Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Would Barack Obama consider becoming the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and letting Hillary Clinton run for President?

Deep down, Barack Obama needs to admit to himself that his first few actions of his presidency were designed to reinforce his chances for a second term in office, and they have backfired miserably.

Be it trying to get the 2016 Olympics for Chicago, or his stimulus package designed to reward his supporters, or hiring Timothy Geithner, Barack Obama chose to send an already bloated budget deficit even higher as a perk that most likely benefited his own supporters the most.

I don't know who will be president in 2012, but I believe whomever runs the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau for the next four years could end up being the ideal choice for president in 2016.

If Barack Obama is hell bent on running on his record and most likely losing in 2012, I would suggest Hillary Clinton be appointed to run the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau as soon as possible so that she can either retire from politics in 2016 having made an actual difference in the U.S., or be set up for a presidential run in 2016 with the CPFB on her resume for the prior four years.

If Barack Obama wants to mend his political resume, four years as CPFB might actually be the best test for him as well. Either way, it would be foolish for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to miss this golden opportunity of running the CPFB as soon as possible.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Save Men of a Certain Age, because Men of a Certain Age are more likely to like Hillary Clinton of a Certain Age.

Save Men of a Certain Age. The men you save are probably the same men who would vote for Hillary Clinton.

I don't know that for certain, but it sure seems like its the same age group that was not fairly represented in the 2008 democratic presidential race that is continually being marginalized by Hollywood, by Wall Street, and by others as well.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

No outrage from minority politicians over the beating of a white, homeless man by Fullerton Police.

Caucasians, quit worrying ONLY about police brutality and other races, your own race gets brutalized by the police as well, and it sure seems to me like minorities aren't going to be the first to come to your aid if it happens.

It took OVER 20 DAYS for the Kelly Thomas, Fullerton Police beating story to break. Do you think it would have taken more than 20 minutes for a beating story to break big time if this had been a minority who had been so mercilessly beaten by the Fullerton Police?

If anything productive can come out of this, if an UNARMED person who is being beaten by the police uses his arms to cover his face from the ongoing beating that he is receiving, it does not mean he is still combative, you stupid, fucking, idiot police who kept beating the guy after he tried protecting his face with his own arms and hands.

I'd meet any one of you six in a boxing ring I'm so outraged, and I've never even been in a ring. You can read more at the Daily Mail, a Great Britain based news group.

Ground Zero for this story can be found at www.fullertonsfuture.org, the first story from fullertons future dot org is from July 7th, 2011 and can be found here.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rupert Murdoch should be jailed.

Any dumb shit (aka Rupert Murdoch) who profits from the media of news while actually approving of and paying for wiretaps that are used in some manner to generate more news stories, should be jailed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tiger Woods appeared to suffer financially and publicly, why does Jamie McCourt get to win no matter how she behaves?

In Case you are not up to date on the divorce between Los Angeles Dodgers owners Frank McCourt and Jamie McCourt, here is a review link.

It seems as if the affair between a Los Angeles Dodger's employer (Jamie McCourt) and an employee, (the limo driver) was viewed as irrelevant by the court.

That basically means that Jamie McCourt is free to act as inappropriately as she wishes with no consequences. Lounging around the mansion pool with your lover while Frank McCourt was out of town? Then calling the police because she was in fear that the 60 year old husband was going to manhandle her 40 year old stud lover? Really?

No matter what Frank McCourt did at that moment, the result is Jamie McCourt would either continue to draw a huge salary as a Dodger employee while publicly humiliating her husband, or Jamie McCourt get a huge settlement if her irresponsible actions initiate divorce actions.

I feel that poor behavior by a married adult female that results in their getting a lucrative financial reward keeps other women down. It certainly does not help main street women. A man may be reluctant to marry simply because of how somebody like Jamie McCourt is getting rewarded for her questionable behavior.
Yes, many men may be afraid of commitment, but it may be what they are actually afraid of is a legally binding financial commitment should their marriage go south, especially if they are not even the reason the marriage went south. Once married, it seems as if poor behavior by a woman may spell a financial albatross for the man, and that is unfair to the many women who would never behave in an irresponsible manner the way it appears that Jamie McCourt has.
Tiger Woods lost big time for his behavior, but Jamie McCourt seems headed to a lucrative financial reward no matter how she behaves, and probably another million men have sworn off marriage as a result.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Keith Olbermann relieved of his old timer's day broadcasting duties, should we be surprised?

