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Clinton Foundation
This is the kind of Health Care that is Beneath Barack Obama.
With apologizes to the filmmaker for politicizing his film, but NOBODY vetted Barack Obama after Barack Obama politicized his own mother's cancer for his own political gain during the 2008 democratic race, and then again in the presidential debates.
Did Barack Obama tend to his own mother in any personal way during her last couple of years of life, when she was dying of cancer in Hawaii?
Or, did Barack Obama CHOOSE to fly over Hawaii, where his mother was dying of cancer, so he could go to Bali to finish writing his book about his sperm donor father?
If I am wrong, or can be proven wrong about my concern, then I will stand corrected. But until then, the timeline I have been able to put together shows that Barack Obama chose to finish writing his book instead of being with his mother.
Sanders and Clinton combined easily outdistance the Republican party fundraising efforts, Sanders and Clinton separated finish 2 and 3 behind the Republican party and allow the Republican party bragging rights to donation momentum which they actually don't have, but will develop the longer Bernie Gadfly Sanders does his thing.
This latest foray into Clinton Derangement Syndrome comes courtesy of "Source Fed" and Matthew Lieberman. Matthew Lieberman appears to be the latest strain of Sanders Disciple who wants to calmly explain to his audience how evil the people around Hillary Clinton are for possibly squashing Hillary Clinton cri and Hillary Clinton ind google searches. At the very least, an investigation is needed, Lieberman surmises.
Lieberman is not directly accusing Hillary Clinton of doing something wrong, but SOMEBODY probably did something unethical on her behalf whether she knew about it or not. Or, as I call it, the Derangement of Matthew Lieberman of Source Fed regarding Hillary Clinton is in full force.
First off, why are people searching for Hillary Clinton cri? Why are people searching for Hillary Clinton ind? The answer is there are significant amounts of unobjective, non-professional, anti Hillary Clinton videos on youtube, and youtube is owned by Google.
If Google has tempered phrases like Hillary Clinton cri, or Hillary Clinton ind, its only after their bastard child youtube channel has ENFLAMED curiosity by broadcasting unobjective, completely hostile and void of legal clearances for use of video footage that features unauthorized use of Hillary Clinton images that then pop up on youtube ANYTIME ANY search for Hillary Clinton is done on youtube.
Mr. Lieberman has simply line jumped his google criteria issue by never asking first, should youtube and the unobjective, many times slanderous, unprofessional videos about Hillary Clinton be allowed to then skew future search results? In essence, the trash videos create more hits to the very same entities that are not following all the rules and using agendas other than truth for making their videos.
Not only has Matthew Lieberman line-jumped his complaint without seeing what came before that could have caused google to limit cri and ind to not give the result HE WANTS TO SEE, Lieberman did not do any tests to see if Hillary Clinton's ACHIEVEMENT'S are being fairly represented by Google.
So I have done what the allegedly fair and unbiased Matthew Lieberman could not do, I did a test using Hillary Clinton's 20 times being voted Woman of the Year. I started by typing in Hillary Clinton Wom, Google did not suggest Woman of the Year. Here is what Google suggested.
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woma
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman, and Hillary Clinton woman card and woman card meme came up, but no Hillary Clinton Woman of the Year.
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of the
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of the Y
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of the Ye
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of the Yea
And then I tried Hillary Clinton Woman of the Year
and nothing still came up about Hillary Clinton being voted Woman of the Year 20 times. Google filled in with "Year of the Woman Trap", but nothing about Hillary Clinton being voted Woman of the Year 20 times, including 14 times in a row.
You can watch below Matt Lieberman postulate about the possibility that a Hillary Clinton advisor or advisors possibly diverted incomplete search words from leading to hints, yet Mr. Lieberman never once considers the possiblity that google tends to not base their searches on non professional, unobjective, probably sexist media viewpoints, which seems to beguile Mr. Lieberman no end.
Is Matthew Lieberman upset because politically and sexist based assaults against Hillary Clinton's character can't in the easiest and fastest method possible be exculpated so he can inhale the bile and venom against Hillary Clinton to a much faster broil? Perhaps the most disturbing of all, Matthew Lieberman seems to be devoid of any concern that Hillary Clinton's achievements such as Hillary Clinton being voted Woman of the Year 20 times and 14 times in as row are not being recognized by Google Search while he remains 100% concerned that every last Hillary Clinton accusation foisted by unobjective non-professionals is not fully scoped out in the fastest manner possible for his consumption. In 2009 I broke a story on The story was never picked up by anyone in the media and did not make it onto google search engine because even though it was a huge breaking story, I am not a recognized member of the media. Mr. Lieberman apparently does not understand that aspect of google searches.
