Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton with 125,000 more votes and 18 more delegates than Bernie Sanders from 2016 Mississippi and Michigan Primaries.

It must be easy for Bernie Sanders to just give up on states he can't win, like Mississippi, and not even visit Mississippi, and instead outspend Hillary Clinton by massive amounts in Michigan for a very narrow victory, losing the night by over 125,000 total voters and 18 delegates while declaring victory.

But if Hillary Clinton had done the same thing, completely ignoring Mississippi and focusing entirely on Michigan, she might have made up a very minor 2% differential. Instead, Hillary Clinton put in the work in multiple states and came up with 125,000 more votes than Bernie Sanders and 18 more delegates. Hillary Clinton put in the hard work and won the night.

While Bernie Sander's younger, supposedly more environmentally aware supporters vigorously support Sander's slash and burn approach, (how ironic is that!) Hillary Clinton put in the hard work and respected both states came away with 18 more delegates and 125,000 more popular votes.

Now lets hear Bernie Sander's supporters whoop it up for winning the night, when they didn't.

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Monday, March 7, 2016

Cenk Uygur's Apoplectic yet Nonsensical Rant about Bernie Sanders being a stronger candidate than Hillary Clinton.

I'm not even going to bother linking to Cenk's Uygur's latest fit of Rage against Common Sense thinking. To sum it all up, Cenk cites polls that show Bernie Sander's polling higher than Hillary Clinton against Republican candidates and how could all the democrat oldsters be so stupid as to not see it.

Cenk's eyes bulge out as he gestures wildly and one wonders if he isn't the long lost brother of Dad Murray Goldberg from the TV series The Goldbergs. Fittingly, Cenk is the moron for piling more and more crap onto his previous crap of misdirection regarding Hillary Clinton's electability.

But what can we expect from a former republican pundit who seems bent on uplifting millions of younger democrats so they can be demoralized by the truth that Cenk does not speak.

In his latest diatribe, Cenk fails to mention that the reason Bernie Sanders may be polling higher than Hillary Clinton against Republican candidates is because Bernie Sander's supporters are so fanatical they are skewing these national polls by saying they would vote for a Republican before they would vote for Hillary Clinton.

Now picture Cenk Uygur as Murray Goldberg's brother, wildly  gesturing about anything anti Hillary Clinton. Then picture Jeff Garlin as dad Murray Goldberg telling his brother Cenk Uygur that Cenk is a moron. 

Maybe Cenk was destined to be an estranged brother on the TV show The Goldbergs and through some episodic accident landed in politics instead. I'd gladly rather watch Cenk on the Goldbergs being called a moron than watch one of his political editorials where he gets it wrong about Hillary Clinton over and over and over again.

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 9 to 3 in Primary Contests, 8 more Primaries coming up!

Bernie Sanders fanatics keep pointing to his Caucus wins as having super significance. Sure, up through March 5, 2016 democrat caucuses, Bernie Sanders has won 4 of 7 caucuses, but Hillary Clinton has won 9 of 12 primaries. 

Maybe Bernie wins the Maine caucus today, at which point Sanders fanatics will scream he's on a roll because he has won 3 of the last 4 contests, even though once again, those three wins will be in, caucus contests.

Sanders 4-3 in caucuses, add Maine and it's 5-3, Hillary Clinton 9-3 in primaries, and most importantly,  8 of the next 9 contests after Maine are Primaries. So look for the progressive media to try one more time to deflate Hillary Clinton supporters with Bernie's 3 out of 4 victories this weekend in a desperate hope to quell the tide of 8 primaries out of the next 9 contests, you know, where Hillary Clinton is 9-3 so far.

Caucus contests just do not fairly represent middle aged and older americans and that is why Hillary Clinton struggles in those contests. Lets not forget that caucus contests are usually held at night in the cold of February and March winters, minimal heating, minimal seating, parking at a premium, farther from home for many then when they vote in the actual presidental elections, and the process takes several hours. Do you think middle aged people with families, and their parents, have the time and stamina to put so much effort in to a caucus night as compared to simply going into a voting booth and voting at a time and location that is both close and convenient?

