Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The FBI's Misogynistic treatment of Hillary Clinton.

The FIB, er FBI seems comfortable letting out all kinds of classified secrets in publicly rebuking Hillary Clinton.

Actually naming the amount of classified documents sent on an unsecured server, are you fucking kidding me. It's as if Mr. Comey keeps sending out hints to hackers worldwide for them to keep looking until they find this exact number of classified emails etc. etc.

Why give any hints out regarding how many allegedly classified emails were sent on an unsecure server? FBI director James Comey needs to shut the fuck up. 

Apparently Mr. Comey answers to nobody, that is what I find galling. Once again Hillary Clinton is put in the position of, if she doesn't answer questions over the past year, she is hiding something, if she does answer questions and isn't 100% accurate, she is then of course willfully lying? Nobody in the media should have asked her anything until the investigation was done, because it's an investigation.

If Hillary Clinton had admitted to possibly sending out classified emails on a non secure server, she would be guilty of the same idiocy that James Comey has shown in detailing top secret information and trumpeting it to the world in specific numbers.

Mr. Comey needs to be put on the hot seat for blurting out information that should never have been blurted out, but there is nobody out there to do it.

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Bob Harrison said...

Valid point. Never occurred to me that the number of emails itself is classified so there are a whole bunch of people passing around classified information.

Alessandro Machi said...

Apparently an Iranian scientist has just been executed and the same idiot republican politicians who keep keeping the emails in the public eye are the reason for searching for emails. Who lets out classified secret mistakes, and calls them a mistake? James Comey does and it is the height of idiocy. Although Donald Trump asking hackers to find the emails is probably even more treasonous.

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