Check out all the alleged Hillary Clinton support blogs from 2008 by clicking here. Virtually all gone, and the few that remain didn't have the guts to stand loud and proud for Hillary Clinton in 2012.
Here's another list, my list of Hillary Clinton support blogs from my Hillary-Wins blog.
The idea was really kind of a no-brainer, just blog every now and then. Most blogging platforms are free if I'm not mistaken. If writing once a day was too much, if writing once a week was too much, if writing once a month was too month, how about one article every 2 to 3 months?
How about re-igniting your 2008 Hillary Clinton for President blog and just posting the following title, I want Hillary Clinton for President in 2012 and 2016. Or did you take you bat home with you so nobody else could play, you wuss.
I did a date specific (from Jan 2012 until the present) and blog only google search, using the phrase "Hillary Clinton for President", Other than DailyPUMA, NOBODY, NOBODY, has used that phrase on their blogs!
I then did a date specific (again from Jan 2012 until the present) and blog only google search for "Clinton for POTUS". I did not even put Hillary in front Clinton, just "Clinton for President", and there was only ONE blogger that had used the phrase in their blog! (aka that was Mad in the Middle).
How dare you 2008 Hillary Clinton blogging supporters for even one moment call yourself a Hillary Clinton supporter because of something you did four years.
Do you have some other agenda? What would cause you to not type one article in 2012 with the phrase, Hillary Clinton for President in 2012, or, I want Hillary Clinton for President in 2012?
This is who you've let run roughshod over Hillary Clinton's reputation, read the comments section as well.
If you feel I've missed your blog in regards to writing "Clinton for President" in 2012, please let me know. If you realize you have been lulled into being a quitter, perhaps by the media, and are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, then please, post a blog title asking, requesting, wanting, or demanding that Hillary Clinton be the democrat nominee in 2012 and 2016.
I did a date specific (from Jan 2012 until the present) and blog only google search, using the phrase "Hillary Clinton for President", Other than DailyPUMA, NOBODY, NOBODY, has used that phrase on their blogs!
I then did a date specific (again from Jan 2012 until the present) and blog only google search for "Clinton for POTUS". I did not even put Hillary in front Clinton, just "Clinton for President", and there was only ONE blogger that had used the phrase in their blog! (aka that was Mad in the Middle).
How dare you 2008 Hillary Clinton blogging supporters for even one moment call yourself a Hillary Clinton supporter because of something you did four years.
Do you have some other agenda? What would cause you to not type one article in 2012 with the phrase, Hillary Clinton for President in 2012, or, I want Hillary Clinton for President in 2012?
This is who you've let run roughshod over Hillary Clinton's reputation, read the comments section as well.
If you feel I've missed your blog in regards to writing "Clinton for President" in 2012, please let me know. If you realize you have been lulled into being a quitter, perhaps by the media, and are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, then please, post a blog title asking, requesting, wanting, or demanding that Hillary Clinton be the democrat nominee in 2012 and 2016.
Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.