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DailyPUMA would like to see Hillary Clinton take an edgy chance and interview New Gingrich for her possible Vice Presidential running mate.
There are reasons going back to the 90's as to why Newt Gingrich might make a surprisingly good, combative but interactive V.P. for Hillary Clinton. The Barack Obama league of rivals that Barack Obama assembled for his inner circle probably featured too many Wall Street people on one side and too many progressives on the other who were systematically shot down by the conservative media who effectively took the progressive's most controversial statements to create malfeasance towards them.
What I like most about New Gingrich right now as Hillary Clinton's running mate is how he deftly held his ground against Donald Trump (who was considering Mr. Gingrich as his own running mate while simultaneously verbally assaulting the judge who was handling the Trump University case) and said it was racist to use a judge's ethnic background to create a public consensus against that judge.
Most politicians who were being considered as a V.P. would have kept their mouths shut if their prospective presidential running mate did something that universally is being perceived as bullheaded and wrong by Mr. Trump. Newt Gingrich spoken openly and publicly about Mr. Trump's anti judge actions right at the time when Donald Trump was considering Newt Gingrich for his V.P., DailyPUMA rates that a giant wow.
Newt was one of the few Republicans back in the 90's who ABSTAINED from the Clinton witchhunt of the late 90's. Newt had the good sense to let witchhunt go because he apparently had had an affair with an intern and felt it would be hypocritical to go after a president when he himself had done similar things. And if you don't think that is a big deal, there were rumors that as many as HALF of the original 12 republicans who started their witch hunt of Bill Clinton were all having affairs and it was only when 2 of them were publicly outed that they recused themselves.
Newt was the reason Bill Clinton grew and became tougher as president as the Newt led contract with America attempted to thwart Bill Clinton's power. There is even an allegation that Newt tried to punish Bill Clinton with a budget discussion freeze because Newt had to leave Air Force one through the back door rather than the front door where he would have had a moment to talk to Bill Clinton after a trip back from the Mideast. It doesn't sound like much, but apparently that can be construed as a huge slight and Newt took it badly. Fortunately, Bill Clinton did not give in and their feisty relationship seemed to make them both better politicians.
Imagine all the ongoing banter about Hillary Clinton and the accusations that she is doing "things" in secret suddenly being eviscerated before they start because she had the guts to pick a republican for her V.P.
Should something ever happen and Newt temporarily was president, maybe language could created ahead of time in which Bill Clinton would become the new V.P.
I think its time to pull the rug out from all the lunatics out there with Clinton Derangement Syndrome, and the way to do that may be to at the very least, interview Newt Gingrich for Vice President. Be bold, be unpredicatable, and if being bold and unpredictable also shuts up those with Clinton Derangement Syndrome, all the better.
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There is no way fanatical Sanders voters were not going to vote for Bernie Sanders in the California primary just because the AP announced the night before the California Primary that Hillary Clinton had reached presumptive democrat nominee status. Hillary Clinton's knockout wins in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico over the weekend prior to the California primary created the presumptive nominee.
The reality is there was more of a possibility that Hillary Clinton voters would not bother to vote since the announcement had already been made that Hillary Clinton had already presumptively won the nomination. Time and time again in the 2016 democrat primary, Bernie Sanders would gamble and spend more time and money in caucus contest states that feature 90% lower voter turnouts than primaries, making it easier for Sanders to jack up lopsided, non representative victories in caucus contests to re-ignite his candidacy and his fundraising. This time Bernie gambled by staying in California for almost an entire 3 week stretch while not paying enough attention to the other contests, and the result was Mr. Sander's was "gotcha'd" by the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico contests. Voter suppression is just one more excuse for the Sanders fanatics to give so that they can believe Sanders receiving 3.5 million less votes than Hillary Clinton is no reason to accept defeat.
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Bernie Sanders promised to reveal his May fundraising totals on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, also known as the day after the California Primary. As of 1:47 pm Eastern Standard time, no May fundraising announcement has been made. However, I did find this on Yahoo.While the article states the total for both candidates through May of 2016, it does not state what the May total was for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
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If you are a Bernie Sanders supporter about to vote in California, ask yourself why you don't think it matters that Hillary Clinton has been voted Woman of the Year twenty times, including 14 in a row. If a man had won Man of the Year lets say 10 times, and five in a row, would anyone be questioning their integrity the way many progressives and neo cons have of Hillary Clinton? Obviously not.
