Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hillary wins the 2016 Washington Democrat PRIMARY after Bernie Sanders won the Washington cacas er, caucus.

In  2016, Hillary Clinton, after losing both the 2016 Nebraska and Washington caucuses to Bernie Sanders, has actually won both the 2016 Nebraska Primary and the 2016 Washington Democrat Primary, lending further credence that Hillary Clinton is more popular than any other democrat candidate when voters have a primary to vote in versus a caucus to navigate.

Primary voting is the way that votes are cast for the actual presidential race in November, Caucuses are not.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, play the "Mommy Card".

If we take a step back, the "Donald Trump attacking Hillary Clinton regarding Bill Clinton" strategy is rather odd. The same Donald Trump who invented a new hue of facial red out of protective anger for his wife and retaliated by posting a picture of Ted Cruz's wife with melted lipstick next to a picture of his own trophy wife, attacks Hillary Clinton for protecting her man from attacks. 

Is the pedantic Mr. Trump so obtuse that he can't see his own shadow regarding protecting his wife as being no different than Hillary Clinton protecting her husband? Is Donald Trump the pimp, who may have been associated with Trump Escorts, and who REGULARLY trades in his late 30 something wife for a 20 something replacement, that obtuse?

Donald Trump, a man, attacks Hillary Clinton, a woman, for standing by her man even though he did the same thing as Hillary Clinton. Trump thinks that another man's boorish behavior should determine whether Hillary Clinton is qualified for office. Does this mean if any of Donald Trump's former wives ALLEGEDLY did something unacceptable that Donald Trump would back out of the presidential race? What about any of Donald Trump's relatives, like his canned hunt killing sons?

Bernie Sanders, a Man, verbally assaults Hillary Clinton (she can take it, I get that) and financially assaults Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Hillary Clinton has  had to play the boys will be boys card while Ms. Schultz has also played the adult card and by granting that 5 of the 15 democrat platform committee members be selected by Bernie Sanders. 

Why stop at spouses, what about son's and daughter's behavior, shouldn't that matter as well? What about Donald Trump's sissy sons engaging in the most cowardly act of all, canned hunts, aka shooting a SEDATED Lion at close range and then having the Lion's head imported into the United States? 

If family behavior matters so much to Donald Trump, George Bush senior probably has the most baggage of all. His son's wife accidentally killed a former boyfriend when she drove through a stop sign and hit his car. George Bush Sr. was alleged to have had a very young protege who he took massages with. One masseuse mysteriously died not too long after giving Mr. Bush and his protege a massage just hours before the debate he won against Bill Clinton. 

Mr. Bush's grand daughters have had numerous run ins with the law and behaved badly in public on numerous occasions and I think have been to rehab. When Mr. Trump brings up alleged crap about the Clintons, it simply becomes a gateway media stunt that gives opponents the opportunity to air dirty secrets about ANY prior Republican president and their families as well. The fact that Mr. Trump has no visionary skills to see beyond his nose is the fear factor many moderates have in this country.

While Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of playing the woman card, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has had to play the adult card to a childishly bombastic Bernie Sanders. It's pretty evident to me that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are playing the "Mommy Card" as they throw tantrums and accusations and false innuendo towards women politicians in an effort to get their way without caring about the consequences, and that indeed is playing the "Mommy Card".

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Minnesota moves fast, Changes from Caucus to Primary for the 2020 Presidential Race, will keep caucuses for local races.

Minnesota has done the right thing. Seeing the overwhelming voter turnout for the 2016 Presidential caucus races, Minnesota will switch to a Presidential primary system for the 2020 Presidential race.

One assumes that both the Minnesota Republican Presidential Race and the Minnesota Democrat Presidential Race will be primaries. And, those voting in 2020 will have to declare as either supporting a republican or democrat party credo. That may drive Sanders supporters nuts.

Eventually I can can envision the Republican and Democrat parties splitting into two additional categories, Independent Democrat, Independent Republican. Presidential Candidates can register in one of the four categories and then the top Republican and top Democrat category vie for the presidency in November.

If this scenario had been in play this year, Trump would have been the Independent Republican candidate, Sanders the Independent Democrat Candidate. Based on vote totals, the fall presidential election would pit Independent Republican Donald Trump against Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton.

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bernie Lost me when….

