Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, March 12, 2020

CDC coverup of the 2017 - 2018 Senior Flu Epidemic has never been exposed until now.

Oct. 04, 2023 Update: Added a Chart showing the dramatic spike in Senior Deaths that was instantly reversed when the CDC changed how Senior Flu deaths would be reported. Death certificates were not to list flu and pneumonia deaths among Seniors, instead, the causes of death would be Natural causes, heart failure, respiratory failure this change occurred in early January of 2018, coinciding with the remarkable drop in Senior flu deaths that changed a still growing flu death estimate of 80,000, downward to 60,000, when the truthful amount of Senior flu deaths may have been headed towards 100,000 to 120,000 Senior Flu Deaths. End of update, chart added below.
There was an Influenza epidemic among the elderly in 2017-2018 that was covered up by the CDC until AFTER the flu season had ended. The death rates for seniors in 2017-2018 was the highest since the 2009 H1N1 WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC. 
82% of all deaths during the 2017-2018 Senior Flu Epidemic that was never reported as such were Seniors, even though Seniors only make up approximately 15% of the total U.S. population.

Instead of forcing my Mother and I out of the ER under "escort" by a security guard, my Mother was in the age group MOST affected by the Flu epidemic of 2017-2018 and should have been treated with genuine empathy and concern. The unreported Senior Flu Epidemic of 2017-2018 was one of the most egregious examples of Senior Genocide in our lifetime.

"CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2017–2018 season was high with an estimated 45 million people getting sick with influenza, 21 million people going to a health care provider, 810,000 hospitalizations, and 61,000 deaths (51,000 deaths were SENIORS!) from influenza (Table 1). The number of cases of influenza-associated illness that occurred during 2017-2018 was the highest since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, when an estimated 60 million people were sick with influenza (7)".

Because the CDC refused to warn the media nor deliver specific death rates by age groups about just how dangerous the 2017-2018 Flu Epidemic was for seniors, it is VERY POSSIBLE that our ENTIRE Medicare system downplayed the importance of Seniors going to the ER or Hospital, causing the ERs and Hospitals to be more pre-occupied with younger people than the elderly even though the elderly were by far the most vulnerable.

This would explain the absolutely psychotic and sociopathic behavior of the West Hills ER Nurse who refused to recheck my Mother's vitals as Mom's pre-pneumonia took hold when Mom started wheezing while on her ER Bed. This psychotic and sociopathic West HIlls ER Nurse actually called a code gray on me when all I did was pull out a camera to document her refusal to recheck my Mother's vitals, even after the alarms went off TWICE followed by the ER Nurse actually disconnecting the alarms and leaving them disconnected.

I can't believe our entire system could be so corrupt and evil towards the elderly. Remember, there are not that many elderly around, they DO NOTsoak up the Medicare Budget. My Mother had not been in an overnight Hospital for 3 and 3/4 years and the system still illegally bounced her out of the ER while terrorizing her son by calling a code gray on him (me) and forcefully erasing the video footage he had taken when all he kept begging them to do was to recheck her vitals. You check the statistics yourself at the link below.


Burden Averted????  The CDC claims around a 10% burden averted rate because of vaccines. However, from personal observation of my Mother the last time she had her vaccine shot, her walking times dropped by 20% after receiving her vaccine shot and her ability to read and write dropped off dramatically. Through vigilance and hard work, My mother was able to eventually regain her walking endurance and was able to continue to improve, but it took several months after her flu shot before she was able to regain her prior strength.

Seniors who take a vaccine shot and are also taking blood pressure reduction medication could be endangering their lives if they continue to take the same level of blood pressure medication and continue on their pre-vaccine exercise regimen while the vaccine is in their body. 

The U.S. media seems complicit in accepting marching orders from the CDC during the 2017-2018 Senior Flu Epidemic that was not reported as such. I recall a local news outfit specifically stating that the CDC was not releasing death rates for seniors back in 2017-2018. It seems as if our U.S. media is better at calling out other countries and their indiscretions than what is happening in the U.S., and I find that alarming. 

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