When Hillary used to be a Democrat Centrist in 2008.
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When Hillary used to be a Democrat Centrist in 2008.
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Simply giving a portion of Ukraine back to Russia without anything in return is probably not a good idea. My minimal understanding of what Russia wants is there are two regions of Ukraine Russia desires.
If Russia gets one of the areas, then Ukraine will be allowed to join NATO. If Russia wants 2 regions of Ukraine, then Ukraine is allowed into NATO and is also allowed to have nuclear weapons again.
If Russia agrees to completely withdraw from Ukraine, then Ukraine does not join NATO and continues to not have nuclear weapons.
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When Nancy Pelosi and elected California Democrat Super Majority Politicians led an impeachment crusade during Donald Trump's first term in Office, the first impeachment vote was altered from a NO 191-186 vote, to a yes Impeachment Vote because of California's Super Majority legislators vote.
The rest of the country VOTED NO to Donald Trump's Impeachment. It was California's vote that turned the impeachment vote from No, to Yes.
Without the Pelosi led California Vote to impeach Trump, there would have been no Trump impeachment. The Trump Impeachment vote created a perpetual shaming crusade heaped squarely on Donald Trump's shoulders while his Washington approved Cabinet did virtually nothing to back Trump. Without California's super majority hostility toward President Trump during his first term in office, Trump's reputation would have been more favorably looked upon by Democrats.
Since California is publicly doubling down on their disgust for Trump before Trump has even been sworn in for his second term, I think it is only fair that Donald Trump declare the State of California as a hostile State, and act accordingly.
California's dysfunctional present day actions most likely have their roots from the Reagan era of California Governance.
California's last gasp to curtail rising taxation was the passing of Proposition 13 in the late 70's, which limited the increase in property taxes to a survivable level.
80's and 90's California Democrat Politicians enlisted the aid of as many State financed unions by promising unrealistic pension plans that spanned decades into the future.
The Democrat approved pension plans were unsustainable, and the Unions probably knew it, so they doubled down and made sure they tipped the ballot box in favor of Democrat Policies that have included never ending tax increases that help fund policies that include the unrealistic pension promises.
2024, there is still a built in ballot box lead on any tax increase proposal because of the past promises Democrat Politicians have made to their Unions.
California Democrat Politicians rely on cramming more and more impoverished into less and less space so they can then hire social justice warriors to feed the biased California press with empathy inducing story lines caused by overpopulation that they falsely claim is created by racist, fascist, selfish Americans. This is the California Democrat Socialist Party Of America Plan, and it requires shoveling billions of dollars into the California Homeless Industrial Complex so that hundreds of six figure jobs serve as the cornerstone for keeping California Democrats, who blindly follow their leaders, to then donate back to the Democrat Party.
If you are skeptical, California cannot account for over 50 billion dollars of homeless and unemployed payouts, and the figure may actually be much closer to 100 billion dollars.
Donald Trump's re-election has so awoken California Politicians, California will do whatever they can politically to ensure Donald Trump's second term is filled with as much animus as they unfairly created during Trump's first term, and thus, Donald Trump should declare California Legislatures as hostile towards the goals of a unified country that cares for its taxpayers first.
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November 17, 2024
See item 2 -Council file 21-1230-S5. (There are additional agenda Items 3, 4, and 10) to be heard related to the Housing Element but the CHIP program is covered under Item 2 /Council File 21-1230-S5.)
We strongly encourage community members to submit written comments to the Council File for PLUM's Consideration.
Support Draft #3 of the Housing Element CHIP program that preserves R1 communities, and OPPOSE Exhibit D options to upzone R1 neighborhoods.
There will be heavy lobbying by Abundant Housing supporters and related organizations to ELIMINATE single family neighborhoods citywide via the Housing Element.
We must lobby the PLUM Committee and submit comments to support DRAFT VERSION # 3 of the Housing Element / CHIP Ordinance which preserves R1 SINGLE FAMILY ZONING -- without adoption of the Exhibit D options included in the Planning Dept. report.
The CHIP program (DRAFT VERSION 3) as approved by the City Planning Commission includes language that preserves R1 SINGLE FAMILY zoning. We support adoption of the City Planning Commission action taken which did not include Exhibit D options.
Exhibit D presents different OPTIONS to upzone R1 neighborhoods citywide at increasing levels of density. We request and suggest that Exhibit D NOT be considered for adoption by PLUM or the City Council. There are many reasons why it is inappropriate and bad public policy to upzone R1 properties via the Housing Element. (Detailed additional information is attached fyi.)
Comments are to be submitted to the Council File 21-1230-S5.