According to Daily News Bin, "Bernie Lost me when"….. is trending on twitter.

Although DailyPUMA was never a Sanders supporter, "Bernie Lost me when"…. I realized Bernie doesn't understand how Credit Card Debt actually works, used having unnecessary Credit Card to "carny" his followers into making them believe he had no wealth, his wife may have embezzled funds from the college she was president of, and Bernie had a knack for handsomely paying his close relatives and friends and hiding his wealth in his wive's IRS filings, which they never released.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton wins her 22nd Primary, Bernie Sanders well behind with only 9 Primary Wins.

Many Clinton supporters realize that Bernie Sanders does better in the caucus contests because his supporters are younger, more aggressive, and are willing to put in the many hours it takes for a caucus to run its course. 

Many Hillary Clinton Voters have other people in their lives who rely on them and can't afford to take all that time to travel extra distances for a "caucus", to caucus, and then to vote, in many instances with either not enough chairs, or no  chairs at all.

A primary contest allows these same Clinton Voters all day and more locations to fit in among their other responsibilities when they vote. For Clinton Supporters, Primaries cast a fairer reflection of how democrats vote. Closed Primaries an even fairer reflection.

Many Independent Voters are put into an oxymoronic situation of automatically voting anti-establishment, which makes the term "independent" rather an inaccurate term since many independents simply are looking for a third party candidate to vote for, they are equal parts protest votes and independent vote.

As of May 18, 2016, Hillary Clinton has won 22 Primaries, Bernie Sanders has won 9 primaries. However, Sanders has deluded his supporters by claiming that primaries are inaccurate representations because Independents can't vote for Sanders if they are registered Independent.

It appears that between Sanders and Trump there are actually more Independent voters than either Republican or Democrat voters, yet that is an oversimplification since the two candidates appear to be so far apart on many issues that what we probably have are independent democrat and independent republican. So the reality is the Republican party and the Democrat party still would probably finish top two in votes, with two independent factions finishing 3rd and 4th. Keep in mind that Trump was only around 40% of the Republican vote total for quite awhile and if he had run as an independent other republicans would have stayed in longer and kept Trump at 40% or lower of the total republican vs independent republican vote totals. 

So when voters have all day to vote but don't have to take all day to vote, aka a Primary, Hillary Clinton is clearly the more popular candidate than Bernie Sanders, and she is doing it while spending less money than Bernie Sanders has month after month after month.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton wins 2016 Kentucky Primary, CNN illustrates no matter how the SuperDelegates are allotted, Bernie Sanders would still be many hundreds of Delegates behind.

Hillary Clinton has won Kentucky despite the Sander's supporters criticizing Hillary Clinton talking tough about coal even though Sander's supporters are vehemently against fracking. So are Sander's supporters for coal production? They make no sense, all they care about is repeatedly criticizing Hillary Clinton.

CNN Super Delegate article exposes Sander's Super Delegate complaints as being red herrings. Even if the Super Delegates were allocated the way that Bernie Sander's wants, he would still be hundreds of delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Time to re-edit Bernie Sander's "America" commercial.

Esquire writer Charles P. Pierce says this is the best political ad he's ever seen in regards to Bernie Sanders "America" commercial. I'd love to see an update which starts out the same for the first 7-8 seconds then shows the Bernemies literally assaulting Hillary Clinton supporters at various Clinton rallies, all done to the same piece of music used in the original commercial.

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Clinton Derangement Syndrome and Clinton Concern Trollism both found in the same short article, Amazing.

Sometimes you have to take a step back to really digest the garbage disposal shrapnel that doubles as news commentary. The headline reads…

No need to show anymore of the article. The headline alone accomplishes the task of "Concern Trollism." Why is this Hillary Clinton's problem? 

Isn't opposite gender appeal also Donald Trump's problem since he does even more poorly among women voters? Shouldn't the article headline have been, "Just like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton may face a battle of the sexes problem".

The original headline inflames the haters to make hostile attack comments in the comments section against Hillary Clinton. 

But wait a minute, Hillary Clinton wasn't interviewed for this story, it's just the opinion of the writer that is in play here. Yet the Clinton Derangement Syndrome crowd spews hostile comments in the comments section. 

