Kamala Harris might be confused. Busing that is a 10 to 15 minute trip was not controversial back in the day for MOST Parents. Twice a day 30 minute to 90 minute busing expeditions is what the MAJORITY of Parents of all ethnicities were deriding and vehemently opposed to.
How does a candidate backtrack from trying to equate Busing controversies with her own experience when her own experience was not what the vast majority of those who were bused experienced?
Not only does the public have to deal with Knee Jerk Media adulation over Kamala Harris's initial out of nowhere busing screed, but even after the media reviews the claim being made by Harris, the media still misses the most salient point, "it's the distance and time to get there, stupid".
An excerpt from Wikipedia regarding Busing in Virginia in the early 70's....
An excerpt from Wikipedia regarding Busing in Virginia in the early 70's....
In April 1971, in the case Bradley v. Richmond School Board, Federal District Judge Robert R. Merhige, Jr., ordered an extensive citywide busing program in Richmond, Virginia. When the massive busing program began in the fall of 1971, parents of all races complained about the long rides, hardships with transportation for extracurricular activities, and the separation of siblings when elementary schools at opposite sides of the city were "paired", (i.e., splitting lower and upper elementary grades into separate schools).
Being on a school bus for 10 minutes to 15 minute twice a day IS NOT THE SAME THING as a 30 minute to 90 minute hour bus ride twice a day.
Kids who were being bused great distances or who spent a great deal of time on a bus were being denied after school activities. Bus safety was basically non existent. Bus exhausts were pitch black, stop and start traffic was probably gassing the poor kids on long trips, there were no seat belts, and buses were constantly vibrating due to their suspension systems so kids really couldn't even read, and the buses were LOUD.
Once again our Over Anxious, Fake, Hidden, or Stupid Media roars its head and promotes a misleading narrative, even after researching the misleading narrative they still promote the wrong narrative.
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