I don't know the guy, I'm not even going to mention his name out of respect because I don't know him. But watching him today he seemed so angry. He seemed like a defiant drunk. I think he's proud of his drinking days. I never was interested in drinking so I don't know what the charm is other than it probably loosens inhibitions and allows for a lot of people to usually co-exist in possibly confined areas. I guess its a great way to let one's guard down so something exciting might happen.
So my questions, I if I could have asked them, would have been the following.
How often were you drunk back in your late high school and college days?
How often were you hung over?
Did you hang out primarily with friends that drank?
Did you have friends who didn't drink?
Did you hang out with friends who did not drink?
Did you have an allowance? How much was it?
How much did you spend on Liquor every week, every month?
Was being hungover a badge of honor?
Did you come to work hungover?
What type of behavior do you have when drunk?
Do you regret not hanging out with certain people because they did not drink?
Do you still drink?
In retrospect, if you could have all your drinking days back, would you want to relive them any other way?
Would you have bothered to drink if it did not lead to being drunk?
In retrospect, do you feel there were people who needed you but you were more pre-occupied with the next party or the next time to get drunk?
end of questions.
Then I also wonder, is the inebriated, drinking fabric of life what helps create our future esteemed members of society? Do Drinking binges at a younger age create bonding with others who also get rip roaring drunk and then somehow these experiences are "instilled" in such a way as to create a path towards success later in life? Is there a method to the swilling that creates success? As a species are we bound to only get serious in life after we have shared rather stupid and wasted socializing with a select few so that a lifetime bond of friendship is created over acts better left unsaid?
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