If you click on the comments section you will see that I personally responded to the Clinton Derangement brigade.  You can too.

Awesome Pantsuit color, by the way.

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Independent Voters who only Vote Independent, an Oxymoron, no?

The complaint from Sander's supporters that they were shut out of closed Democrat primaries otherwise Bernie Sanders would have won more states fascinates me for the oxymoronic underpinnings that the Sander's supporters don't seem to grasp.

When Sander's supporters do the math, they basically are calculating that almost 100% of Independents would vote for either Trump or Sanders, whereas a significantly lower percentage of Republicans and Democrats vote for a Republican or a Democrat candidate. 

In other words, the so called Independent voters are blindly and fastidiously voting for any non Democrat or non Republican, whereas both Democrats and Republicans are actually taking the time to think it over and possibly cross over their votes to non-Democrats and non Republicans such as Trump and Sanders.

So the Independent voter is dependent on voting for Independents every step of the way, whereas Registered Republicans and Registered Democrats have crossed over in larger percentages. 

Just who are the real Independent Voters?

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Google Search Suppresses 2016 Hillary Clinton Nebraska Primary Victory over Bernie Sanders.

Try googling and finding any result that shows Hillary Clinton beating Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democrat Nebraska Primary. Even when I added a minus sign in front of the word caucus in my search, Google still forced me to look at the Nebraska Democrat Caucus results. 

No mention of Hillary Clinton's 2016 Nebraska Primary Victory over Bernie Sanders can be found anywhere, at least not without having to go through 2 different links to find the results.

Below are the 2016 Democrat Nebraska Primary results that I had to find by going to one link, then clicking on that link to go to the Nebraska Secretary of State's page and then clicking on a link to the president's race. I guess that was just too much work for Google to do themselves.


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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

When more people vote, Bernie Sanders LOSES, as is the case in the 2016 Nebraska Democrat Caucus vs Democrat Primary.

A 2008 article of mine statistically shows how Hillary Clinton gets treated unfairly in democrat caucus contests. That trend continued in 2016 once again, below is the proof.

It's pretty comical watching Sander's fanatics freak out over the news that Hillary Clinton won the Nebraska primary when they are quite sure Sanders won the Nebraska caucus a few months back. 

For a Sanders supporter, it's always ok when Sanders wins more delegates while many less voters actually vote, and for a Sander's supporter it's also ok when Hillary Clinton wins the same state in a primary where many more voters voted, just as long as Nebraska doesn't redistribute the delegate wealth to Hillary Clinton. 

I guess even socialists know how to say "mine, mine, mine". 

As far as Sander's voters are concerned, Hillary Clinton can win the Nebraska primary vote by a Yuuuggge margin, as long as Bernie Sanders gets the majority of the delegates from the caucus contest that was previously held. You know, where fewer voters vote and the younger voters tend to dominate and over represent the fair reflection of that state's voters demographics.

When Bernie Sander's says "when more voters come out, he wins", he's actually wrong. DailyPUMA reported that inaccuracy six weeks ago.

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Monday, May 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders starring in the Pledged Delegate / Super Delegate Switcheroo.

First Bernie Sanders points out how "close" he is to Hillary Clinton in pledged delegate count, trailing by "only" around 350 pledged delegates, which just so happens to be a much larger lead than Barack Obama had over Hillary Clinton.

Then Bernie Sanders points out that the super delegates in the handful of primaries he won (Bernie likes to call it 17 primaries and caucuses he's won when it's more like 5 primaries and 12 caucuses won, a big difference because his younger, more fanatical supporters will make sure he wins the caucus state contests but they can't infiltrate a primary), should pledge for him.

But Bernie juxtaposes being behind by 350 PLEDGED delegates with the notion that if the super delegate vote were more equitably distributed the Pledged delegate differential would drop. This is patently and completely false.

Bernie Sander's mixed up message is that he could close the 345 pledged delegate lead if he got more super delegates. If Bernie Sanders were to get more super delegates, it would NOT affect the pledged delegate counts at all, it would simply cut into Hillary Clinton's plus 800 overall delegate lead a tiny bit.

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Why Donald Trump being a Bi-Polar Politician probably does not affect his popularity.

Because Donald Trump is male, his Bi-Polar political behavior has been embraced by many.

