04, 2023 Update: Added a Chart showing the dramatic spike in Senior
Deaths that was instantly reversed when the CDC changed how Senior Flu
deaths would be reported. Death certificates were not to list flu and
pneumonia deaths among Seniors, instead, the causes of death would be
Natural causes, heart failure, respiratory failure this change occurred
in early January of 2018, coinciding with the remarkable drop in Senior
flu deaths that changed a still growing flu death estimate of 80,000,
downward to 60,000, when the truthful amount of Senior flu deaths may
have been headed towards 100,000 to 120,000 Senior Flu Deaths. End of
update, chart added below.
The 2017-2018 U.S. Senior flu epidemic statistical cover-up has never been admitted to. The longer the cover-up goes on, the more conflict and divisiveness will be created by COVID-19 and how to proceed going forward.
There is no way to really evaluate how effective the 2020 response to Coronavirus really was. Was it an over reaction, just enough, not enough, too slow in starting, too fast of a reaction? Has the economic shutdown gone on for too long, or is more time needed? If you think you know you are just fooling yourself.
If you think you can point to ever changing numbers to justify your position, what about the next day when new data is released, and the day after, and the day after that?
Those who think Trump should have done more in mid January of 2020 in regards to preparing for the Coronavirus conveniently forget Trump was being forced to fight for his political life because of the constant Impeachment Trial and political attacks. Without what was basically a California led attempt to remove Trump from office (without California the impeachment vote would have lost 190-185, no), Trump would have still been impeached if he had tried to shut down the economy 2 weeks before the Super Bowl after being accused of taking attention away from the Super Bowl. Democrats would have accused Trump of ultra egocentric narcissist tendencies if he had used the hint of a future pandemic as reason to distract from both the Impeachment hearings, or without the impeachment hearings, the Super Bowl, which would have then triggered an impeachment action. It was a lose, lose situation for Donald Trump.
Additionally, the Democrat led house judiciary committee voted on Feb. 12, 2020 to recommend rescinding Trump's International Travel Ban. Can anyone take seriously an attempt to question Trump's actions in January of 2020 when House Dems were preparing to overturn Trump's International Travel Ban a month later on February 12, 2020, virtually a full month after Trump was supposed to have stopped the economy because of the threat of a Pandemic that had not emerged yet?
Now, as the end of April, 2020 looms, both sides of the Coronavirus divide are claiming the other side was wrong regarding how the Coronavirus response was handled.
Half are upset because the economy and their livelihood was shut down, the other half believing that it was the shutdown that flattened the coronavirus death curve.
But whichever side you believe is right, their claim will be based on the 2017-2018 U.S. Senior flu epidemic cover-up and changing of Senior flu death totals.
Covering up the 2017-2018 U.S. Senior flu epidemic death totals means we are now witnessing in 2020 the equivalent to a mad scramble to clean up an unapproved teen party in the Parent's house before they walk through the door early from their Weekend get away, the teens totally unprepared because the Parents came back early while the kids lied about the party to begin with.
If you are on the side of the teens for being caught off guard and lying about the 2017-2018 U.S. Senior flu epidemic, or, are on the side of the parents for knowing what their kids were going to do and instead of preventing the party and the ensuing calamity, they chose to come back prematurely to catch every one in the act, we are missing the bigger picture.
Honesty is the best policy and we won't see honesty until the 2017-2018 Senior Flu epidemic statistical coverup is admitted to and reparations are given to all who suffered unnecessary losses. Only then will we see how covering up the Senior Flu epidemic of 2017-2018 hindered and divided the entire country going forward in 2020 regarding preparedness for a pandemic.
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