Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Joe Biden's "Hillary Clinton late to the Income Inequality fight" comment is Incomprehensible.

When Joe Biden says Hillary Clinton is "late to the Income Inequality fight", That's Joe being Joe. 

HIllary Clinton lost the 2008 democrat nomination to Barack Obama specifically because she was not going to cowtow to Wall Street and their home mortgage gambling shenanigans. 

Hillary Clinton had already proposed a 90 day moratorium on all home foreclosures until a solution could be worked out. President Obama's mortgage solution included Parallel Foreclosure in which any homeowner requesting any type of mortgage restructuring would also have foreclosure proceedings commence by the same bank that was allegedly helping to restructure the home mortgage. Parallel Foreclosure is why many homeowners were asked to keep resubmitting the same paperwork over and over by the bank allegedly helping them to avoid foreclosure so the banks could buy time until the foreclosure action was consummated. 

Agreeing to a Parallel Foreclosure policy was the price of the Democrat nomination in 2008 and Hillary Clinton did not go along with that deal, Barack Obama did. So for Mr. Biden to now say that Hillary Clinton is "late to the game" regarding income equality is "Joe being Joe" and displays an insane level of obtuseness on the part of Joe Biden.

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Bob Harrison said...

Thank you for keeping our memories refreshed!

Alessandro Machi said...

lol, you are welcome Mr. Harrison. The Parallel Foreclosure issue was never brought to light but I investigated it if Mr. Obama is going to help Hillary Clinton then I don't necessarily want to mention it over and over. But when Biden and Sander's fanatics make their crazy claims, then I have to bring out the Trump card (lol) and remind whomever will listen about parallel foreclosure since it most likely affected over a million homeowners back in 2009 through 2011.

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