So lets see who the republican shills posing as progressives are over the next day or two, they will be the ones trying to imply that Bernie Sanders is on a huge winning streak with his 3 of 4 victories over the weekend, never mind that all three wins were in caucus contests.

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bursting the Bernie Sanders Bubble, Hillary Clinton with more than a 10% Popular Vote lead from all the Primary Contests so far.

Hillary Clinton holds a plus 10% popular vote lead over Bernie Sanders among all the 2016 democrat primaries. 

Meanwhile several former republican operatives, Cenk Uygur and Arianna Huffington, and Move On Dot Org (with a failed attempt to form a Republican Move on group), and MSNBC and their Pro Wall Street Programming, continue to mislead the nation and democrat voters over Hillary Clinton's viability and credibility.

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Cenk Uygur's Super Tuesday Downward Spiral into Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Cenk Uygur's "Bernie Sanders won Super Tuesday" Rant is devoid of statistical truthfulness.

What Cenk doesn't tell you about Super Tuesday is that two of Bernie's four victories were in democrat caucus contests. What Cenk Uygur won't tell you is that Hillary Clinton is KNOWN to do between 10 to 30 points worse in democrat caucus contests than her actual popularity if that same state had had a primary contest instead. It is very likely that if Colorado and Minnesota had actually run primaries instead of caucuses Hillary Clinton would have won both Colorado and Minnesota. 

In 2008 Barack Obama doubled Hillary Clinton's delegates among all the democrat caucus contests even though Hillary Clinton was either tied or leading in polling done just prior to the caucus contests.

When a former republican operative  (Cenk Uygur) now preening as a democrat progressive posts in a major publication (Huffington Post) named after a former republican now posing as a democrat progressive (Arianna Huffington), little things like the truth just don't seem to  matter. The truth is that Minnesota and Colorado democrat caucus contests DID NOT represent what the majority of the voters in those two states wanted. 

Cenk's selective handling of the truth is his way of trying to get what he wants even if it isn't the truth. Coming from a former republican turned democrat progressive, why trust that windbag's brontifications?

What matters most is that Hillary Clinton went into Bernie's territory and won a Massachusetts PRIMARY, primarily because Massachusetts is a primary state rather than a Caucus contest. While the Uygur's of the world try and sell caucus wins as being as legitimate as primary wins (they are not), what Cenk won't tell you is that Hillary Clinton is leading Bernie Sanders by at least 10 percent in all of the democrat primary contests that have been held so far. (Apparently it's a much higher percentage than that).

So who are you going to trust, MORE primary voters who go into a voting booth and vote for Hillary Clinton, or LESS caucus voters who fill out pieces of paper in out of the way places in the cold of the night with no comfortable seating while conducting a process that takes several hours to finish?

I'm trusting Hillary Clinton and her superior winning margin in the primary state contests, and I'm most assuredly not trusting a former republican operative (Uygur) now reformed as a democrat progressive posting in a publication (Huffington Post) owned by a former republican operative turned progressive journalist (Arianna Huffington) whose missions appear to be taking down Hillary Clinton.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders Supporters complaining about Caucus Fraud, but refuse to believe that Hillary Clinton was victimized in the 2008 Caucuses by Fraud.

Any Hillary Clinton Supporters who witnessed or remember 2008 Democrat Caucus Fraud, you may need to start posting new articles or links to old stories about caucus fraud. Oh wait, that would probably offend Barack Obama supporters and the somewhat warm relationship that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have right now.  

lol, never mind. I guess we have to watch Bernie Supporters "feel the bern" as they complain about caucus fraud while denying that Hillary Clinton ever was victimized by Caucus Fraud.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cenk Uygur's Delusional, Deranged, and Amazingly Obtuse rant Against Hillary Clinton.

It's so hard to know where even to start regarding the Young Turk's Cenk Uygur and his recent Delusional, Deranged, and Amazingly Obtuse rant against Hillary Clinton accepting donations from big business & wall street. Let's start at the beginning.

