A perfectly plausible series of events involving Devon Nunes, Paul Ryan, the White House, the Drunk sounding lady on Fox, and Ryan's Swan Song is outlined by Cannonfire.
Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi
Friday, March 31, 2017
CannonFire Connects the Dots, Nunes to Ryan to the White House to the Drunk Sounding Lady on Fox Warning Ryan.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Lets All Respond in Shrill, Outraged Tones at anything the present Administration or Fox News does or says.
At first DailyPUMA was really offended by Bill O'Reilly's comments about Maxine Water's hair. Then, in the second, DailyPUMA was still offended at O'Reilly's apology in which O'Reilly giggled while he was giving his alleged apology.
From what DailyPUMA has heard, a female African American's hair is no laughing matter. DailyPUMA recalls hearing a discussion about AA Hair on television and the fear of getting AA hair wet, especially after one has gone to a hair salon and gotten a specific hairdo. So from that perspective, Bill O'Reilly's comments reveal a complete lack of empathy or understanding of what African American women go through when it comes to what they do with their hair, and what they do AFTER they get the hairdo they want, to keep that hairdo intact, or why they may avoid a hair salon altogether and just use a wig instead.
But DailyPUMA also wants to point out that millions have made fun of Donald Trump's hair.
So then the argument becomes, "but Bill O'Reilly used the hair comment to disparage and dissuade Maxine Water's message while she was making an important political point". And that probably is a distinction with a difference.
However, by not recognizing that Donald Trump's hair has been made fun of over the years, Democrats may come off as shrill complainers who don't even recognize when those they criticize have gone through the same treatment they now complain about when it happens to a democrat.
This is another example of a Trump Trap. Lets make fun of Maxine Water's hair and watch the same democrats get outraged who over the years have laughed it up whenever a Donald Trump hair joke was made.
The same could be said about Elizabeth Warren when she was shut down for wanting to read from a 30 year old letter written by Martin Luther King's wife, about Jeff Sessions. Once again, the same democrats who would fight to the death to not have a women's past be used against her to defile her present day character (such as in a rape trial), give no ground when Republicans stop a 30 year old letter from being used against a person who has had 30 years to possibly change or augment their own behavior.
Is responding to everything the present administration or Fox News does in a shrill, outraged perspective going to eventually backfire? Or is everything the present administration is doing so outrageous that incredulity continues to rule the day?
The one solid thing that has resulted was Maxine Water's reaction, in which she basically shrugged her shoulders at Bill O'Reilly and simply refocused on the issue at hand.
The one solid thing that has resulted was Maxine Water's reaction, in which she basically shrugged her shoulders at Bill O'Reilly and simply refocused on the issue at hand.
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Thursday, March 23, 2017
Donald Trump Changes name of Meals on Wheels program to Meals on Wings.
In a sign of camaraderie and compassion for the American people, Donald Trump has revived the "Meals on Wheels" Program.
Allegedly overheard by a leaker, Mr. Trump has decided that as long as the Wheels on Meals also have Wings, then the bigly renamed "Meals on Wings" Program should be permitted to continue.
Allegedly overheard by a leaker, Mr. Trump has decided that as long as the Wheels on Meals also have Wings, then the bigly renamed "Meals on Wings" Program should be permitted to continue.
Mr. Trump broke wind on the new "Meals on Wings" Program aboard his Private Jet, where he enjoyed the first "Meals on Wings" dinner.
Mr. Trump hopes all Billionaire Private Jet Owners will take advantage of the newly created "Meals on Wings" Program as a way for Billionaire Private Jet Owners to show solidarity with the American People.
Mr. Trump hopes all Billionaire Private Jet Owners will take advantage of the newly created "Meals on Wings" Program as a way for Billionaire Private Jet Owners to show solidarity with the American People.
Some Trump Supporters are calling the "Wheels on Wings" Program a Modest Proposal. Ironically, some of Trump's Detractors are also calling the "Meals on Wings" Program a Modest Proposal as well.
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Friday, March 17, 2017
What if Michael Flynn's contacts with other countries gave him secret terrorist cell intel that Donald Trump used in his speeches right before acts of terrorism actually happened?
During the 2015-2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump seemed to have some uncanny timing about terrorism. Trump would warn about terrorism, and then within a few days there would be an act of terrorism that made international news.
If Michael Flynn had access to both Turkey and Russia, then he basically could have been given secret intel on all kinds of projected terrorist acts that were being planned but perhaps Russian and or Turkish officials did not know exactly what the plan was.