It's stunning to me that Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of using the Woman's card when Mr. Trump has gotten a pass on being Bi-Polar, something no woman politician would ever get a pass for.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sanders and Kasich and Disingenuous Math.

John Kasich has 8.4 million LESS VOTES than Hillary Clinton, yet Mr. Kasich claims he would beat Hillary Clinton if he were the Republican presidential nominee.

Bernie Sanders has 3.1 million LESS Votes than Hillary Clinton, yet Mr. Sanders claims he would beat any Republican candidate by a wider margin than would Hillary Clinton, even though it is somewhat obvious that those polls are skewed by Sanders supporters purposely voting for the Republican opponent in the Hillary vs Republican candidate polls.

Kasich and Sanders COMBINED only have 4 percent more votes than Hillary Clinton. I thought men were supposed to have a more natural interest in math than women do, when it comes to disingenuous math, definitely so.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

This is what a Hillary Clinton Concern Troll Post looks like.

Red State has provided a marvelous example of a what a Hillary Clinton Concern Troll Article or comment looks like. Concern Troll Articles fake a concern for someone whom they actually despise.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Action Figure! I Want One!

It's a Kick Starter Project, I assume its legit.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bernie Sanders has yet to win more delegates than Hillary Clinton in any month of primaries and caucuses, yet somehow his supporters think he is gaining on Hillary Clinton.

As far as I could calculate, Hillary Clinton won more delegates than Bernie Sanders in February of 2016, Hillary Clinton has won more delegates than Bernie Sanders in March of 2016, and Hillary Clinton has won more delegates than Bernie Sanders in April of 2016, yet somehow Bernie Sanders supporters believe that Bernie is gaining on Hillary Clinton in the delegate race. 

It is this type of mystery math that makes me worry about Bernie Sanders or his supporters being in charge of any type of budget.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bernie Sanders biggest controversy regarding his tax returns for the past few years, Does he have Credit Card Debt, or not?

The issue of whether or not Bernie Sanders reported large amounts of credit card debt (apparently because of two weddings he paid for) so he could portray himself as having debt like many americans remains unresolved. Did Bernie Sanders use of a credit card debt ruse cause him to make significant interest rate charge payments to the credit card companies that could have gone to non-profits instead? 

Without costing Sanders one penny more, Sanders could have paid off his credit card debt and then used the interest rate charges he would have avoided as donations to dozens of non-profits on an ongoing basis.

If Bernie quickly paid off the credit card debt, then why even bother showing it as debt at all to the press? If the credit card debt needlessly remained long enough so he could posture to the media that he had credit card debt, then Mr. Sanders chose having credit card debt and paying interest rate charges on that debt, over having no credit card debt and using the interest rate charges he would not have to pay, to instead use as donations to non-profits.

So Mr. Sanders, how much credit card debt did you or do you have, and for how long have you had it?

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sanderism falls well short of what makes Socialism Succeed.

If Bernie Sanders actually had a realistic grasp of socialism, he would be less popular with the voters, and he knows it. Sanders brand of socialism, Sanderism, relies on giving out perks without asking for any responsibility in return.

You want a free education, you got it, and you can go on binge drinking and using unprescribed drugs at the same rate as before. In fact, now that you don't have to pay for college, you'll probably have more money for partying and recreational drugs!

Marijuana, hey, maybe it should be illegal NOT to use marijuana.

How about free education and in exchange a pledge to not go into credit card debt? Naw, Sanderism requires giving things to people without really asking that they improve their behavior or responsibility towards society.

Socialism usually has some type of responsibility attached to it. You want retirement income called social security, you work for it prior to retiring. Sanderism means getting chances without showing any type of responsible behavior before getting the chance.

Mr. Sanders, I have met Socialism, and your Sanderism is no Socialism.

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

DailyPUMA to Hillary Clinton headquarters. Tried for 2 hours to get through during Sunday hours, never did, is that a good thing or not?

Either Hillary Clinton has so many calls coming into her center they just can't all be answered, or she needs more people answering the phones. I tried calling about 8 times between 3pm and 5pm Eastern Standard time on Sunday and all I got was the same slightly too friendly recorded voice telling me to try back later.

I then called after they were closed, and I could tell the ringing system had changed and I was instantly told by a recorded voice to call back during normal hours. Their password reset system once a person donates does not work either.  I can't get my password to work, and when I ask for a password reset, nothing is sent to me.