Cenk Uygur's career was dramatically boosted by his affiliation with MSNBC. I can't seem to find when the affiliation started but I recall seeing Cenk on MSNBC in late 2007 and for sure in 2008 to help stop Hillary Clinton's 2008 democrat nomination bid. Why was MSNBC so against Hillary Clinton in 2008? It might have something to do with Hillary Clinton standing with Homeowners during the foreclosure crisis of 2007 and beyond. Hillary Clinton wanted a 90 day foreclosure moratorium so something could be worked out. You know, so homeowners could actually remain in their homes and avoid the financially devastating scar a foreclosure imbed's onto one's credit history for seven years or even much much longer if garnished payments are made towards a foreclosure debt that never dies. 

It turns out that Wall Street was completely against saving homeowners from foreclosure. Wall Street wanted their fraudulently rated mortgage backed securities investments, returned. Wall Street helping homeowners stay in their homes would not free up wall street's investments that had suddenly been exposed as falsely rated MBS investment schemes. MSNBC liked Barack Obama better than Hillary Clinton because he was keeping an open mind towards the foreclosure crisis. When the 2007 bailout vote was happening, MSNBC's commentators were practically having coronary's because the first congressional vote was no and the second vote was so close. Why would Cenk even dream of hooking up with MSNBC to further his career knowing how in the tank they were for Wall Street? 

Could it be that Cenk Uygur believed he could thrive within MSNBC's wall street connected confines while maintaining an entirely different perspective from that of his new found alliances? Apparently Cenk Uygur can benefit mixing with entities he disagree's with without becoming corrupted by them, but only Cenk can do that, It's not possible for Hillary Clinton to accept donations and input without actually remaining impartial, only Cenk is capable of that.

Cenk's career trajectory was amped up by working for a channel that had a vested interest in maintaining wall street's interests, even at the expense of MILLIONS of homeowners that were being exposed to foreclosure through a constitution busting scheme called parallel foreclosure.

So what is it Cenk, have you somehow managed to keep your integrity even while you promoted yourself on a channel that was a decidedly pro wall street teet sucking channel. If you answer yes, then what you are stating is that YOU can stay neutral and true to your beliefs even as you accept publicity benefits from a wall street friendly channel, but that Hillary Clinton can't accept monetary benefits and keep true to her own political instincts. And yet it was  Hillary Clinton who actually lost her 2008 democrat nomination chances because she stood with homeowners and against wall street regarding the home foreclosure issue. 

Meanwhile Cenk Uyger GAINED notoriety at the same time  Hillary Clinton was trying to protect homeowners by bashing Hillary Clinton and her save the homeowner's homes public stance. Gosh Cenk Uyger, you are such the man, and you were even the first one to want Bernie Sanders for president, as you keep reminding everyone every day of the week.

But there is even more derangement, how come it was ok for Barack Obama to have all kinds of wall street contributors and wall street influencers both contributing to his campaign AND then working for Barack Obama for the past 7 years, but if Hillary Clinton knows the same people, it's somehow really really bad?

Cenk originally was a conservative with somewhat disturbing views of women. Now year's later, Cenk has decided that he can go among those with whom he disagrees with on a myriad of issues and not change his own values while brontificating that a woman cannot do the same thing.

And Cenk, you're not that young anymore.

Cenk Uygur Delusional, Deranged, Amazingly Obtuse Rant Against Hillary Clinton.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

DailyPUMA, your 2016 one stop Internet spot for all things Hillary Clinton, has recently been supercharged with more RSS feeds.

If you think there is a solid Hillary Clinton blog or news source that is missing from Daily PUMA, please post the name of the blog in the comments section of this article. Otherwise, enjoy all the of up to the minute stories about the best candidate in the 2016 race, Hillary Clinton.

There is no faster way to check out the newest Hillary Clinton stories than by visiting Daily PUMA.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Comedy of Larry Johnson, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter in 2008 who now makes his living demonizing Hillary Clinton.

Sigh, first it was back stabber Dick "Moron" Morris. Now it's Larry C. Johnson, a formerly staunch Clinton supporter who now apparently sings a different tune perhaps based on whomever can generate enough income for him to be a stay at home keyboard tuff guy.

Read some of his wikipedia "highlights". This guy is a piece of work catering to those with Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome.  This stuff is unbelievable. Before your mouths open in amazement over how Larry C. Johnson advised the powers that be that there was no discernible threat to U.S. safety just prior to 911, (holy crap), and his pro Hillary Clinton stance in 2008 which has since completely reversed and also includes another crap sandwich attack against John Kerry in 2013, oh heck I have no ending to this sentence.  You can "enjoy" Larry C. Johnson's blog on the left. 

