Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How Men Get Ahead, How Women get Left Behind, How Barack Obama "won" the 2008 democratic nomination, courtesy of King of Queens.

When I saw the above scene from the King of Queens, Season 6, Episode 7, Affidavit Justice, it just explains so well how men get ahead, how women get left behind, and how Barack Obama won. Just click here to see the scene. You only need to watch the first 80 seconds of this youtube clip, the kitchen table scene until Doug leaves the room, to have it all explained.

Doug is Barack Obama, Arthur is Harry Reid, and Carrie is Hillary Clinton. Doug (Barack Obama) has just discovered he's being considered for an attorney's position (aka president) even though he isn't qualified and does not have a law degree. (ahem)

Carrie (Hillary Clinton) is shocked that Doug can so easily get a position he hasn't earned. Arthur, (Harry Reid), berates Carrie for keeping "the man down". Even after Doug leaves the room, the discussion turns to a misspelling on a family tree search. Gasp.

Friday, March 5, 2010

An open letter from Michael Moore, pointless pontificating puffery.

Michael Moore was a big part of why Hillary Clinton lost Michigan in 2008. To make matters worse, Mr Puffers then put his foot in his mouth and verbally attacked Hillary Clinton because she voted for George Bush's war while Barack Obama merely voted present. How can I ever trust Michael Moore when he supported an unvetted candidate who is stealthily supported by the banks, BIG TIME!

The best thing Michael Moore can do is start the healing within the democratic party by apologizing to Hillary Clinton. I won't print the vapid and insane email that Michael Moore sent out to his readers out of respect to everybody's time. ANYTHING is more valuable than reading the email that Michael Moore sent out.

Are Hillary Clinton 2008 political supporters Walking off the Barack Obama Plank faster than the Barack Obama supporters?

There is an interesting map that shows all of the democrats that are not running for re-election in 2010. Anybody want to take a shot at an article that breaks down how many democrats that are jumping ship supported Barack Obama versus Hillary Clinton in 2008? Click here to go to the map.

I have no idea if there is any correlation or not, but it would be interesting to know one way or the other.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Christian Science Monitor editorial hit job on Credit Card Reform Bill by Polina Vlasenko.

I just lost a ton of respect for the Christian Science Monitor after their editorial hit job on the credit card reform bill appeared on Yahoo. The reverse argument would have been more truthful. Credit card companies rely on indenturing the poor so the poor can never pay off their debt, incur late fees and penalties, and pay higher interest rates that subsidize the free services and lower interest rates that the "good customers" get from the credit card companies.

I question who Polina Vlasenko is and what her credentials are for writing such a hit piece.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pardon the Interruption, Sports Announcer Tony Kornheiser suspended for outrageous on air remarks about Hannah Storm.

Current DailyPUMA article, click here.

If I were offered a job producing a radio show, I'd probably only take the job if there was a ten second delay AND a stun gun hooked up to that very special place where my fellow man's leg tingles. I think it's called the "T spot". Chris Matthews of Misery TV (MSNBC) revealed the T spot's existence.

As Tony Kornheiser was makiing his incredibly hostile remarks about fellow radio sports anchor person Hannah Storm, I would have used the stun gun on Kornheiser's legs until both of his legs stopped tingling, at which point I would have handed the stun gun remote control to Hannah Storm for her own one on one interview with Tony Kornheiser. Click here if you want to read the article.

Hannah Storm had to put up with the same kind of BS back during the 1995 World Series from Cleveland Indians star Albert Belle. 15 years later and nothing has changed, Hannah Storm has to hear the same kind of crap, 15 years later! At least Tony Kornheiser got suspended for two weeks. Maybe he should be suspendered when he gets back as well.

John McCain wanted to suspend his 2008 campaign to focus on the bank bailout bill, Barack Obama and MSNBC accused McCain of being afraid to Debate!

I still find this one of the daffiest moments from the 2008 presidential election. There is a huge bankster bailout bill proposal and John McCain is like, time out, we have to focus on this. This is more important than the presidential debate.

Barack Obama and MSNBC's response is to ridicule John McCain incessantly as they accuse McCain of not being able to both prepare for a debate and be involved in the bankster bailout bill at the same time.

I guess Barack Obama had already prepared new speeches to deliver during that debate and something as trivial as a bankster bailout bill was not going to get in the way. Keith Olbermann really layed into McCain over this issue as well.

