Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Showing posts with label Michigan Primary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michigan Primary. Show all posts

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Hypocrisy, Stupidity, and Inconsistency of Michael Moore during the 2008 democratic presidential nominee race.

Something happened in 2008 that is still being covered up, and covered up big time. I believe it involves Hollywood and the promise of distribution deals to anyone who publicly backed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.

As exhibit A, I would like to point out the utterly bizarre behavior of Michael Moore during the 2008 presidential election. You would think a man who built his early career success by portraying his own state as dying and destitute because the unions had been crushed by Roger Smith of General Motors, would fight for his state's right to move their democratic primary date up.

You would further think that since Illinois DID MOVE UP their 2008 primary date by SEVEN WEEKS to help Barack Obama, Moore would be complaining about Illinois getting preferential treatment while his own beloved state of Michigan was being disqualified from the voting process!

When one factors in that Michigan moved their primary date up out of economic desperation, how could Michael Moore not fight for his own state? 

Sequestering the vote tallies from Florida and Michigan until the beginning of February as a form of "punishment" was the logical solution. However, that would have made Barack Obama look foolish for taking his name off of the ballot in Michigan, and we couldn't have that now, could we?  

Instead, Obama and two other democratic presidential candidates purposely waited until the last day to legally withdraw their names from Michigan so they could then criticize Hillary Clinton for staying on the Michigan ballot. While some can claim that a brilliant political ploy, if Hillary Clinton had taken her name off of the Michigan ballot first, Obama would have stayed on and cajoled and ridiculed Hillary Clinton for thinking it was all about her, and that she was so confident of victory that she didn't care about Michigan or its people.

In 2008, it was ok to portray Hillary Clinton as making a foolish political gambit, but never Barack Obama.

When Michael Moore put that one short video clip of Hillary Clinton interacting with Republicans in his documentary as a way of blaming her for Health care not being passed in 1992, I began to wonder what Moore's real agenda was. Healthcare not passing during Bill Clinton's first term had NOTHING TO DO WITH HILLARY CLINTON, and everything to do with how upset republicans were over losing to Bill Clinton after George Bush had had a 91% approval rating in early 1991. For Moore to skip over that reality is very disconcerting.

A documentary film maker who first profits over his own states demise, but then won't fight for his own state regarding the 2008 democratic primary makes me wonder just what other evil lurks in Michael Moore's pysche. Was the Hillary Clinton clip purposely put into Moore's documentary to help set her up as being "polarizing"? Did Moore get any distribution deals for going against his own state and Hillary Clinton?

Speaking of deals, did you know that the VERY FIRST COMMERCIAL that MSNBC ran after Hillary Clinton's suspension speech WAS A COMMERCIAL FOR THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. If Hollywood wants to support one political side versus another, that is their right, but when Hollywood actually sabotages one democratic candidates chances to win the party nomination without full disclosure, in my opinion they have a crossed a line of ethics I cannot accept.

Monday, February 15, 2010

BREAKING NEWS, Evan Bayh pulls a Barack Obama and gets out of the race one day before the deadline, just like Obama did in Michigan.

Evan Bayh resigning one day before the filing deadline is payback for what Barack Obama did to Hillary Clinton in 2007 in the Michigan race.

Do unto Barack as Barack has done unto others many times in the past, over, and over, and over I might add.

Back in late 2007, Barack Obama, John Edwards Misterhands, and Bill "don't call me; Clinton" Richardson, all took their name off of the Michigan ballot less than one day before the deadline.

Barack Obama, John Edwards Misterhands, and Bill "don't call me; Clinton", all then conspired against Hillary Clinton in their Iowa and New Hampshire caucus speeches. The three amigos hammered against Hillary Clinton because she had kept her name on the ballot in Michigan, even though there was not enough time for her to take her name off in response to the three amigos, even if she had wanted to.

The controversy over Michigan had to do with Michigan moving their voting day up to near the beginning, in essence challenging Iowa and New Hampshire and their perennial first to vote status. Michigan would not have gone first, but they would be so close date wise that politicians would have had to spend time in Michigan and less time in Iowa and New Hampshire.
To understand how devious, cunning, corrupt, and for himself Barack Obama is, please realize that if Hillary Clinton had taken her name off of the Michigan ballot first, Obama, Edwards and Richardson could have then kept their names on the ballot in Michigan and accused Hillary Clinton of being a front runner who was willing to sell out the voters of Michigan in exchange for winning in Iowa and New Hampshire.
While some may call this type of political trickery in Michigan by Barack Obama brilliant, it also speaks to a man so consumed with himself that winning becomes more important than actually having substance. It also speaks to the democratic higher ups not stepping in and figuring out a fairer solution that didn't involve so much jockeying for position at the expense of political substance.

What an amazing cannon ball shot across the bow of the Good ship, Barack Obot that Evan Bayh has fired. Evan Bayh has now resigned JUST ONE DAY BEFORE the close of the filing deadline even though he was actually leading in the polls!

Make no mistake, the shenanigans that Obama, Edwards and Richardson pulled in Michigan in late 2007 are now coming home to roost. It will be interesting to see if the media brings up the Michigan angle or not, very interesting indeed.

PUMA blogs, please don't be shy about repeating the message of this article on your own blog. I have the feeling the mass media is going to cover this up. NOBODY resigns one day before the deadline when they are leading in the polls without an ulterior motive.
(Edit note, Feb. 16, 2010)

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