Please, fix this stuff.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Senator Bernie Sanders on Climate Change exposes his own hypocrisy about Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders has lumped Hillary Clinton in with the Republicans.

And yet, Hillary Clinton disproves Bernie Sanders accusation of being bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry because she believes Climate Change is going on, thereby disproving Bernie Sander's accusation that Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by the Fossil Fuel Industry.

You can't have it both ways Bernie. You can't state that the fossil fuel Industry has bought both the Republicans and Hillary Clinton when the Republicans believe Climate Change is not going on, and Hillary Clinton believes that Climate Change IS going on. 

Of the money given out by the Fossil Fuel Industry to various campaigns, Republicans have received approximately 97.75%, Hillary Clinton 2%, and Bernie Sander's .25%

Link to Video Clip.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

If Bernie Sanders has no Super PAC, then what the Heck is Move on Dot Org?

I get messages from Bernie Sanders via my Move on dot org email soliciting me to donate money. Move on Dot Org is a non-profit group that has a million or more members. Bernie claims to not have a Super PAC. Move on Dot Org IS A SUPER PAC pretending to be a non-profit group.

How the heck is Move on Dot Org using their email list so Bernie Sanders can message and ask for money any different than a Super PAC? Non Profits are NOT supposed to be for one candidate over another FROM THE SAME POLITICAL PARTY, but that is what Move on Dot Org has done.

How is the following email that I received as a GENERAL member of Move on dot org, NOT a member of any subgroup that Move on dot org may choose to start, not a Super PAC for Bernie Sanders?  Sanders and Move on Dot Org are friggin liars and I can't believe the crap they continue to say about a political candidate who has WON woman of the year 20 TIMES and the last 14 in a row!

Hi Alessandro—
Bernie Sanders won a HUGE victory last night in Wisconsin. Next up is Wyoming. And after that comes a large and important primary: New York.

Winning there on April 19 would fundamentally reshape the campaign and put Bernie on a track to win the nomination. But it's going to take more resources to compete there than in any state so far. So now is the moment to give—or give again.
For more on this enormous victory, see Bernie's email from last night, below:

Alessandro—We've just won another state for our political revolution, and it's a big one: Wisconsin.
The corporate media and political establishment keep counting us out, but we keep winning states, and doing so by large margins. If we can keep this up, we're going to shock them all and win this nomination.
Wyoming caucuses in just three days and New York votes in two weeks. You can bet the financial elite of this country won't give up without a fight. They're going to throw everything they can at us. But if we stand together, we're going to keep winning.
Last night kicked off the most important three-week stretch of the campaign and we're starting off with another overwhelming victory. If we can keep our momentum going through the states that vote and caucus over the next three weeks, we’re going to win this election.
Amazing win last night. It wouldn't have happened without you. That's the absolute truth.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION,http://pol.moveon.org/. Authorized by BERNIE 2016.

This email was sent to Alessandro Machi on April 6th, 2016. To change your email address or update your contact info,click here. To opt out of "MoveOn for Bernie" emails, click here. To remove yourself from the MoveOn.org list, click here.


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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton Spent 39% of what Bernie Sanders spent on Television Advertising in Wisconsin.

Can Bernie Sanders, the allegedly populist candidate of the people who spent 260% more than Hillary Clinton on television advertising in Wisconsin for a victory, continue to be called the populist candidate?
A candidate really can't have it both ways, if they can afford to spend almost triple than the alleged insider candidate in Wisconsin to win, they are not the populist candidate. The Populist candidate is the one who gets more votes for less money. Sanders is simply the candidate who to win has to spend double or triple, or as in the case of Washington, Hawaii and Alaska, 27 times more money than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton continues to be the candidate that gets the most votes for the least amount of money spent, and that in my book is the populist candidate. If the News Media correctly called Hillary Clinton the populist candidate based on the exiting statistical evidence, it would put an end to the populist label Bernie Sanders continues to falsely flaunt.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton voted Woman of the Year 20 Times, 14 in a row. Bernie Sanders Male of the Year, Zero Times.

