Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Bank of America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bank of America. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2009

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » THE REAL WORLD - Bank of America Cuts Credit Line of Viable Business Overnight.

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » THE REAL WORLD

Click above to read how Bank of America almost took a fine, upstanding company and put them out of business by summarily dropping their credit line from 100,000 to 10,000 dollars overnight! This afflicted company has two quarters a year where it does really well, and two quarters where they are slow.

Of course Bank of America cut them during their slow time and almost put them out of business, but they did manage to survive the sneak attack by B of A.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why does Barack Obama have to "Lean on" Credit Card Companies at all, and when will he enlist an outside the White House "team of rivals"?

Barack Obama is supposedly set to lean on Credit Card Companies for their recent hostile and aggressive tactics against the consumer. Here is what I don't get. Barack Obama campaigned last year that he would bring in line the Credit Card companies. Barack Obama seems to have a good relationship with these credit card companies.

Why would the credit card companies disrespect Barack Obama and force his hand? Is it so Barack Obama can swoop in at his April 23, 2009 White House meeting and look like he is saving us? Barack Obama should be less concerned about looking good and instead "punish" the credit card companies for making him, aka Barack Obama, look bad to his constituents.

Barack Obama should hire a team of outside the white house rivals to really shake things up. Yes, Ralph Nader should be part of that team, along with others who are known for fighting for the consumer. If not now at the White House meeting scheduled for April 23, 2009 with the credit card industry, then when?

Monday, April 20, 2009


Change in Terms.com is reporting that the white house has planned a credit card company get together at the white house this April 23, 2009.

Apparently all the big players will be represented, Chase, Citibank, Capital One, Bank of America, American Express and so on.

Will Ralph Nader be at the APRIL 23, 2009 White House meeting with the credit card industry?

Or, will this meeting on April 23, 2009 be to spin recent Banking Industry quarterly reports into some kind of fantasy that all is well?

If the White House meeting on April 23, 2009 with credit card industry personnel does not include consumer advocates, also known as an outsider "team of rivals", then what is the point of the meeting?

This may actually be Barack Obama's first real test in office. Is Barack Obama willing to partner with actual consumer gadflies when he has his Credit Card Meeting at the White House on April 23, 2009 with the suits that represent the credit card industry?

If you want to read about a solid idea that would help the consumer, the economy and the credit card companies, check out
Credit-Card-Cap.com (page-3 Solutions)

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