What if Flynn actually got intel that he fed to Donald Trump about impending but unknown terrorist acts, and Donald Trump used them in his speeches prior to the acts of terrorism occurring. Is that a violation of any kind of import?
DailyPUMA is not well versed in actual political law and campaign rules, but it seems that if Michael Flynn was being fed intel by either Turkey or Russia that Donald Trump then used in his campaign speeches that ended up being predictive and prescient of acts of terror that then actually happened, in essence gaining from insider information from foreign agent Michael Flynn, then what?
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Sunday, March 12, 2017
Why is everyone denying that Donald Trump was wiretapped during the presidential campaign?
If Hillary Clinton can be "investigated" by underlings who have lower security clearance then herself, and then have these underlings publicly announce their Clinton investigation TWICE even though no intent to break a law was discovered nor was any intel intentionally leaked to enemy combatants, why can't private citizen Donald Trump who was running for president of the United States be investigated via wiretap when he already had all kinds of controversies swirling around him?
If Hillary Clinton can be investigated, why not Trump? The Trump Wiretapping accusations seems like some kind of inside trap where Trump makes an accusation, everyone in government immediately denies it, then proof is found that Trump was right, and suddenly Trump is the savior of the American people against Big Government. I smell a scam in which the same cronies who handed Donald Trump the presidency by over investigating Hillary Clinton now pooh pooh Trump's accusation that he was wiretapped, until proof appears that Trump was right.
Once Trump refused to not release his income tax returns, he should have been open game to being wiretapped for one simple possibility, Donald Trump may have funded his entire Presidential Campaign with income tax evasion money. Of course the FBI, CIA and Department of Justice need to find out, and they needed to find out before the November 2016 Elections, which they may have, or may not have done.
Even more ironic. I think it was Rand Paul who revealed this morning on Face the Nation that the U.S. can covertly wiretap any international phone call, and if the person on the other end of the international phone call is an american citizen, then by mere association their conversation would also be wiretapped.
So, did Donald Trump fund his entire presidential campaign with income tax evasion money? Many want to know, and for that reason alone, Trump should have been wiretapped during the 2016 presidential campaign.
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Thursday, March 9, 2017
Donald Trump's Insane Rant about being Phone Tapped during the Presidential Election.
I wonder if Donald Trump has some kind of imaginary time machine that makes him believe he can intertwine the past with the present in a cataclysmic storm that makes things sound much worse then they were, um, are, um, werare.
From the man who invited Russian hackers to hack into the DNC (which he probably already knew had been done through his own sources but wanted to use his announcement as ground zero for such a hack that had already occurred, for one to occur, once again, his imaginary time machine at work), Donald Trump is demanding an investigation into the possibility that as an un vetted private citizen who may have paid for his entire presidential campaign with Income Tax Evasion Money, or who may have had a secure server hooked up to Russia, or who may have bribed IRS officials, and who probably violated FCC rules when he falsely and repeatedly called Hillary Clinton a criminal for personal and political gain, that he was targeted!
DailyPUMA started a Change Dot Org Petition requesting Donald Trump be "Reaudited" BEFORE he took office. Of course Donald Trump needed to be vetted, and if took wiretapping his phones to make sure he did not have a secret server hooked up to Russia, or possibly bribed IRS officials with escorts and other amenities such as staying at Trump Hotels for free or next to nothing, or was accepting Russian Intel to discredit the DNC and Hillary Clinton, or funded his entire presidential campaign with income tax evasion money, or was fraudulent using the airwaves to call Hillary Clinton a criminal when she has never been convicted of a crime, then of course the FBI / CIA and the Department of Justice had the right to wiretap private citizen Trump.
Trump has somehow created the fantastical Jesus Persecution fantasy that as president, Trump was wiretapped by a prior president while he was still pre-president. The mind snaps not only at the level of such incredulously mind numbing interplanetary time warped string theory imagination, but that conservatives are somehow taking seriously the man who repeatedly called Hillary Clinton a criminal and demanded the fourth person in line for the presidency be put in jail for maybe, maybe declassifying intel that was within her right to declassify.
The correct answer from the FBI and CIA and the Department of Justice should not have been to deny wire tapping accusations, but to simply state that "anyone who may be breaking the law is subject to investigation, if Mr. Trump feels he broke the law while he was running for the presidency, than it is possible he was wiretapped. If Mr. Trump wishes to elaborate any illegal activity he may have been involved in while running for president or before he ran for president, the FBI / CIA or Department of Justice can conduct a search to see if he was wiretapped regarding illegal activities Mr. Trump may have participated in".