Not sure why Bernie Sanders would continue to assault a woman who has been voted Woman of the Year 20 times, and 14 times in a row. Hey Bernie, how many times have you been voted Man of the Year that gives you the right to assail Hillary Clinton's character.

Oh yeah, you're a man, so it's ok to assassinate Hillary Clinton's character and imply false innuendo because she only won Woman of the year, not Man of the year. Hey Bernie, maybe Hillary Clinton bought the Women of the Year award each and every time, yeah, that's it! 

Now run with that Bernie!

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Why didn't anyone ask Donald Trump the obvious follow-up question to his "abortion should have consequences for a woman", comment?

Donald Trump apparently stated that if a female gets an illegal abortion she should face consequences, yet no one asked Mr. Trump if the male who impregnated the woman should also face a similar consequence as the woman would face.

Sure Mr. Trump has already created an absurd scenario, but it would be interesting to see how he explains if the male has or does not have any culpability as well, no?

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Yeah, A Hillary Clinton Forum by Hillary Clinton supporters for Hillary Clinton Supporters.

In 2008 one of the leading Hillary Clinton forums took a change in direction once Barack Obama became the nominee (might have even been before he became the nominee) and it left many Hillary Clinton supporters with one less visible choice to show their support for Hillary Clinton. I just stumbled upon this Hillary Clinton forum, called "Will Hillary Win"

Many have blogs, most Clinton supporters are now on facebook, but forums have always had a different feel to them as they can more easily be revisited as time passes and sometimes updating a topic is more useful than simply starting a new topic on the same subject. I don't know who is running "Will Hillary Win" but please feel welcome to introduce yourself in the comments section.

And if anyone else has an active Hillary Clinton forum, please comment and give us your link.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

After losing the primary in Arizona and then winning five consecutive caucus contests in Utah, Idaho, Hawaii, Washington, & Alaska, Bernie Sanders only gains 10,000 popular votes against Hillary Clinton's massive 2.5 million Popular Vote Lead.

10,000 votes. Really?  

After Bernie Sanders lost the primary in Arizona to Hillary Clinton and then won five caucus contests, all Bernie Sanders has to show for his effort is 10,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton? Are you kidding me?  

Caucus contests completely favor younger voters who tend to have less family obligations and are more mobile and more social, aka, Bernie Sanders supporters. 

Caucus contests mean less locations to vote, greater distances in between voting locations, and much much longer lines before one can vote. The caucus scenario certainly favors Bernie Sander's younger, more socially driven supporters over Hillary Clinton supporters who tend to skew older AND have more family, business and social obligations, or are retired and not into a 1 to 6 hour adventure just so they can vote. 

If you want to see just how dominant Hillary Clinton has been in the democrat primaries and the popular vote, click here.

Bernie Sanders is deceiving his enthusiastic but younger supporters by overspending in caucus state contests so he can amplify his winning percentage in low voter turnout caucus contest states. Bernie Sanders refuses to admit that overall caucus vote totals can be as much as 75% to 95% lower than if that same state were to hold a primary, and therefore do not fairly reflect the actual will of that state's democrat voters.

Shame on Bernie for misleading his younger supporters who will suddenly feel "Bern'd" once the next set of primaries play out.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Do not be Alarmed if Hillary Clinton loses all three Saturday Caucuses today in Hawaii, Washington and Alaska.

One of the most comical aspects to the 2016 democrat presidential nomination race is Cenk Uygur having apoplectic seizures every time that Bernie Sanders wins a caucus contest. This weekend should put Cenk on Cloud Zenith as he can actually state that Bernie Sanders has won the last five competitions between himself and Hillary Clinton. Won't Cenk won't tell you is those five contests were all caucuses, meaning voter turnout is a lot lower and completely and totally favors Bernie Sanders for two very unrepresentative reasons. Over the last six democrat contests, Hillary Clinton won Arizona, and then Bernie has won the next five caucuses. The popular vote over these las six contests may end up in Hillary's favor!

Bernie Sanders keeps saying if turnout is high, he will win, yet almost all of his wins have been in low voter turnout states that run caucus contests instead of primaries.  Caucus contests create two inter related scenarios that  reduce Hillary Clinton voting by Hillary Clinton supporters. The distance to the caucus contests is vastly greater for most of the voters within a state running a caucus contest then when they run a primary. And then because the distance is greater in between voting locations, remarkably long voting lines form and waiting times of one hour to five hours usually occur.