What was it Hillary Clinton said about Barack Obama having a speech from 2004....?

Barack Obama was in favor of not maximizing the focus on the bankster bailout bill because he had a debate to attend. Does anybody see the irony in that?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daily PUMA is asking other PUMAs, who qualifies as being over the top angry, hostile and obnoxious towards the Clintons?

Daily PUMA would like to add to the "Ben Smith is evil" section of DailyPUMA. It would be useful to inform all Daily PUMA visitors about the perpetual Clinton Bashing that exists out there. When the Keith Olbermann's of the world denies his own trashing of Hillary Clinton, Daily PUMA can help ensure that many many more people will know just how full of it the Clinton hater pundits are and they might even decide to respond.

In all likelihood we have all found a repeat offender who seems to always be blasting Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton and we wrongly assume that all other PUMA's already know about that writer as well. Lets make a list and in doing so we can check out those writers more easily and be ready to respond either in the comments section or via our own blog articles.

Please don't be shy about naming names in the comments section. Thanks!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is Barack Obama leading our country towards a civil uprising with his inability to make any progress regarding home foreclosures?

(Edit update Feb. 20, 2010) This article was found at Mountain Sage. Then, in the comments section, there was a response that provided a link to what Barack Obama is trying to do about the situation. This link to the president's proposal is eerily similar to what I am suggesting in my article below and although the president's press release actually was released a couple of hours before the article I have written below was first released, I never saw the link above until well after I had written my article below).


A couple of weeks ago, a homeowner bulldozed his own home when the bank wanted to foreclose on it even though he may have had as much as 200,000 dollars of equity established in the home. The homeowner found someone to pay what was owed to the bank but the bank said no, they could make more money by foreclosing.

If the bank foreclosed, the homeowner would probably lose his 200,000 dollars of equity.

In both instances, the government backed institutions seemed to be doing things by the book. Can I suggest that the government quickly change the book?

This is what concerns me about Barack Obama. He roars like a lion and then backpedals in situations that are crucial to main street's survival.




I can understand the difficulty of legislating to help homeowners who owe more than their home is worth, but to then allow banks to go after homeowners that have some equity built up in their home and just take the home is outrageous and goes to a disturbing pattern concerning Barack Obama's administration.

Barack Obama seems to want to tackle entire problems head on, but then is not able to come up with anything that would at least begin to partially solve the problem, and americans are suffering as a result.

The Irrelevance of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren.

Thankfully I missed the Tiger Woods Press conference earlier today. As I write this I have no idea what Tiger Woods said at the Press Conference, and I'm not interested.

When I analyzed what lifestyle options Tiger Woods could have taken that would not have caused such an uproar, I realized Tiger Woods was screwed no matter what he did. When I analyze what lifestyle options Elin Nordegren could have taken, I question her decision to choose to marry Tiger Woods.

If Tiger Woods had decided to not get married he would have been in a virtual sports and entertainment news gossip spotlight crossover hell as possibly the most eligible business man sport celebrity bachelor on the planet. As such, Tiger could have literally multiplied all the advances he has gotten as a married man by a hundred if he had remained single rather than married.

The problem someone like Tiger Woods faces is no matter what he did or does it will create huge scrutiny. If Tiger had remained unmarried and completely square in his romantic life, he would probably be ridiculed by the media, accused of being secretly gay, (not that there's anything wrong with that), or constantly be the subject of matchmaking rumors and someone who was constantly breaking his lovers' hearts and moving on.

If Tiger was a single, club hopping dude who broke women's hearts (aka one night stands) it would have fueled even more romantic advances as women viewed Tiger as a trophy husband they planned on landing!

I think Tiger did us all a favor by getting married and sparing us the agony of over zealous media attention about his personal life.
I am grateful that a married Tiger Woods spared us years of pointless stories about Tiger's love life.
This brings us to Elin Nordegen. Do you think Tiger was the only one who seriously wooed Elin? Isn't it possible that Elin had to know that the higher up the food chain she picked her mate, the more likely her spouse was going to be "in demand" and prone to giving into temptation?

What if we found out that there were perfectly honorable, attractive, wealthy men who had wooed Elin but Elin rejected them all because she pretended Tiger was all those things, and wealthier? Has even ONE SECOND of media time been devoted to the stand up guy that Elin REJECTED so she could have the number one "prize" on the planet?

