to discover that there such a thing as a Permanent Vote by Mail designation for Los Angeles City.

Over 800,000 Permanent Vote by Mail voters are on the Voter Rolls. (see above illustration) as of 2017.


Above are yearly tallies showing the remarkable rise in vote by mail as the percentage of total votes. Sure seems odd that it takes a week to count mail in votes that are locally mailed in. Local mail is supposed to pretty much be overnight, maybe 2 nights max.

Please feel free to review the links and leave a comment regarding your observations.


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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

L.A. Registrar's Office required 2022 George Gascon Recall Petition Drive to collect an extra 68,000 valid signatures than were lawfully required.

According to the LA Times, To put Gascon's job on the ballot, the campaign seeking his ouster needed to gather 566,857 valid signatures by mid-July (2022); the figure reflects 10% of the people who were eligible to vote in the election cycle when he won office in November 2020. The L.A. County registrar-recorder/county clerk's office said about the 520,000 of the signatures submitted were valid.

According to Breit Bart discussing the Judicial Watch Lawsuit,

In its statement, Judicial Watch noted the lawsuit alleged several key facts, which included, the following:

 According to the Judicial Watch Lawsuit

What does all of this mean? It could mean that when the LA county registrar mandated that the Recall George Gascon Petition drive needed 566,857 votes to qualify, it was based on falsely inflated voter registration rolls of 5,668,570. 

According to Breit Bart

If Los Angeles and California have been routinely not cleaning up voter rolls since the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, the non compliance has helped insulate elected officials from voter recalls by artificially inflating the number of valid petition signatures needed to place a recall of an elected official on the ballot.  

It seems plausible that a judge would prefer to rule in favor of a retroactive reduction in the number of valid petition signatures needed to recall George Gascon, or, it would incentivize non-compliance of Federal Law such as NVRA with the worst penalty being nothing but, compliance? How would that be fair to the Voters who were thwarted from being heard due to bloated petition signature requirements?

I am not sure how a lawyer for the recall George Gascon Petition would argue in court for a retroactively assessing a lower number of required signatures, but there may be an argument waiting to be made in court that would make the 2022 George Gascon Recall Effort instantly valid and whole.

If a judge did nothing more than agree that an instant reduction from 112% to 100% of all LA adult age voters as a way to establish a new, lower Gascon Valid Signature number, the 2022 George Gascon Recal petition would have passed! When we subtract 12% from 5,668,570 overinflated LA Voter Rolls it would decrease LA Voter Rolls by 680,228 voters. This would make the NEW 100% total voter rolls in LA 4,988,342. 10% of 4,988,342 equals 498,348 valid signatures needed for the Gascon Recall to go through. The "failed" 2022 Gascon Recall netted 520,00 valid signatures! The 2022 George Gascon Recall should be declared as having reached the proper signature total, AS IS!

The 2022 George Gascon Recall Petition netted 21,500 more valid signatures than were legally required based on 100% of all LA Adult Voters!

Put another way, the L.A. Registrar's Office required 68,000 additional valid signatures than were legally required for the George Gascon Recall Petition Drive to have been approved.

Wed. Mar 22, 2023 5:51 am, Update:  This is a link to the LA Vote total Almanac pictured below.

 End of Wed. Mar 22, 2023 5:51 am, Update.

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The 2022 George Gascon Recall Petition netted 21,500 more valid signatures than were lawfully required based on 100% of all L.A. Adult Voters!

According to the LA Times, To put Gascon's job on the ballot, the campaign seeking his ouster needed to gather 566,857 valid signatures by mid-July (2022); the figure reflects 10% of the people who were eligible to vote in the election cycle when he won office in November 2020. The L.A. County registrar-recorder/county clerk's office said about the 520,000 of the signatures submitted were valid.

According to Breit Bart discussing the Judicial Watch Lawsuit,

In its statement, Judicial Watch noted the lawsuit alleged several key facts, which included, the following:

 According to the Judicial Watch Lawsuit

What does all of this mean? It could mean that when the LA county registrar mandated that the Recall George Gascon Petition drive needed 566,857 votes to qualify, it was based on falsely inflated voter registration rolls of 5,668,570. 

According to Breit Bart

If Los Angeles and California have been routinely not cleaning up voter rolls since the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, the non compliance has helped insulate elected officials from voter recalls by artificially inflating the number of valid petition signatures needed to place a recall of an elected official on the ballot.  

It seems plausible that a judge would prefer to rule in favor of a retroactive reduction in the number of valid petition signatures needed to recall George Gascon, or, it would incentivize non-compliance of Federal Law such as NVRA with the worst penalty being nothing but, compliance? How would that be fair to the Voters who were thwarted from being heard due to inaccurate petition signature requirements?

I am not sure how a lawyer for the recall George Gascon Petition would argue in court for a retroactively assessing a lower number of required signatures, but there may be an argument waiting to be made in court that would make the 2022 George Gascon Recall Effort instantly valid and whole.

If a judge did nothing more than agree that an instant reduction from 112% to 100% of all LA adult age voters as a way to establish a new, lower Gascon Valid Signature number, the 2022 George Gascon Recal petition would have passed! When we subtract 12% from 5,668,570 overinflated LA Voter Rolls it would decrease LA Voter Rolls by 680,228 voters. This would make the NEW 100% total voter rolls in LA 4,988,342. 10% of 4,988,342 equals 498,348 valid signatures needed for the Gascon Recall to go through. The "failed" 2022 Gascon Recall netted 520,00 valid signatures! The 2022 George Gascon Recall should be declared as having reached the proper signature total, AS IS!

The 2022 George Gascon Recall Petition netted 21,500 more valid signatures than were legally required based on 100% of all LA Adult Voters!

Put another way, the L.A. Registrar's Office required 68,000 additional valid signatures than were legally required for the George Gascon Recall Petition Drive to have been approved.




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