If you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, odds are you are a millennial or a slightly older "wanna still be" a millennial, and the thought of having a voting adventure that could last anywhere from one hour to six hours is kind of cool because it means hanging out with other Bernie Supporters and rabidly trading the latest tidbit about the newest Hillary "Snowball" Clinton escapade that will surely get her transported to another planet in a first of it's kind Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome scenario that includes shipping Hillary to another planet. And after Sander's supporters have voted in a caucus contest state, they can then accuse Hillary Clinton of causing the long lines in the first place in an effort to stop Sander's supporters from voting even though the reverse reality is true, Caucuses actually thwart Hillary Clinton supporters from voting.

MANY Hillary Clinton Supporters are too busy leading productive lives in which others rely on them, to take up to six hours to vote. That is the number one reason why states that have primary contests, which means many many many locations to vote, much shorter distances to travel to vote, and much shorter lines to vote, almost always produce a Hillary Clinton victory. So buckle your seats and remember that the false flag victories in Saturday's Caucus contests in Alaska, Washington and Hawaii do not fairly reflect the true percentage of support for each candidate but actually inflate Bernie Sander's numbers while deflating Hillary Clinton's numbers. I would suggest looking forward to several big primaries coming up which should put Hillary Clinton within range of locking up the nomination.

The Bernie Sander's plan for winning the nomination is wrought with so many inconsistencies and falsehoods it can get confusing to follow them all. The Sander's plan includes donating no money to any congress people's campaigns, meaning much much less legislative support were he to be elected president, whereas Hillary Clinton has donated over 18 million dollars to help democrat candidates win seats in congress. The Sander's plan includes OVERSPENDING by dramatic margins in caucus contests so he can use low voter turnout to amp up the unrepresentative margin of victory in an effort to create a false sense of a coming wave of support that isn't ever going to be enough against Hillary Clinton in the primaries. 

What I find disappointing about Bernie Sander's plan is it is a plan of trickery, one that continues to raise the hopes of millions of millennials who are led to believe the only way Sanders won't win the democrat nomination is if Hillary Clinton cheats, the popular vote massively favoring Hillary Clinton be damned. Bernie Sander's slash and burn overspend in caucus contest tactics will simply demoralize millions upon millions of Sander's supporters who are being brainwashed by Cenk Uygur and Move on Dot Org into believing that Bernie Sanders is the more popular candiate, when he clearly is not.

And if by some bizarre media ballistics, the false flag of these caucus contests victories are overhyped and actually fool the masses into wanting to be part of an imaginary movement that was actually much smaller then they were led to believe, we would be witness to one of the greatest sleight of hands ever perpetrated upon the american people during an election cycle, and an epic failure in realizing even a modicum of success because of the slash and burn false flags it took to "win".

I'm looking forward to the upcoming primaries and what should be some nice wins by Hillary Clinton, and you can help by making some donations now so that the alleged populist candidate who continues to spend more money for less votes doesn't keep outspending the candidate who has more popular votes than any other presidential candidate in 2016, Hillary Clinton.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Will Somebody, ANYBODY, do a spoof about Caucus Contests and how poorly Hillary Clinton supporters are represented at caucus contests?

It's quite obvious why Hillary Clinton supporters do poorly when it comes to voting in caucus state contests, they have lives to live, real lives. Many Hillary Clinton supporters are moms and dads, small business owners, caregivers, and senior citizens, and they don't have the time to travel much farther distances to vote at a caucus location because caucuses have less overall locations to vote within a state than if that same state were to hold a primary instead.  

And because there are less overall places to vote, not only is the average distance to a caucus greater for most of the voters, the lines are a lot longer as well. While some Bernie Sander's supporters see driving farther distances and waiting hours in line as some kind of revolutionary "rite of passage", Hillary Clinton supporters are like, "I'm outta here", or "I'm not even going to try to vote, I'm too busy making dinner for my grown up jobless kids who will be mighty hungry when they get back from those five hour lines waiting to vote for Bernie Sanders".  

Why can't some comedy show like Saturday Night Live educate America in a comical way about the differences between a caucus contest and a primary contest and how different candidates either get a boost or a bust from caucus contests.

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