You Hillary Clinton supporters, you have to realize that losers like Dick Morris and Larry C. Johnson probably do what they do because they need the money and if hating on Hillary Clinton pays the bills, then so be it. You see the tweets this twit sends out of his blowhole attacking Hillary Clinton. And you should also see how much he loved Hillary Clinton back in 2008.


After Johnson's testimony to the special forum at the U.S. Senate, Gary J. Schmitt, executive director and CEO of the Project for the New American Century, refers in the Daily Standard (blog) to an op-ed piece Johnson wrote two months prior to the 9/11 attacks, claiming that Johnson argued that the US had little to fear from terrorism.[13]
In an editorial entitled "The Declining Terrorist Threat" published in the New York Times on 10 July 2001, Johnson says:
Judging from news reports and the portrayal of villains in our popular entertainment, Americans are bedeviled by fantasies about terrorism. They seem to believe that terrorism is the greatest threat to the United States and that it is becoming more widespread and lethal. They are likely to think that the United States is the most popular target of terrorists. And they almost certainly have the impression that extremist Islamic groups cause most terrorism.... None of these beliefs are based in fact.... While terrorism is not vanquished, in a world where thousands of nuclear warheads are still aimed across the continents, terrorism is not the biggest security challenge confronting the United States, and it should not be portrayed that way.[14]
Ten days after the 9/11 attacks, after quoting the above passage, Timothy Noah concludes a post in his "Chatterbox" feature at Slate: "Johnson's analysis, we now see, was bold, persuasive, and 100 percent wrong."[15]
Johnson defended himself against such attacks:
The rightwing is resurrecting an op-ed I wrote in July 2001. I stand by the full article. It is still relevant today. I am accused, incorrectly, of ignoring the threat of terrorism. In fact, I correctly noted that the real threat emanated from Bin Laden and Islamic extremism. President Bush, for his part, ignored the CIA warning in August 2001 that Al Qaeda was posed to strike inside the United States.[16]
After September 11, Johnson appeared several times on Fox News to address the question of military action against terrorism. On 14 November, he defended the FBI's proposal to interview 5,000 students in the U.S. suspected of having information relevant to the September 11 investigations:
I think they should talk to everyone that they feel they have a need to talk to. I mean, look, this is war. This is not a legal proceeding. This isn't the O.J. Simpson trial. The folks that attacked us -- they murdered Americans. And we've got to recognize that in wartime, we should do things differently.[17]

2008: "Whitey" tape hoax[edit]

In 2008, Johnson emerged as a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton and a strong critic of Barack Obama. His blog, NoQuarterUSA, became a rallying point for Clinton supporters wary of Obama's qualifications to be president. On May 16, 2008, Johnson posted an item entitled, "Will Barack Throw Mama From the Train?" which alleged that a tape existed of Michelle Obama "railing against 'whitey' at Jeremiah Wright's church."[25] Johnson claimed that Republicans were in possession of the tape and it "is being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time." In a subsequent post, Johnson claimed that Obama's appearance had occurred when she was on a panel with Louis Farrakhan. He also explained that he himself had not seen the tape, but had spoken with "five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape."[26] The Obama campaign's "Fight the Smears" website denied the rumor, saying, "No such tape exists. Michelle Obama has not spoken from the pulpit at Trinity and has not used that word."[27]
No tape was ever released, nor has any other evidence emerged of Obama using the word "whitey". On October 21, 2008, Johnson said that, according to one of his sources, the McCain campaign "intervened and requested the tape not be used."[28]

2013 war crime accusation against John Kerry[edit]

In 2013, Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of war crimes in Vietnam, alleging that Kerry had "raped some poor Vietnamese woman."[29] To support his claim, Johnson used a YouTube video[30] that contained audio clips from a 1971 debate on The Dick Cavett Show between John Kerry and John O'Neill. The original interview[31] audio[32] was altered to piece together words that Kerry spoke at different times during the debate, falsely making it sound as if he said, "I personally raped for pleasure." When the falsehood was exposed by a reader of Johnson's blog, Johnson deleted the article without apology.[33]

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