Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Election Math that never Added up for Hillary Clinton.

One of the strangest Mathematical twists in the 2016 presidential election results was Barack and Michelle Obama magnificently hitting it out of the park on behalf of Hillary Clinton when it came time to get out the Progressive Vote, yet their help may have actually caused Hillary Clinton a net negative because of the Moderate Voters who switched from her to Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton lost some of her Moderate base to Donald Trump by keeping silent about the Obama Administration's Mortgage relief program that failed to protect many struggling homeowners.

So every Moderate vote that switched from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump is equivalent to a double vote for Donald Trump. One less Clinton Moderate is a loss of one vote for Hillary Clinton, when that Moderate then switches to Donald Trump, then it becomes a gain of one vote for Donald Trump, so a minus one plus a plus one equals a two vote switch every time a moderate vote switched from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. 

Lets assume Barack and Michelle Obama helped Hillary Clinton gain an additional 10 million Progressive Votes. When Hillary Clinton kept silent against Bernie Sanders ridiculous accusations against her (at Barack Obama's request for the good of party unity) and when she also keept silent about Barack Obama's poor home mortgage relief program, Hillary Clinton may have lost 7 million Moderate Voters to Donald Trump. 

The net result would be 10 million votes gained from Barack and Michelle Obama's support minus 7 million former Hillary Clinton Moderate Supporters going over to Donald Trump, which has to be multiplied by 2 for a net gain of 14 million. 10 million Progressive votes for Hillary Clinton minus 14 million against equals a net gain of 4 million votes for Donald Trump!

But what about Conservative Voters who were embarrassed and disgusted by Donald Trump's behavior throughout the 2016 campaign? Many Conservatives who were considering switching over to Hillary Clinton or simply not voting changed their minds when they were encouraged by Conservative Religious leaders all over the U.S. to vote for Donald Trump because Donald Trump would be picking the next Supreme Court Justice.

If you doubt the Conservatives voted for Trump because of Judicial issues, then look no further than Alabama, where a whopping 72% of the White Males and 63% of the White Females recently voted for Roy Moore even after overwhelming evidence was submitted that he had routinely pursued teenage girls half his age three and four decades ago.

The actual loss of votes to the opposing political party that Hillary Clinton might have been victim of helps explain why Al Gore did not seek Bill Clinton's support after Bill Clinton's two terms in office. However, at that time Bill Clinton was the ONLY President in the past 60 years to leave office more popular then when he was elected, so in Gore's case it might not have been the right call.

The silence on the negative's of Obama's record by Hillary Clinton opened the door for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to have a field day at the expense of Hillary Clinton and her Moderate Base.

One of the lasting negative effects of 2016 which could very well hurt the Democrats in 2020 was Hillary Clinton's silence in regards to Barack Obama's glaring mortgage mistakes that hurt the Rust Belt States and her silence against Donald Trump's incoherent, repetitive and rambling attacks against Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sander's needlessly suctioning many union groups away from Hillary Clinton when everyone knew Hillary Clinton was pro-Union.

Democrat Moderates and Progressives still won't acknowledge the one or two really big mistakes made by the Barack Obama administration. By not owning up to what went wrong during Obama's Administration, and DailyPUMA places the home mortgage modification program at the top of the list, Democrats have inadvertently distanced themselves from the Rust Belt States that they once handily owned.

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