Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Trump Supporters on Edge that Barack Obama was never accused of Racism while Trump is being accused of Racism on a Daily Basis.

There are many voters outside of the major cities who believe that Barack Obama was racist against whites during his term in office. These primarily Trump supporters may be outraged, befuddled, or perhaps just frustrated that the mainstream media never accused Obama of harboring racism towards White America because of the News media's own political correctness while now Trump Supporters hear daily racism accusations leveled at Donald Trump.

Remember this Barack Obama comment from April of 2008, "They (The Rust belt and West Plains people) get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."  -Barack Obama.

Or, Barack Obama could have said...."Just like the Indians who came before us, the people who settled into Rural America suddenly are losing their jobs and their homes and they don't understand why when their work ethic remains strong."   - Not Barack Obama

Both sentiments basically tell the same story, yet Barack Obama could not connect with his primarily white constituency in a complementary and Truthful way, yet the mainstream media did not accuse Barack Obama of being racist, or even obtuse, about Middle America.

When Barack Obama quickly jumped into the fray after a College Professor was confronted outside of his own home by a police officer who had been called to the scene by an African American female witnessing an African American male attempting to get inside a home without use of a key, Obama's goal with his White House Share a Beer Conference was to heal racial divides. It was as if Obama wanted to show how great of a healer he was by always taking the side that racism existed whenever a confrontation between different races made the news. In DailyPUMA's opinion, it was a poor choice to use to illustrate racial divides as the police officer was acting completely correctly.

Let not forget Obama's penchant for apologizing for past American Behavior, something that any one president cannot truly own. When visiting foreign dignitaries Obama would bow to foreign leaders which many in America felt was an affront to the standing of all U.S. Presidents.

An example of Obama's penchant for Obtuseness or just plain White Indifference, or perhaps even White Racism would be his reaction to the banking solution for the housing market crash of 2008. The solutions put forth in the Dodd / Frank bill basically put the House Flipper and the Family struggling to hold onto their home in the same category, which was an affront to the millions upon millions of homeowners who had lived in their home for the past few decades and now were in danger of losing it due to Wall Street Investment Shenanigans that encouraged many to take equity out of their home or to become House Flippers.

Obama basically allowed the banks to humiliate anyone asking for Mortgage help by only acknowledging the possibility of a program to help them keep their home AFTER the struggling homeowner had defaulted on their present home loan. Obama basically allowed the tenet of "No Loan Restructuring could occur without the declaration of Default" first being branded on the Deadbeat Homeowner's forehead." This coming from a man who had nefarious help in purchasing his own first home.

The banking procedure that Obama's administration apparently supported or looked the other way involved Parallel Foreclosure also known as Dual Tracking.

Once a homeowner had been instructed to fall behind on their mortgage payments so they could then apply for Home Mortgage Relief, the banks could simultaneously begin foreclosure proceedings even as the same bank began the application process for Home Mortgage Modification. Meanwhile the banks seemed to conveniently lose paperwork on the home modification program

The practice of simultaneously foreclosing (Parallel Foreclosure) on a home owner who had to first default on their mortgage before being eligible for a home modification program went on for YEARS before a half hearted attempt was made to reign in this anti-homeowner madness. 

While these banking shenanigans affected all races, it also affected white america most since white america owned the most property. Obama was never accused of racism through the Dodd / Frank bill even though if one stood back far enough, the impalement of white, middle class home ownership at a greater rate than other races sure looked racist.

DailyPUMA supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 and is 100% sure that Hillary Clinton would have taken a more measured and reasonable approach so as not to disenfranchise so many homeowners in the Rust Belt States, the States she was blamed with losing in 2016. The irony being once Hillary Clinton accepted Barack Obama's support, she could no longer publicly feel the pain of the Rust Belt States during the 2016 presidential campaign without it being seen as a direct impugnment of Barack Obama's legacy.

It is likely that Americans who support Trump now and continue to support Trump see a racist mainstream media that continually calls Trump a racist while having kept quiet about policies that Obama signed into law that could be viewed as racist against white america.

Meanwhile, the scant 30% to 35% that still support Trump could still win against a Democrat Party that is split between Moderates and Progressives. 

For proof look at the ridiculous Progressive assault against Hillary Clinton put on by The Young Turks, Move on Dot Org, Bernie Sanders Supporters, and Donna Brazile in her new book, in which Brazile first claimed that Hillary Clinton bullied the DNC and rigged the Primaries in her favor. This accusation was then followed by the Young Turks accusing Hillary Clinton's campaign of money laundering through the DNC. But suddenly Brazile back off when she actually appeared on TV to hawk her new book and instead said there was no Primary Collusion between Hillary Clinton and the DNC. 

However, the Damage was already done. DailyPUMA recently saw the repetitive scrolling headline banner on a Mexican News Channel that basically stated Hillary Clinton and the DNC fixed the primaries against Bernie Sanders, a claim which Brazile now denies. However Brazile's retraction most likely won't appear in future Mexican News Scrolling Banners. Just who is plotting to alienate the Mexican vote against Hillary Clinton? Could it be whomever plotted to alienate the Union vote from Hillary Clinton in 2016, aka Bernie Sanders?

So we now have 35% for Trump, 40% Moderates and 25% Progressives for Democrats, but if the Moderates and Progressive don't get along, don't be surprised if the 2020 Presidential Candidate for the Republicans wins, even if it is not Trump. 

If somehow Bernie Sanders is the nominee for 2020 for the Democrat Party, I will protest vote Republican because of the BS the Democrat Progressives have put Hillary Clinton through for over a decade now, and continue to do so with their Axis of Evil known as Move on Dot Org, The Young Turks, Bernie Sanders, and fueled by Donna Brazile.

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