Click here to go to current DailyPUMA article.
Click here for New York Times Article about the freezing of PUMA blogs in 2008.
Click here for New York Times Article about the freezing of PUMA blogs in 2008.

When PUMA blogs were being mysteriously shut down in the summer of 2008, I was able to identify the identical IP number on three of my sites within a minute before each blog was shut down. Not only were three of my blogs shut down, they were shut down within a couple of minutes of each other. It was as if someone simply went from blog to blog to blog of mine "reporting" them.
Fortunately for me, I had a way to identify the last IP number that appeared on my three blogs that were shut down. The IP number was identical on all three blogs! Clearly, the same entity shut down all three of my blogs.
I was able to identify the IP number as belonging to Masergy Communications. If anybody is interested, the one name that stands out to me is Tim Naramore, who just so happens to be chief technology officer and also used to work for McLeod USA. McLeod also had a PAC and as one studies the web of interconnections there just might be some funny business going on.
You can immerse yourself in finding connections and what not at Muckety dot com. Unfortunately, neither Naramore or Masergy comes up at Muckety dot com, however, McLeod USA Incorporated formerly employed four of the first five names on the Masergy communcations link provided above.
If you want to learn how to use Muckety dot com, you might as well practice with McLeod USA incorporated, and start your map. There is a retractable tool bar located on the left side of the screen. Click on that and tools come out. Highlight McLeod USA and then click on "expand" from the tool bar, and connections start connecting. Pretty cool actually.
I just find it odd that Masergy is not listed in the muckety dot com data base. I consider the disabling of three of my blogs so quickly, one after the other back in the summer of 2008, by the identical IP that links back to Masergy, as being a political attack and one that deserves investigating.
To be fair, I emailed Masergy twice asking what was going on back then, and never heard back.
As for creating your own muckety dot com map, once created, it appears you can actually bookmark it, or at the very least, copy and save it for future reference.