You may also wish to copy your comment and email it directly to the email of the PLUM Committee members:
Chair John Lee - councilmember.lee@lacity.org
CM Kevin DeLeon -councilmember.deleon@lacity.org
CM Heather Hutt-councilmember.hutt@lacity.org
CM Ismelda Padilla -councilmember.padilla@lacity.org
CM Katy Yaroslavsky-councilmember.yaroslavsky@lacity.org _________________________________________________________
There has been a great deal of misleading information about zoning and efforts to link LA's housing and homelessness challenges to the existence of R1 neighborhoods. The public has been incorrectly led to believe that adequate housing fails to be built because of the amount of R1 zoned land in LA -- often quoted at 70+% of LA's land. Note that it is not 70+% of ALL land, it is 70+% of all RESIDENTIALLY zoned land.
Most importantly, what that figure also fails to acknowledge is that a large portion of that R1 zoned land CANNOT be developed for more dense uses. It is the land in the high fire severity zones of the SM Mountains and other ranges and high fire severity zones throughout the City. It includes the land in the high tide zones at the coast and areas adjacent to sensitive biological resources.
The City quietly acknowledges that 35% of R1 zoned land cannot be developed for higher uses -- which means that less than 45% of LA's developable residential land is zoned R1. That is a very different picture from a reference nearing 3/4 of all land as reported in the media. And, it is hoped that all agree that it is bad policy to seek to increase density where public safety is placed at risk.
The City has clearly demonstrated that it can meet and exceed the housing goals assigned to it by the State in the current Regional Housing needs Assessment (RHNA ) planning cycle withoutupzoning single family neighborhoods.
The City Planning Commission adopted the Planning Dept's recommendations to approve the Housing Element CHIP program draft #3 which preserves R1 neighborhoods without upzoning. However, Exhibit D remains in the PLUM packet and housing advocates continue to lobby for it and the upzoning of R1 areas.
If in the future, the City were to need to add new zoning capacity and desired to make zoning changes to R1 areas, that effort would be more appropriately done via the Community Planning process with transparency and public participation to identify the best places for such upzoning where infrastructure can best meet the needs of a growing population and negative impacts reduced or eliminated.
Blanket upzoning via the Housing Element would allow for developers and speculators to cherry pick any R1 property for multi-family construction without regard to adjacent homes, neighborhood integrity, infrastructure availability, etc. This would essentially permit developers to become our City's planners based upon their incentive to generate profit -- not to plan for sustainable, livable communities.
The City cannot abandon its duty to plan for a livable Los Angeles for all Angelenos -- families, the young and old. Its responsibility is to oversee thriving, balanced communities -- not merely to incentivize the construction of housing units.
ADDITIONAL INFO (perhaps more than one might ever want) is attached for your info.
Submit your comment in support of the Housing Element CHIP Draft #3 that preserves R1 neighborhoods and prohibits the upzoning options presented in Exhibit D. Oppose Exhibit D. Support CHIP Draft # 3
Share this info with others.
PlanCheckNCLA | Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA 90012 US
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I waited until 8:57 pm Eastern to release my prediction. As a Trump Supporter, I have had a fear that Trump wins the Popular Vote by 1 to 2%, but barely loses the Electoral College Vote.
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Seeing Kamala Harris promise to fix inflation caused by Biden Presidency giveaways, by promising more inflation causing Government giveaways if she is elected, makes DailyPUMA wonder why there were no Trump commercials from Homeowners who have benefited from the Trump era low mortgage interest rates.
Here's a quote that would have been the truth..."I survived the Biden inflationary economy because of the 500 dollar monthly mortgage refinance reduction during the Trump Presidency".
Or, "Donald Trump's low mortgage rates saved me more money every month than any future alleged tax cut Kamala Harris is promising."
Or..."I used a low interest Home Equity Line of Credit during the Trump economy to pay off my credit cards and am grateful I did now that Credit Card Interest rates are the highest they have ever been".
Instead, all I see are Harris commercials of Trump chumming around with wealthy people and then lying and saying Trump won't help the middle class, when Trump did help the middle class with low Mortgage and HELOC interest rates, and low inflation.
Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, 2:40am update. The same Suburban women who are not voting for Trump, are the same
Suburban women who benefited from low mortgage re-finance rates during
the Trump administration, Trump Ads should have reminded them of just how they got through the Biden years.
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Donald Trump has just cause to go after the Lawfare he was subjected to. However, the image the Progressive Party has falsely painted is Trump rounding every one up who participated in Lawfare and leaking to the Press for their own financial gain.
I wish Donald Trump had offered some type of leniency program to anyone from the Swamp that came forward with evidence of wrong doing during the campaign, as a way to quell the anti Trump swamp squeal we have all been subjected to for the past 8 years.
The audacity to continue to attack Trump after all he has been subjected to tends to make DailyPUMA believe there is a there, there regarding illegal, insurrection activity against Donald Trump.
If Trump is elected and no one comes forward in exchange for whistleblower leniency, maybe there were no indictable crimes, if people come forward, then the nation can have clarity and focus going forward.
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91 year old Fortunata Machi was refused service for a Wheezing Chest by the E.R. even as her Caregiver Son Alessandro Machi begged th...