I am a proponent of taking smaller steps before bigger steps. I was shocked by this CBS news video that revealed how some states have only one nurse available for over 3,000 students spanning across several schools, one nurse!
How about the present administration prop up the public school nurse program to the federally mandated one nurse per 750 students, first, before taking on bigger issues like healthcare reform. This is what I find problematic with the Barack Obama administration, they ignore the small stuff, attempt to tackle the big stuff, do behind the scene deals to make the big stuff happen, but the result is usually a watered down version of the original concept.
Meanwhile the real stuff, like having a school nurse in every school, or STOPPING CHASE BANK from raising monthly minimum payments on a MILLION of THEIR BEST CUSTOMERS by 150%, the customers who are never late with their payments and ARE faithfully paying down credit card debt, go unresolved by Barack Obama's "team of rivals".