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Google had decided to not post their own results and graphs of the 2016 Virgin Island Democrat Caucus results and the 2016 Puerto Rico Democrat Primary Results.
Why Google, Why?
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This youtube video creates a gay / progressive fantasy world in which the Clinton's were the reason gay marriage didn't happen sooner. It is this type of demagoguery among the intellectual progressive gay elite that drives many moderate democrats, nuts.
What NPR host Terry Gross fails to grasp is that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was the critical first step that eventually led to gay marriage. Instead of thanking the Clintons for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", many gay elitists condemn "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". How can one deal with such elitist contempt among the progressive gay activist movement? They have screwed up history as they rewrite it.
When will gay activists take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for never putting forth the best, most logical argument for gay marriage, "What is the difference between a gay marriage and a heterosexual marriage in which no children are procreated?" The answer is there is no real difference. So if the country allows heterosexual marriages among heterosexuals who either can't or won't have children, then they would need to give those same rights to gay marriages. This first gay marriage step could have been realized a decade before gay marriages were legalized, well before the plodding and confrontational manner in which the gay movement moved forward on gay marriage.
But in the gay activist world, they are always right, and the rest of society will never catch up to their keen insight, and so the Clintons are naturally on their radar in a hostile manner when "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" actually laid the foundation for Gay Marriage to materialize.
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DailyPUMA finds it hypocritical for Bernie Sanders to be a man of the people and be for transparency, and then change course and hide information because it doesn't serve his purpose. Bernie Sanders won't reveal his May fundraising numbers until after June 7, 2016. Isn't transparency what Sanders is fighting for?
California has turned into one strange contest. Hillary Clinton, allegedly full of money at 40 million dollars after a healthy May of fundraising, is spending less money than Bernie Sanders is on commercial advertising in California, even though Bernie Sanders is apparently running on financial fumes.
As DailyPUMA stated in the previous article, not spending money that was donated by the common folk who sacrificed to give that money, and depriving those Hillary Clinton supporters of the satisfaction of a very solid win in California will be disappointing if that is what ultimately happens.
Apparently it is possible that Bernie is ahead in the polls by one point, but not ahead amongst people who are actually going to vote on June 7. That's a new twist being put out by the media.
Either way, DailyPUMA sure wishes Hillary Clinton would release an AUTHENTIC California commercial, featuring Californians, before June 7.
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Over the past several months Hillary Clinton followers have been reminded via email that Bernie Sanders supporters were donating more money than Hillary Clinton supporters. Finally in May, Hillary Clinton apparently has out raised Bernie Sanders and the result is Hillary Clinton now has around 40 million dollars saved up whereas Bernie Sanders is apparently running on fumes.
Yet Hillary Clinton is being outspent by Bernie Sanders in California. As a Hillary Clinton supporter I am a bit disappointed that Hillary Clinton is ok with being outspent on commercial time in California and possibly either losing California to Bernie Sanders, or barely winning the state.
At some point, one would think Hillary Clinton would want to make her supporters happy, and making Hillary Clinton supporters happy would entail significantly outspending Bernie Sanders in California on ad buys AND campaigning in California with the express purpose of beating Bernie Sanders in California by a significant margin.
Otherwise, Hillary Clinton will expose her supporters to several months of unnecessary banter by Sanders supporters who will point to how Bernie had all the momentum over the final TWO months of the 2016 democrat race.
What matters more, having 42 million dollars saved up and either losing or having a very close race in California against Bernie Sanders, or having 39 million dollars saved up and winning by a nice, significant margin in California.
I have yet to see a Hillary Clinton commercial shown in California that was obviously shot in California about California and its people. California is something like the world's 7th or 8th largest economy, contains 12.5% of the U.S. population and 40% of the Gross Domestic Product, only Alaska and Texas are bigger size wise, and neither of those states offer the Mediterranean climate that California offers. Tell us how great we are Hillary, and spend some money in our state telling us how great we are.
Does Hillary Clinton think California is not worth fighting for now because its probably a slam dunk win for the democrats in the fall presidential race? That's all the more reason why Hillary Clinton should spend more money NOW, because she really won't have to spend that much in California for the Presidential election in November.