The idea that the same entities who overly and improperly vetted Hillary Clinton, costing her the 2016 presidential election, may have also wire tapped private citizen Trump for illegal activities, yeah, that's outrageous in Trump's mind, and that does concern DailyPUMA.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Cannonfire with Explosive Revelation, Hillary Clinton had the Power to DeClassify anything, therefore the entire Email Scandal was a Scam.
Quoting Cannonfire…
"The "illegal leak" bit is a reference to the Obama "tapp" claim. The counterargument here would be that Trump has the authority to declassify anything he likes.
You know who else had the authority to declassify material (within her department)? Hillary Clinton. Thus, even if she had sent messages containing classified information -- which she did NOT, despite Mike Pence's recent repetition of that false claim -- so what? She had the authority to declassify. " - End of Quote.
DailyPUMA hinted at the same concept last year but did not make it in such a clear and concise manner. DailyPUMA's point was that the sending of any email by Hillary Clinton can only result in an investigation if the email information is either intentionally sent to someone who then acts on the information for the singular purpose of personal gain, or the info is used to damage the U.S., AND the S.O.S. had to know that that was the intent of the intel they were sharing.
DailyPUMA also made the point that the sending of email could simply be a ruse to fool others that might be trying to hack info from the U.S., that the FBI was actually the entity giving out classified intel by claiming that all email transactions are 100% truthful, and if the FBI knew that all email transactions are not necessarily truthful, then the FBI falsely investigated Hillary Clinton by conveniently forgetting the possibility of false intel being transmitted via email for the purpose of tricking prospective hackers.
DailyPUMA also made the point that Hillary Clinton, as a woman, had a smaller circle of independent female thinkers who had worked as S.O.S. accessible to her than if she had been a man, and by now ostracizing her over basically nothing, aka attempting to have her own inner circle people to learn from, it was sexism at play because if Hillary Clinton had been a man, she would have had a much bigger pool to pick from.
An SOS cannot take all of their enrichment from the FBI and the President, they need to have some level of independence so that they can present outside the box thinking, and for that, the Male dominated political system made Hillary Clinton pay.
And therein lies the irony of Cannonfire's premise, Hillary Clinton was fourth in line from the presidency when she was Secretary of State, since when do we allow underlings to have status over the Secretary of State? Imagine owning a donut shop and the head chef fires you for giving away a recipe of theirs that is not even going to a rival! The chef has other options available to them, they can sue, or they can quit, or ask for a raise to compensate the loss of intellectual property, but they cannot fire the owner. Hillary Clinton was the owner, but being in a male dominated echelon, the males were able to keep her off balance regarding this salient point, and Hillary Clinton had no female inner circle to draw upon.
In the TV Show, "Castle", there is an episode in which Kate Beckett, (played by Stana Katic) is interviewed for the position of Commander of her precinct. The interview goes horribly as she is basically "manhandled" by the men interviewing her. She walks out of the meeting basically petrified, then suddenly she has a revelation, comes back into the interview room, and basically tells the men to eff off. It turns out that was the test, to see if she would cowtow to the male establishment, or not. By not cowtowing to the male establishment, she proved her mettle and was awarded the promotion to commander. wow.
Unfortunately, if Hillary Clinton had had the "balls" to tell everyone to fuck off, that she was fourth in command and an underling cannot have supremacy over her, the media would have gone nuts and declared her a power hungry bitch. It would have taken Hillary Clinton having her own media channel to defend her for her to have fought back in the manner that she should have fought back.
Meanwhile, we now have a power hungry super bitch in the oval office who is declassifying everything in sight even after condemning Hillary Clinton by convincing his "Gullibles" that it was illegal for her to do back then what Trump is now doing at supersonic speed.
Meanwhile, we now have a power hungry super bitch in the oval office who is declassifying everything in sight even after condemning Hillary Clinton by convincing his "Gullibles" that it was illegal for her to do back then what Trump is now doing at supersonic speed.
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Sunday, March 5, 2017
President Trump Full Speech on USS Gerald R. Ford 3/2/17 Equates War with Sports, and "Winning".
Donald Trump equated War with Sports, promising that America would either prevent War, or Win when engaged. When Sports Heroes equate playing football with War, they are admonished.
Is it any different when our president equates War with Sports by claiming we would win? War should never be equated with sports since the goal of war is to kill the opposing side, not outscore them.