Maybe Elin had everything she ever wanted elsewhere, but chose Tiger for the excitement, additional fame and obscene wealth Tiger would provide her.
If Tiger and Elin had been serious about their marriage, Elin would have traveled with Tiger to each and every venue he competed in, even if it meant towing the kids along.
I do have empathy that Elin could contract some type of communicable disease because of Tiger's adventures. Other than the communicable disease aspect, I have no additional empathy for Elin because Elin probably rejected a stand up, attractive wealthy man who WOULD NOT have cheated on her prior to marrying Tiger Woods.

Instead, Elin chose to go for the Gold. Elin's personal outrage that led to possibly physically assaulting Tiger opened the media floodgates to all the type of news reports about Tiger's love life that we thankfully were not exposed to for so many years.
Elin held all the cards when she found about Tiger's affairs and she never once considered all the garbage that would be spewed into the media if she handled the situation incorrectly.
As a result of Elin's over blown self importance we have all been exposed to the Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren non story, which has taken away attention from real issues, like the 10,000 homeowners that are foreclosed upon each and every day in the United States.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


This is the kind of story Cleveland Amory could have lit into and brought to life as a book, and then it could have been turned into a charming movie. A cat would cross the street everyday and take the same bus route around town. The cat would then be let off in front of her own home on the return trip by the bus driver.

Some times the other riders would ring the bell so the driver would stop. The cat would mainly curl up on one of the bus seats and sleep.

The cat's guardian had no idea until one day when the guardian got on the bus and the cat followed her. The bus driver explained to her that the cat did this on a regular basis. Click here to see the original story.

Apparently after the cats demise the riders of the bus line have had heavy hearts. I found this story when the editor of Pet Press magazine happened to be at the post office at the same time as I was and handed me her last copy of the monthly magazine. Click her to learn more about Pet Press.

THE U.S. Supreme Court Got it Wrong regarding corporate donations to political campaigns.


I am in the 75-80 plus percent across the board majority that think the supreme court got the corporate political donor ruling wrong. However, I also can see the supreme court's view, split as it was 5-4 along conservative and liberal lines, as making a modicum of sense as well.

If I had a really big company and huge responsibilities to provide a product or service which in turn kept a lot of people employed, I would want the option to periodically plead my case with politicians so that they don't enact legislation that could put me out of business or cause me to lay off employees.

Is there a magical solution that keeps corporations from exerting too much political influence without taking away some ability to "lobby" their position? I enjoy problem solving but this one scenario I can't figure out. My heart tells me the supreme court was wrong in their verdict but my head tells me that the alternative would have just weakened american businesses even more.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Attention conservatives, republicans, tea party practitioners and independents, Hillary Clinton is not a progressive. Hillary Clinton cannot be pigeon holed into one specific political profile, that may be why PUMA's like her so much.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daily PUMA is making it easier to track many important blogs at the same time.

The Daily PUMA page format is crammed with PUMA blogs, plus some environmental, key economic and banking blogs, plus several blogs by independent women as well. I am constantly discovering new, important stories that I might otherwise miss if I didn't regularly check in to Daily PUMA.

What makes DailyPUMA useful to many is that not only can one check the latest stories from literally a hundred different blogs, but DailyPUMA is auto updating all the blogs as well, so if you check back a few hours later, the newest stories are on the top of the right two columns.

DailyPUMA makes it easier to keep in touch with a blog that may be temporarily not writing new material. A blog may go two weeks without a new post, but the moment they post a new article, it should appear at the top of a DailyPUMA column within an hour.

For those who take a moment to check the left side of the blog, besides important links at the top of the left column, there are several dozen blogs lower on the left column page that cover the full political spectrum.

The "PUMA movement" started over how Hillary Clinton was mistreated by her own party in the 2008 presidential elections. However, the PUMA movement has now grown into separate groups that realize it is important to question the mainstream media on a regular basis while still supporting Hillary Clinton.

The center column features new columns every day or two. DailyPUMA gives out many more hits than it receives and is happy to assist in increasing hits for the blogs that appear on here. Hopefully you will see the time saving value that all blogs that are found on DailyPUMA contribute to you as you access their articles in a quick manner.

Daily PUMA is free. If over time you come to have a favorite blog or two that appears on Daily PUMA, donations directly to the blog you want to contribute to may go a long way in ensuring that particular blog continues to operate. Bloggers may put hundreds of hours into their blogs every year, and a little bit can go a long way.

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