If Hillary Clinton values not spending money her POORER supporters have given her, in a way that sends a clear and powerful message that Bernie Sanders DID NOT have the momentum on June 7, 2016 and going forward, then maybe some of her POORER supporters may think twice about future donations.
"She didn't spend the money when she had it, why does she need more now?" Hillary Clinton needs to start thinking more about her supporters and less about Donald Trump.
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Poor Rachel Maddow, salivating for an ultra progressive candidate, yet having to "settle" for Hillary Clinton. Maddow lambasts the latest Hillary Clinton ad, a very funny, REAL, ad.
I'll explain it for the progressives out there who think they get it, and don't. Two guys have been going around to all the non Sanders candidates events and getting in the background or even next to the other candidates to ridicule them in one way or another.
In the case of Hillary Clinton, they previously wore shirts that said they would "settle" for Hillary Clinton. A mendacious insult if ever there was one. This time around, the Clinton people CAUGHT THEM and said they had to leave, or they could stay if they took off their shirts.
So the joke is CLEARLY ON THESE TWO DOOFUSSES WHO STAYED at the Clinton rally, shirtless. They were then featured in the Hillary Clinton Instagram ad, and the ad is funny. But Rachel Maddow, who is just so much smarter than the rest of us she barely has time to interact with us commoners when she could be having more meaningful conversations with herself, just keeps repeating how obtuse the Clinton campaign is for not getting it, and she repeats it over and over and over and over again. Got Dementia, Rachel?
Um, the Clinton people get it Rachel. They totally get it, and they made fun of these guys in a nice way, and Hillary Clinton came up with some nice, off the cuff moments. All of it went right over Maddow's head. It's embarrassing to watch her wax on and on and on, as if she's in on the joke, when she has become part of the joke for not getting it.
And once again, Clinton Derangement Syndrome at work. Now the Clinton campaign can't come up with anything clever unless a Progressive like Rachel Maddow approves of it. I hear one of Bernie Sanders demands is that all future Hillary Clinton commercials must have an "approved by a progressive" lead in or they can't be aired. (Whisper aside to Rachel Maddow, that was a joke).
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What Donald Trump might say about Bernie Sanders after Bernie was seen rejoicing over the Golden State Warriors comeback conference championship series win against The Oklahoma Thunder.
"Can you believe this Sanders guy. The state of Oklahoma votes for him over Hillary Clinton, and he returns the favor by rejoicing when Golden State beats Oklahoma in the NBA conference finals. A back stabbing Socialist Peacnik celebrating the WARRIORS victory." "Nobody can twist the knife like Bernie can, I may have to hire him to help take out ISIS when I'm president."
"If Bernie is calling his chance for victory in California a comeback victory like the Warriors over Oklahoma, then clearly a California comeback is in play for the Republicans as well. Thank you Bernie for pointing that out."
"What's next Bernie, you just broke the collective hearts of the state of Oklahoma by cheering Golden State's victory over them, what about the state of Ohio, as in the Cleveland Cavaliers? Are you still rooting for Golden State to be beat Cleveland in the Finals? Oh, wait, Golden State will probably be the favorite, so does that mean you will switch your alliances AGAIN and root for the underdog Cleveland Cavaliers?"
The anchor calls Bernie Sanders attending Golden State's game seven playoff aligning himself with Golden State's comeback "political pandering", the exact phrase DailyPUMA used in a recent article. Bernie "anti-fracking" Sanders continues to run a Slash and Bern race and in one news clip has actually given the Republicans fuel to use in three states, California and Ohio represent a total of 73 electoral college votes.
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I've created a Credit Card Product that can reverse the record setting 1.1 trillion dollars in consumer credit card debt at record high interest rates. Saving So Help Me Todd is my present passion, as is helping unfairly Banned by Linkedin Members get back on LinkedIn. Past passions have included winning a Los Angeles Emmy and also an Internship Scholarship from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences; Creating the "Legalize Los Angeles Home Based Business Video" that was viewed by City Council staff before LA City council voted 12-1 to pass legalizing Los Angeles Home Based Businesses in 1997; and having an incredibly low budgeted Opera Video win a Los Angeles Emmy that was featured in a successful campaign to approve a 75 million Education bill for the Santa Monica area.
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Are you really going to give this guy your money?
Wait to see Moore's new movie "Capitalism", until you can see it for free. Click Image to see entire "disgusting article" - Warning, goes to Huffington Post.
I just found the review below of Barack Obama's first book.
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Maybe Barack and George are Related ???