Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Monday, October 14, 2019

Media falsifies Headline claiming Trump was wrong about raking the forests, yet the quote from the article describes Raking the Forest to prevent Forest Fires!

This is just stunning.

Here is the quote from the scientist...""According to him, (the Finnish Scientist) Finland actually prevent fires through forest thinning — where dead natural material is removed — and through early warning aerial surveillance systems, where local aviation clubs are paid to fly over forests to spot fires before they get out of control".

What do you think raking the forest is? It's preventing fires through forest thinning, where dead natural material is removed.

California wildfires that spread like wildfire usually are caused by high winds. And this "scientist" is claiming early warning aerial surveillance clubs are paid to fly over forests to spot fires before they get out of control.

If California does not clear out the dead natural material, then sparking power lines and power transformers need mere minutes to start fires that will take days to put out. This article did nothing to prove Trump was wrong other than a false headline.

Some days I think Trump has done a lot of wrong things, then other days, I realize the Progressive FAKE media is even worse for not giving Trump credit for anything he says or does, even when he is 100% right.

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