Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Friday, February 16, 2024

Collusion between Nancy Pelosi and the FBI during Trump's Presidency MUST be immediately investigated.

The recent FBI Biden Document Hoarding report opens a new Discovery clock to investigate collusion between FBI and Nancy Pelosi to unlawfully protect Joe Biden prior to the 2020 Election, while also undermining Trump's Presidential Authority to investigate Ukraine. 

An investigation into Pelosi / FBI collusion would supercede charges Trump is facing since Trump was under illegal duress during his Presidency, and had the right to do whatever was necessary to fight back against illegal actions that directly undermined and quashed his Presidential authority. 

The Trump sound bites we hear all the time are missing the Pelosi / FBI collusion aspect. When Trump says, "I had the right to do whatever was necessary" (aka total immunity), it rings flat. BUT, when we add Pelosi and FBI collusion to Trump's statement, "I had the right to do whatever was necessary because of collusion by Pelosi and the FBI that undermined and quashed my Presidential Authority", Trump sounds completely logical and correct.


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