The video link below is basically cued up at the four minute mark once the commerical finishes or you click skip commercial. I can't figure out how to make it stop after his winning comment so you will need to hit stop unless you are a glutton for punishment.
Keep in mind that Robotics and Drones are the future of War, so I'm not exactly sure how building more and more aircraft carriers makes us safer when in a couple more years a well placed drone or two with a bomb on it will probably be able to cripple an aircraft carrier.
And lets also remember that the next war may be fought in space in which satellites are either hacked or attacked.
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And lets also remember that the next war may be fought in space in which satellites are either hacked or attacked.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Donald Trump has a Conflict of Interest Issue when it comes to curbing the EPA.
Regarding the EPA, Donald Trump, You can't gut this.
If Donald Trump cuts EPA funding or regulations in any way, Trump basically risks a conflict of interest charge regarding his business relations with China.
China struggles with making U.S. EPA compliant products on a daily basis. I can attest that I have noticed a foul smell that permeates at least some products that are made in China that are black in color. Be it fabric, plastic, or metal, if it is black in color and made in China, it possibly has a foul odor. Put another way, if that same product was same in the exact same way in the U.S., that product would possibly be sanctioned, augmented or rejected until whatever was causing the foul smell was fixed.
If Donald Trump rescinds any part of the present EPA regulations, he makes it easier for China to pass EPA inspections. This can only be seen as a quid pro quo simply because Trump has business interests in China.
Trump would be better off maintaining EPA policy and simply enforcing that China follows the same policy for any product they plan on importing into the U.S.
By lowering EPA standards, Donald Trump catapults China much closer, or into suddenly being compliant regarding future products they plan on importing into the U.S.
Ironically, Lowering EPA standards will make China MORE Competitive with U.S. Manufacturers, who will still face legal action for production methods and products that are known to cause cancer.
Ironically, Lowering EPA standards will make China MORE Competitive with U.S. Manufacturers, who will still face legal action for production methods and products that are known to cause cancer.
If Donald Trump has any debt or business dealings with China, rescinding the EPA, or weakening the EPA, becomes a conflict of interest because China benefits if EPA regulations are relaxed. I have read that presidents cannot be accused of conflicts of interest, I doubt that applies to the trading of the health and welfare of U.S. citizens so a president's Chinese / International business dealings thrive.
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Thursday, March 2, 2017
Donald Trump's Twisted Plan to "be better than China" by relaxing EPA guidelines even as China realizes their environmental mistakes.
Donald Trump appears to be salivating with the idea of besting China to the point that he is willing to relax EPA guidelines so that America can be Great Again.
Trump refused to apologize for his McCain not being a War Hero comment because Trump "gained seven points" in the Republican presidential race after he made his McCain comments.
If Trump is fueled by numbers, then he will probably feel emboldened to relax EPA standards just so a year or two from now he claim victory in creating American Jobs and besting China. I routinely return products made from China that are black in color. The black products from China seem to all emit a foul odor. I don't know for sure that that means the product has toxins in it, but I doubt that a bad smell is a good thing.
So I guess in the future when I proudly buy a Made in America product, I can expect more of the same foul smell? Or maybe the foul smell will be muted with some other chemical compound that makes the bad smell, smell good? Either way, Trump's promise to bring jobs back to America may really be nothing more than bringing China's overly toxic practices back to America.
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017
In Donald Trump's World, being a POW is not Heroic, but dying for one's country is.
In Donald Trump's World, being a POW is not Heroic, but dying for one's country is. And the Media ate it up last night and today.
But wait, didn't Mr. Trump rise to prominence during the Republican debates when he chided John McCain for not being a War hero because McCain was a POW?
Did not Donald Trump previously state that not being caught was the goal? Trump Proudly crowed on the Don Imus show that he gained 7 points in popularity when he disagreed that John McCain was a War Hero? So now Mr. Trump gets to flip flop on his position and declare William Ryan Owens a War Hero, but John McCain is not?
But wait, didn't Mr. Trump rise to prominence during the Republican debates when he chided John McCain for not being a War hero because McCain was a POW?
Did not Donald Trump previously state that not being caught was the goal? Trump Proudly crowed on the Don Imus show that he gained 7 points in popularity when he disagreed that John McCain was a War Hero? So now Mr. Trump gets to flip flop on his position and declare William Ryan Owens a War Hero, but John McCain is not?
The Media really has lost its compass and Donald Trump now sees that whether he chastises John McCain and claims McCain is not a War Hero, or Trump eulogizes a deceased soldier as a War Hero, thanks to the media, his popularity rises. This is not a good thing.
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