We live in a society where Israel can do no wrong, and when they are wronged, we feel badly for them. I hear from all viewpoints. While I am not nowhere near as extreme as others, it is interesting to hear their complaints.
Those evil, extremely rich, predator white men women's rights groups announce. Wait a minute, says my friend, you mean the two biggest predators of our time, the Jewish predators named Weinstein and Epstein get to hide behind all white men? Why, asks my friend?
Why does every congress person who is elected have to sign a secret agreement that they will not go against Israel?
Why is there no list of all the Academy Awards that have been won by Jewish people?
Is it possible the Holocaust numbers were exaggerated?
Is it possible that during Steven Spielberg's Holocaust video project where Holocaust victims told their stories on video the videos may have been edited to remove all references to anything that made a German soldier who was in the camp look any thing other than being a vicious murderer?
Allegedly references to swimming or playing soccer with German Soldiers in the camps was taken out. Allegedly there were births in the German camps among the prisoners that have never been reported? How does that happen if everyone was being gassed within days, weeks or evena few months of arriving?
Many prisoners were emaciated when the Russian and U.S. troops arrived. The emaciation did not happen overnight. It would have taken months for it to occur, and could have coincided with Germany no longer having any resources to give anyone.
What some U.S. soldiers did to the women of Dresden would have qualified for court martial status.
Hearing all of these points from someone who has researched the issue in depth is disturbing to say the least. The Victor does get to write history.
I have head that George Prescott Bush in some way or another assisted Germany during World War II.
I am concerned that the ultimate purpose of war is to bill for all the bombs that are dropped, and to keep the World's population from exploding. We are supposed to comply with laws and rules and regulations so we can have a civilized society, then we are manipulated into killing people we never met, but for whose gain?
I don't know what to think of Israel. They apparently have a lot of enemies in the Middle East and we may never know why that is.
My Friend thinks that Israel has created a bullet proof method of always having to feel sorry while they are the strongest, richest community on the planet.
Think about this for a moment. How many Jewish people KNEW what Jeffrey Epstein or Harvery Weinstein were each doing for 30 fucking years. Zero? How many came forward to say something? Zero? What type of filth would know what Jeffrey Epstein and/or Harvey Weinstein were doing for 30 years, yet would say nothing? If the Holocaust happened exactly as has been historically recorded, would that not make Jewish people among the most empathetic people on the planet for the plight of others who are being victimized? But somehow it's ok if it is a Jewish person doing the victimization? Something is not adding up.
Think about this for a moment. How many Jewish people KNEW what Jeffrey Epstein or Harvery Weinstein were each doing for 30 fucking years. Zero? How many came forward to say something? Zero? What type of filth would know what Jeffrey Epstein and/or Harvey Weinstein were doing for 30 years, yet would say nothing? If the Holocaust happened exactly as has been historically recorded, would that not make Jewish people among the most empathetic people on the planet for the plight of others who are being victimized? But somehow it's ok if it is a Jewish person doing the victimization? Something is not adding up.
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