In less than one year's span, two different corporate entities have felt the need to fire Keith Olbermann, the first time (MSNBC fired Olbermann) I entirely agree with, the second one the Yankees should be fined 10 million dollars for firing Olbermann.

In the first case, Olbermann was fired from MSNBC for donating money to democratic politicians whom he had interviewed or was going to interview on his MSNBC TV show. It was also an excellent way to get out of a huge possibly 16 million dollar contract that Olbermann apparently received for his 2008 democratic nomination efforts.

In the second case, Olbermann tweeted a photo of a New York Yankee staffer apparently stealing signs and sending them to the yankee hitters on deck. That pretty much means Olbermann was exposing the New York Yankees cheating, and he should not have been fired for that.

However, I'll never forget his badgering and pummeling of Hillary Clinton during the 2008 democratic presidential nomination race, Olbermann and Arianna Huffington played pivotal roles in overriding blue collar democrats choice for president (Hillary Clinton) as the democratic nominee, and neither have ever been brought to justice for their crimes against the american voter.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flooding Along Missouri River, Barack Obama blameworthy.

Um, the Mississippi River is one of the United States' most lucrative economic thoroughfares. How does cutting the Mississippi River dredging fund almost in half, as Barack Obama did, allow for the Mississippi River to double its exports?

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where is Hillary Clinton's WoMAN Cave?

Once Hillary Clinton cuts down her trips around the world, it would seem to me she should have her own WoMAN cave in Washington where she can be seen around the world via satellite and conduct her meetings with foreign political leaders without leaving Washington.

Being up in the air so much can eventually cause health issues.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I tried to avoid all information about Weiner, but it's just too hard.

(Edit note update June 14, 2011), I just heard a few minutes of the John and Ken KFI radio show and they were mentioning that congressperson Weiner may have a true psychological disorder. If this is the case, should we all be this against him, especially if he is actually seeking help? end of update.

While trying to avoid any and all references about Mr. Weiner, some pictures of his abs and chest were suddenly paraded on one of the television news stations.

The picture of Mr. Weiner's abs and chest made me realize something, the guy appears to be very slender, yet muscular, and, he is really proud of his body. I just want to suggest that the only people who should really be judging Mr. Weiner are other's who have taken the time to keep their bodies chiseled the way that it appears Mr. Weiner has.

The point is really simple, it's easy to judge someone else's narcissism when we haven't taken the time to be in the same physical shape as they. For those of us who can't match up to Mr. Weiner's pecs or abs, we all should just lighten up and let those who also have well toned pecs and abs decide Mr. Weiner's fate.
I'm curious if we'll ever see a twitter controversy over twittered pictures of a portly congressman with more hair on his back than front, balding, blubbery, and proud of it.
One of the reason's Barack Obama survived a real vetting in 2008 was that people were attacking his supporters, and in many instances Obama's supporters were of a different ethnicity than the person doing the attacking or accusing. This racial difference between the attackers and those under scrutiny allowed for the cry of racism to be made.

Let no portly, balding, harried back person out there have their voice heard when it comes to opposing what Weiner did since their opinion is completely irrelevant because they can't match up physically to Mr. Weiner's physique.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Middle on ABC, where PUMA Parents dare to tread in an episode called "Catering to the Kids".

The ABC television show The Middle, episode called Catering to the Kids, (aka catering to the Obots) is not only hilarious, it actually conveys the state of the political vacuum that presently exists in the United States.

In this 2 minute clip from "Catering to the Kids", the broken clock represents the loss of news reporting from ironically enough, The Middle, resulting in the Obots having taken over the asylum.

Scene after scene from the Catering to the Kids episode is an unintended political narrative of what happens when the younger Obotic crowd takes over.

Isn't it time to admit the obvious, "Don't trust anybody under the age of 30".

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