Daily PUMA Column - Commentary by Alessandro Machi

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reason Number 13 why we need a Clinton Media Channel, The Day the Music Died for Moderate Democrats, February 7, 2011.

Approximately February 7, 2011 was the day that the Democratic Leadership Council died.  This has in turn led to the growth of intolerant progressivism and the Progressive revisionist view of the Clinton Accomplishments of the 90's.

The Progressive revisionist rhetoric caused Hillary Clinton to keep quiet about the 90's during the 2016 campaign which in turn led to the charge that she had no message.

If you voted for Hillary Clinton, if you seethe at the thought of Sanders running in 2020 and not Hillary Clinton, you are probably a moderate democrat, not a progressive.

Reason number 13 why a Clinton Media Channel is needed.

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